
Mar 19, 2020

Quiz Sulle False Notizie: Corona Virus Miti Verso Realtà

Il panico sul nuovo Corona Virus (COVID-19) è nel pieno. E tutti sanno cosa questo vuol dire in questi giorni. False notizie! Internet pullula di dati contrastanti in tutte le direzioni - Ed è difficile per una persona responsabile fare i passi giusti nel caos dell'informazione. E' una totale 'infodemia'! Sfortunatamente il COVID-19 non è stato contenuto nella sua collocazione originaria a Whuan, Cina. I casi sono spuntati in tutto il mondo a causa della realtà dei viaggi aerei. Con l'aiuto del centro di controllo delle malattie (CDM) e dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) la ricerca ha iniziato ad essere chiarificata. Non esiste alcun vaccino per le informazioni folli, ma con un pò di informazione si può arrivare lontano! Clicca qui per iniziare il quiz sul corona sulle comuni notizie false e sui falsi consigli on line

Mar 18, 2020

Fake News Quiz: Corona Virus Myths Vs. Facts

Panic about the new Corona virus (COVID-19) is now in full swing. And everyone knows what that means these days. Fake news, people! The internet has been swarmed by conflicting data in all directions — and it's hard for a responsible person to take the right steps in the information chaos. Why, it's a total infodemic! Unfortunately, COVID-19 was not contained in its original Wuhan, China location. Yikes! Cases have popped up all over the world due to the reality of global air travel. With the help of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), emerging research is starting to get clarified. No vaccine for crazy information exists, but a little reading can go a long way! Click here to start the Corona Quiz on common fake-and-phony online tips...

Feb 27, 2020

2019 in Hard Numbers: What Do You Really Know?

It's totally bizarre to say it, but the 2010’s are over! Yes, the big ball dropped, and it's time to sober up.  People have widely characterized this period as the Instagram decade, and there will be plenty of wild things floating around in cyberspace for historians and aliens a century down the line.  The real question is, what do you remember about the last 12 months? Be honest, people! Commerce, popular culture, and the way we do politics have all been changed by this decade's high tech.  The last year was the most advanced yet — duh! — and few of us can say we didn't spend more time in the virtual world than we might like.  The real-world shall continue on, and perhaps it's time for little year-in-review quizzy before things get even crazier. Let's Do the Time Warp Again Come, take a look at what clearly dominated the year 2019. No opinions here, just cold, hard numbers. Who made the most money in each industry? What sold the most tickets? What got the most Tweets, Likes, and Streams? Ready, set, tackle that 2019 trivia — Click Start Quiz!