Lovebirds Kevin and Nicole Barattini tied the knot in 2010, and put down roots in the city of Smithton, New York. With two dogs and plenty of dreams, they hoped to add a baby to mix after their honeymoon! Life is often full of surprises, though.

When Nicole visited her physician, she mentioned that she was trying to get pregnant. It was only then that a bit of unexpected news threatened to shatter their lives!
Read on to learn one couple's inspirational struggle to become mom and dad against all odds!
Love Is in The Air
At first, Kevin and Nicole tried to start a family the usual way. Old fashioned, but works almost every time! Weirdly, years went by without any changes. Something wasn't right, but this wasn't something they were going to solve on their own. It was time to seek out the professionals!

Really, many couples seek fertility treatment these days. But the protagonists of this story had no idea just how tricky things were about to get! What happened at the clinic that changed their lives forever?
A Bump in the Road
It was impossible to know who was really at fault for the conception trouble. And fault was a silly word to this loving couple, anyway. The human body is complicated, and they just wanted to solve the problem without passing around blame!

The tests were done, and information about both partners would help everyone understand the game plan. Kevin and Nicole waited patiently to hear back from the fertility doctor. When they finally got the call, it turned out an illness that Nicole had all the way back in high school was causing problems now! What on earth could it be?
Back to the Future
Medical history can often solve current mysteries. At age 16, Nicole noticed small red dots all over her body. Pretty freaky, but was it actually a serious problem?

Soon, it became one of many symptoms in a major health episode. Yellow eyes, fatigue, and fever appeared as well! Obviously, a genuine medical opinion was needed. Nicole's doctor tested her blood and came back with terrible news. What was she suffering from, out of the blue?
Medical Madness
Nicole received a clear diagnosis: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. TTP, for short! Most people can't even pronounce this mouthful, let alone define what it is. Yet and still, it is a very real disease. And now, Nicole knew a lot about it!

TTP is an autoimmune disease that creates blood clots throughout the body. These can be fatal, and Nicole was hospitalized for several days to get plasma transfusions. She was also given medication to keep all the symptoms under control. And luckily, they disappeared! Life went back to normal, or so it seemed. Why was this reappearing now?
An Impossible Choice
Staff told Nicole that the meds she took for her condition would be harmful to her fetus. Therefore, they advised her not to get pregnant. Distraught, she suggested going off the drugs. Was this an option?

No way, it turned out. The doctors told her this could be fatal, as TTP has a 95% mortality outcome without treatment! In the old days, perhaps it already would have been bad news. Modern, healthy Nicole had a decision to make. With a 5% survival rate, would she risk it?
Seeking Balance
Nicole was always a stubborn, independent person. This medical conversation put things in check, however. It was also about Kevin, now — any risks were his risks, too!

Nicole desperately wanted a child. More news came that many women who tried to take this path never reached full-term, anyway. And the sickness would be no joke! Was it worth the risk? Kevin had his own thoughts on the matter, and he shared them with his wife. What did he think was the best option?
No Way Jose
Kevin put his foot down and said no! He loved his wife, and he didn't want to lose her. She wasn't just a baby-making machine — she was Nicole!

Both were sad, for sure. Starting a family was a major goal for both of them since the beginning, but they never imagined they would be dealing with this nightmare. No one ever does! What other options were available in America, at that time?
Plan B is for Baby
But the couple Kevin and Nicole refused to give up the hope that they would have a happy family in the future. As many people do, they began to look into adoption. After all, around 135,000 children are adopted in America every year. Surely that would be an easier path!

But after some research, the Barattinis were faced with a new obstacle. What exactly was standing in the way of their family dreams now?
Money Talks
Well, dollars and cents stood in the way. To their great shock, the legal fees for adoption were incredibly high! Despite being successful professionals, this was still not affordable for the young couple. And what a shame!

Abandoning the idea of ever adopting, Kevin and Nicole knew they had to try something else. Where there's a will, there's a way! Science had come a long way in modern times, and they heard there might be one more path to try. Would IVF and surrogacy be an option?
Super Risky Business
Nicole inquired about surrogacy, and the general information looked promising. Things were finally aligning in their favor, right?

Well, not exactly. Again, costs began to play a role in achieving their dream to become parents. It turned out that not only was a surrogate $75,000 or more, and one more thing: None of this was legal in New York! A surrogate donates her egg and then carries the baby to term. At that time, a gestational carrier was the only legal option. What was that, exactly?
Negative After Negative
Gestational carriers really just provide a womb. TTP actually hadn't affected Nicole's eggs, and the condition wasn't passed on genetically. Why not try this?

They began to spread the word among friends and family. Many offered, it turned out! Unfortunately, tests showed that none of these loving people were fit for the procedure. Nicole had reserved one last hope, and things were starting to look darker by the minute. It was the 21st century, people! Wasn't there anyone with a fresh, new idea for such an old problem?
Dinner Time
Times were tough, and it was a great relief to receive a dinner invitation from longtime friends. Lianna and Shawn Fives had been their friends for around 20 years, and they understood the joy of children. After all, they had five! Yes, the Fives had five kids.

Lianna was 37 now, and probably done with it all. Maybe an experienced mother and father would be good listeners? Dinner time arrived, and so did a major announcement. What shocking, unbelievable news would the Fives share over the table?
An Offer from Above
Lianna shared: “You know I have five children, Shawn, and I want to have maybe one or two more." Seven children? It couldn't be true! Kevin and Nicole were puzzled, but she went on: “No, not for me, for you guys – I’d like to carry a child.”

Yes, that's right: Lianna wanted to be their surrogate. Overwhelmed, the Barattinis started crying! What would they say to such a generous, selfless offer out of the blue?
Shock and Awe
Nicole was truly touched by her friend's beautiful offer. But wait, were there any downsides? Maybe Lianna would become attached to the baby, as so many surrogates do. Was it too good to be true? The sensitive nature of it all could destroy their friendship, and that wasn't something Nicole ever wanted to happen!

Still, this was the last hope. After a lot of careful deliberation, the offer was accepted with love. Would the tests work out this time?
Qualified, Ready, and Willing
Lianna underwent medical and even mental tests, and she passed them all! The embryos were implanted, and the Barattinis pledged help every step of the way if they could. It was the least they could do, right?

Nicole and Kevin's dreams were hanging in the balance. It was all about those test results, and they could barely wait for the news! Would this couple finally have a child of their very own?
Starting Off All Wrong
At first, it was terrible. The embryos did not implant successfully! But that's awfully common. No big deal, for doctors in the business. The couples were encouraged to hang in there and try again, so try they did.

Lianna was implanted in take two, beginning the waiting period of two mysterious and nervous weeks. When the results finally arrived, was the news a little bit better?
The Big Break
Yes, Lianna was pregnant! Kevin and Nicole were now the closest they had ever been to becoming real, live parents. And there was more good news, too.

Not one, but two of the embryos had landed. That meant she was actually carrying twins! The Barattinis could have been happier at this development, and they were so happy to share it with good friends in this special way. How would they celebrate this major life event together?
Nine Blissful Months
As it turns out, very publicly. The Fives and the Barattinis planned a party to make the big announcement about not one, but two babies on the way. Everyone knows twins are extra special!

Friends and family on all sides received invitations, totaling over 60 guests. Everyone was surprised in the very best way by this event. Privately, loved ones had been wishing this for so long on their behalf! Soon after the hugs and the tears, the big day came. The Barattinis weren't quite parents yet, despite counting their chickens already. Would both miracle twins come out healthy?
The Big Day Arrives
Why, yes! After a totally healthy pregnancy, Lianna had a normal and healthy birth. The twins were born on February 10th, 2017. Not identical, but a boy and girl!

They named the little angels Dominic and Luciana. Nicole had gone from childless to a mother of two in the last 24 hours, and that was just as true for Kevin. Now, he was a father of two. How did mom and dad react to this overwhelming event?
Dreams Do Come True
Why, they burst out crying! Seeing their newborn babies for the first time was overwhelming. The twins were so beautiful, and all theirs!

A lifelong dream had actually come true, all thanks to their best friends. And less than a year ago, they thought all was lost! A simple thank you could never be enough, obviously. What could the Barattinis do to truly honor the selflessness of their favorite couple?
Mom Loves Godmom
Nicole reflected: “I have never been pregnant, but have heard that there is a major bond that takes place over 9 months [of gestation]...That after 9 months to hand off the babies — even if they are not biologically yours — is too difficult for some people.” She knew that there was a special connection that needed to be acknowledged in a more serious way.

Shawn and Lianna were made godparents for Luciana and Dominic. Now, the title was forever! But were the Barattinis done yet paying it forward?
Passion Turns to Advocacy
Nay, there was much more to do. It was time to help other couples who wanted all options in New York! Though they had used a gestational carrier in the end, they started to campaign for surrogacy. And why not?

The more hope, the better! Kevin made an announcement on social media: “We have been working with local legislators and Reproductive Specialists of New York to make surrogacy recognized." The media picked up on the story pretty quickly, and they started doing interviews. How was Lianna doing, by the way?
Sister from Another Mister
Nicole has spoken glowingly about Lianna since their life-altering project together. She revealed: “I don’t have a sister but I’d consider her like that. We don’t hold back, we are open, honest, and I am constantly turning to her for guidance."

Most people don't have an angel like this, ready to birth extra children on their behalf! Nicole knew that naming her friend Godmother was a nice start, but her activism had to continue to spread the love. What is she up to these days, along with Kevin?
Spreading the Good News
The Barattinis do hope that the publicity from their ordeal lets more women who believe they cannot have children keep hope alive! According to Nicole: "There are people out there, like Lianna, that will do it out of kindness – and it’s easier to find them than it seems. It’s never the end of the road.” It could be true if the word is really put out there!

Nowadays, Kevin and Nicole are pretty busy. And in the best way! Continuing their activism goes along with the gift of parenthood, and they couldn't love it more. All the best to the Barattini bunch!