Unexpectedly working from home? Why, that can be a real challenge for newbies! The name of the game is productivity, and it's not always easy to do outside the office setting we know as our safe space. What kind of lifestyle is this, seriously?

With the Corona virus effectively trapping millions in their bedrooms, it's time to develop a winning strategy for work. Changing just a few habits can make all the difference, and it's the perfect time to evolve! Lock down lifestyle, oh yeah.
Let's take a look at the best tips and tricks of the trade, working warriors!
Become a Lunch Lover
Working from home has plenty of perks, especially for the gourmands out there. For some of us, it might seem easy to munch on hastily made sandwiches when hunger takes over. But honestly, enjoying the little things in life during lockdown is more important than ever.

Take your lunch break for sustenance and sanity. The more sumptuous, the better! If you're at home anyway, get creative to make sure isolation doesn't feel like it also includes prison meals. Why not? C'est la vie!
Embrace Podcast Life
Ah, the sound of silence. Some people love it and some people hate it, especially when it comes to the question of work. Do you concentrate better with external noise? Only you can answer this very individual question, but many do love a buzz in the background.

Mainstream services like Spotify have picked up on the podcast trend, and subscribers have almost endless personalities and topics to explore in this medium. For those who do like crickets during work, it's relevant for downtime. Admit it: It feels so much less lonely in lockdown with a panel of friends discussing new ideas!
Mask Maniac
Working is a busy business, but your skin doesn't care where you are. So many people chronically cover up blemishes and breakouts to go to the office. If you're stuck at home for a while, there's no need for now. And better yet, it's possible to use this quarantine period as a detox for your face!

Hey, you're just sitting there. It's just as easy to sit, work, and mask! This is a stress reliever as much as a skin session, and recipes using common household products are all over the net. Get mixing today — your visage will thank you later!
Squeaky Clean Style
This hygienic step might seem obvious, but it's easy to wake and just jump into the project next to you. Wait, don't do that! It's important to maintain a fresh routine, first thing in the morning. And then, get dressed!

It really sets the tone for the workday, for many. Even if it's simply changing into a new set of PJ's from the old ones, this can go a long way to make you feel like a functioning employee. Even in a tiny studio apartment, thankfully!
Sanctuary Room
City slickers might have trouble with this one, but anyone with multiple rooms should reserve at least one as a mental safe space. Ideally, the bedroom!

Try to use your sleep room as a sacred space for shuteye and relaxation. It's time to make the bed, whip out the candles, and designate this spot as a genuine escape. Yes, while you are stuck inside! This room is task free, and there's a real need for psychological indoors right now. You're welcome!
Beat the Snack Monster
Being stuck at home sometimes means sitting near a stocked, sugary cupboard. Or, the Dorrito drawer! Overeating has always been an occupational hazard for remote workers. Maybe since the dawn of time! How can you rise above this temptation in lockdown?

Don't be too harsh, but be conscious that munching does not become a primary form of entertainment on the job. If you're ordering groceries in at this point, it helps to stock healthy things. If you don't have any junk food, you can't eat it, right? Yummy possibilities are endless with a little planning, of course!
Minimize Work Creep
Working from home is often reported to be invasive. What kind of work and personal life involves emails and faxes 24 hours a day, at random? It's important to consciously put boundaries in place to make sure these two worlds never blend completely!

Make sure to set work hours, and stick to them. Most freelancers say this trick increases their performance, anyway! Be a man with a plan for this lock down. And then, Hulu the night away! No guilt, but repeat, repeat, repeat. Experts say it takes at least 18 days to form a habit, officially!
Don't Self Hate
The truth is, it takes serious focus to work full-time in an unconventional space. Successful remote employees do so well because they at least try to be disciplined. But even long term at-homers let their attention drift sometimes. Is that really okay?

If you find yourself thinking about your upcoming vacation during business hours, don't be too harsh on yourself: You are only human! To get back on track, ask yourself one question throughout the day: Would people in an office do the same activity? If yes, get back to work while cutting yourself a little slack. The long game begins!
No More Morning Mess
Making the daily decision you'll sit down at an actual desk and start work can be hard! And at a certain time, too? Impossible!

Or is it? Creating a routine first thing in the morning — even making a special cup of coffee — is an important psychological marker to know that things have started. In fact, a morning habit can be more powerful than an alarm to help you really clock in! Happy brewing, everyone.
Balcony-Palooza, Please
Everyone who has worked from home in the past knows that it's easy to get a little stir-crazy without fresh air. But in these quarantine times, it might not be suggested or even legal to run around the neighborhood for leisure. Ruh roh!

Your body screams out, to move. If you have a balcony or a backyard, try to take advantage of this throughout the day. The natural light and intoxicating oxygen can only do you good! Now, if this isn't possible in your home setting — don't worry, there's plenty of stress relievers just ahead. Let's continue?
Chore Check-In
Work from home veterans often advise you to avoid chores throughout the day. Doing things randomly can lead to distraction, after all — and on slow productivity days, the dullest of activities can seem tempting. Yes, seriously!

Instead of tackling household tasks freestyle, set a specific time to deal with them. Chores may feel like work, but your boss will not give you credit for these! Laundry and dish hour, it is.
Rock the Regular
Experts always suggest one big move to start things off right. Set a schedule! And then, stick to it most of the time. If that seems challenging — and it is — technology has already provided a solution. Thanks, technology!

Automatic time-tracking apps like TopTracker and RescueTime allow you to check in on your own behavior. Many are free! It's never been easier to find out: When do you slack off, throughout the day? Not an easy to question to answer without a little objectivity, perhaps! Honestly, clear guidelines for work and play will only make things easier during this tricky, transitional time. Corona what?
Positive Vibes
It's easy to be misunderstood in text messages, as so many of us have found out the hard way! And working remotely, it's likely you will be doing a whole lot of texting to keep in touch with all departments. Take precautions with some extra positivity!

Focus on succinct and clear messages with fellow colleagues also trapped at home. Add some emoji action to the mix. And don't forget exclamation marks! Sounding like a jerk is the last thing you want when everyone is already stressed, right?
Exercise for Sanity
We've all heard that exercise is beneficial for our body and soul, but the data these days don't lie: According to the World Health Organization, around 3.2 million deaths are the result of sitting around — every year! But during a temporary homestay, mental health is probably the main short term concern. Locked inside, it's important to get those endorphins going!

YouTube has so many unique workout videos these days for the indoors. Equipment is not even necessary — so check it out, and get moving! Your productivity will thank you later.
Maximize Productive Hours
Every person is most productive at different times! Yes, it's true. While most of the world wakes up early in the morning to begins tasks, this may not turn out to be your natural wiring. Maybe it's time for a little self reflection?

Are you a morning person, work-wise? Or do you actually have the best best bursts of energy right around midnight, as the owls hoot outside? Depending on the job, there may be some flexibility to play with. One you discover your peak productivity periods, plan a set schedule. It's time to get down to business, customized to you!
Schedule Those Breaks
You probably already know the office policy on break times, and its a normal part of the day. But at home, it can feel like the whole day lacks structure! Does it make sense to take a break while working remotely?

Industry insiders suggest giving yourself adequate time throughout the day to literally walk away from the computer. And the phone, too! More productivity will result, for most. In America, the standard is usually an hour for lunch and two 15 minute rests. You might be indoors, but you're still in the country!
Take the Full Hour
Apps, like TimeOut for Mac or Smart Break for Windows actually lock you out of your computer for an hour, on purpose! For workaholics at home, this idea might put the boundaries down that are really needed. If that's you, think about downloading it now!

You might be tempted to mess with the structure, but try not to short change yourself during breaks. Yes, including your lunch hour! A funny problem to have for most people, but the struggle is real out there.
VIP Phone Number
Separating work from life is hard when you work in your own bedroom. When does it start, and end? Sometimes the division isn't clear, but there are some steps you can take to make the line brighter.

Phones are a good place to start, and it's good to set up a different number for work. Your personal phone should stay personal, if possible! Even a Skype number might make a mental difference. It's all about that balance, baby.
Set Ground Rules
The house has so many distractions, including other people! Creating new boundaries with those living in your home might be necessary — but how can you do that without stepping on any toes?

Depending on what your family or roommate's needs are, set up a few rules for work hours. If there is a dog that must be walked, delegate responsibility and don't let others assume that you will do it just because you are around. Find a plan that works for everyone, while respecting the priority of productivity. Communication is key!
Set Up the Space
In an ideal world, everyone would a sweet home office all ready to go. It would be Instagram-worthy and stocked full of tech and tea. But many of us only have a kitchen table half set up so far!

If you're lucky enough to already have two computers, it's less difficult to divide work and play. But is that all of us? No way! For now, dedicate one desk or table for work only. The rule is: lap for play, table for work. Stick to these boundaries, and psychologically prime yourself for productivity in a strange, surprise space!
Remote Buddy System
Loneliness is a common problem for those who work from home all year round. Not all jobs require any human contact on the phone, Skype, or chat. And that can feel isolating, honestly!

Especially for extroverts, it's important just how much interaction is needed to feel connected. Starting a Whatsapp group might enough for some, but Skype be the trick to make this quarantine feel like less of a change. Talk to coworkers and see if they're feeling the same need! The results might be surprising, and teamwork can begin to create a remote work culture for now.
Use a Sick Day
When you're not feeling well, it's obvious that calling in sick is the right step. But what if you're already at home?

For freelancers, that's always a tricky call. There are no paid sick days, just a loss of work. But if sick days are part of your employment package, take time off. During a nationwide quarantine, people should be even more mindful about health and wellness. It's never been more important to take care of yourself! Be safe, everyone.
Play Your Perks
Working a hop, skip, and a jump from the kitchen has its perks. All the ingredients are right there: Why not mix together a quick batch of banana bread?

In an office every day, this wouldn't be possible. But hey, it's quarantine time! Why not take advantage of this time and bake the muffins you always wanted? There are so many ways to make these weeks less dreary and more delicious, and chocolate definitely belongs in the toolbox.
Speak, Talk, Chat
Working remotely means more communication might be necessary than usual. Because you and your coworkers are literally far apart, there's some likelihood of miscommunication! For that reason, over-communication is not a bad strategy. Especially for those trying homework for the first time right now!

Tips: When you finish an important task, say you are done. No need to write long paragraphs, but some repetition can help. For example, periodically mention your upcoming vacation day so the team doesn't feel slammed. Have you already told them about it? Yes. But they're probably adjusting too and might be reading other company texts right now. Synergy, here you come!