These days, few people think about surviving harsh conditions in a real emergency. Some of us even watch zombie apocalypse movies as entertaining fantasies! Modern life is so safe, and so comfortable — but with the Corona virus outbreak catching so many off guard, it might be time to get back to the basics.

Every human should have core survival skills for all the surprises of life. Epidemics, war, natural disasters — there's a lot going on out there, even if it seems far away now!
It's time for some hardcore healthy prep, boys and girls. Let's begin our education!
Pandemic Particles
A quick review, for Corona kids out there. The first worldwide outbreak of the era has a lot of people confused about how to survive and thrive during these crazy times. But experts still say one simple trick is key for containment: Hand washing, no joke!

But not just any method will do. Lather hands with soap, front to back and in between every finger for at least 20 seconds! Frequently doing this will make a big difference in public numbers, if everyone participates. Whew! By the way, what else can people do in any pandemic situation — Corona or not?
Playing Doctor
While most people have some kind of basic first aid kit in their house with band-aids and Neosporin, it's really a good idea to have more on hand. Let's supercharge your medical box, easy peasy.

Try adding multi-vitamins for health. Then, get hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, and alcohol for wounds of every kind. Finally, don't forget a bottle of painkillers! With this prep, surprise isolation orders won't catch anyone off guard for human essentials. Zombies, viruses, and war are no match for this box! What about breakfast, lunch, and dinner, though?
Canned Delight
Maybe people once regarded 'preppers' as a bit crazy. But in these times? Looks like those carefully planned food stockpiles are going to come in handy after all!

Canned salmon, dried beans, beef jerky, trail mix, and peanut butter are all great protein sources to have on hand. Brown rice and powdered super green tablets available at health stores will help keep things balanced. But before anything, make sure gallons of cooking oil and salt are on hand, to make it all edible! What other food-related items do most people forget, by the way?
Tools of the Trade
Yes, that essential manual can opener cannot be overlooked. Imagine realizing you have a basement full of cans, and no way to open them in a crisis!

Paper or plastic plates, cups, and utensils would also be a great addition to the stockpile, in case running water becomes a problem for dishwashing in a disaster. And finally, kitchen matches or disposable lighters are key to making sure cooking is never a problem. But still, are more devices needed to successfully survive any event?
Secret Weapon Stash
Another great idea is to get a flashlight or two, and plenty of batteries to back them up. Who knows, the power lines could be down at some point — and a lot of accidents can happen in the dark!

A portable radio is also a great idea, with even more batteries stored away. And finally, a fire extinguisher could really be a lifesaver in an electrical fire. Why not add it to the collection, ladies, and gents?
Aquaman Approves
Bottled water is not just a luxury, people. That's because water isn't a luxury, with pandemics and natural disasters alike causing lots of uncertainty in this area. Why wonder about this essential?

In case your water source is cut-off or contaminated, prepare an adequate amount for everyone in your household. This means one gallon per person per day, and much more if you live in a hot climate or have sick people at home. What if you're running low, though?
Glug Glug No
Experts say to never ration drinking water without orders from authorities. Drink what you need to, today! In the meantime, reduce activity and stay cool to minimize the amount you actually will need. But is there anything else you could drink in lockdown?

Well, one thing's for sure — stay away from carbonated, caffeinated drinks and alcohol! These are not solutions, because they further dehydrate the body. A big mistake in a crisis, people. Stay away! What can you do instead when you really run out of all that fresh, clean bottled water in an emergency?
Murky Times
Sometimes things look suspicious when you turn on the faucet. If you have totally used all of the stored water and you lack other reliable sources, the sink may become a reality. What can do to mitigate the harm here?

Experts suggest doing a special sanitation treatment to all water of uncertain quality. Do not use it for drinking, making ice, brushing your teeth, food washing or dishwashing until you disinfect it! Contaminated water might contain germs that cause diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, or hepatitis. But wait, how can you treat this water for safety at home?
Bubble Bubble No More Trouble
Boiling is key, and anyone can successfully do this with stove or hotplate! Experts suggest bringing water to a wild boil for at least one full minute. Then, let the water cool down before drinking. Voila!

Boiled water may not taste as good as your favorite bottled brand, but it's a small road bump in a big emergency. Now, outside the house may have even bigger H2O problems. What happens when water totally takes over the city?
Flood Protocol
Floods are a reality all over the world, all the time. But because they don't happen all the time near you, safety tips are probably not discussed often enough!

Floods are actually the most common natural disaster in America and can come with no warning. Moving water even in small amounts can sweep away people and cars, but the aftermath is also very dangerous. The water itself is very unhealthy to touch! Floodwater can be contaminated with human sewage, toxic substances, and bacteria. Yuck! Do not wade in the standing water, especially in a city. Why not just stay far, far away?
Water Collection Day
If you find yourself dealing with a disaster in a rural environment — or even forced to venture out in the woods — collecting water must become a top priority. What are the safest sources out there?

Experts say you should be wary of sitting water like lakes and puddles. These are often full of pathogens or bacteria because it's a calm place to breed! A better idea is a running stream or river, but this needs to be purified anyway. Better safe than sorry and boiling can never hurt! But wait, doesn't this require a fire out there?
Burn, Baby Burn
Though it might be a lost art these days, human-being have learned to start fires for thousands of years. Maybe it's time for a refresher, caveman style!

First, collect material for your tinder bundle. Dry leaves, grass, twigs, and pine needles are a good starter pack. Slowly add bigger sticks as the fire builds, and surround your creation with rocks to contain it. To get it going, there's flint rock, nature's trick — though a cigarette lighter or matches are easiest if you have them on hand. As a last resort, try that magnifying glass you killed ants with back in the day!
Starry Starry Night
Now wait a minute, where are you? Learning to navigate like your ancestors is important. Yes, there really was a time before Google Maps!

A compass is useful, but other tricks can help find your way in a crisis. For example, the sun rises in the east and always sets in the west. There's two of four, right there. But also, the North Star can be located using the Big Dipper in the sky at night at the very end of the Dipper’s handle. Voila, you've got North and South, too! Knowing your location is important. But what about finding a hot meal out there?
Bunny Foo Food
Vegetarians will not like this one, but survival often involves catching cute animals out in the wild. And no, not as emotional support pets. It's time to eat some fluffy bunnies, people!

Experts say it takes way too much energy to hunt large, delicious animals. Focusing on small game like rabbits and squirrels is a better strategy. And of course, fish is always a great meal if you're lucky to be near a real water source. It's time to sharpen your trap game, and possibly a spear!
Delicious Dandelions
And wait, what about the roughage? No rabbit stew would be complete with some edible plants from the surrounding area. But what is actually safe to eat in the botanical world?

The truth is, a lot of plants are poisonous. People have experimented for thousands of years, but a lot of fatal errors were made along the way. One mushroom type might be okay, but the next could be deadly! Who knows? In your case, never eat a plant if in doubt. Cattails, wild grass, and acorns are nice choices. And edible dandelions won't be weeds in survival mode, for once!
No New Friends
Once you successfully catch critters, a few safety tips must be observed. Survival has many components!

It's a mean world out there for all creatures of the forest, and predators love an easy snack. That might mean stealing your catch and confronting you in the process. No one wants to meet an unexpected guest with teeth, so it's important to throw the remains of the small animal far away from where you sleep. Additionally, most hunters are nocturnal. Don't travel at night, please! Constructing a shelter is key. What are some fundamental tips to stay safe and warm out there?
Movin' On Up
Waterproofing is no easy task out in the woods, but a few ideas can help you avoid sleeping in a cold puddle and coming down with hypothermia. As they say, real estate is all about location, location, location — and wilderness survival is no exception!s.

Make your sleeping area and fire pit are elevated, so all rain will collect somewhere else. Sleep above ground on a hammock or raised logs, and make sure the shelter itself is covered in pine branches to help the downpour run off efficiently. Stay dry, stay alive!
River No No
Collecting water the next morning from a running source is a great idea. But there are actually important safety tips for those approaching rivers anytime, anywhere.

Even if you’re a great swimmer, don’t take unnecessary risks crossing a flowing river. You could get sucked in faster than you think with a current, and drown! After successfully prepping in so many ways, there's no need for a small mistake like this to take you out! Be wary of running water out there, please. Is this the only way to find clean water, by the way?
Snow Cone Disaster
In a colder circumstance, people might realize there is easy water all around them. Why, snow is 100% water! Maybe this is a great way to stay hydrated?

Well, Siberians know the truth: This is a big no-no! While it might sound like a good strategy, eating snow actually takes more energy to process in your body than drinking water. Melt it first, people! Thinking carefully, it's obvious. Ice cream is great, but whoever claimed it was a way to stay alive?
Practice, Practice, Practice
Simply studying all these tips and tricks kills won’t help you in a real crisis. It might be a good idea to try starting a fire from scratch during your next camping trip, just to get those skills down cold. The more prepared you are intellectually and practically, the better chances you have for survival!

And thinking about buying an emergency food supplies won't do much without planned action. As many have figured out during the Corona crisis, quarantine can hit at any moment! It's always a good day to prep, not just pray. Be safe, everyone!