It's that time, people. Time to let out your inner MacGyver, and get in touch with the ultimate tool: Duct tape. Yes, that sticky stuff is trickier than it seems, and can actually be used as a low budget way to fix a range of household issues. Seriously!

For example, stuck and stubborn jars! Next time you struggle to open those pickles, wrap the lid. Make sure to press the tape into the can nice and good, and pull it open with the ultimate grip. Pop, it goes!
Emergency situations are no match for these tape hacks: Ready, set, rip!
Emergency Doggy Drink
Admittedly, there are enough pet bowls on the market to keep just about any pooch hydrated. But what about a hot day, when the family is on the road and unprepared? Enter: The taped up to-go dish.

If there is any duct tape in the trunk, you can always make your own! This temporary solution is great in a pinch, and just requires the right sticky layers. Create the base with pieces sticky side in, and press together to make a smooth base. Close up the sides with similar double pressed strips and tape to fuse it all together, and voila!
Charging Station Upgrade
Our battery packed world now means that charging is just a way of life. Day and night, we must fight the drain! Often, a plug is available nearby — but that doesn't mean it is in an convenient space! Duct tape can help, friends.

Using the double layer method to create a solid material with the sticky side in, it's easy to create a phone portal. Create a back and a pocket, and stick it to the wall with a simple tape bubble on the back. Easy peasy, the project is complete!
Hitting That Mark
Even the amateur repairmen (and women!) among us understand that drilling a hole is specialized work. It needs to be the perfect size, or the whole project goes bust. Drilling straight through material again? Try applying some duct tape.

The trick is, hold the drill next to a piece that is the real size of the anticipated hole. Then, use a piece of tape to indicate the point when you want to stop drilling. Just this tiny bit of sticky can save you a whole lot of money, energy, and time!
I'm On A Boat
Need a boat with short notice? Why, duct tape is here again to save the day! Just two simple components are needed, folks.

Got sticks? Great. Duct tape? You're ready to go! Use different lengths of wood to assemble the exterior and interior, taping along the way. Make sure to double and triple wrap everything, and then connect the sticks. Use the remaining tape to fill in the bottom and sides of the boat, building up many layers. Now, you're sealed from the seas!
Renew The Shoe
Shoelaces are a fact of life for those who hate velcro. Maybe they will make a comeback at some point, but fashionistas seem to reject this option in favor of classic strings. No style lasts forever in physical form, though. This includes laces! When things get frayed and frazzled, is it really necessary to run and replace?

Grab the roll and cut off a small piece, maybe an inch and a half or so long. Press it down, wrap it around that old lace, and then seal it as best as you can. A quick, dirty fix until next time at the store!
Head Over Heels
High heels can be health hazard even if they are a fashion stable. Slipping, twisting, and falling can lead to broken ankles — and worse! Luckily, duct tape is always available to mitigate these risks. What should a fancy gal do to keep things safe and sassy?

Now, pull out those five-inch stilettos. place a few piece on the bottom of the shoe, in the center and on the heel. No more surprise splits on the pavement with this added texture! The trick you never knew you needed has arrived, hasn't it?
Extreme Pillow Makeover
Pillows are a comfort and a style staple in most homes these days. But every once and awhile, the decor gets dull. Why not try a little duct tape do-over, and transform them into outdoor opulence?

This one might take a bit more skill and creativity, but it's all worth it when the guests come over for the BBQ. Design patterns exist online to create different styles, but the key is to make sure that the pillow is completely encapsulated in duct! Now, that baby is waterproofed and ready to go. Or maybe, to stay. It's meant for relaxing, after all!
Matchy-Matchy Luggage
Traveling is a nightmare when you don't have things organize for the chaos. Luggage gets lost all the time, too! The real question is: What can the average flyer do to minimize the insanity with handy dandy duct tape?

Keep an eye on those bags to make sure no one walks off with yours by mistake. That task will be aided greatly with bright duct tape markers all over, so make your handles stand out. Try choosing a neon color, if that is available at the store. Bon voyage, everyone!
Getting a Grip
People who make a living with their hands are more than familiar with callouses. It's just part of the job, perhaps battle scars from a hard day's work! But maybe, just maybe there is a way to minimize the hand damage. And with an unexpected item, right in the house!

Try wrapping a couple of layers of tape on the handgrip of tools like pliers and hammers. This trick has double value for workers, because it stops callouses as well as slippage. The grip is so much easier, and it helps precision! This little hack is good for handymen and housewives alike.
Seat In The Sunshine
Got an old chair with stained, nasty upholstery? You probably do, and it's time for a clever, waterproof upgrade! Just a bit of elbow grease and tape will transform a wide variety of garden furniture. Yes, just in time for summer!

Why not be the first trendsetter in the neighborhood? Simply wrap the empty frame with ten horizontal strips, and then 10 vertical strips across the seat and back. Advanced tapers can try different weaving patterns for style!
Family Matters
Stairs can be confounding for a variety of folks with health conditions. Whether it's poor eyesight or difficulty with steady walking, this transportation up and down in the house can be dangerous! What's a family to do, with only duct tape to help?

Simply apply strips of tape on the center of each stair from the bottom to the top of the flight. Does it look ultra stylish? Probably not! But bright white markers on the stairs can help when the room is getting darker, even if it's not glow tape. Why not give it a try?
Labels Lovers
The green thumbed among us will really enjoy organizing their hobby with one simple trick. Is it really necessary to spend money on fancy plant labels for the garden? The answer is no, if duct tape is an option!

Some people may use aluminum foil, as well. But good old duct can do the trick, along with market and a popsicle stick. Get creative, and try different colors! Soon, the garden will be an organized sanctuary. No to mention, easy to harvest in a hurry!
Tire Triage
Popping a hole on the road is no fun at all. And sometimes, there's no one around to help! Luckily, a bit of duct tape in the trunk can help do the trick on the way to the tire store. Temporary fixes have their place!

Wrap the tape all the way around, over and over and over to seal the hole. Air will not escape as easily, and it will give you time to make it to the shop. Saving money on a tow is worth the effort, for most! Those fees are not a joke, are they?
Caulk Crazy
It’s inescapable that you will lose at least a few lids when doing work around the house. Superglue and caulk caps are crucial, to preserve the product. No big deal to throw out a few dried up tubes in the scheme of things, but it is more preventable than it looks!

Place a piece of tape over the opening and press the sides down pretty firmly. This seal around it will work perfectly well! No more waste, lots more paste. Brilliant, right?
Duct Designer
There are tons of sites like Cafepress that allow users to upload designs and print out t-shirts. But that costs cash, and there are alternatives right at home. With duct tape, it's custom, cool, and quick!

Affordable, creative, sticky. Plenty of tutorials exist online to transfer designs onto fabric with this eternally handy household tape. Why not start studying this method? Boring pajamas, old teeshirts: Nothing can't be reinvented with a little design know-how. Make a bold statement – get out the duct tape!
Sledding Day
Ho, ho, ho — snow, snow, snow. It's that time, once a year. And who can say they really take advantage of it every season? Winter sports make the chilly weather so much better, but can anything really be done without equipment?

Maybe the one from last year broke. No worries! Take a cardboard box and flatten it into a long rectangle. Then, completely cover it in tape to create a smooth, waterproof surface. The cardboard wont get soggy this way, and you can even expeiremnt with patterns and magic markers on top. Get ready to fly down the hill, kids!
You've Got A Friend
Hiking through the woods can be a special way to connect with nature. Everyone should try it, once and a while! But it can be hazardous at times, and accidents happen to the best of us. With a hospital far off, what can be done to help if you only have duct tape in the trunk?

Don’t panic. It's just a moment to begin gather sticks. Long lengths and solid widths are best. Now, take tape and criss cross the strips to create a supportive structure for human weight. Make sure to test it before used on real injured people!
Beautiful Belts
Weight is a struggle or many of us, and it can fluctuate back and forth! When that happens, is it really necessary to throw out all those old pants? No way, if duct tape has anything to say about it!

Anyone with duct tape has easy access to a belt. A makeshift one, and perhaps not for the office — but sometimes, that's all that you need for the time being. A new hack to keep your pants up? Yes, please!
Duct Dustpan
Sweeping the house is a constant activity, especially for those with pets. Fur, crumbs, and dirt wind up anywhere and everywhere — and the dustpan always leaves just a little bit behind. So annoying, right?

Tape is here to save the day from dust. Piles and piles of the stuff, probably! Just take a strip of tape, and seal the pan to the floor as you push particles forward. Now, those annoying tiny leftovers are no match for you and a solid sweep! Dust bunnies everywhere, beware.
Binder Beautification
Back-to-school time always seems to involve dropping a pretty penny on supplies. Year after year, it's the same story! Why not get ahead of the bank drain next time with a little tricky tape? Custom DIY had never been easier, or more unique!

Funky designer tape is easy to find online, if you don't already have some in your closet. Even the basic stuff has a function! Create double sided strips as tight pockets to attach to the front of a notebook or binder for a brand new place to store pens. Easy to lose before, but not now!
No Dryer No Problem
There are many reasons a dryer might not be available at the moment for warm, fresh laundry. Machines malfunction all the time, and electricity bills can be killer! If this situation has become outrageous enough, there is another way — quick and cheap, and easy to try for just about anyone.

Take advantage of the breeze and the great outdoors will do the job for you. Double sides, long, long lines of tape can be easy secured to two structures on the yard. It might look tacky, but it's a perfectly functional, temporary solution for fresh socks. Thanks, mother nature!
DIY Arm Sling
So many people have broken limbs and lived to tell the tale. But that sling! Maybe it wasn't as comfortable as it could have been for the duration of the healing period. If that's the case next time, it's easy to make a custom contraption with the ol' duct roll!

When something is life threatening, go to the hospital. But simple upgrades to a sling are not so difficult all on your own. And cheaper than a bill for an extra visit! Who doesn't want to minimize that?
Mending Broken Spectacles
Sunglasses and even prescription glasses break all the time. Fragile but necessary, we can't do without them! What ca be done, short of buying a new pair when things get twisted?

To keep this item in one piece, use tiny strips to wrap around the hinge. It won't look ideal, no lie. But sometimes, all you need is a temporary fix for time to shop around and find the right style! No reason to pick the wrong frames under duress anymore. Just tape away!
Water Bottle Fashion
Water may the elixir of life, but sometimes the bottle gets mixed up and people share germs. That's not healthy, at all! With a bit of artistry and effort, duct tape in many colors can help anyone claim their containers with style.

Create a hip design around a tumbler or a bottle by cutting thin strips and doing the old wrap-a-roo, over and over. When the entire item is covered, the design is complete! Kids, yoga moms, athletes — nearly anyone can enjoy this one. Why not give it the old college try?
No Scuff Chairs
The last thing most people want to do to shiny wood floors is scuff them up with chair legs. Unfortunately, this happens all the time with old furniture! It's not the table's fault, of course, but the owner can do plenty to prevent this whole mess. One, two, three, duct tape it!

Rough edges will be no match for this hack. In fact, they will disappear! It's not magic, it's just expertly placed tape on all those legs. Super easy to hide on the bottom, and savings galore — it's the ultimate floor investment!
Clean Out Those Pores
Dirty pores? Happens to the best of us. Many people assume that duct tape is even stronger than the nose strips they find at the store. But does this at-home remedy really do the trick?

Dermatologists say the black spots all over the human nose are not really dirt, in most cases. They are the natural state of the skin, though that seems to bother a lot of people in front of mirrors. Has the extreme of duct tape been tried as a trick, out there? Undoubtedly, but this one is better left as an urban legend!
Covering Up Cuts
Many might be be aware that superglue was originally used in the Vietnam War to seal up wounds in battle. It was quick, that's for sure! It turns out that other household items can be used in an emergency when nothing else is around. Yes, that includes duct tape.

Similar to the war glue idea, this should only be done with no other options. It's going to hurt quite a bit when it's pulled off, and it might even damage the scab! Still, it's an option when there's no other way to close a gash. Be safe, friends.
Raft Rescue
Waterways really make camping unforgettable when there's a vessel to enjoy the flow. Many commonly sold outdoor boats are blowup rafts, it turns out. But they are not invincible! Sometimes, they rip on a sharp river stone. What can be done to salvage the trip if the unexpected happens?

The first step is to discover the real location of the hole. Where could it be hiding? Time to find out, and then aggressively apply the tape. It's a temporary fix, sometimes that's all that is needed in a pinch.
Fancy Folder
Folding a t-shirt sounds simple enough, but most people can never quite match the pristine piles seen at the department store. What is their secret, and how can we capture it for ourselves?

The ingredients for this recipe include a cardboard box, scissors, and that critical duct tape. DIY folding board patterns are available online, and tutorials exist all over YouTube to demonstrate the motions for correct use. Stores actually have these sometimes! And now, you can too.