With all the stresses of modern life, the last thing a hard worker wants at the end of the day is to return home and discover their parking place has been stolen!
The best of us may turn the other cheek, but let’s face it — we all have our limits...
Here's What People Have Found On Their Car:
A few cheeky drivers have decided to address this indignity in new and exciting ways!

We’ve cataloged a bit of passive-aggressive communication in the form of sweet, sweet revenge notes. Let’s take a look at their anger and fury from the comfort of our own homes, shall we?
See which one you'll want to copy:
Trash Troll
Now this one really takes some nerve, doesn’t it? Imagine arriving home to discover a complete stranger has rearranged your personal property. And if that’s not enough, they have done so with the express intention of stealing your parking spot!

It looks like this family actually has a very large vehicle, and it can’t be easy to find another spot near their home. Perhaps a guest visited their neighbors and doesn’t know the community rules.
Unacceptable, we say! This note could have been a lot harsher, but the message is loud and clear. Will everyone on the list be so kind?
A Familiar Face
The world fell in love with grumpy cat when he became an internet sensation. It appears that the owner of this parking spot decided to use a little online humor when it was time to confront his space thief!

The reality is, grumpy cat passed away this year. His fans may mourn, but his image lives on! It looks like he is now being used to terrorize parking criminals into submission, but there is a risk that this note provoked more laughter than fear.
Do you think this is effective?
Blind Rage
This parking dispute has provoked a sarcastic vandalism! The aggrieved party seems to imply that the parker has done a very poor job aiming at the lines. Why, they compare the driver to a woman born deaf and blind! Harsh, indeed.

The real Helen Keller may not have been able to parallel park correctly, but she was actually a very talented person.
Despite her disabilities, she learned to read, write, and even speak! Helen was also known as a kind soul, so maybe this comparison has missed the mark. We know Helen would never impose this parking depravity on innocent drivers!
Municipal Madness
For those of us who live in big cities, parking can be a constant struggle. Some municipalities limit who has permission to leave their cars on the street overnight, and officers aggressively patrol the neighborhoods to make sure that everyone has a visible permit sticker!

It looks like this driver is in a double bind, caught between the legal enforcers and the sticker issuing office. Oh, the injustice! Where could his sticker be, anyway?
Hopefully a sympathetic judge will hear his case, but you never know!
Seeing Red
Again, a blind comparison! It appears this enraged driver has almost no words to describe the situation at hand. The parking violator has obviously caused a lot of trouble for the other cars, and one person isn't having it!

We all know Stevie Wonder was a generous soul, though. Listen to his lyrics! He just called to say he loves you. And he would never teach someone to park like a psychopath!
Rules Are Rules
It seems that some people have no shame. Imagine rolling up to the parking lot and zooming straight to the handicapped spot in the front! While it may be conveniently located close to the store, we all know that this space is reserved for those who need it most.
Yet and still, some people dare to defy the rules!

This driver had no time for extreme selfishness, promptly notifying the authorities. Perhaps a lesson will be learned, if the penalty is high enough. Fingers crossed!
Hello From a Hitman
For anyone who has seen the movie Taken, this note will warm your heart. Or perhaps, strike fear into your soul!
The author of this letter clearly wanted to send a message, though it might seem more physically threatening than it really is without the film reference.

All he wants is more space, but things have clearly gotten out of hand. Being completely boxed in sounds like pretty sweet revenge, though. Did this note go far enough to make a difference? We report, you decide!
Raising the Alarm
While this message seems to start out sympathetic and civil, things do take a swift turn! Sensitive car alarms serve a purpose. The owner probably has great protection against thieves, but false triggers on a regular basis are sure to annoy the neighbors.
Beeping to high heavens in the middle of the night is no way to sleep!

This irritated writer has a few nasty wishes, and who can blame them? Maybe this will be a moment of insight to get things fixed, but only time will tell.
Hurricane Hell
While this may sound dramatic, road rage is no joke! We’ve all experienced the helplessness and anger of driving conflict at least once or twice, and this note gets right to the point.
Perhaps the offender doesn’t know that their skills are below par, but they certainly will now!

While this may sound dramatic, road rage is no joke!
We’ve all experienced the helplessness and anger of driving conflict at least once or twice, and this note gets right to the point. Perhaps the offender doesn’t know that their skills are below par, but they certainly will now!
Ice Cream Scream
Double parkers are the worst! Who do they think they are, anyway? This ticked off driver experienced the loss of his ice cream on a hot day due to the negligence of the Nissan owner, and he wasn’t prepared to go quietly!

Unless vision loss is at play, one can probably assume that narcissism is the problem here. But if the driver couldn’t see the lines, maybe this note will be a wake up call to finally get glasses! There are plenty of trendy styles these days, don’t worry.
Too Close For Comfort
Boy oh boy, this driver was angry. And who wouldn't be, trapped and unable to leave? The incident clearly inspired a creative note with lots of examples to describe the concept of proximity.
Just in case the first metaphor was unclear, a second one was provided. And free of charge!

The can opener does not seem to be a good solution to future parking problems, but maybe the note will prevent the need to try such extreme measures. Here’s hoping!
Something's Fishy
Some people really have no manners, do they? With all the crazy behavior on the road these days, it's hard to understand how all these people passed driver's ed! Were the standard simply lower in the past? We think not!

This angry citizen left a note, and it seems short and sweet. While few people voluntarily buy cans of sardines, we all understand how they are packaged. Tight, squished together, and entirely inappropriate as a parking lot model. Yikes!
Pretty Graphic
Well well, a professionally designed card available at a moment’s notice. It looks like this driver has ordered in bulk, never short of a way to communicate frustration. Maybe we all should all order a stack! The world would be a better place, in time.

On the other hand, a supply of these cards in the glove compartment could lead to overuse. We can only imagine what the original offense was, but this person probably leaves them left and right trying to get rid of them all!
Driver's Ed
It seems a particular person keeps getting it wrong in the shared parking lot, and one resident decided to fix the problem with detailed instructions. No anger, just constructive criticism!

Perhaps it was not obvious that the angle they kept choosing created a real problem for their neighbor! Here, a diagram illustrates exactly how the cars need to align in order for everyone to fit in this triple lot.
Kindness can go a long way sometimes, and the writer seems to know this age old wisdom well.
The Creepiest Car
This display is actually not intended for fellow drivers causing a mess in the lot. Creative thinking and far too much free time seems to have produced this warning to the police! A role reversal, if there ever was one.

It appears this parker has received plenty of tickets for violating the rules already. But he has decided to accept and embrace his status, almost daring the authorities to give him just one more.
Perhaps big city people can understand this lunacy, with no light at the end of the tunnel for smooth infrastructure in too many cases these days.
Tater Army
This crazy creation might win in both the terrifying and funny categories here. The potato clan? But why? How? So many questions, so few answers.

It appears that the writer has a real talent for vegetable carving, if nothing else. If the potatoes don’t work, there are plenty of other choices in the produce section. Maybe fruits will be next!
The note is actually threatening an army, and the suspense is killing us. What can they do, really? Hopefully this terrible vehicle owner will not create any further cause to find out!
Lions, and Turtles, and iPhones — Oh My!
Society isn't perfect, but we all hope that everyone tries their best. When it comes to parking, some people seem to have a blind spot! One angry driver actually took the time to type and print a note addressing the issue.

It's true, life was much harder when wild animals were chasing us around!
Now that we have the freedom to wander around in safe human settlements, there is more time to think about our fellow man. Perhaps this philosophical appeal will turn on a light bulb or two!
Sticky Situations
Yikes, what is this? It cannot really be what it appears to be. Can parking really be so bad that a citizen was compelled to leave a woman's sanitary pad as a calling card?
There's a first time for everything, and today is the day for this invention!

Indeed, someone out there on the road knows that they sent a powerful message to a terrible parallel parker. And the offender in question will never forget this, to be sure.
Perhaps there was no actual paper at hand in the glove compartment, but this seems a little extreme!
Utterly Alarming
Another faulty alarm has really rattled one driver out there. So much so that an angry note was in order to send a warning. There seems to be a progressive threat at play, too!

It seems that a grace period was allotted for the owner to fix the problem, but real consequences will be in order past the mark. After the tenth of the month, all bets are off!
Perhaps this is the kick in the pants the owner needed to finally make that appointment and pay out the big bucks to rewire the alarm system. Godspeed, sir!
Dent and Dash
Double parking is something few people would dare try, but there are always exceptions. After all, most people understand the basic rules of society. One person, one spot is fairly straightforward.
Ignoring the lines in the parking lot is not in one's self interest, at a minimum. You might find yourself with a dent or two in your car as other motorists try to escape!

Here, one angry victim of double parking knows they are responsible for damage to the other car. They say they are consciously choosing to run off without leaving any insurance information as a punishment.
Illegal, perhaps? Extreme times call for extreme measures!
BMW Bully
This note is a bit sarcastic, isn't it?
The writer notes that the offending car is a luxury one, and it seems like the owner could afford some parking lessons. While this doesn't seem to be a real service at the moment, all the inept behavior in the lot these days could be a new business opportunity!

The anger this author feels is compounded by his fear for his handicapped grandmother. While double parking might only cause inconvenience for most of us, this person feels it could contribute to her death!
Auto Artist
There are diagrams and there are diagrams. This one must be in the hall of fame for detailed parking instructions to a stranger. The precise wording and illustration leaves nothing to the imagination, and hopefully things will get clarified fast!

It is unconscionable that a driver parking on the street would actually block off a driveway, and it’s pretty hard to miss.
The residents are virtual hostages to the guest obstructing their point of exit, and who knows when they will actually decide to leave? Odds are, not at the exact moment you need to go to work. The nerve of some people, really!
Peanut Butter Problems
A creative method, to say the least!
This angry driver was inspired to smear peanut butter all over the windshield of his victim. Perhaps this is the ideal method we have all been looking for, because scrubbing it all off will be hard to forget!

It seems the neighbors actually have a dispute over an acceptable location to permanently leave this vehicle. After today, it will be hard to ignore the opposing perspective!
Hopefully no allergies are involved, or this could become more serious than it already seems to be!
Winter Woes
This is not your typical winter holiday message, is it? The angry writer seems to have spent time knee deep in the snow, shoveling in preparation for the next day.
Shockingly, someone else has stolen the spot!

It must have been pretty chilly out there, because this white-hot rage comes with a few key threats. First, revenge against the driver. Second, a promise that his wrath will be felt generationally!
Perhaps the parking criminal will figure out that the writer means business — and think twice next time.
Alarmingly Disarming
Yet again, a malfunctioning car alarm has ruined someone's day. We all have sympathy for this person, but a closer look at the signature reveals that we may not be talking about a human at all!
Sir T-Rex has signed his name with an illustration, just in case there were doubts that a terrifying dinosaur was communicating via windshield.

As the most fearsome of the giant predator lizards, Mr. Rex could take swifter action if he wanted to. It seems he has taken the high road, even signing politely. Well done, sir!
Turtle Trouble
This sassy flyer is probably hard to miss on your windshield. Perhaps the driver saw it and initially thought it was friendly. Not at all, as it turns out.

A coloring book page is a creative metaphor for staying in the lines, isn't it?
With two lines to guide drivers into the correct spaces, it is amazing how many people seem to miss the mark! Perhaps a little artistic practice will refresh memories on the road, but a mass campaign of turtle distribution is not underway quite yet.
Monster Mash
Blocking other drivers in is a big no-no, but people are sometimes careless enough to create these catastrophes. One victim was not prepared to go quietly, and the result was a rather aggressive windshield warning!

The writer threatens to run over the other driver's car with a monster truck on the very next occasion this occurs. Does this person really own a monster truck, or does he plan to accomplish this crushing task with a regular vehicle?
While it's hard to imagine, road rage can cause superhuman strength sometimes!
Petroleum Plot
This note seems to be one part legal threat, one part creative and messy revenge. First, the driver has taken the time to photograph the offender's licence plate. Now, he is offering one final chance before taking action.

Without compliance, he plans as double move of defacing the car with petroleum jelly and then having it removed. Sounds pretty slimy! Hopefully this crazy outcome will deter the parking thief from using reserved spots in the future. If not, the vaseline surely will!
Greedy Times
This person has decided to use a little political humor to get his point across to a selfish driver. It has obviously shocked him to see another citizen taking double and leaving little for others. An injustice, but nothing that a little bit of sarcasm can't fix!

Perhaps the recipient of the note has a different way of looking at American political parties, but the message is loud and clear. The writer was clearly pretty angry, but a little bit of snark never hurt anyone. Maybe one day we will live in a better world. For now, we have windshield notes!