No two relationships are alike, and judging by some of these people, it appears even within a relationship it seems no two minds think are alike. In an age where we have cellphones perhaps many of these situations could have been avoided if a photo was sent to the partner, but in other cases, not even that would have saved them.
They say a sense of humor is a key component of a successful relationship and fortunately for many of these couples, they were able to see the funny side to these head-scratching situations. From failing to follow simple shopping instructions to mistaking everyday things for the most bizarre items. The beauty of a relationship is truly measured by how we deal with our differences.
"Mars Bar Slice"
For those unaware, a Mars Bar Slice is an age-old recipe where a Mars chocolate bar is used to create a delicious chewy chocolate treat using rice crispies and other ingredients.

So when this guy looked forward to tasting some Mars Bar Slices after asking his girlfriend to make him some, he didn't expect her to slice up a Mars bar and say "voilà".
See the funniest relationship moments:
Don't Wait Until It's Too Late
Sometimes you learn things about your partner in the most unusual, and might we say inconvenient, of circumstances. This guy planned a romantic ride to see the city's skyline by riding a Ferris wheel.

However, it totally backfired when he learned his girlfriend was afraid of heights, while they were on it. Communication is everything!
Curiosity Killed Christmas
This guy should thank his lucky stars that he got out when he did. It's safe to say nobody wants to be in a relationship with someone who actually believes a cat bought them a present.

I mean, if even her parents backed her up, you really don't want to be part of this family. It wouldn't be a "purrfect" relationship by any means.
It's The Thought That Counts
Which one of us hasn't been ripped off and fallen for a tourist trap? This is a great example of being content and saying "it's the thought that counts".

We're thinking this was a last-minute gift by the boyfriend who didn't really analyze what he was buying.
Under Lock And Key
Apparently, this guy says that his girlfriend didn't want to lose the keys to her lock. She forgot one crucial detail, however, she herself won't be able to use the lock herself.

The point of locking a lock is that you will be able to open it when you need to. Luckily all she lost here was the lock and keys, and nothing more.
Moon ≠ Sun
There's a lot of things one can learn in a relationship, but basic astronomy isn't one you would expect to teach your 30-something-year-old girlfriend.

In fact, we're not sure she even went to school judging by how this conversation went.
Prickly Thermometer
This girlfriend told her boyfriend that she wasn't feeling well and asked him to buy a thermometer on his way home from work. However, he bought one but not for human use but one to check the temperature of the meat.

Darling, please make sure he doesn't see you as just another piece of meat. This should raise some red flags.
Have You Tried Turning It Off And No?
This guy's girlfriend just asked him what the "No" on this electric blanket meant.

Maybe she just had a long day, or perhaps she didn't yet have her morning coffee, but we're sure she realized her mistake soon enough. "No" means "Yes" for once.
The "Opaads"
This dude asked his girlfriend to bring him his basement shoes. When she wasn't sure whether she had the right paid, she asked him if it was "the Opaads?"

Honestly, we feel for her. From this angle, it's easy to see why she read it this way. Speedo, change your font!
The First Cut Is The Deepest
There's a right and wrong way to open any package. When it comes to unboxing cables, the most important thing would be to not cut the cables. Or so you would think.

When this man's wife wanted to open her new cables she inadvertently cut the cable itself. We're not sure this can be salvaged but at least there's enough rope to, well you know...
What Happens In Vegas
This poor woman probably spent the rest of the car ride explaining to her significant other that the word "surreal" isn't the same as "so real".

We don't know how she would've explained it, but hey, what better place to explain "surreal" than Las Vegas.
The Queen In The North?
It's easy to see why our present generation isn't as well versed in the intricacies of orienteering as generations past.

Actually, scrap that, we have GPS maps today so not to know the difference between "north" and "forward" means this lady hasn't been out much, ever. We'd love to hear what she thinks the North Pole is. *grabs popcorn*
Not A Football Fan
For those of you who don't know, the Texas Longhorns are the intercollegiate team representing the University of Texas in Austin. Their logo is an outline of a bull's head, complete with horns.

When this woman visited her gynecologist with her husband, her husband, looking at this diagram asked him if he was a Texas Longhorn. We can understand the confusion, but come on, man! Think about where you are. Life doesn't revolve around football.
Someone Needs A Reality Check
This woman got off easy and dodged a major trainwreck of a relationship.

In a world where every second person is a woman, how do you not know about the mothers breastfeeding their babies? Clearly, he wasn't just boyfriend material, but father material either.
Then Where Are You?
This sounds more like a brain fade moment than a genuine question.

Because we really find it hard to believe anyone could mistake a star in the night sky for planet Earth. If we can see Earth in the sky, then where are we? We want to know!
What Is A Noun?
Mad Libs is a phrasal word game where one person prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, before reading the story aloud.

We have read this multiple times but still can't figure out what this guy's girlfriend was getting at with this. It truly puts the "mad" in Mad Libs.
Short Person Problems
Short person problems. In a world full of tall people, some suffer from a height handicap and are vertically challenged as some like to say.

When this lady asked her 6'2" husband to hang up a mirror, little did he think of his poor 5'1" wife.
Organ "Donor"
At least he didn't mistake it for a piano. That would have been even more awkward. In saying that, we're on this guy's side on this one.

We've heard the phrase "don't steal, the government hates competition", but really we can see why he would want to be protective of his vitals, given his unique interpretation of the law.
A Brown Cow
Do high schools still teach people biology? Because it sounds like this lady only thought cows are only black and white-colored.

Okay, so it's the common stereotype, but come on, how would you not know a cow when you see one, no matter what color it was?
Who's A Good Girl?
This guys girlfriend was happily snacking away at what she thought were "Christmas cookies", only for her boyfriend to tell her they were actually dog treats.

Looking at the shapes of these biscuits, we can totally understand why she mistook them for holiday treats.
Doctors = Nurses?
This guy has clearly never made a trip to the hospital in his adult life. How would you not know doctors and nurses are different jobs?

It's like confusing chefs and waitresses. Just because they work in the same building doesn't mean they perform the same duties, man.
Life Isn't So Black And White
Did this girl really think we only have black and white photos and videos of the past because the world was someone black and white? We wouldn't know where to even start with this conversation.

Why do we have color paintings from the past then? When did the world gain this ability to see color? We want to know!
It's All In Your Mind
There's a belief the world to a person is only a projection of themselves. So, when this lady flipped out about seeing the innocuous word "erect" in her third-grader child's on her classwork, she was about to go all super mommy and rock up to the school.

Fortunately, someone was on hand to tell her the word has more than one meaning.
How NOT To Cut An Avocado
There's a right and wrong way to cut an avocado. Sure, fruits don't come with instructions on how to dissect them, but surely people would be able to figure out how to cut an avocado.

Not this guy's wife it seems. We're actually pretty impressed she was able to cut through the seed. That's a strong woman right there.
A Microwave Is Not A Dryer
This lady's husband somehow thought he would be able to microwave his shirt in order to dry it faster.

Life comes at you fast and he clearly learned his lesson faster than you can say "gone in sixty seconds".
That Explains Why He Didn't Pick Up
It's easy to be on auto-pilot where you live your life by routines, such as calling your spouse when there's something you need to tell him.

But not when you were supposed to be bringing his phone to him. Good on Jill for being a good sport about it and taking this one on the chin.
The Steaks Were Never Higher, Literally.
This husband and wife wanted to have a competition as to who can cook the best steak.

When the husband walked into the kitchen to see his wife cooking the steak like this he knew this one was already in the bag. Was this a miss-steak for her?
Pretty Fly For A White Guy
When this guy thought it might be a nice idea to take his girlfriend fly fishing, you could say it was a painful experience for him.

Lucky for him his girlfriend was on hand to help in removing the bait. The phrase "no strings attached" just took on a new meaning.
Plastic Love?
A contender for boyfriend of the year? We understand being shocked once before telling your significant other, but three times?!

Perhaps the two deserve each other because why would it take someone three attempts before realizing the plant was plastic, even after seeing the water drip right through.
Smoking Tires?
When this guy's girlfriend found this gadget lying around it startled her to the point she asked him if he was doing drugs.

We can't really blame her for thinking so especially if she doesn't own a car herself. The instrument is a tire gorge for measuring air pressure.
Not So High Definition
This person's girlfriend was perhaps trying to connect her laptop to her television when she messaged her partner to find out if "this is an HDMI cable" with this image.

Sometimes people answer their own questions without even realizing it. If in doubt, reading the writing kind of tends to help.
Made You Sandwich
This is a difficult one to figure out. Did she really want to keep the cheese fresh, perhaps due to the warm temperatures, or did she make this while suffering from a lack of sleep?

Either way, buddy, be happy your wife made you a sandwich. How hard is it to take off the wrapper anyway? Jeez.
Peak Minimalism
When this lady asked her husband to put away the leftovers in the fridge, little did she expect this doozy from her hubby?

We can't help but admire his ingenuity. At least this way there's only one dish to clean up. No Tupperware needed!
What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?
When this guy comes home, he can tell right away if his girlfriend has been cooking or not.

It's not the fragrance of delicious pasta, fried chicken, or muffins and cakes. No, he sees the smoke alarm dismantled. Burnt dinners, going once, twice...
Too Cool To Be Cookies
This lady's husband tried to do something nice and bake cookies one evening. The problem was he did so on a cooling rack.

The intention and the preparation work should get an "A", but the execution and end result will be an "F". Everything dripped and the cookies turned to crumbs. Lesson learned then. Leave things to the experts, sonny.
Right Side Up
This guy's wife asked him to buy her a "Mounds" bar from the store, however, after her hubby spent five minutes starring at "spunow" bars, he soon came to the realization he wasn't looking at it the right way up.

You would think with the surrounding text, he would have figured his error in a few seconds so these five minutes would have seemed like an eternity while his wife waited.
Better Pad Up On Ya Knowledge, Pal.
Men: Please understand that a woman is peculiar about her accessories, and in many cases understandably so.

So when they ask you to get period pads, please don't come back with granny leakage pads instead. This is kind of really important to remember. This lady's husband learned this the embarrassing way.
He Got Into Her Pants, Literally.
Woah. Hold up here. How does one go an entire day at work without realizing they wore their wife's chic jeans the whole time?

Surely the fit would be different as would the zipper. Was he subconsciously trying to get into her pants? Because this is not what it means...
Mistake Or Cunning Scheme?
This woman's boyfriend put up this notepad on their fridge for about a year without realizing he hadn't taken the wrapper off. How many guys can relate to this?

So finally, his girlfriend decided the only way he would notice would be to write a note on top of the notepad. Word is still out to see if he noticed anything. Perhaps he was the cleverer one here and found a way to have nothing to do around the house. If so, we tip our hat to you, sir.
He Shot Himself In The Foot, Kinda.
"To shoot yourself in the foot" means to cause yourself difficulty through your own foolish actions or words.

There is no better example of this than this right here where the figure of speech is as much literal as it is figurative.
So You CAN'T Do It!
Irony often gets lost with people. Originally seen during World War Two to boost worker morale, the image was rediscovered in the 1980s and has come to become a symbol of feminism.

So when this guy's girlfriend asked him to hang up the poster, well let's just say she proved she could not do it.
9-11 Caused World War I
When this lady wanted to test her significant other's knowledge of history, she didn't expect to get this answer right out of the left field.

Apparently, according to her partner, World War One was caused by 9-11 even though the events of 9-11 transpired 87 years after World War One. We'd love to hear what he thinks the cause of WWII was.
Their Whole Relationship Was A Spoof
Anchorman starring Will Ferrell and an all-star cast of comedians is considered one of the best comedies of the new millennium. Unfortunately, this woman hadn't yet seen it when she began dating a man who was basically doing impressions of the movie 24/7 with her.

Little did she realize until after things had ended that their entire relationship was a spoof. You stay classy.
Not Another Brick In The Wall
Bless her heart. This poor lass made the unfortunate mistake of paying her boyfriend and his friend's apartment a simple compliment, saying "wow, you guys really love physics" while looking at this poster.

Little did she/does she realize it's the album cover to Pink Floyd's famous album The Dark Side of the Moon, considered one of the greatest of all time. Talkin' Hawkins, indeed.
Sure Darling, "I" Will Get The House Cleaned.
This husband offered to clean the house for "husband points" while his wife was out of town. He had a clever plan of hiring a professional maid who would clean the entire place while he would bask in all the glory.

Unfortunately, he didn't check to see their work, and he was rightfully busted for his sneaky trick.
Fathers and mothers clearly have contrasting different definitions as to what dressing up your kids for school means.

When daddy was tasked with dressing his daughter for daycare one day, he clearly thought she was old MacDonald, minus the farm.
Optional "Stop" Signs
Aimee's husband either hates his wife or he loves his jokes even more. With advice like this, you would think it wouldn't be worth risking someone's life just to get a laugh.

But hey, apparently this guy went through with it, and worse still, his wife briefly believed him.
This Why I Don't Do Anything
Some men truly are clueless when it comes to how things work around the house.

When this guy saw that the dishes were piling up he decided to do the cleaning himself, and this was the result. How is this even possible?
Fought With A Lawnmower
Some men are lucky to have wives who are happy to trim the back of their head for them. Others have little trust in their spouse's ability and resort to doing this themselves. This guy falls into the latter category.

Fellas, your wives sharp eyes and steady hands are far better than your blind adherence to proving you can do everything. He looks like fought with a lawnmower and lost.
Girl, Do You Even Lift?
It's hard to believe someone would actually believe this would work. But apparently, when this guy asked his girlfriend to get some firewood, she came back with this.

From one side we're quite impressed she carried this hugs log because that alone negates the placing it in the fire part. A strong woman no doubt, but perhaps not the sharpest.
Microwave Storage
This wife asked told her husband these towels needed to go in the kitchen. He put them in the microwave.

Although he technically didn't do anything wrong, he also didn't really do it right by any stretch.
Coffee To Go And Go And Go
Advertising isn't everyone's forte, so this man's wife should be excused when she innocently asked him if "that thing is full of coffee?"

It's easy to see why one would think that based on the photo, but common sense should tell you that would be a logistical nightmare.
That's Not How Locks Work
When this man forgot to lock up his bike in the morning, he asked his wife to do it for him. This was the result. Either she didn't really care much for the bike, or she just doesn't understand how locks are supposed to work.

So wrongly is this lock placed, you could yank the bike free just by lifting it. Luckily no one was around to steal it.
Nail Polish Is Not The Same As Make-Up
This woman asked her husband if he could quickly run to the store and buy her some makeup remover.

He came back with acetone, commonly known as nail polish remover. Just how much makeup does he think his wife wears? Thanks for trying, babe.
A "Beard Brush"
Quite a few modern men take great pride in their beards, so perhaps it's worthwhile for women too to be acquainted with the tools their men are accustomed to using regularly.

This man asked his wife for a shower sponge and a beard brush. She delivered on the first one but failed on the second. Next time, send her a photo, dude. Beards are your thing, not hers.
Breast Job Ever
Exactly how did this guy become this lady's husband and how long have they been married for? You would think knowing how to clasp a bra would be something all the fellas would know sooner or later.

So this guy's understanding of how bras work needs an overdue education. This is what happened when his wife asked him to clasp her bra one morning. It looks like his first time.
Connect The Dots
Playing games with your significant other is often a nice way to spend an afternoon or an evening. Connect four is a game almost everyone knows and anyone can play.

But this boyfriend got way more than he bargained for when he decided to play the game with his drunk girlfriend. She ended up really upset when she lost. It looks like this was a rather quick game to be fair.
"Artichoke Beer"
While this guy was sipping away at his beer, his wife, curious as she was, wanted to know if the "artichoke flavored beer" he was drinking was any good.

To be fair the image does resemble an artichoke. But in what world would someone make this into a beer?
Buy "Some Tortillas"
Now really, who doesn't love tortillas? When this lady asked her husband to buy "some tortillas" the clever man bought home 40.

Is there anything you can't eat inside a tortilla? Didn't think so. Checkmate.
Blackberries = Blueberries?
We don't know where this lady's husband bought these fruits, but chances are they had some kind of labels to tell him what fruit it is.

If not, he could've checked with someone who worked there. Although he correctly brought back raspberries, he mistook blackberries for blueberries.
The Barbeque Is Not A Barbie
This couple had planned to have a barbeque dinner, and as the husband was running late, he asked his wife to get the grill going.

He came home to find this. Looks like dinner will have to wait. Flame off.
This Is Why Batteries Have "+" And "-"
Some questions just answer themselves, don't they? Like when this device wasn't working, this guy asked his wife if she put the batteries incorrectly.

She replied, "Do you think I'm stupid?" If a picture says a thousand words, well, you get the idea.
Start Your Engines
Not all women (and some men too) are exactly car wizards. This guy's wife, for example, asked him to check her car to make sure there was enough air in the tires since the light came on "the other day".

Clearly, she hasn't filled up petrol, ever. Luckily, she somehow managed to keep the car running all this time.
Please Sharpen My Lipstick. Say No More.
This fellas girlfriend didn't expect this result when she asked him to sharpen her lipstick.

Not only did he fail to sharpen the lipstick, he absolutely annihilated it to the point it no longer resembled one.
A Real Hummus Side
When this woman was asked by her boyfriend to put the hummus in a Tupperware container, she didn't realize he meant she should take out the hummus first.

The real question is why would you take it out of one tub to put inside another tub?
USB Power, Or Not.
Many modern households now have special USB charging ports. So when you want to plug in your phone or other USB enabled device you can save yourself the hassle of buying a charger to use at home.

Also, it's a lot more energy efficient to charge it directly from a USB. This person's girlfriend is at least trying. Bless her heart.
Rolling Pin Method
Not everyone can follow a recipe it seems. In some instances, it's nothing to do with the recipe itself but the basic methods universally known such as how to use a rolling pin.

Take for example this guy's significant other who clearly had never rolled anything in her life. Should've stepped in and helped - after snapping a photo or two of course.
You Can't Fire Me
Fire alarms can mess up plans very easily so when a local fire forced one town's residents to evacuate as a precaution, he asked his girlfriend to grab his external hard drive as he was at work.

She instead brought him these: an internet modem and a USB dock. Well, at least she tried.
Daycare Not Survivor
When it comes to prepping kids for things like daycare, mothers seem to generally do it better.

We don't know how or why, but that's just a fact. Here's one example of a father buying their child some last-minute daycare supplies which his wife asked for. At least it will knock their socks off!
Just One Drink. "Okay."
There is a right way and a wrong way to pour a beer. Most people know this but it seems not everyone.

When this guy asked his girlfriend to pour him a beer, this is what he got. Who knows, maybe she did it on purpose after he also half-completed a job.
Cleaning Goggles?
We actually can’t see what this lady’s husband did wrong here. If you ask us he actually thought it out pretty well.

They likely already had gloves at home, so the only thing missing was goggles and a universal cleaner like Windex.