You cannot be motivated 365 days a year to go to work and finish your to-do lists. So try these tips to stay motivated!

Provide a social aspect
Research shows that employees are more likely to commit to something if there is a social aspect to the goal, such as the goal of connecting with others. If your work requires you to think mostly about your tasks or endless to-do lists, it can help to work on a task with a colleague, for example. By doing something together with another person, you will become more motivated to achieve a certain goal.
Use your qualities
What tasks do you really excel at? Research shows that employee motivation increases when they do something they are good at. For example, if you are very good at making presentations, ask if you can make this a regular task for you. You are more likely to stay motivated if you can do something you are really good at (and thus get compliments on).
Motivation is there when you want to achieve something or when you want to defend yourself
Researchers found out that two things keep you motivated. The motivation to achieve something that will make/stay you feel better (food, money, entertainment) or the motivation to defend yourself (your personal beliefs, things you have already achieved). So look at the actions you can put out to achieve one of these two goals.

Learn habits
By teaching yourself certain habits, you will need just a little less motivation to perform a certain task. Suppose you teach yourself to read and answer your emails every morning from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. This task will then become a habit and over time it will take you less and less energy to perform and complete the task.
Always have a plan B
Imagine you suddenly have to go to the dentist or veterinarian in the morning and you had resolved to complete a certain task then. It is then up to you to agree on a new time with yourself. For example, give yourself an afternoon off to recover from this and complete the assignment in the evening when you have a little more rest.