The Photo Tells it All, This Baby is Not a Happy Camper!

Isabela Pereira de Jesus is showing an expression that speaks volumes about her total dissatisfaction for being born! It seems she came into this world with an expression on her little face that’s absolutely hysterical. 

Her photograph was shared by birth photographer Rodrigo Kunstmann and shared on Facebook. It seems Isabela was born through a C-section in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on February 13th.

As hysterical as the photo might be, there is no way we can possibly relate to being brought into this world via a C-section, let alone not even having clothes to wear on her birthday! 

The photo has attracted so many comments and seems to be on its way to becoming an outstanding moment in time! 

Isabela’s expression speaks loud and clear about how very dissatisfied she truly is. 

This little girl will always be anything but shy by wearing her feelings on her sleeve and will probably tell anyone off who does not agree with her!