Team Sports Could be Great for Your Sense of Wellbeing

If you are the kind of person who is not too into sports, you might see most team sports as a waste of time. Many attribute team sports to the highest level of sports we see on TV, where players are paid millions to essentially have fun. Team sports, though, go down many, many levels beyond simply the highly paid elite. And studies show that by taking part in a team sport you could actively be improving your health!

How so? What has a recent study found about sports participation?

Team sports improve our work ethic

One factor that was found in this study, which looked at the brains of over 4,000 children playing team sports, is that team sports can improve work ethic. Since they teach us to work with, not against, others, we can enjoy the ability to find that second wind and energy to serve the whole, not just ourselves.

Team sports can add respect for others

Many times, younger people especially can lack respect for anyone but themselves. Team sports, though, allow people to appreciate the myriad skills that others might bring to the table. This creates a greater sense of respect for the people in our lives, which can only be good for our long-term health and wellbeing.

Team sports improve our memory

The study found that children who took part in team sports were likely to have an enlarged hippocampus; the part of our brain that handles memory and stress responses. If you are used to constantly solving problems within a team, it is easier to overcome stressful moments and deal with incidents that might force you to leave your comfort zone.

Team sports can reduce the risk of depression

Another highly important link to an improved hippocampal level, though, is the ability to fight back against depression. Not only does this improve your ability to stay focused, have a stronger memory, and connect with others, but it can make you more resistant to the threat of feeling depressive symptoms overall.

Team sports keep us fit and healthy

Weight and physical appearance are major determining factors in how we feel about ourselves; it is simply a fact. Team sports help us to lose weight, keep in good shape, and generally feel fitter and healthier. This has the byproduct of making you feel better at the same time in your day-to-day life.