We challenge you to scroll through and try your best to solve them before revealing the answer in the next slide. Set a time limit of 2-minutes (and don’t cheat!) Ready, set, GO!
How Many Tiger Faces Are In This Image?
Take a moment and REALLY look: how many tiger-faces can you see?

Are you sure you've found them all?
The Answer
There are no less than 16 tigers in this jungle!

Which one did you miss?
World’s Hardest Word Search
This one seems simple enough, doesn’t it? All there is for you to do is find the word ‘DOG’ in under two minutes. In theory, it should be easy as pie!

In practice, however, you will soon realize most people take more than five minutes to spot the hidden words, and many even abandon the search before they find it!
The brain is highly skilled at playing some nasty tricks on us! And when you look at the answer, you will kick yourself for not realizing it sooner.

The truth is, it is the curved shapes of the letters D,O, and G that make this more puzzling than most word searches.
What Parking Spot Is Thus Car In?
Math problems are usually the hardest to solve. You either have a math brain or you don’t and if you don’t, solving problems like this are as tricky as they get.

It should take more than 60 seconds to get this so go ahead, try it out!
This is less of a math problem in fact, and more a challenge of thinking out the box!

All you really have to do is flip the puzzle upside down and you will quickly realize the view of the puzzle was wrong and the car is parked on parked number 87.
No-Left-Turns Maze
It seems like the worlds easiest maize at first glance if you don’t read the instructions.

But then comes the catch, there is no turning left! (Zoolander anyone?) there’s a good chance this maize will drive you crazy before you can solve it but give it a try!
This riddle takes quite a while to work out, but if you are patient and think through the process you are sure to work it out.

It’s all about trial and error with this one. The next riddle is a math problem that has not one, but TWO answers!
Tease Your Brain
Anyone with an understanding of maths should at least get one of the answers to this tricky maths riddle.

Its basic pattern should allow an answer to pop out right away, while the second answer may take a little more time and brain power.
The most obvious answer is the one we provided, 40. This is obvious with 4+1=5. Then 2+5+5=12 and 3+6+12=21 before 8+11+21=40.

The second answer is a tad more complicated. What you need to be add the first number to the product of the two numbers, (a + b means a + ab). 1 + 4 means 1 + 1(4) = 5, 2 + 5 means 2 + 2(5) = 12 and 3 + 6 means 3 + 3(6) = 21. That would make the final answer 8 + 11 means 8 + 8(11) = 96.
Math Triangle
This riddle centers around pattern recognition so you don’t have to be a math genius to get this one correct!

Start your timer and see how much time it takes you to fill out the fourth triangle. If problem-solving is your forte, this one should be easy for you.
All it takes in this particular puzzle is multiplying the top number by the number on the left, then subtracting the answer from the number on the bottom right.

Definitely not the hardest on this list, but it is a great way to test your math brain!
Can You Spot the Elephant Anomaly?
At first glance, this just looks like a bunch of elephants standing huddled together.

But look closer and there is a hidden anomaly in plain sight! Set a timer and see how long it takes you to find it. If its less than 96 seconds you know you’re faster than most people!
It’s a panda! That’s right. Those who spotted it must have let out a chuckle at the creepy panda hiding between the elephants.

The human brain always sees what it believes it should be seeing, and therefore it's actually quite easy to miss things that are out of place.
Can You Solve the Math Maize?
This is a real brain teaser that combines math aspects and patters selection. Start at the top and move from one square to the next till you reach the right answer (4).

You are allowed to add and subtract but have to use squares connected to one another. If you get stuck, you can always find the answer on the next page but try your best and don’t forget to time yourself!
This is one of the harder puzzles on our list and it can take up to five minutes for the best of us to figure this maze out.

If you didn’t solve the maze puzzle don’t despair! You’re bound to have better luck on our next brain teaser.
Can You Find the Mistake In This Color Puzzle?
If you are good with numbers and with spotting color mistakes, this one is for you.

Pay attention to the colored numbers and try to figure out the mistake here. With this brain teaser, you’re likely to either spot it in seconds or stare for hours and never figure it out.
The Answer
Now this one may make you a little annoyed, you were so busy focussing on the colors and the numbers that you paid no attention to the words!

Duplicated words often tease the brain as it automatically corrects it. If you are focussing on finding one mistake, you can miss the one right in front of you.
There’s an Intruder Infiltrating the Dark Side, Spot Him!
There is a spy among the stormtroopers, and once again he is hidden in plain sight.

It’s your job to find him. the trick? Don’t try too hard, rather just scan the crowd and you should spot him instantly.
The Answer
That’s right, Mr. panda strikes again! These animals are the masters of hiding in plain sight.

Although we don’t know if one little panda is any threat to a bunch of stormtroopers, we hope he is trained in the ways of the Jedi Masters.
The B Search
The author of this puzzle claims that finding all the B letters can prove whether or not that person is a genius.

We don’t know if this is true, but it’s fun to pretend. So, start your timer and see if you can count them in under 60 seconds!
The Solution
One thing I’m sure you have realized through these brain teasers is that the brain loves playing tricks on us. Here our brain easily mixes up b’s with d’s.

But if you spotted the letter ‘B’ four times, you can out that genius hat on and be very proud of yourself.
The Forest of Forgetfulness
Many magical creatures lurk in the forest of forgetfulness. Alice happened to come across several of them on her journey. It was on the day that she met the lion and the unicorn that she discovered their conundrum.

The lion speaks the truth all the days of the week except for the days he tells lies which Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are.
While, the unicorn speaks the truth all the days of the week except the days he tells lies which Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays are. The Lion says, “I was lying yesterday.” The unicorn replied, “I was too.” Which day was this?
The Answer
Honestly, this one may sound complicated but if you dissect it slowly, the solution is very simple.

The lion and the unicorn both said they were lying on a Thursday about a Wednesday. The lion was telling the truth, and the unicorn was lying.
The Color Question
It is common knowledge that our brains have two hemispheres with four lobes in each section. It is the occipital lobe which we depend on for this optical illusion.

The occipital lobe is the one in control of our vision. Here you see 16 squares. Your question is- are all the squared inside the blue and tallow squared the same color?
The Bezold Effect
Indeed, all the smaller squared are the exact same color. The color only seems to look different because of the colors framing it.

His is called the Bezold effect, named after a German professor who discovered that colors can appear different depending on its relation to adjacent colors. Next up is another word puzzle…
The Prisoner’s Conundrum
Thus, is a word puzzle that depends on your ability to insert yourself into the story. You are a prisoner along with two men named Barry and Albert. The prison guard places you three in a line where all of you must face forward.

The prison guard is pretty bored and decides to play a little game with his hats. He owns two white hats and three black hats and decides to put one on each of the prisoners' heads at random.
No one knows which hat is on their own head. Because Albert is in the back, he can see both your hat and Barry’s. Barry can see yours only. You cannot see anyone’s hat because you are in the front.
The guard then announces the rules of the game and says, “First, no one is allowed to say what anyone else’s hats are. If one of you is able to guess your hat color correctly, all three of you will be released to freedom.”
Albert is honest and intelligent, but he remains unsure. Barry is second, he too is intelligent and rational but is not able to be sure.
You are las and are able to know the color of the hat with total certainty. You guess and are correct How did you know the color o the hat and what color was it?
Freedom Awaits!
The answer comes from the fact that the other two men were unsure. Had Albert seen two white hats he would have known instantly that his hat was black.
This means Albert must have seen either a black and white hat or black and black hat, so he had no way to know for sure what he was wearing.

Barry was also unsure of what his hat was because the only way he could have known for sure is if he saw a white hat in front of him. You are in front of Barry thus your hat is black.
The Missing Triangle
Take a deep breath- this puzzle aims to test tour pattern recognition function and also takes a little bit of mathematical skill.

There are four triangles with numbers in the middle- 8,6 and 6. Every number depends on a mathematical equation done with the external numbers. What number should be in the last triangle?
Triangle Found
The solution is the number 3 in the middle of the last triangle. This comes by taking the number on the top of the triangle and subtracting from the bottom left number, then multiplying nu the bottom right numbers.

Example- we have 6-2 =4x2= 8, the next one is 7-5=2x3=6 and 7-4=3x2=6. Therefore, 6-5=1x3=3. The next slide is for those who prefer word puzzles brain teasers!
The Murder Mystery
This poor family was rocked when a murder took place in their home. The family included a husband, wife, son, and daughter and one of those four committed the murder.
One of the four also witnessed the murder while the remaining one aided the murderer in their actions.

Here are all the clues:
1) The oldest person and the witness are not the same gender.
2)The youngest person in the family and the victim are not the same genders.
3)The person who helped the murderer and the witness are not the same genders.
4) The person who helped the murderer is older than the victim was. Lastly, here are two constants:
5) The father was the oldest member of the family.
6) The murderer was not the youngest member of the family. So, who was the murderer?
Murderer Revealed
We can piece all this together from the clues, we know from 2) that the youngest person and the victim are different genders.
We know from 4) that the person who assisted the murderer and the person who witnessed it are different genders.
Lastly, we know from 6) that the murderer was not the youngest meaning only the youngest could have been the witness. We are also told n 5) that the father is the oldest.

We know from 1) the oldest and the youngest are different genders meaning the youngest is the daughter. The only two left are the mother and the son.
From 2 we know that the youngest person and the victim are not the same genders. This means that the son was the victim. Therefore, plot twist, it was the mother that was the murderer!! (gasp)
The Black and White Illusion
This one seems easy enough, but make sure you pay close attention and remember what we said earlier about optical illusions playing tricks on us.

The premise is simple enough, look at the image and tell us, are the horizontal lines in the image straight or crooked?
The Café Wall Illusion
They are straight! This illusion is called The Café Wall Illusion and his rooted in geometry.

It refers to parallel straight dividing lines between staggered rows with black and white tiles appearing wonky while they are in fact straight. A new word puzzle is next up!
The Emperors Offer
Picture the scene: you are a prisoner who has been sentenced to death, but the emperor is giving you the chance to play a simple game and win back your life.
The emperor gives you fifty black marbles and fifty white marbles, hands you two empty bowls and gives you the instructions:

you must separate these two marbles into the two bowls I have given you. You may divide them any way that you want but you must use all the marbles.
When you are done dividing, I will mix the bowls around. You then can choose a bowl and remove one marble. If you choose a white marble, you will live. If you choose a black marble, you will die."
How do you arrange the marbles and give yourself the best chance of choosing a white one and surviving?
Winning Back Your Life
The best chance you have is placing one singular white marble in one bowl, and in the other bowl arraigning them so you place fifty black on the bottom of the bowl and 49 white marbles on the top of the bowl.

If the emperor is fair, this will give you by far the greatest chance at surviving.
The Elephants Legs
Another optical illusion challenging the occipital orb of the brain, try to take this one slow and think about the solution to earlier optical illusions.

While we know elephants have four legs in reality, how many legs are portrayed in this picture?
An Illusionary Contour
Like we discussed earlier, colors appear altered by other colors that are adjacent to them, so too this is also an illusionary contour.
There is no definite answer to this puzzle since the artist drew legs but filled feet in other openings with the exception of the black leg.

Another example is the above image which is known as a Kanizsa Triangle below. While our brain recognizes a white triangle pointing down, there is not actually an image drawn there.
The Line-Up
Here we have another fun visual game! this is another brain teaser that plays with how our brain interprets images.

Are these two horizontal lines the same in length? Think carefully before answering and you may want to cover some lines before settling on an answer.
The Muller-Lyer Illusion
This is another optical illusion with a funky-sounding name. Although the bottom line seems longer, these two lines are actually identical.

Our brain tricks us thanks to the inward flaps like corners of a building which are perceived as being more ‘closed in’ and thus shorter.
The Blind Beggar
Another word riddle that needs your serious concentration. Try to follow this riddle:

A blind beggar has a brother who passed away. What was the relation of the blind beggar to the brother who died? The answer is not "brother". Now give it a shot!
Social Conditioning
The answer plays on or social conditioning. People immediately assume the gender of the beggar and believe him obviously to be a man.

However, the blind beggar in this scenario is s woman, which means she is a sister and not a brother!