#Megxit - What a Surprise? 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stunned Buckingham Palace and the world when they declared they want to cut back on royal duties. Allegedly, even the Queen herself was blindsided by the announcement on Instagram!

What's more, the pair intends to move all the way to Canada, where Meghan has been laying low. Spotted around Vancouver Island, a security detail helps her enjoy some free time away from the British Press!

How did this Meghan + Exit, dubbed #Megxit even happen? Things seemed so charming for awhile!

Read on to see what clues the Queen missed but clever viewers saw!

Bye Bye, Insta

Meghan Markle had to kiss her Snapchat dog selfies goodbye after her engagement to the ginger prince in 2017. That's a big step back for any longtime public personality!

Members of the Royal Family are not allowed to run their own active social media accounts, so just like William, Kate, and Harry, Meghan Markle had to share updates about her life using the Kensington Royal account. 

That's way less fun! Perhaps she started to miss the joy of self-expression without boundaries?

Selfie Snub

It gets worse: After Meghan Markle appeared in public with Prince Harry on their first official royal engagement, the future Duchess of Sussex revealed that she could no longer take selfies with anyone!

Royal Family etiquette experts explained the reason behind the rule. 

Apparently, it is considered rude for someone to turn their back on a duke or duchess to take a selfie instead of making eye contact and engaging in a proper conversation. 

There's no way this fan-favorite was play with that! Maybe this contributed to her desire to run away from it all?

No More Autographs, Either

Beyond selfies, the Royal Family is forbidden from signing any autographs. What a strange new world for a television star!

The rule was actually established to prevent people from forging the Royal signatures, and they are restricted to signing official documents. 

Truthfully, Prince Charles broke the rule when he signed a piece of paper with “Charles 2010” for a family whose home was destroyed by a flood. 

William and Kate also signed the U.S. Embassy book of condolences for the victims of the Orlando shootings in 2016. But still, could Meghan really adjust to this odd new norm?

Fashion Police at the Door

It’s no surprise that any woman of royal stock needs to keep her nails clean, shaped and manicured, but freshly painted red nails are a big no-no. 

According to OK! Magazine, Royal Family members stick to light and nude nail polishes because dark and colored hues are forbidden. Yikes, so dull!

While it seems like Meghan tried, the former Hollywood fashionista probably wasn't satisfied with the Essie peachy colors favored at Buckingham Palace. Perhaps she felt even a little self-expression was instantly squished?

Shoe Shocker

Believe it or not, Her Majesty the Queen detests wedge shoes! According to Vanity Fair, it has been made perfectly clear to women in the Royal Family that an outfit paired with wedges will not be well-received — not at all!

Beyond changing her nail polish habits, the former actress had to purge her wardrobe of any shoes that so much as resemble a wedge. 

But the closet cleanout didn't end there. What other clothing and style requirements did Meghan have to adapt to at Buckingham Palace?

Formally Freaked Out

Members of the Royal Family need to ensure they dress modestly and elegantly, which means they are rarely seen wearing very casual clothing. 

Even the lesser-known Prince George of Cambridge needs to don tailored shorts and polo shirts when he goes out!

As a former trendsetter on the LA scene, maybe Meghan got sick of this stiff, woolly formal-wear for public events. Was all of it far too itchy, perhaps?

Very Early Retirement

When Kate Middleton tied the knot with Prince William, the Duchess had to put the brakes on her career almost immediately. 

Prior to her Royal wedding in 2011, Kate worked as a website designer, photographer and marketing officer for her parents’ events planning company. 

Even Prince William worked as a pilot for a short period, but he hung up his wings for Royal duties.

Meghan Markle had to abandon any future acting career as a matter of palace policy when she married Harry. Could that have been what really got under her skin, all along?

Calm Down People

In 2008, Prince Andrew was presented with the board game Monopoly to mark his visit at the Leeds Building Society. 

According to Andrew: “We’re not allowed to play Monopoly at home. It gets too vicious.” Silly, but true?

With so many other rifts in the family, perhaps someone had the good sense to ban a board game that created too many additional divisions in the palace. 

But perhaps Harry and Meghan just wanted to play what they felt they could handle as adults?

Shut Up and Smile

When Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, she obtained her U.K. citizenship. But unlike other British subjects, voting and political expression are off-limits for a lifetime. 

The Royal Family cannot vote, run for any type of political office, or express any political views publicly!

Although it is not technically prohibited by law, the parliament claims it unconstitutional for the Monarch and members of the Royal Family to politically sway the public. 

Meghan has always been an opinionated, independent person. Perhaps she found this permanent silence suffocating?

Sickening Scandal

Prince Andrew was always the lesser-known son of the Queen. As the boy who would never be king, it looked like he spent his endless free time making interesting friends abroad and doing charity work. 

Unfortunately, recent revelations came to light that Andrew was friends with sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein!

His public interview with poor explanation led the Queen to relieve Andrew of public royal duties. 

In the #metoo era, perhaps Meghan and Harry wanted more latitude to say what they think! Did they really feel comfortable constraining themselves about disturbing matters they were unwillingly connected to?

Frogmore Follies

No member of the Royal Family may reside in a regular house. An official royal residence for Harry and Meghan, with the approval of Queen Elizabeth as per royal protocol, was a requirement.

The Queen agreed to totally renovate Frogmore Cottage, away from the other royals at the couple's request. 

But now, the British public is mad that so much taxpayer money was spent on this estate if they don't end up even using it! Perhaps Meghan felt isolated in this cold, remote estate?

PDA No Way

Any Public Display of Affection is extremely rare for the Royal Family, beyond the wedding kiss. 

Queen Elizabeth always walks a few steps ahead of Prince Philip and they are never even seen holding hands. There is also no official rule outlawing public affection, but most of the royals keep it to a minimum.

However, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle frequently broke this rule with their hand-holding and more! 

Some predict that this rule will eventually fizzle out in modernity, but perhaps Meghan never felt truly comfortable with the public criticism over perfectly natural behavior?

Take Me to Church

Meghan Markle had never publicly associated herself with a particular religion or church. Nevertheless, she had to be baptized and confirmed before the wedding!

Meghan's father was a member of the Anglican Episcopal Church, while her mother was a different Protestant faith.

Seems like she had always tried not to take sides, but the Royal family requires the romantic union to be about more than just love. Perhaps she never really related to the new church?

Leggy Ladies

Although not an official rule, women of the Royal Family members are forbidden to sit with folded legs. According to experts, it is actually frowned upon for women to cross their legs unless they cross them at the ankles.

Photos of Kate usually show her slanting her legs side-by-side, dubbed “the Duchess slant.” 

Fun fact: Princess Diana was the one to originally come up with that feminine position! 

No one would be surprised if it turned out Meghan was literally uncomfortable all the time. Could this regulation on her body have been part of the problem?

Private Nicknames

No one is allowed to call any member of the Royal Family a nickname because it’s considered too informal, at least to their face. 

Lady Diana and Kate Middleton actually skipped the rule, since people often referred to Diana as “Lady Di” and refer to the Duchess as “Kate,” instead of her full name, Catherine.

Still, perhaps all the formality was grating for Meghan. As someone from America, nicknames are almost the norm! Maybe she never adjusted to serious business at Buckingham?

Mad Hatters

Those fancy hats the royal women wear to formals are not just a fashion statement. 

An outfit to an official event is considered incomplete without a hat, but if the event takes place indoors after 18:00, the hats need to come off to make room for a sparkly tiara.

The tiara rule only applies to married women, as a woman at a formal event sans tiara means that she’s on the market. Maybe Meghan was never crazy about these foreign headpieces?

That Hair Though

A hairstylist is required to be available for the Royal Family no matter the circumstances, like when Kate got her hair done right after she gave birth! A royal is expected to look well-groomed, manicured, and healthy at all times!

What does this translate to? A full schedule: Monthly haircuts, facials, bi-annual hair treatments, manicures, blow waves, dental and beauty consultations, as well as nutritionist appointments. 

As a Hollywood gal, this must have already been routine for Meghan, but perhaps it was all out of sync with her personal tastes and routines. Did she miss her salon back home?

Black is the New Black

Whenever anyone in the Royal Family travels abroad, they are required to pack an all-black outfit in their luggage — even the Queen! But as Meghan probably also wondered, why is that necessary?

Every family member needs to be prepared with a funeral-appropriate outfit should any of the royals suddenly pass away. 

Long ago, the Queen was informed of her father King Geroge VI’s death while she was in Kenya, and she had no mourning outfit on her upon her return to England! Was this too extreme and outdated for Meghan?

Bubba Gump Ban

An old rule in England declared shellfish off-limits for the Royal Family. In the old days, and even sometimes today, food poisoning is a real risk whenever these ingredients are stored or prepared incorrectly.

The Queen bent the rule during President Obama’s visits to the U.K., and a few private royal chefs have revealed that they served lobster on several occasions. 

Even if the Queen has lightened up a bit lately, she can still be very picky and bans other popular food and condiments from her residences — including one universally loved spice. Which one could that be?

Ghastly Garlic

It’s no secret that Queen Elizabeth hates garlic so much that it’s been banned from Buckingham Palace’s kitchen. 

Yes, garlic is banned! If that seems too extreme, there are also many other dining suggestions Royals are expected to live by.

When the royals are away, they are instructed to avoid spicy food and tap water so as to avoid an upset stomach. 

Ultimately, these rules are meant to avoid stinky breath and bodily interruptions during public engagements. 

While this might seem wise, perhaps Meghan the well-known foodie was disappointed! And who could blame her, especially about the garlic?

Dining Drama

The number one rule when dining at Buckingham Palace is that everyone has to follow the pace of the Queen. No one is allowed to start eating until Her Majesty the Queen has lifted her cutlery to take her first bite of the meal.

All members of the Royal Family and the other dinner guests need to keep their eye on the Queen, because everyone must stop eating as soon as she stops! 

This is true, even if there is food left on their plates! Perhaps Meghan couldn't take a lifetime of wacky meals like this?

Small Talk Stinks

Whether one is invited for high tea or dinner party, meal conversations are formulated according to particular rules.

The Queen starts the conversation with the guests by turning to the person seated to her right for the first-course conversation. Then she switches to the guest seated to her left during the second course. 

So many rules, so many guests!

Perhaps Meghan started to miss the laid back, informal Hollywood dinner and drinks she was used to back in the day. Could she truly enjoy a lifetime of stiff meals with muted chitchat?

Spill That Tea

The Royal Family are suckers for their afternoon teas, which are filled with an abundance of finger-foods, cucumber sandwiches, pastries, scones, and a classic pot of freshly-brewed Earl Grey. 

Royal etiquette experts explain that there’s an art to holding a teacup at Buckingham Palace.

Royals pinch the top handle of the teacup with their thumb and index finger, while the middle finger rests at the bottom of the handle as support. 

Did Meghan really want to give up her own relaxing drink rituals for this rigid formality?

Secret Codes

When the Queen finishes talking to someone, she must exit first. This is because she must avoid any visual of people turning their backs to her! 

In front of the Queen, that would be totally improper. But how do guests know when she’s done talking?

When the Queen moves her purse from her left arm to her right, it’s a subtle hint to her staff that she’s ready to end the conversation. 

When she places her purse on the table, it means that dinner needs to end within five minutes. Was Meghan confused by all of these codes?

Can't Touch This

The monarchy’s website states that when meeting the Queen or the Royal Family, there aren’t any obligatory rules per se. But is that really true?

There still are traditional protocols that people follow, such as bowing, curtsying, or addressing the Queen as “Your Majesty” and the members of the family as “Your Royal Highness.” 

It is also known that people are supposed to avoid touching all of them, beyond an offered handshake. But it seems that Harry and Meghan really wanted to be relatable when interacting with the world. 

Were they both simply sick of all the formality?

Spoiled Rotten

Not only does the Queen not reprimand her Welsh Corgi companions, but she also ensures they eat homemade gourmet meals every day, prepared by the private in-house chef at Buckingham Palace. 

What’s more, the meals are hand-delivered by one of the palace’s footmen!

A former private chef of the Queen revealed details:

“I simmered rabbit, cooked down some chicken, then finely chopped the meat, sieved the stock and returned the meat… It was the corgis’ dog food.” 

Perhaps Meghan thought this was all super crazy, just for dogs?

Palace Lies

Apparently, the staff would have to lie about dinnertime owing to Queen Elizabeth’s notoriety for being late. How, exactly?

Dinner at the Balmoral castle was at 20:30 when Her Majesty the Queen was in attendance, but the royal staff would tell her to arrive at 20:15 because she’d always be the last one down. 

A neat trick, Royal staffers! Everyone knows someone like this, but perhaps Meghan was an early bird who could never figure out the secret schedules?

VIP News

As soon as a new member of the Royal family is born, Queen Elizabeth must be the first to know about it. When the newest prince was born in April 2018, she was indeed the first to hear.

After the family is notified, the official Town Crier, currently a man named Tony Appleton, makes an announcement to the public. 

This tradition began in the day when most people were illiterate. Charming, indeed! But perhaps Meghan and Harry had their own wishes for the special announcement?

Home Sweet Home

It is possible that Meghan simply missed Canada! And perhaps Harry was a bit Canada-curious, too. 

Toronto was the place where she filmed Suits for years, and it seems like a place where she knows how to be herself. All her old hangouts are still there, but how will the pair manage as such high profile residents?

Many may not know that Canada is still a member of the British Commonwealth, and the Queen is head of state! 

While the security is still being worked out, it's sure to be interesting. Only time will tell, of course. Cheers, royals!