With busy modern lives, few people really notice the bizarre, the wacky, and the weird anymore. And what a shame! Optical illusions are all around us, all the time.
Is this man really hanging out with gorgeous conjoined twins? Odds are, no way!

It's just a few freaky angles to tease the world. No real harm done!
Photography and design can be a funny thing, and it's time for a few odd observations. Curated for maximum gawks and giggles, no logo or selfie shall be spared!
Read on to see the best-of-the-best mind ticklers on the web right now...
Lookin' Lengthy
Why, it's a very long dog! Everyone could potentially enjoy an extra-long dog. Where can it be purchased?

Sadly, nowhere. This is two dogs, people! The camera seems to have photographically decapitated one of the fuzzy pooches on the floor.
It's merely a trick for the eye, but science could catch up soon. And what would be the harm in much, much longer dogs?
Time to Mow, Man
Concerts are tons of fun, aren't they? The adrenaline is like nothing else. The more crowded, the better!

But wait — this is not a show! It's just grass. Plain old lawn, actually. As it turns out, at the right angle, even watching grass grow can seem exciting. Next up, paint drying? Stop the madness and wipe those lenses, people!
Big Ole Head, Questionable Body
Colonel Sanders is a comforting symbol of chicken, a face Americans may think they know all too well. But has anyone really considered that his classic tie is actually a tiny, stick figure body? Can't unsee it now, people!

He has been totally exposed as a cute little bobblehead, according to the internet. Will customers care that their chicken man was someone else all along? The jury is out — busy licking their fingers, one by one.
Beautiful Stranger
Why, hello there! Why the long, loving stare? Oh, you're just a magazine cover? Disappointed everyone in the train cabin, that's for sure!

Yes, it's yet another illusion of angles. The stars and the pictures seem to have aligned just so. But once the page turns, isn't it off with her head? Tricky, sneaky magazines up to no good — the nerve!
Tabby Trick
Why, those are tiny, tiny arms Mr. Meow! Does this cat live next to a nuclear reactor or something? He looks like a friend of three-eyed Blinky the fish!

If these were mutant limbs, it doesn't look half bad. Collectors might even be interested in a new breed!
Truthfully, cat model is merely the guard of a draped sock. Look closely, and it will be obvious! An adorable clothing rack, if there ever was one.
Tokin' Troubles
Popeye is such a classic cartoon at this point that no one feels a need to question his basic design. Don't fix what ain't broken, they say. It's taken for granted, but is there a fundamental flaw here?
The web says aye-aye, captain!

Why in the world has that pipe been protruding out of his ear for a century? Is there a secret cheek hole over there the world doesn't know about? No amount of spinach can distract from the truth, this time!
Delirious Design
Chairs, chairs, everywhere. Not a special event, most of the time, is it? Laughing furniture is less common though. Look at this silly seat!

It's unmistakable — those are squinted eyes and a big smile! Something has inspired this butt warmer, but inanimate items can never really explain what's going on.
Do these chairs tell each other jokes when no one is around? Perhaps the occupant is tickling it? The mystery continues, maybe forever.
Hairy or Scary?
Some may say that beards are nature's disguises for weak features. Others may claim they signal lumberjack vibes for the ladies. But what about fake mustaches? The precedent has now been set!

And how does everyone feel about it? Tricked and trolled? Possibly. But maybe the real error was using ultra-high-definition cameras with an average makeup department.
It's a new tech decade, people! Time for the studio to upgrade, surely.
That Thigh Gap Though
Wait a minute, what's going on here? Instagram might be promoting interesting figures these days, but are these spindly legs even possible for human bodies?

Turns out it's just a matter of vertical stripes on a perfectly normal leg. Stripes, yet again! Always confusing the eye, it might be time for a ban. Surely, polka dots will cause less pandemonium. And more dots, if nothing else!
Secret Sloths
Yes, everyone has used this emoji at some point. The muscle arm is probably underrated as it is, but a close look proves there's a lot more to this icon than meets the eye!

Could this design really be hiding a sloth in plain sight? Investigating with the zoom-in feature seems to expose the truth! Luckily, this subliminal messaging is pretty mild.
Taking things at a slower pace is the worst that can happen, right?
Burning Birds
Ah yes, another gruesome poster. A new novel about demons escaping the gates of hell? Yes please!

Upon close inspection, it looks like there might be a few design flaws. Considerably less terrifying, the horns on these monsters appear to be geese! Yes, those aggressive birds from the park.
What in the world are they doing in this scene? Illustrators can't get away with anything these days!
Taste by Numbers
Baskin Robbins is a chain generations have enjoyed, decade after decade. Who has really given a thought to the logo, though?
The marketing is kind of an afterthought with 31 flavors to distract customers immediately at the door!

But wait — it's actually a lot more clever than it seems! Hidden in the "BR" seems to be a very relevant number, after all. Why, it sets 31 right in the design! Another day, another insight. Live and learn, right?
Bank Invaders
Conspiracy theorists never seem to get the respect they demand. Can't they just trust the news, like sane people?

Well, wait. Look at the dollar bill! Some sleuths say they have uncovered strange messages illustrated right into standard American money. Doubters and haters, take a look at this alien head, glaring straight at the world!
Could be an eagle, but whatever. Mulder and Scully proved the truth is out there. Kind of?
Eye Hate It
Milk substitutes are all the rage these days. Almond, soy, oat — and of course, coconut. It might even be the OG milk out there, just as mother nature designed. Sadly, the internet hole has unearthed a coconut criminal.
Someone has punctured a perfectly good package in all the wrong ways!

Haunting, really. Eye fluid really does seem a lot less tropical, and far less appetizing. Shame on this milky troll, for the love of piña coladas!
Leggy Lies
A quick look at this photo might seem like it's just a girl playing around with saran wrap. Who hasn't wrapped their legs in the clear stuff at some point? When times are tough, creativity is key.

But wait, this is much more complicated than it seems! An optical illusion using white streaks makes things look pretty shiny if expertly placed. Anything is possible with an artist's touch! Very tricky, streaky girl.
The Gelato Father
Godfather fans out there may think they know every bit of trivia, but one new discovery might shake things up! Few have looked at the classic poster as an ice cream ad, but it's time to change all that.

Internet sleuths are right: Look at that cute little head balanced on top of a cone! It's definitely a cold scoop, for those with an eye for deserts. Tastier than the old concept, that's for sure.
Buttman to The Rescue
One perfectly normal soccer club out there just wanted to have a toothy dog as their mascot. They went to a lot of trouble with a custom order inflatable, too!

Some snarky observers believe this is not a dog at all, though! Could this actually be batman, bent over and twerking for the crowd? Sounds far fetched, maybe — but a close look does cast some doubts, at the right angle!
Creepy Canine
Why, what lovely black ducks! Quacking away, doing their thing, nothing to see. Or is there?

Double take: Is that a dog in disguise? It seems so! Is this pooch the first recorded case of trans-duck? When it's time to fly, a badminton beak is not going to cut it! So many questions, so many feathers.
If nothing else, the quack is going to blow his cover soon.
Ears are Not Optional
Good lord, where are this man's ears? Some might suspect photoshop is at play here, but camera angles can really do magic. Every model knows how to work the lens to their advantage.
Or in this case, an average Joe finding a real disadvantage!

Hanging out like a giant thumb with hair, this beautiful memory is not going to make the family photo album. And that's probably for the best, horrified viewers can agree!
The Bald and The Beautiful
Going totally bare-headed is a bold move, but one man found a way to ride around in camouflage. Is he aware he discovered this trick, though?

Onlookers might see an army of five shiny heads, but it's deception all the way! The truth is more like one guy and his four leather neck rests in a convertible today.
Cruising around, taking on the town in style. Move on, everybody!
No Thanks Given
Alright, so this isn't exactly an illusion. Is anyone really fooled that this teddy bear came with chicken skin?

No, no one was tricked by this Frankenstein food. The question is, who is responsible for this culinary horror? The original is good and juicy enough, according to the sane.
A good glaze might be a cosmetic improvement once it's golden brown, but still. No one needed this!
Lies, Lies, Lies
Stainless steel? More like stain and steal! Which company had the nerve to print this lie on their shoddy metal merch? The nerve, really!

Rusting away in real-time, these scissors are not going to make a fashion statement anytime soon. Luckily, no one cares! Snipping is the main function, as any honest cutter or clipper will testify.
A big ole' nasty stain on a major shiny appliance, though? That would be another story!
Ball Ban?
Jugglers throw away all balls here? The message of this sign is downright discouraging for circus folk in the city! Why oh why, why all the hate?

An optimist might read this one differently. Perhaps it is merely indicating trash disposal, and that's always fun! At the end of the day, both ideas clean up the mean streets. A win-win, if there ever was one!
McCruisin' Easy
Workers at this fast food joint may have thought they were seeing an optical illusion at first. If not that, a prank! But the reality is, this was a paid order. And it had to be fulfilled!

No onion, no mustard. Okay, many could agree with that. But wait, no bun and no patty either? No pickles? If this customer just desperately craved cheese, they sure went to a lot of trouble!
Almost admirable effort, actually.
Swiss Secrets
Everyone loves Toblerone! And it's safe to say most people enjoy bears and mountains, from afar. But who has really noticed the cold, hard fact that all these things exist in harmony already?

Yes, it might already be true in the alps. But it's also true in your cupboard! Have you looked at the logo on your Swiss chocolate lately? It's beary different than you might think, chocoholics!
Totally Corny
A crunchy Tostitos moment is always a good time. These chips have made Superbowl dips all they were meant to be for decades, and millions feel they know this snack pretty well. But do they?

Somehow, most customers seem to have missed the glorious symbolism drawn right into the logo. Could it be? Could it be an actual chip dipping into salsa forming the 'i' here? Seems so, cruncheroos!
The Buffest Beluga
Okay, so maybe "Baby Beluga" is due for an update. Has anyone actually looked at the porpoise in that song, for real? That's not a cuddly body!

Looks pretty ripped, really. Yes, it might be an illusion of bones. But one illustrator saw beyond the obvious, and it's a pretty beastly diagram. That harmless Raffi man may have been singing about an albino sea monster!
That Mommy Money
Wendy has been a lovable logo for as long as America was tasty, but has everyone really looked at her outfit of choice? It's time, and it's way overdue.

With just a little eye focus, it seems that Wendy's head and neck are sitting on the word 'mom'. An intentional secret message to the ladies with the purse strings out there? Tough to say, but it cannot be unseen! Never, ever.
Totally Tacky
Jason Momoa is a total stud. No really, he is full of studs. It's crazy, look at him!

Aquaman should have a more sophisticated uniform than a bunch of common tacks! Is that really what's going on here? Calling out the studio, on this one. Fans were never going to let this one slide!
It's a suspicious resemblance, and too close for comfort. Maybe not comfortable, actually. Maybe not at all!