When we are kids, it is easy to feel like we are invincible – like nothing can touch us. However, it also means that we often make crazy decisions – like choosing not to wear a helmet when on our bikes. As a parent, this can seem confusing – how can you make sure your children see the appeal of wearing their bike helmets, then? How can you convince them this is worthwhile?

Set the right example
Make sure that if you go out riding your bike with your kid you wear a helmet yourself. It’s like driving in the car and you put on your seatbelt; if you do it, your child usually follows your example. Well, the same goes for wearing a helmet. Show them that wearing a helmet is not something that should be seen as optional or, worse, something that could be deemed as ‘geeky’ or otherwise.
Find a helmet that fits
One of the first ways to convince your child that helmets are not for them is to go for any old helmet size. Instead, focus on finding them a helmet that fits them properly. This will make sure that it feels comfortable and does not like they are wearing their big/little brother/sister's helmet. A fitted helmet will encourage them to wear it, even if they (at first) still feel a little ‘uncool’ doing so.

Reward their maturity
If they buy in and start wearing the helmet, reward them with something. If they wear the helmet when out and about, give them something else they want in return. Whether it’s something like a video game, taking them out for food, or anything else they desire (within reason), you can use this as a carrot to help convince your child that your advice is worth listening to and following along with.
Be candid about the dangers
You might not want to scare your child, and that is a very fair way to act. Yet if you want to show them the benefit of wearing a helmet, you should be clear with them about the dangers. Find some examples on YouTube that can show them the reality of what wearing a helmet can save them from. Use this only as a last resort, though, if your child shows no inclination to change to wearing a helmet – even after trying the above.