Hilarious Snapshots Of Office Life

Ahhh, the office. The one place where you are supposed to be at your finest, but for some reason - you're not. If you work from home, this article will show you what you're missing out on. Anyway... just take a look for a good laugh.

Pawfect Placing

In the office, there is one employee who likes to show off their inspiration and joy. Some might bring pictures of their family vacation and create a slideshow so everyone can watch. Some might bring their toy car collection. Others might have the plants set up at their desk. Meanwhile, there are people who just set up their cat obsession at their workspace.

Now, everyone can tell that this particular worker has placed the photographs perfectly at his desk and made sure that the screensaver is best known to man, which are the felines.

Click to see even more hilarious office photos:

It’s Always Jammin’

No worker can rely on office equipment alone. Sometimes, even new technology can go wrong at the wrong timing. For example, if you are in a rush and you have to do a presentation, this might not work well. However, some workers try to have humor with regards to their working environment. After all, it is not their problem to start with!

As such, the next time the printer jams, just laugh about it. Better print the picture of Bob Marley. Let the world know that everything you print, gonna turn out white.

She Did Turn Up At Least

You know, there’s an old saying which goes, “Get up, dress up, and show up.” Well, this lady here did all three of these things, but then she fell back on the “get up” part. Please don't disturb her, she's just waiting for work to finish.

Web Of Intrigue

These workers decided to prank their colleague when she was out for Jury Duty for the day. To put things succinctly let's just say she was less than happy the next morning. Caught in a web of folly, we blame Spiderman.

Nice Spelling

In some offices, there are managers who enjoy putting posters or confidence boosters around to motivate their employees. Sometimes, the posters can dwell on a few problems but they do it in a nice way. In this example, a manager tries to tell the staff to cut down on their sarcasm but in a civil and calm way.

However, they didn’t proofread the poster before putting it on the wall, which means that it is waiting for a sarcastic response.

Head Over Heels

Sometimes it's just too much and you have to get all the anger and frustration out - and the only way to do it, besides throwing stuff at your boss, is, obviously, standing on your head. I've been told it gets the blood flowing.

Lying In Wait

One of the best pranks nowadays is cardboard cutouts, especially if it’s funny as Mr. Bean. Indeed, this is the last thing one will expect to see as they went to the toilet in between work. No wonder, the surprise is enough to give one a heart attack. It can be terrifying to look at Mr. Bean’s smile and wide eyes especially in a tiny bathroom at work.

Now, it isn’t news if the employee suffers from nightmares after the ‘Mr. Bean encounter’ at the toilet.

Yoga Style

Even when doing yoga at the office it should be done with style. Get your sports clothes on and start hitting that chair and floor. By the way, you should demand an office shower. If you don't have one.. well... I'll feel sorry for your colleagues.

Stick It To The Man

The employees think that they have the power inside the office. However, the truth is, everything is still up to the boss. It includes the work spent, amount of coffee and tea allowed in the cafeteria, plus the volume of printing in the office. Indeed, it must go through the boss.

But then, there are people who don’t want to be told of what to do and they do anything to annoy the boss; just like this man. In the office, printing large jobs are not allowed. But he just did the exact thing.

Please Check

For those who have experienced working in a corporate world, you’ll understand that a bathroom is a sacred place. The workers wish to be comfortable as they use the toilet during working hours. Meanwhile, the cleaners wanted to make it clean before leaving. As such, everyone keeps a careful eye in this specific area.

To remind everyone to flush the toilet, they decided to have a reminder. However, they didn’t realize that it would be taken literally. Now, it works because everyone checks the paper as they flush the toilet.

Office Health

It's so important to keep your health at work too. Sitting hour after hour day after day can ruin your body, so thank god for office Pilates. If your work place does not encourage yoga or any other health programs - you should strike until it does! But don't blame us if you get sacked.

Office Timetable

As you start your new job, the company will probably give you the rules and regulations to follow. Add as well the timetable that you should strictly adhere. Of course, you must know what time to report in the morning to avoid being late. Also, remember the lunchtime plus the out in the afternoon.

But after a few months, some people seem to forget the rules and they create their own timetable similar to this one.

Free Chicken Strips

If you are the type of person who seems to get bored in an instant, you might find it unnerving to just sit down in the same uncomfortable seat and perform the same job each day. Unless if you are working in the Google HQ and you have your own giant slide in the office, you will normally have to make your own kind of entertainment without being spotted by the big boss.

Obviously, the person who did this was having a slow day at work. He thinks that a hilarious joke like this is funnier than it seems. Now, there are only two takers! Surely, the others are just chicken.

The Photo Replacement Prank

While one employee was away from his desk his co-workers decided to prank him in the best way they knew how. Two colleagues decided to update their coworker’s pictures of him and his girlfriend at his desk with photos of them. It took their colleague over an hour to notice the changes.

Coffee Compliments

In the office, no matter how luxurious or modern the setup can be, there will always be something that will break in one way or another. For example, it can be the hand dryer, photocopier, or the coffee machine. Well, this coffee maker might be considered not hot but it is not yet completely useless.

An office worker cannot afford to leave the coffee maker to become unwanted. Now, everyone in the office would know that this coffee-maker has an awesome personality.

All For Ben

There are offices that men dominate the place while others are filled with more women. Still, employers are required by law to provide washroom facilities for both men and women, which works best in Ben’s favor. As the only male worker in the whole office dominated by women, he has the whole men toilet only for himself.

As such, he did some redecorating and make it his own. Now, we will not be surprised to know if his co-workers responded by moving toward having co-ed bathrooms.

Home Sweet Home

For others, the idea of working the whole day inside the office can be off-putting. They wish to work inside their own home. They love the idea of being in the four walls of their comfort zone, fireplace, kitchen, and being surrounded by flowerpots. However, what if there is an option for you to bring your home to your office?

This guy has nailed the idea of home sweet home vibe inside the office. He is living the luxurious life with the doors, windows, chimney, and door knocker inside his office.

Office Pet

People are always trying to look for ways to make their experience in the office more fun. Many workers love the idea of having an office pet to boost their spirits and morale especially when it is low. However, big bosses do not agree with this request. As such, this worker decided to make his own pet inside the office. We only hope that this is just a coffee stain on the floor.

Power Rangers Power Up

People say that you should dress for the job that you want, not because of the job that you have. As such, if you don’t wish to become a computer programmer who sits through the third meeting of the week, make your feelings become loud and clear. The days of sitting in pants and shirts alone are long gone. This is the new millennium!

Go and dress as Power ranger as you go to the office! Luckily, everyone in the office had the same idea!

I Approve This Posting

Yes, this passive-aggressive note has the approval of the manager. However, the management didn’t dare proofread it. Of course, the staff can just rip apart the little slip-up and anyone can say that it is sure to happen. This prankster did not just pick up and highlighted the obvious spelling mistake. He also violated the rules of the note.

Surely, someone will be in big trouble when the managers find out who is behind all of this.

Hungry Hippos

Whenever one stares to the screen of the computer the whole day, it can be tiring. As soon as your eyes and your brain needs a break, you need to find something to occupy your time away from the screen. Meanwhile, this guys has found a way to have a break from work with an adorable little human-hippo.

Now, they no longer have to be in front of the screen and they can actually be behind the screen and become a part human and part hippo!

Off The Clock

In any office setup, the best part of the day is lunch. This is the perfect moment where you are off the clock. You don’t have to answer calls and you can do whatever you want. Now, this guy took that off to a different level and we are loving it. Instead of eating snacks in front of the computer screen, this one decided to have some fun and have a golf course.

Why not, right? In this way, he can get all balls in nine holes before the day is over.

Not Debbies

No matter where you are working, there is always someone who is ready to steal your food in the fridge. Whether it’s a little bite of your bread, a scoop of ice cream, or a sip of milk, it is not good to find your lunch to be eaten by somebody else. Usually, nobody can tell who the culprit is. However, in this office, everybody knows that it is always Debbie.

Now, they have labeled all their food. Now, Debbie must not eat it.

Gift Wrapped Cubicle

One way you can tell your office colleagues appreciate you is by how much they miss you when you're gone. Having her cubicle wrapped as a present was the best way this lady's colleagues could tell her she is a gift to all of them. Aww.

It’s So Beautiful

Whenever you spend most of your time at work, it is essential to bring in things that will make you feel at home. Some people do this by bringing their favorite mugs in their workplace. They do hope that no else will use this. However, some officemates still use it not unless you keep it under the locker.

This employee like his reindeer mug so much and he even put up a sign. But still, that didn’t stop them from using it since it’s so beautiful.

No Laughing Matter

For some reason, this person's office has this framed picture hanging above the urinal. Perhaps the purpose is to make the employee uncomfortable enough that they get back to work, pronto. Otherwise, urine trouble.

Voice Activated

When you are doing the same thing over and over again, you need to mix things a little bit. You also need to add some fun to the groove. But, how can one exactly do that? In previous years, one of the best office pranks is putting ‘voice-activated’ signage.

We know it is not unbelievable to think of a paper towel to be voice-activated, just like photocopier or dispenser. However, there are still few people who would stand in front of the paper towel dispenser and shout, “paper towel, please” as if it would magically appear.

Keep Off The Grass

We all wanted to work in the office where you can freely decorate your cubicle. It is your space and you can do whatever you want to do with it. You can add a touch of your personality and make it feel homey. We are actually thinking of a few posters around the cubicle, but this person took it one step further and created his own office yard. He also added flamingo on it.

"I Work Late"

There's smart, and then there's genius-level smart! Everyone walked past this lady's office and saw her hard at work, they didn’t want to disturb her. “My gosh, how much do you work?” However, it looks like she took a leaf out of George Costanza's book of tricks.

A Tuna Sandwich Named Kevin

Have you experienced working in an office where you just bring lunch and suddenly it disappears? It is a common scenario anywhere in the country, wherein, one forgets what they have for lunch and they just get the tastiest looking sandwich available in the company fridge. The easiest way to differentiate the food is to write your name in all of the food.

However, some people don’t understand this way of life and now Kevin had to pay for the price.

We Miss You

In every office setup, there is always someone who is the go-to person for everything. Whenever the printer is broke, you just have to go to them. Do you have an office drama, well, you know who the right person to go. Are you organizing an office event? Surely, you know the people to talk to. However, what happens next when that person goes missing? Who can you talk to?

Now, the employees are missing this go-to person a lot. They now leave cute notes hoping that this person will come back real soon. We also do hope the same thing!

Just A Bite

Sometimes, workers bring food to the office which is so hard to resist. You know that you must not eat it, however, you still try to have a bite or two thinking that no one will notice, right? After all, how can you say no with the pizza? Unfortunately for this person, he was not quite sneaky. His plan was seen quickly by one of his co-workers.

But at least, the pizza owner has permitted him to take the whole pizza the next time, so, it must be a bonus.

Surrounded By Balls

In some cases, the office needs to brighten up, especially if it’s your birthday. Some celebrants blow up balloons or put a happy birthday banner in the corner. But, this is not the case here and he actually went the extra mile. Now, this employee can now celebrate his birthday surrounded by the plastic balls. This is indeed a good way to forget that you are at work and feel like you are a kid once again.

This can also help in increasing the level of productivity. Even Google installed a ball pit inside their office and now the workers are doing well with their performances. Surely, they are into something.

The Spoon Scoop

We cannot say that we have never seen a drawer which is filled with plastic spoons. Surely, there are offices who enjoy eating jello. They have various spoons to choose from and they don’t want any employees from putting their hand in the drawer. We are not sure how dirty they think that the hands of the employees are, but at least, they have this scoop to get the spoon. This is easier right?

This seems to be a good game where the ultimate prize is a spoon to help you with eating your favorite dessert. Now, we are thinking that thongs can work better.

Have You Seen This Cat?

An office is incomplete without a funny woman or man. Indeed, this employee wishes to make his co-workers laugh. He also wanted to lift their spirits and make the stay enjoyable. The quest for finding new and funny material can be challenging. As such, this person tried to be a little bit creative.

This joke deserves some credit for their creativity with this legendary “Have You Seen This Cat?” poster. However, it is sad not to find tags that say, “I have meow.” Add it on the tags and it can be ‘purrrrfect!’.


And I thought using Facebook or Twitter while on the job was a distraction. These nerdy guys got to be part of an advertising campaign for women's underwear. I guess not much work was done that day.

Fighting Back

Some employee eats the food of their colleagues at the fridge most of the time. It does not matter how grand their effort is in marking it that the food belongs to them. Many still face the risk of losing their entire lunch to the playful hands of their co-workers. In this office, the workers are getting fed up with those who eat their food. As such, someone put up this note.

Unfortunately, that person who loves stealing the food responded kindly with another note which is done perfectly.

Office Takeaway

When your office is filled with cubicles, surely, you will get tired looking at it. You wish to see some excitements in the office and there are employees who found a way to mix things a little bit. One employee designed the outside of his cubicle like a fast-food chain. When you wish to have someone to talk to, it feels like you are going to order some food.

Indeed, this is a great method to change the environment in the office. However, this makes a lot of workers become hungry for lunch even if the day has just started.

The Perfect Plan

Indeed, one must always be prepared if there is a need to evacuate the office, especially during emergencies. For example, fire can possibly happen. As such, it is important to make everyone in the office know what to do and where to go to get out safely. Normally, it is recommended to leave calmly and controlled. However, this office has other ideas.

The management could have forgotten to devise their evacuation plan. Now, a worker decided to do the job for them. It is very simple but we are not sure if this idea can be very helpful.

Leaky Tap

It can be a real pain to find out that something is not working well inside your office. Surely, you want everything to function like a good-oiled machine. Now, once it stops, everything becomes a mess. The tap of this office, which is an essential source of everyone’s cup of coffee has been turned off due to leakage. Indeed, the workers are not happy about it.

By the tone of the note posted, the tap is not working for many days now. Indeed, this one needs fixing right away.

Everyone Loves Nicolas Cage

Today, Nicolas Cage has become of the world’s popular reference for memes. When the worker went for a holiday vacation, his colleagues decided to turn the cubicle into a shrine of Nicolas Cage. They indeed exerted a lot of effort and they even transposed the image of Nicolas Cage into a picture of Nickelback’s vocalist. Surely, when this employee gets back from vacation, he will surely be grateful.

We are excited to see them wanting to remove all the pictures, because who else doesn’t want to look at the pictures of Nicolas Cage the whole day?

You Weren’t There

When there’s office equipment that requires lots of technical knowledge before using it, surely, you don’t want others to mess around with it. We know that this machine is not very complicated to use, however, when something goes wrong with it, you want to ask help from someone who knows what they are doing to make it functional once again.

Unfortunately, that person in charge was not at his desk when the problem begins to happen. With this, the note becomes useless. At least, the employee who needed help had informed him about through pushing lots of buttons.

The Post-It Prank

This prank is classic. No other prank will top the idea of playing on a fellow employee than to cover his entire workspace with post-it notes especially when they are not around. The prankster did a good job of color coding and making it all neat and clean. If the owner of this cubicle is away on a vacation, surely, he will have a big surprise waiting for him whenever he comes back to work.

We are now hoping that they would leave it as it is. All these post-it notes can be useful one day for the job.

Free Creamer

There are workers who don’t mind sharing their things as long as their co-worker would ask them about it first. Meanwhile, this employee is actually willing for others to have his creamer be used. He doesn’t like opening the fridge only to find out that his co-workers have already used it. Obviously, the person responsible for the taking of the creamer does not feel good with the matter and didn’t like the note that their colleague has left for them.

They answer back with their own note, contradicting what the owner has said and assured other coworkers that the creamer is free to use. We now that there will surely be a chaotic ending.

April Fool’s

If your boss reports at work with Krispy Kreme donut boxes in hand, surely it will be a good day. When your boss provides you with a sweet treat, this can be an effective way to boost the spirits and motivate them. Unfortunately, this boss feels that his employees are not eating healthy with the food choices that they have.

So as a joke for April Fool’s day, they have replaced all the donuts with nutritious vegetables. What we want to know is what they did with the donuts which used to be inside the boxes.

A Cruel Trick

One of the best ways to get back to your colleague who eat your food is to make them believe that they will be getting an illness from it. We know that it can be something serious, but it can be that they are just trying to make the suspect become paranoid about the thing that causes the infection.

If someone in the office starts panicking and checking the sores in his mouth, then surely, this will reveal that he is the one responsible for eating the food. Now, everyone will know who not to trust.

Spider On The Loose

If you are not fearful of spiders, then this office prank will not affect you. However, if you a have spider phobia, you wouldn’t want to lift this paper cup. You will also end up scanning the room for a huge spider on the loose.

Even though somebody might tell you that this is just a prank and your co-workers just cut a hole in the cup, you’ll now spend your whole day unable to focus on the job. You can rely on other people during work to experience some excitement even if it has to be at your expense.

Did You Watch It?

Workers love talking about the things that they’ve recently watched. This is true for their favorite show among others in the office. Of course, there are colleagues who are excited to talk about the latest episode even if not everyone has finished watching it.

This employee made sure that his day would be spoiler-free after missing the recent Game of Thrones episode. Hopefully, his co-worker would remember this and get away from discussing it at his desk.

Do Not Cross

Imagine getting back at your desk and finding this one in your place. You might wonder who was killed in your own cubicle. Some might get worried about how to get the work done. Even if you know that it is just a prank, would you still like to take the risk? There can be another explanation for this.

Perhaps, this can be the idea of the office in trying to explain the absence of the colleague while they are on a vacation. This is indeed funny as long as no one believes that it’s true.

The Ransom Note

One can have enough pens but sometimes they can always go missing. Even though there are hundreds of pens in your office, you still have the habit of borrowing the same one because this is the only one which you can always find. As such, this employee tried to steal the pen and put a ransom note that demands $50,000 for its return.

We know that he has no problem using up all the ink, however, the $50,000 ransom is indeed a bit too far. $25,000 can be more realistic.

Working To Extinction

After the day of hard work, this group of employees tried to have some fun and started to dress up at the office. Although they didn’t receive the memo that they should wear something different, this is indeed something we would love to see in the office.

We can’t imagine clearly how they can work in the office considering they have little T-Rex hands. This only proves that dinosaurs can never last today.

A Man And His Castle

When this employee is still young, all he ever wanted is to become a knight who fights dragons and saves princesses stranded in the high towers. However, as soon as he realized that to become a knight requires exhaustive training, he chose to work in the office instead.

However, he didn’t let the dream die totally. He decided to build his own castle with a drawbridge inside the office. Now, he has totally the best of both worlds.


Office life can get boring so it’s always refreshing to have that one joker around to make fun of everything, including a simple request to ‘date the cans’ so no one’s eating off food! This guy took it literally and lamented the fact that he is in the friend zone….even when it comes to ‘dating cans.’

Not Cocaine

This guy brought a packet of salt to the office (enough to supply everyone it seems) but made it very clear that it is ‘NOT COCAINE’ …(as if anyone working at an office like that could afford that amount of cocaine).

Either way, the response from his fellow workers was not very positive, one even put s sticky not on the packet with a crying face! Seems these guys are desperate for a little distraction in their boring days.

Boxed In Sadness

Everyone knows office life is not all that. It can be boring, it can be mundane, it can be plain frustrating! This woman seems to be having one of those days where she honestly doesn’t feel like facing the world inside her office.

But instead of trying to fake smile at her co-workers all day she decided to make her feelings known - as well as her desire to be disturbed by no one!

Farewell Cake

When this man decided to leave his job, his co-workers went all out on his farewell cake for the auspicious day he left the job.

It sounds all well and dandy but when you read the print on that delicious looking cake its clear they are NOT too happy about his decision! Sarcasm? Or a desperate attempt at guilting him into staying at his old job?

Holy Sources

This guy is serious about warning his co-workers against stealing his diet coke. So serious, in fact, that it looks like he did some serious research into all the sources prohibiting theft….from the old testament, to Buddhist scripture, there’s something for every faith!

He even throws in that threatening Liam Neeson quote from taken for those atheists amongst us. Moral of the story- keep your hands away from his cola!

Appointment Needed

This guy went through some serious effort for his prank- he set up his office in the building lift and when the doors open, he’s greeted people with “do you have an appointment?”

We can imagine he gave every employee a serious laugh. Except those that actually could not fit into the lift with his desk there and had to take the stairs….

Alcoholic In The House!

This hilarious note calls out the employee in this office who put vodka (or any other clear alcohol) in his water bottle…that sneaky bugger!

This innocent guy took the wrong bottle accidentally and landed up drunk. And probably way more suspicious of Suzanne who always had that alcoholic look…

Office-Turned Water Park

This has absolutely got to win the office who knows how to have the most fun award. They literally turned the place into a waterslide for the workers!

Just look at everyone watching on as one by one they get down and dirty!

Rectal Use ONLY

The person who uploaded this to the cloud wrote “someone in my office bought 400 of these stickers. They’ve been showing up everywhere”

We have a few things to say. Firstly, that is a MAJOR dedication to the art of the prank, and secondly, I wish I could be in the office that week to see people confused and uncomfortable reactions!

New Girl In Town

It's very clear to see when a hot new girl has entered the office. All you have to do is look for the testosterone-filled men who have flocked to her cubicle to answer every one of her questions. We imagine she doesn’t need three different opinions to solve her problems…after all she got hired with the assumption that she could do her own job without anyone’s help.

But nothing will stop these desperate co-workers from getting a little one-on-three time!

He Will Be Missed

It seems the staff at this office have a ton of extra time on their hands. when housekeeping missed a dead cricket, it snowballed into a full-on memorial for the little dead guy.

If you look closely there are signs reading “Rest in peace Mr. Crocket you will be missed” and “Justice for Jiminy”. While it certainly is a hilarious site, you have to wonder just how bored these guys are to have time to write heartfelt letters to a dead cricket!

Office Joy

This hilarious sign glues to the wall pretty much captures everyone’s office dynamic. It reads ‘Everyone brings joy to this office. Some when they enter and some when they leave’.

We all know relations between co-workers can either be great or dreadful. There is no such thing as an office where everyone runs smoothly, and everyone is happy. And there are also always those people who just carry around negative energy! They may be good at their job, but you can’t help but smile the moment they step out of the office!

Bieber Fever

When this guy innocently asked his boss to get a wall clock installed in the office, the boss took it as an opportunity for one evil prank- and the wrath of Bieber Fever was upon him!

What resulted was a giant watch-clock taking up the entire height of the office with a clock that any teenage girl under 14-years-old would be more than happy receiving…but what this guy sees as the ultimate douche move.

Art Wars

Justin’s boss had a daughter two years ago, and ever since the amount of attention paid to him and his work had diminished as the boss spend more and more time praising his little girl and honoring her with scribble paintings stuck all over his wall.

But Justin, aged 23, took things into his own hands and was not about to let the little girl’s artwork be the only thing on display in the office! You have to admire his…um…creativity.

Programmers Are Easily Scared

Most of the workers know how to behave in an office setup. However, it can be very difficult when there are various departments involved. Despite this, it is news to hear that programmers are edgy and they can possibly cry violently. However, we love the idea of singing ‘Ave Maria’ before entering.

This applies not just in programmers but in all workers as well. So if you hear the song being sung softly behind you, you now know who is coming.

A Flowchart

Start a friendship with one of your fellow workers. Before you know it, you might be known as somebody else’s eyes and ears. Now, people will constantly ask you where your co-worker is especially when they are not at their desk. The same will also possibly happen the other way around.

This employee is tired of answering the same question all the time. As such, he created a flowchart so he won’t have to answer the same question always.

Cubicle Life

In a typical American office, you will be surely surrounded by cubicles. The idea of this board is to make you feel to have your own personal space in the office. However, in reality, it makes chatting with co-workers very difficult without being caught. Meanwhile, there are some who likes to have their own private space just like this guy.

With this, he can work in peace even without distractions for the whole day.

No Purple Sticky Notes

The employees of this company are annoyed to know that their boss had to put a ‘no thumbtacks in the wall’ signage using thumbtacks. Now, they hit him back by putting a note. Then, one-note came again after another. Until it becomes ridiculous. Now, this manager might agree to the classic saying that goes, ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’

Under Lock And Key

There are office workers who don’t understand that your things belong only to you. It doesn’t mean that since the office is a communal space, everybody can use it. Now, the milk owner was surely fed up of others using the milk. As such, he went to extreme lengths to prevent it from happening again.

Surely, a dedicated co-worker can still find a way to get the milk out. But we love the idea that the owner has just to protect his milk from getting stolen.

Smells Like Pent Up Frustration

When lunchtime comes, office politics can be hard to navigate like a minefield. One person can store food differently from others. Also, how one person cleans the kitchen might not be the same as another. Finally, how one person throws the trash can be different from how the passive-aggressive co-worker would do it.

Indeed, this can cause some misunderstandings. But at least, this person knows to apologize using old smelly ketchup.