If fishermen love fish, why do they fish 'em? Take some time off and check out these hilarious photos taken on fun and relaxing fishing days. Some are unbelievably funny, some are surprising and some are simply jaw-dropping!
Fishing On Floaties

Fly fishing is one of several popular techniques to fish. You have to walk into the water before throwing out your line. This involves the fisherman wearing waterproof gear. That is unless you're this man.
Who needs waterproof gear, when you can just use a floaty to get out into the water. Let's just hope the hook didn't puncture the poor giraffe for both their sakes.
Don't reel it in yet, there's more...
Baby On Board

The trouble with fishing when you have kids is finding someone to look after them. That is unless you are this couple. What better way to spend a sunny day than with the whole family out at sea with baby included. Who needs a babysitter, aye?
When Life Gies You Lemons...

...make lemonade. When your town is flooded, pull out a chair and start fishing. Talk about making the most of a bad situation. Fishermen are happy to play the long game and this guy is more than happy to wait for this whole flood situation to play out.
Rules Were Made To Be Broken

Signs are usually put up for a good reason. But sometimes, these signs get in the way of what people really want to do. Case in point, our comrades here fishing from a bridge which reads "No Fishing From Bridge". This must be the spot since these rebels are happy to bypass the rules.
Odd One Out

Have you heard the joke about how many people does it take to catch a fish? Although it's quite the catch (I'm speaking about the fish - sheesh), I'm thinking it took two of them to catch this one. Which one is the odd one out then? That's left to your imagination.
"Fly" Fishing?

People go to all lengths to find the ideal spot to fish from, but these two take it to an entirely new level. Maybe they just didn't want to get wet, or they wanted to give new meaning to the term "fly fishing". Well, that's one way to take the high ground. Cranes are known to catch fish with ease, right.
Not Its Natural Habitat

It seems that some people go fishing neither to eat nor for the sport. Some go just to take pictures of pretending to kiss their underwater comrades. I'm doubtful she caught this fish holding her fishing rod like this.
Duck Face Meets Fish Face

If this isn't interspecies love, I don't know what is. Judas might have betrayed Jesus with a platonic kiss, but I'll hedge a bet this fish is in a much better place to get a peck from this lass. Or perhaps she was just trying to steal the fish's pose. Hmm
Happy As A Clam

I'm quite certain these women aren't the only ones enjoying handling these fish. In fact, given by their expressions, something tells me whoever took this picture had more than one reason for them to hold this pose.
Fishing Meme

This meme really does say it all. Those three romantic words every woman longs to hear. Some mistakenly think it's "I Love You". These simpletons have no idea do they? Ha. Now have you said them to your partner yet?
If The Boot Fits

This lady seems to really be enjoying herself fishing in the great blue ocean, but what I'm unsure about is why she decided the boots were a necessary accessory on this excursion. It doesn't even match the rest of her outfit. Maybe she was just worried about getting cold feet.

Fishing from a rod is the most common way people fish, followed by net fishing. So, when a lacrosse player decides to go fishing, they decide all they really need to do is change the net.
This woman is clearly putting her skills (and outfit) to good use out in the water. A nice goal scored for the home team.
Strong Support

The bigger, the better, right? That's exactly what I was thinking too. It's not easy to hold it up like that. You need plenty of vertical support to keep it from dangling around. I think this catch is certainly worthy of praise. Oh, the fish is quite nice too.
How Do You Say "Cheese" Underwater?

Photobombing isn't exclusive to us humans it seems! This snorkeler got interrupted by his underwater neighbor just as his friend clicked the shutter. Is it just me or does this fish look like it's telling the two humans off? Something certainly seems fishy.
Proportions Are Everything!

Showcasing your catch in a photo requires you to follow some rules and traditions if you want to do it right. Holding up the fish to the camera changes the proportions so much that the fish looks like it's holding you sometimes!
It Takes Two

Going fishing with your best mate is an occasion to look forward to. And sometimes, you're glad your friend has come along for the ride because you need a helping hand or two in this case.
It's not clear if it's engine trouble or if they're trying to catch fish the old-fashioned way, but in any case, this looks like a two-person job.
It's All About Perspective

Fishing accessory companies understand their audience as well as any other company. So when they want to advertise a fishing reel, they know it's not just the reel they're selling.
It's the picture of what fly fishing is all about in this case. And that picture is clearly different depending on who you are.
Living The Dream?

Sweet dreams are made of these! Whenever there's a big trip coming up it's often difficult to sleep due to the anticipation. To ease this excitement, people sometimes sleep in certain clothes or look at photos online before heading to bed.
This person, however, decided neither of these options was good enough for him. He figured it'd be best to snuggle up with his favorite fishing rods in bed.
Don't Let Go

Nature tends to throw a surprise or two now and then, and fish are no exception. This guy seems to have got himself in a pickle. Whatever creature he has at the end of his rod is putting up quite a fight!
Hold on my friend, this is going to be a bumpy ride. Just look at those footprints! If this isn't commitment, I don't know what is!
Wrong Color

Some colors are not meant to be around water. White is one of them, especially when it's on the bottom part of your body. Next time he invites you for a date, ask him what's on the menu. It gives a whole new meaning to bass fishing!
Nice Lob-servation

That's certainly seafood for thought. Rumor has it, she caught five lobsters that day. Where the fifth lobster was kept, no one knows. Spiny lobsters can be quite the catch, but seriously, aren't five lobsters for one person just shellfish?
Okay, okay, I'll let her off the hook. There are bigger fish to fry after all.
OMG - We Share The Same Dentist!

What are the chances the fish you caught will have the same teeth as you? With over 28,000 species on Earth, the chances of finding one which looks like it has the same dentist as you are nearly impossible. These two look like long lost brothers!
A 'Sign' Of The Times?

Was it the dry season or someone's dry sense of humor? I'm hoping it's just out of season and this sign will serve its purpose in due time. Water is essential to both fishing and diving. Although I would pay good money to see someone try it this way!
Fishing For Compliments?

Every bride wants to look their best on their wedding day, but sometimes the groom gets cold feet and leaves the bride hanging. This particular bride seems to waste no time in moving on. Perhaps she took the phrase "there's plenty of fish in the sea" literally?
No Fishing On A Fishing Bridge

Picture the scene: You're strolling through the woods when you come across the perfect place to cast your rod. You then see a fishing bridge and count yourself lucky. But then, you slowly realize you aren't so lucky after all. This bridge is actually closed to fishing.
Honestly, I would claim ignorance on this one and cast my line anyway.
Big Fish In A Small Pond

Floods can, of course, be highly dangerous. But sometimes you have to just try and make the most of it This guy seems to have the right idea. Drink in hand. Inflatable pool. Fishing rod in tow. If everyone can be as positive as him, flash floods would suddenly become a small reason to celebrate.
Swimming With The Fishes

It's one thing to swim with fish, but it's another thing entirely to swim with a dead fish next to you. Although it might be a creative way to attract bigger fish, it's probably a better idea for you to be in a boat in case a shark turns up. Fishing skills: 3 out of 10. Photo posing skills: 11 out of 10.
Feed Your Cray-vings

Lobsters are popular in many parts of the world. Two delicious pieces of this delicacy are all it takes to satisfy most. But I'm not entirely sure why this woman had to contort herself to show off her catch in this way.
Wouldn't it have been easier to simply turn around? Who am I kidding, of course, I know why!
Making A Splash

Having your own boat which most people don't take for granted. But like anything, with great luxury comes great responsibility. There is a right and wrong way to let out a boat from a trailer. Loading ramps were invented just for this very reason.
Yet for this person, they probably needed clearer instructions. Just in case there's any doubt: the boat goes into the water, not the truck!
Catch Of The Day

You never know what might get stuck to the end of your fishing rod. This lucky chap seems to have won the fishing lottery. I mean, look at the size of this fish! With such a huge catch, anyone would want to show it off.
That's exactly what this man is doing by emphasizing how big this fish actually is with a helping hand from his wife who is more than happy to play along.
Fins And Gills Necessary

Here's another clever sign telling people what they can and can't do. This time around the sign at least offers a good chuckle to the reader. Not only does it tell dogs to keep their "masters on a leash at all times", but it also says swimming is allowed "only if you have fins and gills or feathers".
Romantic Getaway

Finding a partner who shares your love of fishing, or at least tolerates is a rare thing. This woman, although she is happy to come along with her husband, seems to prefer not partaking in it herself.
Happy to speak to one of her loved ones, she is wearing heels on a fishing trip. This lucky fella ought to appreciate his partner must really love him to come along for the ride.
Fisherman, Or Fishing Man?

Casting your line is the first step in fishing, with how to follow through coming after. This poor guy seems to have got more than he bargained for as it looks like the fish is fishing him! Although his follow through needs work, I definitely can't fault his commitment!
A "Foot" Ruler

Competitive fishing can be a lot of fun. Just participating alone can be a joy. Winners are usually decided by the amount caught or the height or weight of their catch.
In order to be sure you've nabbed a winner in the latter categories, you need a scale and a ruler. Since rulers can be easily displaced, this guy found a clever way around it. You could say it's a true "foot" ruler.
Recycled Lure

Being a responsible fisherman means trying to create and maintain a sustainable environment. This clever person clearly took this lesson to heart and created fishing lures made from recycled bottle tops.
Winding You Up

Many types of rods exist for fishing. One popular choice is the bait caster. However, an inexperienced person using this rod might experience some problems.
You see, the spool isn't automatic meaning that without the right pressure to control it, you'll end up with backlash bigger than some fishing nets!
Stand Up Guy

Fishing requires plenty of patience as it involves hours out on the dock. So sometimes, you want to put your rod down and take a breather. This is the reason the rod stand was invented. This device allows you to keep your rod in the water and also rest your arms.
But when there's a shortage of stands, you can always count on friends like this outSTANDing fellow if you're lucky.
Moving Up The Food Chain

It's safe to say, the main part of fishing is to catch fish. So, I don't know at which point this poor soul thought it would be a good idea to use themselves as bait.
Of course, given the size of the boots compared to the fish, it looks like a clever bit of tomfoolery. Nevertheless, the initial shock is sure to startle passers-by!
Hooked On A ...Reeling?

Part of being a successful fisherman is knowing where to fish. Maybe it's his first time, but this sombrero-wearing gentleman will be spending a mighty long time before he catches something at the end of his rod, if any.
Get Off My Property!

Don't you just hate it when you're enjoying some quiet time at home when someone suddenly turns and interrupts your relaxation? That's what this crocodile was feeling when this guy decided to park his motorboat. The crocodile would have none of it, however, "snapping" at this unwanted guest!
Sewer Fishing Is Really A Thing

As crazy as it might sound, the guy with the sunglasses calls himself the pioneer of sewer fishing. Yeah, heard that right. This Texas teenager apparently goes fishing through sewer holes. Gulp. He says this unusual fishing technique works.
You can even see him catching a largemouth bass on YouTube! His friend seems to want to get out quicker than a bat out of hell, though. I mean who wouldn't!
Looking For Something?

Fishing can get tiring. Sometimes you sit for hours and hours waiting and end up leaving without catching a thing. Maybe this guy was sick of waiting and decided to search for fish with his own eyes. Or maybe he lost his fishing rod.
Whatever the reason, that water looks freezing so I hope the search was worth it.
Lunch On The Go

One of the most difficult things to do while fly fishing is enjoying a snack now and then. Since it fly-fishing involves you to be in the water while you fish, it's not the best place to carry food around.
This guy has found a way around it though by putting his meal on top of a little tube float. Brunch on the water? Why not!
Finders Keepers

This guy was so ecstatic over catching this fish that he didn't take time to look at his surroundings before posing for a photo. The question is, how could the photographer's reaction be to take the photo first before telling this guy to make haste?
A new course just turned up on this bear's menu after his starter was snatched away.
I Won't Take The Bait

Fish are not as clueless as people think. A good fisherman knows how to outsmart his prey. Sometimes, however, it is the fish who ends up outsmarting you.
This fish, for example, swam around the bait, seeing as it was dangerous. The fish then sawm underneath the poles to show the fishermen who really is the boss. Ha!
By Hook Or By Crook

There's something fishy about this photo. Is it a badly timed accidental photo or a perfectly timed posed one? In the 21st century, when you teach a man to fish, you provide selfies for a lifetime. Who can judge though - many of us have fished for a compliment now and then.
Lazy Does It

La-Z-Boy couches are famous for their comfort. So when you want to spend the day out on the water for hours and hours, what it better to sit on than your favorite sofa? Sure, inventions such as seat pads have been made but these two men take it to the next level with their inventiveness.
A Hole In One

Ice Fishing isn't for the faint of heart. One must brave the conditions as much as anything else. The most important question is how big of a hole you should cut for your catch.
Judging by this photo, I'm not sure if it's the camera playing tricks or if a fish that big could come out of a hole like that. Either way, this fisherman looks just as relieved to be going home as he is to have caught this whopper.
On The Rocks

Unlike a car, in many places, you don't require a license to pilot a boat. However, like driving a car, you still need to watch for hazards and steer well clear of them. Keeping your eyes peeled is a must, so how exactly did boat end up in a position like this?
Perhaps the driver mistook someone's request for a drink for where they should park the both - on the rocks! Ha.
Hook, Line, And Stinker

There are many parts to a fishing rod, such as the hook, the line, and the sinker. A fishing reel is also a key tool when it comes to fishing. It enables you to control your fishing line, which in turn allows you to reel your fish in.
So when someone decided to use a fishing reel as a toilet paper holder, it gave guests the chance to put to use what they learned at a fishing hole, near their toilet bowl. Classy.
Cat Burglar

Something tells me, these fishermen are about to get very little for their efforts. Ignoring the stealthiest thief in town means you are better off catching and releasing than giving freebies to a catnip addict. Honestly, I don't blame the cat. When the buffet is opened once a year, you eat 'till you pass out.
Walking On Water

One of the most beautiful things about fishing is that it crosses generations. Grandparents can connect with their grandkids, and parents with their children. Age doesn't usually get in the way and once you're "hooked" nothing will stop you.
Even if it means you have to use your walker to get to that fishing spot, dagnammit you will get there!
Fishing Therapy

Fishing can be therapeutic in its own right. If you count yourself as an avid fisherman and own your own boat, why not share this feeling with the world. This boat's owner clearly understands the calm of the great blue sea. "Real Therapy" indeed.
Ridin' Solo

While some people decide to install couches on their boat, others prefer the solitude of being one with nature. This clever individual created a simple fishing boat for one. The boat even has a motor to move around from place to place.
Shut Up And Fish!

This is the phrase fishing lovers live by. No words are required when fishing is involved. You could say, it is the fastest way to a fisherman's' heart. Even if the fish won't take the bait, at least your companions will take the hint.
Shut Up And Fish - The Song!

Speaking about shutting up and fishing... Maddie and Tae went fishing on their own accord. This country music duo, have a hit song called "Shut up and fish". If you don't know it, you should look it up. You'll want to be playing on your next trip.
Your Feet Smell Like Fish ...Oh!

Flip flops are the go-to footwear to many a fisherman. They are multi-functional and are comfortable in any terrain. Someone wise decision to take it one step further and created these "fish flops". What a nice way to mark your favorite pastime!
Meet The Twins

How lucky can you be to be out at sea and have such a lovely pair to set your eyes on? Not only is it all yours, but you can have it any way you like. I'm of course talking about the fish. Sorry, but what were you thinking?
Enough Food For A Month!

Contrary to popular belief, this is actually a Koi Carp and not a Goldfish. Although, I must say the resemblance is remarkable! Weighing 30 lbs and captured in Southern France, this fisherman just caught his breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next month. Bon appétit, monsieur!
We Netted Quite A Catch!

As they say, there's more than one way to catch a fish. If fishing rods and boats aren't your thing, there's always casting your net. Who knows what you might catch. Perhaps you might even prefer the hands-on approach. ;)
Hitting The Target

If you're more of a "timing is everything" sort of person, might I introduce you to bow-fishing. Sure it requires a good level of hand-eye coordination, but if you can get your hands to follow your eyes, you'll end up hitting the bullseye in no time.
Concentration Level: Master

Whenever there's a good fishing lake, it is usually soon populated by eager fishermen ready to make a catch. Sometimes, however, it is not just the fish which attracts fishermen to a spot.
Yet in this case, I must admit, all these fishermen are clearly focused on their task despite the obvious distraction.
An Out Of Work Stormtrooper

When Luke Skywalker freed the galaxy from the Galactic Empire, many on the Dark Side suddenly found themselves jobless (typical Skywalkers always thinking about themselves - tsk tsk). As such, our friend here chose a life of fishing.
It's safe to say it still beats Luke's retirement of milking the planet's local creatures. I don't know about you, but I too would trade a misfiring laser for a fishing rod, in a heartbeat!
A Purr-fect Meal

There's an argument to be made that cats work smart not hard. These two fishermen look like they've returned from a good day's work while their feline overlords sit idly by waiting for a free handout. I hope they've got enough to go around, otherwise, we are all in for an epic catfight.
The One That Got Away

After reeling in your fish, it is easy to think the hard work is done. But anyone who's caught a big fish knows that at this point the work has only just begun.
This guy probably was over the moon when he thought he nabbed this whopper of a fish, only to see it get away at the last moment. The fish even hit his head with its fin as a parting gift Ouch!
Watch Your Step

Men seem to love to try their hand at ingenuity when it comes to fishing without getting wet. This guy may have gone "overboard" with his attempt, however. Sometimes, it's best to just stick to the tried and tested method instead of trying to walk the plank.
Two For The Price Of One

They say there's always a bigger fish. This fisherman just found out there's a reason this saying exists. I reckon the mood here must be the same as winning two toys from a claw machine. I guess any fin is possible when you set your mind (or rod) to it.