The truth is, not everyone is photogenic. But occasionally, that makes a picture even better! With all the glam, glossy shots on social media these days, sometimes a blooper is a lot more interesting. It's time for a review of funny moments amateurs have caught on film: Only one can take top prize!
Double Dog Dare?
One doggo went to take a walk on the wild side, here on the sunny shore. Funny enough, it appears this isn't really his first visit. Look at the warning sign!

This is no original design. A lucky artist had a model for the illustration! The silhouette, the action, and even the leash — everything is perfectly aligned. The pebble could be improved, though. Not the yummiest treat, for such a good boy!
Chuckle time: Check out the photos guaranteed to brighten any day, next!
Stuck On You
Casual dad, right here. Juggling kids, work, and travel is serious business. And one thing cannot be denied: Every parent needs a good, multi-functioning bag along the way. During vacation, this necessity is even more important! Is this tiny, human barnacle a stowaway, or all part of the plan?

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, a wise man once said. Even Jafar said it, i
Butt Why
Ta Da! Right before their eyes, city dwellers witnessed a billboard of half a lady in sawed in half. A ghastly sight! Luckily, she was smushed back together again, before any real damage was done. Is she happy being butt-backwards, as they say?

Hips to the left, head to the right, all separated with a clean break. It's hard to say how life will play out as a Franken-model. But for now, she doesn't look as uncomfortable as many would expect. After such an operation, she should at least be sore!
Hot and Bothered
The rumors are true: Traffic jams are pretty bad in the great state of Maryland. They're getting worse, by the day! In hard numbers, commuters in the Baltimore area lose fifty hours of life itself because of bumper to bumper hold ups. Today, one man has had enough!

Nicknamed the Free State, Marylanders bravely fought booze prohibition back in the day. They have a long history of protest, no doubt. But this is a bit much, even with their traditions. Right in front of the Welcome sign, a local went a bit loco!
Just Monkeying Around
Just another day at the beach, nothing to see here: Mr. cool guy here is hanging out on vacay. And just for fun, his human and parrot have joined! As self explanatory as that is, some viewers might still have more questions than answers.

But should they? Maybe the real question is: Why can't a primate do his thing, in an open society? All this interrogation is getting out of hand. The hairy and the hairless should be able to hang out in today's world without stares. The feathered, too!
Go Big Or Go Home
Athletics are a huge part of the college experience for millions, these days. Every week, at every school, the games begin. But the players would be so, so sad without their motivators on the squad. Here, another dedicated cheerleader is doing her campus job, rallying with one simple request: OG!

Classic OG. Everyone understands that, of course. And by everyone, that means everyone far away from the field. Perhaps it's intended for pilots above. And allegedly, NASA has some astronauts floating around. Other theories are certainly welcome. For now, OG, OG, OG!
Stairway to Absolutely Nowhere
Every year, 4.3 billion tickets are bought to fly through the sky. As crazy as it sounds, it's true! But with so many passengers flying and flying again to add up to that sum, at least a few mixups can be expected. This photo cannot possibly be explained, though — unless there are now invisible airplanes!

As far as science goes, things are not quite there yet. And perhaps this is one of those cases where being first in line is not the best idea. One more step and the fall won’t be pleasant!
Munch n' Murder
A picnic at the beach is always a pleasant afternoon. But that common hobby might change, if the authorities find out what's going on here today. Captured on film, it appears one woman is snacking on another! How dare she?

Without any guilt, there's people-eating going on in broad daylight. It's time to ban giants, in general! Look at the size of this cannibal, lying in the sand. She is preying on a normal human woman, here. And there's no escape, with that physical advantage. Some call 9-11, and the news!
Ignorance Is Bliss
Waiting for the boarding passes, these gentlemen are just playing it causal and cool. Inconvenienced? Not today. It's time to relax on the railing, a thing made for times like this. But the ad company felt the same way: Why not plaster that very area with sensual legs?

Rocking a feather bow and bikini bottoms with a big, black hat? Now that's something novel. Sadly, they may never know they were the talk of the town on the internet for a day. Traditional living sometimes means these things get missed!
Beach Bum
Four wholesome young ladies enjoying sun and fun, right here. For BFF's like these, it seems only natural to capture that moment in their lives on film. Seconds away from saying cheese, what could kill their vibe on such a perfect day?

Perhaps the criminal process, that's what! It's not clear what this young fellow did for those handcuffs today. But he is being apprehended right here and right now, whether he likes it or not. And by the look on his face, he doesn't like it one bit. Do the crime, do the time!
`Riding Really Dirty
The guy on the left is totally calm. Perhaps that is because he has not yet noticed the catastrophe going on, right under his nose. In just a moment, he will turn right and see the mess for himself. But a moment in time, right here, is that snap before the mishap.

Besides the big oopsie brewing in the background, the scenery is actually quite lovely. Some might call this photo a train-wreck. Some might call it a bike-wreck. But the best people would call it a masterpiece! Score: 10 out of 10.
So Many Sams
According to Samuel L. Jackson: “When people want me to sign an autograph in a restaurant, and I’m eating. I don’t even have to say no, I just kind of stop and look at them." Then, he says, they agree to come back some other time. Apparently, the old method was wearing out, though. What is this, a Sam-ception?

If anyone doesn't buy his story the first time, there are at least two more Sams to stare down the nuisance. Snakes on a plane? There are three Sams to deal with that. A superb investment, all can agree! Moving right along, Mr. Jackson.
Total Sausage Party
Well, well. Right in the middle of Walmart: What a weiner, right? Hot dog costumes like that don't happen everyday, or any day. Most shoppers had a few questions, if not many: Why here, why today? And why the double disguise with those shades, Mr. Cool Guy?

Mustard fingers aside, maybe he just wanted to go totally incognito for the tabloid reading. It is embarrassing for some, though a guilty pleasure for others. For this guy, it seems to be both! Plus, he seems to really relish the news. He wants to ketchup on things, people. Puns: All finished.
A Sobering Moment
Grandmas across the world all know one thing. There's never enough time with the little ones! With families living far apart these days, it's always heartwarming to have a real reunion. Here, the grandkids made an extra special sign to welcome nana back!

On first glance, it looks colorful. But what are they saying, really? Where has grandma been, while she was away? Rehab, they say? Just a silly prank — Rehabilitation surgery is totally different! The sign probably brought some comic relief, though. That's what kids are for, after all!
Who's That Girl?
It's official: Photobomb has entered the Oxford Language dictionary. According to the wordsmiths over there, this means to ''spoil a photograph of (a person or thing) by unexpectedly appearing in the camera's field of view as the picture is taken, typically as a prank or practical joke.'' Today is that day, thanks to one special guest!

At the end of the line, a gray and bearded fellow has come to join in on the fun. It's not like there are any formal rules about who can pose pretty. The question is, will he ever get to see the film developed? Now that he's viral online, he just might!
My Hump, My Hump, My Hump
Camels have been domesticated for thousands of years. Clever desert dwellers figured out these friendly beasts were the perfect ride in the sand. And they were! These days, the camel corner is a popular choice for tourists. But today, things got too wild!

What was this gal's offense? Hard to say, without speaking camel. Usually, they just spit when they're mad — no fun, for those in the line of fire! But today, this angry boy wants to send a stronger message. A camera caught it all in action: Get off my lumps, lady! Chomp, nibble, nibble.
Whoever decided to place this ATM is either extremely tall or has no concept of common sense. The machine is just so high up that no one is going to be able to reach it, it is, therefore, completely useless.

Even if you were a giant who could insider your card, you still wouldn’t be able to see the screen or operate the buttons. We are sure someone had some stern words to say about this particular fail.
Street Painters Revenge
This road crew was definitely being passive-aggressive here when this motorist ignored the “no parking” cones. But was it right to unleash this road rage?

It’s a pretty safe bet to say the line painter was in a different kind of line after this. The unemployment line! But after a few laughs and a viral photo, maybe it was all worth it. The car was boring, anyway! Yellow has a way of brightening things up, in case the owner asks.
Monkey See, Monkey DON'T
Don’t you just wish you were right there, taking the monkey’s position? Posing for the camera with these 3 gorgeous ladies is something this monkey seems to be enjoying

. As a matter of fact, it looks like there’s some monkey business going on there, unaware to the girl in the red bikini. It should go without saying that you better not ape this primate's behavior.
Don't Mess with the Coach
I gotta say, the coach looks pretty calm for someone having a massive basketball flying his way and ultimately into his face. He probably has a really big pain tolerance, or he wants to look extremely manly by shedding no tear.

If it were a different looking picture, we would easily say that it's all about perspective, but the poor coach has his face looking squished like a tiny Pug puppy.
I'm Not Touching That Pot Of Gold
It might not be possible for the sun to shine out of his posterior but this is amazing though.

It perfectly placed, especially when you think about the second rainbow looking like it’s going into his mouth. Could he be possibly drinking his own rainbow? Because if that’s the case, that not just okay.
No Pain, No Vein
If you ever wanted to see how a live human brain looks, all you need to do is become a brain surgeon. If that isn’t to your liking, then you can just watch this guy whenever he visits the gym.

So clear are the outlines on his head, you can practically see each membrane of his brain. He should also consider auditioning for the role of “Thing” for any Fantastic Four productions.
Doggo Style
It's unusual, but there is something more eye-catching in this picture than the model. Soaked, sultry, and on all fours? Seems like that would be center stage, any day! Yet still, something else in the background is stealing the show.

Even as this miss slyly eyes the camera, few viewers notice her at all. It's not the breezy scenery. As it happens, a few pooches have snuck into the frame. They don't seem to realize their romantic moment has been captured for a wider audience, all over the net. The model certainly doesn't!
Who Is The Photobomber?
Taking a closer look at this picture, you’d find the dog is actually the only one ready for this photo.

.Perhaps, this is the world’s first pet selfie. Is the dog photobombing these girls’ photos or is it the other way round?
Don’t Push Me ‘Cuz I Am Close To The Edge
This is not so much of a building disaster as an architectural one. One guy has his hands on his head, you can almost see him wondering what on earth happened here?

You would think that at some stage either the architect or the many construction workers that were actually building this bridge would have noticed that the bridge was not going to meet up and was, in fact, off by a fair few meters.
It would be interesting to find out what happened in the hours following this disastrous discovery.
Parking Issues
Yet another pilot that missed the parking memo… I would bet these two pilots were at the same flying school!

Extreme Duckface
Do any of you remember middle school when we all made duck faces to look gorgeous in our picture?

This man tried his best to tune in his inner middle school girl, but absolutely failed at the hands of extreme helium abuse. At least he gets an A for a major, dangerous effort!
TSA At Its Best
TSA can sometimes be known to take their job a little too seriously and go somewhat overboard.

This guy is exhibit A…we are all hoping none of us ever get screened quite like this!
How Cathletic!
What’s new pussycat? As much as we respect the comfort and versatility of wrestling singlets, the graphic here couldn’t look less harmless. What is the message the wearer wishes to give others?

Apparently, the comfort of wearing spandex/lycra, or nylon wasn’t enough, so this gentleman wanted something which reminded them of something even more fluffy.
Poor Prince Charming
Prince Charming here is drowning in an overdose of Cinderella's giant fluff ball of a gown.

Don't you think she should wait until the marriage gets completely rocky to suffocate him with her awful clothing articles? Then again, this may be just a preview of what he should expect at home.
Every Dog Has Its Day

It was at that point she knew it wasn’t a wise idea to bury herself in the sand. It’s moments like this that make you wonder why you didn’t shell out a few extra bucks every month to get you dog pooch trained. We hope no lasting damage was done.
Moderation is Key
Most people are well aware of the stereotype that Canadians are “too nice” for their own good – but is there any truth to that claim?

If this sign has any point at all, it's meant to prove the case! What is this woman upset about? And why just a little? And if only a little, why all the effort with the sign? It's snowing, people! She probably is more passionate than it seems, given the weather. Most people certainly stayed at home. Canadian passion underestimated, yet again!
Just Spell it Out
Casual wear, cool shades, star-spangled bandanna. The main character of this moment certainly has a sense of style. But whatever he is opposing today is lost on the viewer for one other reason. Any grammar Nazi can see the issue, right away!

"Get a brain," he says. "Morans," he shouts in print. As passionate as he may be, this man clearly wasn't the spelling bee district champion. Moran should be moron, silly! Not the best word for such an error, given the point of his sign. Live and learn, right?
Pooch Party
Fashion taste is hard to pin down, and animal ethics vary. Audiences will probably be divided on this one. But many on both sides of the aisle will call these outfits animal cruelty!

What is going on with that skunk wig, first and foremost? Dressing dogs should be a social crime, unless it's actually stylish. Do these tiny little wedding outfits improve their furry lives? Are they even really getting married? It's all doggy doo doo, we say. A fluffy farce!
Gender Equal
"When you open the shop tomorrow morning just put up the new posters of the man and woman. It's easy, you'll know what to do." NOT.

There are some things in life that one does not need to practice or learn how to do. Like matching swimsuits on a man and woman's body. It's elementary, really.
Stairway To Hogwarts
We love the architect who decided to draw this particular stairway design mainly because we believe that these stairs secretly move like the ones in Hogwarts.

All we need now is for Harry Potter to show up to tell us how we can actually work these stairs and hopefully let us in on the secret of where they actually lead. Maybe the architect could send an owl and get Harry on the case as soon as possible.
Partners in Crime

These two put on one beautiful show of partners in crime. Generally, the greater evil of a bullfight is the man who makes the bull go crazy, but in this one, he is going crazy with his bull. I call this performance, "Partners in Crime".
Broke and Broken
Payback served on a golden platter? Coming right up, don't worry. When Steven was driving to work, probably without a care in the world, he stumbled across this billboard. Slowing down to read the text, the dread must have been delicious! For Emily, that is.

One thing is for sure, gentlemen. No one cheats on Miss E and gets away with it. This time, a billboard was employed. Next time, it could be a jingle on the radio — or even a PSA commercial, on local TV! Better luck next time, Stevie.
I Love Lamp
Cats seem to dominate the internet, most days. And why shouldn't they? In America alone, there are more than 95 million of them sauntering around. With numbers that high, the potential to capture at least a few silly moments is guaranteed. Look at this one, right meow!

Those big, fluffy Persians can be a lot of work. Managing all that fur is full time job! It looks like one owner tried to give this kitty a trim, but the outcome was misleading: That small shade hole is still a hazard! Big, furry head and small, cramped lamp are no fun, today.
It's Not Steroids
According to legendary strongman Arnold Schwarzenegger: “There are no shortcuts—everything is reps, reps, reps.” In his competition days, he looked pretty much like this! What is this girl's routine, and how does she train?

On closer inspection, something seems a bit off. Is this subject actually hiding her hands and arms? Is there perhaos a man, standing directly behind her, too? Yes, a real bodybuilder behind her gives a very different impression, indeed! Maybe she does go to the gym, regularly. But in the spirit of honest feedback, she's not quite there yet!