You are what you eat, and that's not always a good thing these days! When Shannon Cooper gave birth to a baby girl, she decided to parent in a way that fit in with her lifestyle as a health and wellness coach. Why not start things out right, nutritionally?
Sweet, Innocent Grace
Modern parents might find her choices a little unorthodox, but Shannon knew there was no official manual to follow on raising kids. She had her own plan, and her own reasoning for the little one she loved!

Shannon decided new baby Grace would be on a healthy eating plan from the very beginning. But in this case, it meant no sugar or carbs – and eventually, the keto diet, of all things! Young Grace is surviving on this radical routine, but what sort of effect has it had? Not everyone agrees this is a good idea in the least!
Read on to find out the shocking results of the keto kid lifestyle, next!
Opinions, Opinions
Shannon Cooper’s life has been dedicated to understanding the human body and how it is affected by diet and nutrition. As a wellness coach, she really does know about healthy lifestyles!

Maybe that's why she was more than a little surprised to get such negative feedback about her sugar-free baby feeding plan. Once the media got a hold of the news, even some experts condemned Shannon as a fanatic! New moms often find that everyone has an opinion about child rearing, and they don't hold back with unsolicited advice. This case was no exception. How did Shannon initially react?
You Are What You Eat
Why, she pressed right ahead! As a health and wellness guru, Shannon Cooper had a wealth of knowledge about how different foods affect health and well being. She was confident about it, in fact, and ignored the criticism.

Shannon believed that while food is essential for fueling our bodies, some types of food are akin to poison. Yes, really! This belief led her to make the controversial decision to remove carbs and sugar from her daughter’s diet. Frankly, most people seem to be trying to cut the same thing these days! Why not babies, too?
And You Are What You Ate
Shannon Cooper took the old saying, "you are what you eat" one step further. She developed her own phrase: "You are what you eat-ate." What did she mean, exactly?

Well, the animals live and eat before we eat. And then we eat them! With free-range eggs, customers can expect to receive around 19 times higher Omega 3 content than an average egg that has come from a caged hen. Beef is also affected nutritionally depending on farming techniques. Knowing this, Shannon decided to test her theory a bit further. How, though?
Uncommon Wisdom
With an early interest in health and nutrition, Shannon Cooper entered the field obtaining a degree in agricultural science. She studied how plants are grown and treated when they are destined for the human food chain.

Her knowledge and experience in food production and health was no amateur guess! When Grace was born, Shannon realized that she had to decide how she was going to raise her to be as healthy as possible. It was time to put theory into practice, critics be damned!
Baby's Sweet Enough
When Grace arrived, Shannon got down to business. She cut out sugar, carbs and all foods with preservatives! Things were already leaning pretty keto, at this stage: The new mom would consider nothing less for her precious baby girl.

Always very conscious about the type of food Grace was given, the little one was put on a strict diet. Some questioned why a baby had to adhere to such a specific regimen. Millions of children seem to be okay snacking, at least once in a while. Did mom have her own secret body image issues going on?
A Gut Instinct
Nothing of the sort, folks! Shannon was not putting Grace on a diet because she had a weight issue. She already had her own similar routine sorted out, though not quite keto. As a Paleo diet gal for most of her adult life, mom was in great shape!

Like in her own life, Shannon restricted anything processed or preserved for her little one. This included baby food straight from the jar. As a “gut health enthusiast,” she was determined to ensure that her child received the benefits she already had as a balanced adult. What could be so wrong with that, in the eyes of the public?
Cavewomen, Unite
The Paleo Diet, short for Paleolithic diet, has also been called the stone age or caveman diet. What in the world could that mean, these days?

The idea is simple: Folks should only be eating foods Paleolithic people would have been able to find by hunting and gathering. Sounds wild! But in reality, this just means eating meat, fish, and a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. Shannon started Paleo in 2010, and she credits it with transforming her life. How did it affect her health, right away?
More Than A Feeling
Shannon Cooper had suffered from food allergies for years before she adopted the Paleo lifestyle. It was these health issues that first made her to try removing food from her diet that didn’t make her feel quite right.

To Shannon, it felt like the food that should have been providing fuel for her body was poisoning her. Food is not supposed to make us feel unwell! Quite the opposite, in fact. Shannon knew she needed to make changes to her diet, and she started investigating alternatives to feel better. But was there really a one-size-fits-all answer?
Sugar, Shmugar
When Shannon Cooper finally tried the popular Paleo Diet, she knew she had found the one that worked for her. Not only did she feel more energized, but she felt so much healthier than ever before!

The method cuts out all additives, preservatives, carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods. But the controversy around the diet is really that it also advocates avoiding dairy, legumes, and grains. Sound tough to follow, really! What did other experts have to say about the concept that made Shannon finally feel better?
Medically Questionable?
As with most diets, the Paleo diet has its good and bad. A lot of experts agree that pre-modern humans had a healthier diet than many do now!

In Paleolithic times, humans ate much more fresh produce – around 3 times more than the average American. Their diet was richer in protein, unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. They also ate way less salt! Sounds smarter, but could it really benefit a 21st-century baby?
Pros and Cons
The main critique of the Paleolithic diet is that most human ancestors were not in the best of health. Their life expectancy was pretty low, frankly!

Back in the day, cavemen suffered from all sorts of issues including parasites, infectious disease, and even hardened arteries. This is a fact that is sometimes ignored by Paleo enthusiasts! While processed food might be bad stuff, is excluding legumes, dairy products and grains a good thing? Some started to say that Shannon Cooper’s baby might be harmed, despite her intentions.
Caution is Key
Shannon Cooper decided that she needed some answers and arranged a consultation with a doctor to discuss the diet, particularly in terms of its safety for a youngster. Was there any medical research on the effects of raising a child on this diet?

Shannon’s doctor was not keen about her radical dietary choice for her child, in the light of the fact that very little information exists about this particular aspect of the Paleo diet. When Grace was born, Shannon decided to use the Paleo diet as a guideline – with one very important exception.
The Big Exception
Shannon knew that she had to make sure that Grace received every important nutrient. Shannon decided that she would breastfeed for the first few months, which was an important exception to the ‘no milk’ rule. Grace needed the best possible start to life!

To those that don’t eat the Paleo diet, this seems like a pretty obvious choice. But oddly enough, not every parent makes this allowance for a child on the plan! Shannon wasn't going to be too extreme, and she made further effort to research any potential problems that the diet might cause. What did she find?
Do It Yourself Dilemma
These days, there are many recipes available for Paleo infant formulas. But the DIY recipes and experts do not seem to agree that many, if any, of these are safe for use.

According to one nutritional experts, Paleo baby formula can be downright dangerous. One recipe by celebrity chef Pete Evans was categorized as dangerous enough to risk permanent damage or death! He was forced to change the recipe in his book after it was deemed unsafe by containing things that babies are simply not able to digest. Yikes, did Shannon avoid this digestion disaster?
Best For Baby
Shannon stuck with her own natural milk, thankfully. And soon, it was time for the next stage! While many parents give their children the food from mass-produced jars off supermarket shelves, this was not going to be food for Grace.

This was never an option! Shannon believed her daughter deserved to get nutrients from wholesome, healthy and natural foods prepared in her own kitchen. Cooking baby’s food is something a lot of parents do – but the question remained whether or not the Paleo diet would be healthy for such a young child, in any form. Was there something better?
Creating Guidelines
The experiment began slowly. Shannon was giving Grace small amounts of chicken and prepared vegetables while she was still breastfeeding, and later made sure she prepared all her baby food in line with the Paleo diet.

Nothing that Shannon Cooper prepared contained anything unnatural in terms of processing ingredients, preservatives, or sugar. That alone made it a lot healthier than many commercial brands of baby food. Great news! But Shannon was not prepared for the unexpected effect the Paleo diet would have on her daughter. What happened to little Grace?
Not Your Average Babe
Just like any proud mother, Shannon uploaded photos of Grace and the meals she was eating on Instagram. Although many children reject foods like broccoli, Grace was pictured happily munching away.

Shocking stuff! By the time she was 13 months old, it was clear that Grace’s diet was a lot healthier than that of many other children and adults. Good news, many would assume. But issues remained about long-term effects of the Paleo diet: Was Grace really getting all the nutrition she needed to grow?
Tricked By Treats
13-month old Grace was happily enjoying foods that would make a lot of children throw a tantrum – foods like chia pudding, quinoa porridge and saeurkrat were all things she found tasty. However, there were many common foods that Grace had never tasted.

According to Shannon, Grace loved her special food and enjoyed being a Paleo kid. Unlike other children, she had never once tried any of the sugary treats normally marketed to her age group. Some parents might think that Grace was really missing out on the joys of food with friends. Was she secretly sad, at least a little?
Big Results
The results, according to Shannon, have been incredible. Grace is certainly healthy: According to her mom, she has only been sick once with a mild cold!

This is an amazing claim, since it is well known that most children get a lot of small illnesses when they are very young. According to Shannon, Grace did spend time with kids who have the usual coughs and colds. But for whatever reason, she just doesn’t seem to catch any of these things. Is this because of the Paleo diet?
That Strong Immune System
Many people would suggest that Grace has simply been kept away from other children. Shannon denies that she shields her daughter from being in situations where she could catch something, though.

She strongly maintains that her “nutrient-dense” Paleo Diet is naturally boosting Grace’s immune system. In fact, she has written several cookbooks with the aim to pass on information about healthy paleo kid meal prep. What kind of tasty recipes does she recommend, above all?
Ketogenic, After All
It turns out that Shannon is not totally inflexible. And as it turns out, the diet is bit more keto than paleo! What's the difference? The ketogenic diet focuses a lot more on manipulating macronutrients. That means fat, carbs, and protein! Shannon is not stuck on any labels, though. Her method is little different, and total adaptable!

Shannon prefers not to eliminate any particular food based on its name, but focuses on the nutritional content. She loves to take delicious recipes and change them to suit her goals. While that might be yummy for now, what will happen when Grace starts attending birthday parties or other social events where she may be tempted to break the diet?
Always Realistic
Shannon is pretty pragmatic about the challenge. She has chosen to raise Grace on what most consider a pretty strict diet, but she does know that realistically Grace will probably grow up and eat other foods sometimes.

Shannon said that she is not going to freak out if Grace eats a slice of bread, or try to stop her going to her friends’ parties. She acknowledges that if her daughter does go, she will just eat what is available. What about when Grace suddenly decides that she is going to choose at home, though? The day is coming!
Healthy For Life?
Shannon has said that when Grace is older, she can definitely make her own decisions. But she has a sneaking suspicion that the diet will be permanent, voluntarily!

After all, she has been on a long term diet that makes her healthy and happy! Maybe one day Grace will return from a party feeling unwell, having over indulged on junk food. And maybe it will encourage Grace to eat less sugary food next time! Surely other parents could see the wisdom in this healthy, educated start. Or could they?
Accepting Feedback
Although Shannon Cooper remained committed to her parenting regime, the negative comments online did not stop over the years. Not at all, in fact!

While Shannon did get some positive responses, a large proportion of the feedback she received was extremely critical of her decision to put a child as young a Grace onto such a specific diet. Shannon was upset by the conversations, and a bit critical of the critics! What was their kiddie meal list, anyway?
A Little Puzzled
What Shannon Cooper really couldn’t understand was why there were so many parents who thought it was okay to feed their own children junk food, but objected to her plan.

The negative feedback from these parents puzzled her entirely. If Shannon chose to feed her daughter fresh, whole foods, they were upset and angry? She just found it strange that people thought feeding a child vegetables was offensive in some way. In fact, she would have thought parents would appreciate the idea. What was wrong with society, seriously?
Super Media Storm
As half-true rumors of Shannon’s quest to raise her daughter on a Paleolithic Diet spread, people stormed social media to give more opinions. Worldwide, even! Some experts in the field also had comments to make, like Dr. Rosemary Stanton.

While there does seem to be a sugar overload these days, the doc cautioned still parents against Paleo and restricted diets in general. She stated that there was no valid reason for it at all! The dietitian also offered Shannon some advice to improve growth for Grace: Add some chickpeas and alfalfa. Did she listen?
Sugar Police Attack
Actually, Shannon Cooper listened to the doc's advice. Chickpeas are yummy, and it was a great idea! But overall, mom decided that her daughter Grace was extremely healthy and happy, she loved her food, and that the naysayers’ opinions were not a priority.

Shannon is convinced that the food that Grace is given is not the slightest bit odd. In fact, it is not anything other people don’t eat on a regular basis. She told her critics exactly that! Shannon thinks she is not a fanatical mom in practice, even if keto or paleo seem like scary words. How did the results relate?
Public Relations Fail
The fact is, Grace has grown into a happy and healthy 3 year old child who has only ever been sick one time. Shannon Cooper has certainly been doing something right! Could it be her idea of keto fusion?

Shannon is adamant that she wanted Grace to eat foods that make her feel happy and healthy. She is also cautious to avoid teaching eating disorder behavior, prevalent among modern girls. To communicate this better with the world, Shannon started an online project. Would her idea get better PR, this time?
Helping Others Win
Shannon Cooper runs a website called "My Food Religion". With her background in science and animal health and her work as a food, health, and wellness coach, she has a lot to share!

These days, Shannon is making people’s lives better through their mouths. She gives workshops and private classes aimed at helping everyone choose exactly what their body needs. Keto, Paleo, or otherwise, people need to know the things they should avoid. And in the meantime, young Grace continues to grow. What is she up to, at the moment?
School Finally Starts
Grace started kindergarten in August 2018. Naturally, the tech savvy Shannon took to social media to share the occasion with friends and fans. Like most parents, she is amazed at how fast Grace has grown!

However, what is most amazing to Shannon is how wonderfully healthy her daughter is. And yes, she believes that this is because of her keto-like practices! Mom knows how fast this time will go, and the temptations remain everywhere out there. As Grace gets older, is she really guaranteed to continue with this good health streak?
Sunny Days, Healthy Ways
Shannon Cooper is clear that there is no way she is going to force her views on her daughter forever. However, Grace is loving the keto lifestyle so far!

Even on vacation together in Greece, the pair can be seen happily snacking on some delicious strawberries. Shannon knows that life can be just as much fun eating sugar-free goodies. In fact, she can prove it! Her website, blog and social media are full of recipes and pictures of meals that anyone would be happy to eat. But some may ask: What about dessert?
Total Foodies
Shannon knows that you can still indulge yourself even if you follow a strict Paleo regime. There are plenty of recipes that she shares online including the super tasty “Nut Free No Bake Fig & Quinoa Bars”.

In fact, Shannon believes that healthy alternatives are just as tasty as their processed counterparts. And they are so much better, health-wise! The Quinoa Bars, for example, don’t even need any cooking. Easy to make, easy to enjoy. And outside of snacking, she has a few more tips for readers. There's a lot ,more to health than food, it turns out!
Meditate On It
Shannon's lifestyle is really more than what's on the dinner place. Through her online channels, she promotes a wholesome way of life with meditation techniques and sleep improvement.

Shannon uses her Instagram account to share her own experiences and to engage in a dialogue with others about their own methods. So zen! She is determined to keep the conversation going, and of course, to pass the knowledge of how powerful this can be on to Grace as she grows.
PR Boxes Galore
Shannon Cooper wants to continue to share her lifestyle and dietary decisions with Grace and believes that as she gets older, her daughter should be informed every step of the way. And she makes it fun!

It is important to Shannon that Grace understands why she decided to start such a natural diet from birth. She includes her daughter in surprise unboxings, like the shipped produce from Goodnessmebox. Together, they reviewed the monthly subscription that sends organic food direct to the family's door. What other reviews does Shannon share with fans?
Health Brand Hit List
Shannon Cooper has her favorite brands but she won’t endorse just anything – she always likes to try them out for herself and work with the companies personally before she shares anything with her followers.

Among the companies Shannon promotes are a home workout program, PrimalThenics, and a natural skincare regime without toxins, Cleanse Skincare. Of course there are food brands in there too, like Crema Coffee Garage. She seems to be a big fan of their supply of organic coffee! And a good cup of Joe is necessary for her other big project. What is she up to, nowadays?
Verbal Victory
Shannon Cooper has many talents. Besides being an in-person health and wellness coach, she loves writing! Shannon has published ebooks for adults on healthy diets, and she claims that even strict Paleo can include bacon.

In fact, she's a self-confessed bacon addict! Shannon has written 3 recipe books so far. Her aim is to show people that removing sugars, grains, dairy and gluten can make them look and feel good, without compromising on taste. But can people without culinary talent really succeed in this heavily homemade lifestyle?
Workshops Down Under
Shannon Cooper has traveled across Australia to spread her message. Besides talking about the Paleo diet that she personally loved for so many years, she often collaborates with other health bloggers and professionals on general health and well being.

At the end of the day, Shannon feels that her body has changed for the better by cleansing her gut. A trendy topic these days! Her response to any negativity has been to portray exactly what Paleo is and how it has positively impacted her personally. Plus, the commitment mom and daughter have to healthy eating in general helped bond her with Grace. A big plus!
Not Too Matchy-Matchy
Grace and Shannon have a close relationship and love to wear matching outfits – like unicorn pajamas! The pair just love to match up, beyond shared elements of paleo and keto.

Stunningly, some of Shannon’s critics have claimed that restrictions for kids is a form of abuse! They claim her social media platforms are a way she can share her daughter with the world. Shannon consistently emphasizes that she does not force anything on Grace, who remains happy and energetic. What do most of her followers think?
Authentic Testimonials
There are many people who follow Shannon Cooper’s vision of a healthy lifestyle, and really appreciate the Paleo Diet as adults. Many positive testimonials have flooded in, and she publishes on "My Food Religion".

Shannon is not about coercion regarding paleo or keto. Her website gives people advice and information! The healthy mom simply thinks that if people do decide to give it a try, they will love it and want to continue. She says this is what makes her work in the field worthwhile. As Shannon always says: "You are what you eat-ate"!