We see our favorite (and least favorite) celebrities in movies, on TV, and in magazines, but sometimes, we also see them in a different way.
Celebrities, like the rest of us, sometimes make bad decisions and end up arrested in the back of a police car.
If you think the life of a celebrity is all glamour and fame, think again, because these mugshots are far from the red carpet.
Get ready to find out what landed these famous faces behind bars. The crime may not be what you thought! You won't believe who ended up on the list...
Alec Baldwin
Rap sheet:
- 2018: Arrested for punching a man in the jaw is a dispute over a car spot.
- 2014: Arrested in New York City for cycling the wrong way on a one-way street.
- 1995: Arrested for allegedly hitting a paparazzi in LA.

In November 2018, Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested and charged with assault and harassment. Why? You ask.
Because of a dispute over a parking spot. And that's according to New York police. The "other guy" is a 49-year-old man, and he sustained an injury to the left jaw after being punched.
However, some tweets, which seem to have come from Alec himself deny it all.
"Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today's story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false. I wanted to go on the record stating as much. I realize that it has become a sport to tag people with as many negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of clickbait entertainment. Fortunately, no matter how reverberating the echos, it doesn't make the statements true."
Bill Cosby
Rap sheet:
- 2018: Three counts of aggravated indecent assault.

Once the "TV father" of America and the world, Bill Cosby was the one to look up to when having family problems.
Or at least that was what we wanted to believe. The perfect family on The Cosby Show was too perfect or even sci-fi in the eyes of 2018 viewers, but back then, it was funny, smart and full of bits of advice to help us all.
No one could have thought that behind that smiling face hid a sexual predator. We first heard about it around 2000 when complaints started to surface against the actor but they were all hushed down.
Then in 2014 they got stronger until the #METOO campaign really brought them out to light. He is now sentenced to 3-10 years in prison.
Aaron Carter
Rap Sheet:
- 2017: Driving under the influence and marijuana possession.

Although it sounds bad, a tearful Carter explained himself away at an interview after the 2017 arrest.
Carter said he does not drink nor does he have a drug problem. “I don't need help," he said.
"What I need is for people to understand that I'm human and that I make mistakes just like every other human in this world, but I would never risk my life or my girlfriend's life." He stated.
No Drinking
He did admit that when the cops stopped him he told them he had marijuana in his car, but claimed he had not had anything to drink.

He also said he did smoke 9 hours before but that his smoking usage is to treat anxiety and arise appetite. Hmmm, do we give Mr. Carter the benefit of the doubt? You decide!
Justin Bieber
Rap sheet:
- 2013: Smoking Marijuana, Assaulting his limo driver in Canada, Graffiti in Brazil.
- 2014: Assaulting a paparazzi in Argentina, Egging his neighbor's house, driving under the influence, resisting arrest, driving with an expired license, and underage drinking in Miami.

Dealing with success isn't easy, especially if it comes so big and so sudden like it did with Justin Bieber. He started out as a teen heartthrob, but Justin Bieber quickly morphed into a troublemaker.
Lamborghini Racing
Despite having minor run-ins with the law in 2013, his first arrest was in Miami in 2014, when he was caught drag racing with non-other than a Lamborghini.
His year quickly spiraled out of control and he ran a rap sheet that wouldn't shame an upstarting hoodlum.

His antics cost him his relationship with Selina Gomez and numerous fans. In fact, it looked as if Bieber was heading down Lindsay Lohan lane.
Bieber recently did an interview and apology tour where he described himself as a “changed man." Currently, his tour is considered a massive success and it looks like he has really reformed his way. Let's hope he Keeps it up!
Amanda Bynes
Rap sheet:
- 2012: 7 driving accidents, driving while talking on her mobile phone + driving off before getting a ticket, arrested for two hit-and-run driving accidents, was caught drink-driving and was arrested on marijuana charges.
- 2013: Arrested for criminal possession of marijuana, attempted tampering with evidence and reckless endangerment.
- 2014: Arrested for DUI.
- 2016: DUI + colliding with a police car. 2 hits and runs.

Amanda Bynes was yet another 16 year old starlet about to explode as the next big thing. We all know the story only too well.
Young starlet from nowhere suddenly becomes a household name with paparazzi following her every move, and over night half the world is following her on social media waiting for every fall, stumble, or worse.
It takes a very strong character not crash into the known pitfalls on that path, and usually, the professionals around her don't do enough to steer her away from trouble. Combined with her knack to hit and run and DUI, it's a recipe for disaster.
Back in the saddle
A long list of DUIs, accidents and hit and runs, drug possession, bundled with endless odd and bizarre social media tweets and posts tell the whole tale.

There are always talks about rehab, maturity and even about her returning to the screen buzzing around. As of 2017, Bynes seems to be doing well after more treatment, and recently was spotted looking healthy. She's also more active on social media.
Mark Salling
Rap sheet
- 2015: Child Pornography.

To say we were shocked over this next star arrest is an understatement. Mark Salling, a Glee star, was arrested in December 2015 and was charged with possessing several thousand photos and images of the act.
The news broke that a former lover turned him into the feds, and many were left wondering just who that was and we still don’t know. Later in 2016 a former girlfriend reported to the police that Mark had raped her but the allegations were dismissed.
Co-star and former girl-friend Naya Rivera whom Salling had a three year relationship with, published a book about her relationship with Salling and wrote:
“I think everyone should have that one relationship where you look back and ask yourself, ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ You’ll learn something and you won’t regret it. Unless, of course, that relationship was with someone who had a sizable stash of child porn on his computer. Then, by all means, regret everything.”

Salling was convicted in December 2017 and was facing 4 - 7 years in prison but was found dead from an apparent suicide by hanging on January 30, 2018.
Reese Witherspoon
Rap Sheet:
2013: Disorderly conduct.
Yeap, even all American Sweetheart Reese Witherspoon had a run-in with the boys in blue.
Way back in 2013 the Oscar winner was arrested for disorderly conduct when she got into a fight with a police officer. Witherspoon and hubby Jim Toth were driving back home when he was pulled over being suspected of driving under the influence.

Witherspoon, who admittedly had one or two too many came at Atlanta's finest with her mouth on fire blaring at them to let Toth go and instantly got cuffed.
During the video, Toth is gallantly trying to calm Reese down ready to accept his punishment like a man. Reese then goes on to ask the officer if he knew who she was and promising him a media hell.
Well, things didn't really pan out the way at all.
Too Hot for the Police
Witherspoon later described the experience as mortifying and the couple issued an apology almost the next day, taking responsibility for everything and promising to never have another similar incident.
When her mugshot started circulating you can see her looking down rather than the camera. This sparked public outcry on grounds of preferential treatment.

The police said themselves that the charges against Witherspoon were minor, and therefore the mugshot issue was not forced.
The Weeknd
Rap Sheet:
- 2015: One count of misdemeanor battery of a protected person, arrested for allegedly punching a police officer inside the Cromwell Hotel.

While his songs are filled with late-night misbehavior, it seems The Weekend has been misbehaving when the sun comes out too.
The sexy R&B singer, Abel Tesfaye known as The Weekend was arrested in an altercation at 2:20 a.m.
Back on Track
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Laura Meltzer told Billboard that when officers tried to get involved, Tesfaye allegedly struck one of them in the head with his fist.

However, he managed to get out of jail time after pleading no contest to the assault charge.
Seemed the singer has since cleaned up his image and recently has been spotted out and about with his new girlfriend, the beautiful Bella Hadid.
Nick Carter
Rap Sheet:
- 2015: Assult.

Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys' arrest gained him the nickname “Backstreet thug” after he allegedly tried to choke a bouncer in Florida.
The singer got belligerent when he was denied entry to a Key West bar. Guess he couldn’t get it "that way"... This situation led to a bar brawl led by Carter.
Not only was he arrested for the bar fight, but he was later sued by one of the employees for the incident who said she was hurt. Carter was considered lucky.
While the outcome of the civil suit is yet to be determined, the assault charges were dropped after Carter did 25 hours of community service and paid a small fine.
The deal was part of a pretrial intervention program for people with a minimal criminal history. In addition, Carter wasn't barred from drinking, but only drinking excessively. That's good advice for anyone.
Chris Soules
Rap Sheet:
- 1998: Speeding (aged 16!!!)
- 2001: Three times possession of alcohol while underage, failure to maintain control of his vehicle.
- 2002: Unlawful use of a license, fighting/noise violations, stop or yield sign violation, leaving the scene of an accident (later corrected to defective brakes).
- 2003: Failure to comply with safety regulation rules.
- 2005: Operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
- 2006 - 2017: Multiple speeding tickets and registration violation.
- 2017: Fatal car accident.

He’s not as big a name as others on this list, but the former "Bachelor" and "Dancing with the Stars" reality star Chris Soules, was arrested on April 2017 for leaving the scene of the accident.
The ABC reality star rear-ended a tractor while driving in his home state, Iowa.
In his defense, no traces of alcohol or drugs were found in his blood, and before fleeing the scene, he checked on the driver and dialed 911 telling the operator what had happened and where.
So after the dust cleared, and there was no alcohol involved, and the victim's family (who know Chris as their bordering neighbor) have spoken in his favor, the court still denied his motion to dismiss a felony charge against him.
His lawyers are arguing that there is no probable cause because it has been substantiated that Chris stayed back to check the victim's pulse and call the accident in. Strange...
Robert Downey Jr.
Rap Sheet:
- 1996: DUI, possessing cocaine, heroin, crack and possession of a Magnum revolver.
- 2000: Arrested for possession of cocaine.
- 2001: Arrested again for being under the influence of drugs.

Robert Downey Jr is now Iron Man, but for a time in the 90’s, he was going down a much different road.
RDJ suffered from a serious drug addiction and substance abuse. Naturally, these led to several arrests, rehabs and cost him his relationship with Sarah Jessica Parker and Deborah Falconer. Yet somehow his talent was able to overshadow his bad habits.
He has been sober and clean since 2003 and credits his wife Susan Levin, his family, therapy, meditation, twelve-step recovery programs, yoga and the practice of Wing Chun kung fu for his recovery.
Louis Tomlinson
Rap Sheet:
- 2017: Battery.

The One Direction charmer sent a shock among his fans when he was arrested for battery. The arrested stemmed from an incident where Tomlinson had attacked a paparazzi while at the Los Angeles International Airport.
A fan also says she was “socked” in the face during the incident as well. The papers described the incident as a “brawl.”
Tomlinson posted $20,000 bail and had a court date in March 2017. The video of the incident made it to the Internet (of course) and it shows Tomlinson flipping the photographer on his back.
As these things go, charges were dropped. spokesman for the LA City Attorney, Frank Mateljan said "Each of the parties will be interviewed regarding the incident and advised of the law and ways to avoid similar incidences in the future.
Typically there is no further action taken by our office after the hearing, though we do reserve the right to file charges up to one year from the date of the original incident should additional information or future actions require additional measures."
Basically, if Tomlinson is a good boy, in a year this will all go away.
Lindsay Lohan
Rap Sheet:
- 2007: Multiple DUIs, cocaine possession, driving on a suspended license.
- 2008: Additional one year of probation.
- 2010: Probation extended yet again, skips a court date, fitted with an alcohol-monitoring SCRAM device, a drug indicates traces of cocaine in her system.
- 2011: Steals a $2,500 necklace.
- 2012: Car accident with an 18-wheeler, suspected of removing something from the car and lying to the police, hit and run, battery, obstructing an officer.

Lindsay Lohan is a cautionary tale. True, there were many, but she really stands out. The over talented starlet was on the verge of taking over the world, but then, she found herself in a downward spiral while the media and her managers stood by and let the tragedy unfold.
Spending almost 8 years under probation that has only recently been lifted, and without too many dramas in the past five years, her big career is probably behind her but her life is ahead of her.
Focusing mainly on reality shows, prank internet series and unbacked talks about a "Mean Girls" sequel, moving from LA to New York has probably been the best move she's done for herself.
She started a lifestyle website, "Preemium" following Gwyneth Paltrow's footsteps and landed a role in much anticipated British "Comedy Sick Notes".
George Clooney
Rap Sheet:
- 2012: Civil Disobedience

Even George Clooney was arrested at some point - specifically in 2012. Well, it's more of a public relations stunt than a real arrest.
Yes, he was cuffed, yes he was put in the back of a Black & White, but no mugshot was circulated (too bad). Clooney was protesting with his father, Nick Clooney, for Sudan at the Sudanese embassy in DC.
George, attempting to utilize his ultra-celebrity status planned and succeeded in getting both Clooney men arrested for civil disobedience.
You probably forgot that George Clooney was arrested, didn’t you?
Well, that's how successful the public relations stunt really was.
To his credit, Clooney is still an advocate for intervention in the South Sudanese crisis which has cost the lives of over 350,000 men women and children and has rendered almost 2 million people, of which 80% are women and children refugees in neighboring countries.
Martha Stewart
Rap Sheet:
- 2003: Insider Trading.

After being the first and biggest lifestyle Guru (Take lessons Gwyneth Paltrow!) she expanded her investments and was hoping to add areas of influence to her lifestyle empire. To achieve this she invested in the biopharma company "ImClone".
A new ImClone was about to fail FDA regulation – meaning that stock prices were about to drop.
The information regarding the FDA procedure was leaked to Stewart, who in return unloaded $200,000 worth of ImClone stock before the share price dropped and a day ahead of the FDA's decision.
She was convicted in 2004 and spent 5 months in the remote Alderson Federal Prison Camp to discourage the media. After serving her sentence she was placed in a two-year term of supervised release including five of those months home confinement with electronic monitoring.
She was allowed to leave her house for 48 hours per week for work-related visits.
Chris Brown
Rap Sheet:
- 2009: Felony Assault, Making Criminal Threats.
- 2010: Denied visa to UK.
- 2011: Public disorder.
- 2012: Bar fight / brawl, tests positive for marijuana while on probation, violating restraining order.
- 2013: A brawl with Frank Ocean and his entourage (charges dropped), hit and run (charges dropped), felony assault, kicked out of rehab for violent behavior.
- 2015: A concert erupts into a gun fight, battery (charges dropped), fraud (Philippines).
- 2016: Battery (misdemeanor).

Wow, Chris Brown almost can't help it. In fact, maybe he actually can't. In 2014 he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Still, it's certainly no excuse to bash Rihanna. Still, Chris, who did the right thing and pleaded guilty didn’t learn the lesson. His explosive temper has got him into so much trouble, perhaps he needs to add a shrink to his entourage.
Sadly, unlike most of the celebs that found themselves in trouble with the law, Brown seems not to learn the lesson or build a safety net around him. He just keeps getting into trouble.
Will Hayden
Rap Sheet:
- 2009: ATF investigation over 10 unregistered guns.
- 2013: Selling false stock.
- 2014: Rape, Molestation of a Juvenile, Aggravated Crimes Against Nature.

Sometimes, we just misjudge people. Some people are so much more of what they show, especially when they have a dark side. Will Hayden certainly has a very dark, sick and twisted side.
Will Hayden evidently likes his own twelve-year-old girls. He was convicted of raping his ex-girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter, raping his own 12-year-old daughter in the early 1990's and a 37-year-old woman for good measure. The mere idea makes you want to vomit.
The "Sons of Guns" reality star was convicted of in all three cases and was sentenced to 3 life sentences. The 51-year-old reality star/pervert will not be eligible for probation, parole, or suspension of sentence and will probably end his days behind bars.
Phil Rudd
Rap Sheet:
- 2010: Drug possession.
- 2011: Unjustified dismissal of employees.
- 2014: Attempting to procure a murder, threatening to kill, possession of methamphetamine and possession of cannabis.

Sometimes, life and the law just catch up with you. Phil Rudd, former AC/DC drummer was more of a businessman in the past 30 years.
Owning a helicopter company, a farm, racing cars and living in relative privacy in New Zealand, his appearance in the limelight was sporadic at best. In 1991 he returned to AC/DC.
We don't know what sparked the arrest in 2010, but after that Phil was on the police's radar. In 2014 his house was raided and rock fans were shocked that Phil tried to procure a murder.
Thankfully the charges were dropped the next day. He was sentenced to eight months' home detention and ordered to pay NZ$120,000 in reparation for his drug offenses.
Piper Kerman
Rap sheet:
- 1998: Money laundering, drug trafficking.

If you have been following "Orange Is The New Black" and think that the show is freakishly accurate, you're right.
It was written by none other than a hardcore convicted felon. Piper Kerman, the author of the series actually did hard-time.
An outspoken bisexual, Piper struck a relationship with the real-life Nora Johnson back in her teens. Her romantic affair gradually got her involved in a drug trafficking ring run by a Nigerian mobster.
In 2004 she began a fifteen-month sentence of which she served 13 months. Perhaps being one of the first to understand the potential of the internet to create fame through notoriety, she started a website "the Pipebomb" that documented her time behind bars.
This later expanded and evolved into "Orange Is The New Black". Piper's story doesn't mean that crime doesn't pay!
Jane Fonda
Rap Sheet:
- 1970: Drug trafficking, assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest.

Way back in the late 1960's Jane wasn't so popular. A famous left-wing activist opposing the Vietnam war, Fonda gained infamy and notoriety after visiting North Vietnamese soldiers and interviewing American POWs.
Even hardcore anti-war activists felt Jane took it a step too far.
So, back in the US in 1970 at Ohio airport, after returning from an anti-Vietnam war fundraiser in Canada she was asked to show the contents of her bags.
Perhaps it was just an officer that wanted to settle a "national" / personal score but a box of vitamins was found and deemed drugs. The star's protest that these were her vitamins and the labels "B", "L", "D" indicating Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, were to no avail.
She was arrested, her mug shot was taken, her address book (what people used to store phone numbers before the cell phone) photocopied and every pill was tested.
Nothing was found and she was completely cleared.
She believes the Ohio police were under orders from Nixon's white house to create a scandal that would discredit her and almost 5 decades after the incident, she is still vexed at the ordeal.
Blac Chyna
Rap Sheet:
- 2016: Drug possession and disorderly conduct.

Rob Kardashian's former girlfriend, Blac Chyna made her way into the papers for getting busted in Austin International for having 2 ecstasy pills in her purse.
Texas' finest were called in after the former stripper was publicly intoxicated and verbally aggressive towards a bartender who wouldn't give her a refill. The model/reality star kept misbehaving and the cops dragged her away after she passively resisted arrest.
Since then, other than having a big row with Rob Kardashian which included revenge porn videos, restraining orders and other Kardashian / Chyna antics, her third-degree felony charges have been dropped.
The Austin prosecutors dropped the charges due to her good behavior. She also completed a "sufficient amount" of classes, and because it was a non-violent offense.
George Michael R.I.P
Rap Sheet:
- 1998: Engaging in a lewd act.
- 2006: Engaging in anonymous public sex, possession of class C drugs.
- 2007: DUI (narcotics).
- 2008: Possession of Class A and C drugs.
- 2010: DUI (narcotics), car accident.

The guy everyone remembers from Wham! Was a barometer to how society changed in 20 years.
From the hot and sexy talented half of a boy band duo, he gradually came out of the closet and let the world see the challenges of being gay and famous. The loneliness, the stress, and the paparazzi.
To his credit, George was always upfront about his hang-ups, always took responsibility for his actions and blamed himself for his downfalls, except for the 1999 incident.
He was so annoyed for being set up (an undercover police officer acted as a random gay partner and arrested George in the restroom), he made the clip for his single "Outside".
The officer sued for defamation. He lost. He appealed and lost again. As we said, society evolved, even if the officer didn't.
Emma Roberts
Rap Sheet:
- 2013: Domestic Assult.

When you look at Julia Roberts’ niece and Scream Queens star, Emma Roberts, she looks like a very slim figured woman.
Would you believe she was arrested in Canada for domestic assault? The truth is much less dramatic.
She and boyfriend Evan Peters were in a hotel having a heated argument when the cops came to end the dispute and they reportedly found Peters with a bloody nose and a bite mark.
Roberts was apparently bearing bruises as well but the cops arrested the actress for beating Peters. In an act of gallant maturity, he declined to press charges. TMZ got a copy of the arrest video and in it, Roberts is teary-eyed, hugging onto Peters. Later, sources say, "friends were worried she'd be the next Lindsay Lohan.
Despite the incident, the two have had an off / on relationship for years, but were announced to be engaged in January 2017.
They're still not married, but she's wearing an engagement ring!
Paris Hilton
Rap Sheet:
- 2006: DUI.
- 2007: Driving without a license (twice).

It seemed at the time that the "Simple Life" star was looking for all the wrong ways to stay in the limelight. Famously famous for being famous and a sex tape that was leaked just before "Simple Life" started airing, Paris just couldn't stay out of trouble.
There were only three official arrests, but there were several brushes with the LAPD and even more with the paparazzi. It ended up with Paris being locked up for 45 days, of which she did only 22.
Hilton was to some extent blamed for her former friend, Lindsay Lohan's deterioration and even if she had nothing to do with it - she invented trash.
Kim Kardashian and her entire family owe Hilton for their fame. Since her stint in prison, she hasn't had any run-ins with the law, and despite a certain dress in 2014, she focused on her brand and in general public interest in her has waned.
Tiger Woods
Rap Sheet:
- 2009: Car accident, DUI.
- 2017: DUI.

Tiger Wood's main crime was that until 2009, he fooled us all with a perfect life facade.
He was married to one of the most beautiful women in the world, the first Afro-American golf champion, and he single-handily turned golf from a rich middle-aged white man's sport into something cool!
Then one fateful night in 2009 he was found snoring on the side of the road next to his banged up Escalade that had just hit a hydrant and a tree.
What unraveled wasn't a series of run-ins with the law, but a long list of infidelities with endless different women. Within a matter of days, he lost endorsements and advertising deals took a break from golf and eventually divorced from his wife Elin Nordegren.
His career never really recovered.
In 2017 Woods was arrested for a DUI in Florida.
Woods had fallen asleep at the wheel and blamed prescription medication for the DUI. He didn’t have any alcohol in his system but was clearly impaired from taking the pills to treat his recent back surgery.
Now media outlets are using the issue to draw attention to the dangers of prescription painkillers because Woods had a reaction to them. We won't be surprised if Woods champions such a campaign.
Matthew McConaughey
Rap Sheet:
- 1999: Disturbing the peace, dancing naked in public, marijuana possession, charged for resisting transportation.

Texas-born McConaughey surprisingly had a run-in with the law way back in 1999.
McConaughey was arrested after a law complaint by a neighbor led the cops to discover the actor in possession of marijuana. To top it off McConaughey was found dancing naked and playing the bongos at the time of the arrest.
He also had to spend the night in a jail cell.
But, McConoughey takes it all with a grain of salt and is not ruffled by his past misdemeanor.
He was quoted saying on his arrest: “I don’t want to rent a place there, but it was a nice stay for a night.”
His mug shot shows him a little dazed, but barely confused. Although this all seems tame in our generation of a stream of celebrity arrests, back in the day his arrest dented his reputation and had an impact on his public perception.
Snoop Dog
Rap Sheet:
- 1998: Arrested for possession of cocaine.
- 1990: Convicted of felony possession of drugs.
- 1993: Arrested in connection with the death of a member of his rival gang.
- 2006: Possession of a firearm and marijuana.

Snoop Dog, the self-proclaimed pothead, has records spanning from America to Sweden.
From a young age, he was at odds with the law, being arrested for possession of cocaine one year after graduating. Strung that together with several other arrests for possession of firearms, marijuana, and suspicions of underage pornography, Snoop Dog cannot seem to toe to the law.
In his most recent and bizarre run-in with the law, was the fake claims and suspicion of an arrest for conspiracy.
That’s right, in 2017 after releasing a music video when he fires a flag gun at a clown resembling Donal Trump. It turned out to be false news but we wouldn’t be surprised considering his record!
Mel Gibson
Rap Sheet:
- 2006: Arrested for drunk driving.

2006 was not a good year for Mel Gibson.
He was arrested for drunk driving outside his Malibu home, he separated for his wife, and his reputation went to shambles after his anti-Semitic remarks:
“The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world!” the Hollywood star spouted at the time, according to the 2006 arrest report.
However, when Gibson speaks back on the incident, he states that he has apologized countless times, he regrets what he said and it was due to copious amounts of alcohol he consumed.
He claims ten years have gone by, he is sober and feeling good, and asks for people to stop focussing on the misdoings of the past.
Vince Vaughn
Rap Sheet:
- 2001: Arrested in North Carolina after a massive bar brawl.
Vaughn who was in town shooting a movie was drunk and reportedly nearly came to blows with several bar patrons.

The lovable actor has quite a violent streak it seems.
Hunky Vaughn and actor Steve Buscemi were shooting a movie together when they visited the local Wilmington, N.C bar.
The two were arrested in an escalated bar brawler. A witness claimed the fight started when Vaughn began talking to the girlfriend of a local man, Timothy Fogerty, at the Firebelly Lounge in Wilmington.
Five men in total were arrested that night and charged for misdemeanor assault. But no one had it worse than Buscemi who was hospitalized after being stabbed in his throat, head, and arm.
The only good thing that came from it is the mugshot!
Shia LeBeouf
Rap Sheet:
- 1996: Shoplifting (aged 9!!!).
- 1998: Shoplifting.
- 2007: Neighborly dispute, disorderly conduct.
- 2008: DUI.
- 2011: Bar Fight.
- 2014: Disorderly conduct.
- 2015: Public intoxication.
- 2017: public drunkenness, disorderly conduct.

It seems like Shia LeBeouf can't stay out of trouble for too long.
He got picked up twice as a kid and was locked away for six hours each time for shoplifting - once a pair of sneakers and once for trying to steal a Gameboy. It Kind of makes you wonder how many times he got away with it.
Anyway, it looks like he didn't get the message. He kept getting arrested for public drunkenness (once even leading to a bar fight) culminating in a complete breakdown during a Broadway show in 2014.
He spent some time in rehab and went back to his antics a year later, and in July 2017.
He has also found himself a political figure after getting arrested in "He Will Not Divide Us" rally.
The actor was on a live stream of this production when he was arrested by police in NYC in front of the world. The cop had approached LeBeouf about an altercation he had with another man.
LaBeouf was charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment while he ranted about how he believed "being a Nazi was normal now."
Cheap shot!
Khloe Kardashian
Rap Sheet:
- 1999: Car theft.
- 2007: DUI.

Khloe's DUI arrest took place in the first season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
She was sentenced to 30 days but walked out after 173 minutes due to overpopulation. It didn't deter Kim from taking selfies with her and recently re-publishing them.
The arrest was later “recreated” for the cameras just in time for Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Khloe evidently thinks that close calls with the law are funny.
While talking to the Daily Mail Khloe admitted to stealing Kris's car when she was 15. 'I was 15, driving my mum's stolen Range Rover, that I stole to go see an older boy, so I got arrested, got put in jail. They called my mum and I remember my mum when she picked me up she was like:
"I am so ashamed of you, and look at this outfit, what are you wearing?" Honestly, we can't really say that Khloe's learned the lesson.
John Stamos
Rap Sheet:
- 2015: DUI.

Have mercy! Yes, the Full House star was arrested under suspicion of DUI in 2015, twice.
Stamos was pulled over after police had several calls about a reckless driver. He was sent to the hospital for evaluation because police suspected a “possible medical condition” and the actor was charged with a misdemeanor DUI.
He was under the influence of GHB which he apparently had been taking for a role. The rumors that he was crying in his silver Benz about the Olsen twins deciding not to participate in "Fuller House", the "Full House" reboot.
These rumors are false!
Stamos pled no contest to the charge and was sentenced to three years of probation.
He had been facing six months in jail so that's a much better punishment. Don't you think?