If you are like almost any other person out there, you no doubt find it hard to embrace a typically healthier lifestyle. Being healthy all the time is not easy, and for many of us it can soon add up to become quite a stressful experience. Most of us go through peaks and troughs when it comes to health and fitness. How can you embrace healthier living on a more consistent basis?

Make a routine, and tell someone
First off, build some kind of meaningful workout routine – and then tell someone you trust to hold you accountable. If you are not taking part, make sure they know that you have not been taking part. They can hold you responsible for failing to act, which can drive you to do more. when someone else knows that you are not putting in the effort, it can drive us to almost try to prove them wrong.

Avoid needless complexity
The most common reason for failing foul on your fitness and health goals is complexity. For example, try and focus on keeping it nice and simple. Things like drinking more water and going out for a walk/jog in the evening can soon turn into cutting out soda altogether and playing a recreational sport. Keep it simple, build it up over time, and let yourself slowly but surely fall into the habits that work for you.
Build it up piece by piece
You can find that your success is going to come by doing small changes. For example, focus on your diet first and then try and incorporate some exercise – or vice versa. Try and work on getting rid of your vices one by one; trying to do everything at once is often unsustainable. This can leave you feeling like you are not making any progress, or that you cannot commit to any one change. Start small, and build it up.
Celebrate the success you have
When you see changes like you have gone a week without chocolate or you have lost a bit of weight, celebrate. This does not mean you phone a curry, but find other ways to try and celebrate. At the same time, do not cut out every little vice or excess that you enjoy in life; moderation makes these things fun in the first place, so try and moderate your lifestyle accordingly by following a particular action plan.