Who can honestly say they are perfect on the job, day in and day out? Nobody honest, that's for sure! Still, there are mistakes and there are mistakes. Some are little more unforgivable, shall we say! So we gathered the best mistakes people can make on the job we could find.
Tattoo Trainwreck
There are many elements that go into a world-class tattoo. Skin artists spend years refining their script and illustration skills, but they must have test subjects along the way. Who is the lucky customer today?

First of all, the artist's name is way off base. Was this an attempt to avoid copyright issues? But even worse, the catchphrase is all wrong! The grammar is appalling, and what's going on with that font? So many questions, but maybe one thing is certain: It is your life, sir! And now, it's also your tattoo.
Click Next for the best "You Had One Job" moments the Internet has to offer...
Bottom To Top
Ta Da! Right before your eyes, we will saw this lady in half and put her back together again. All we need is a little glue and the directions. Any takers?

Hips to the left, head to the right. All separated with a clean break. Something seems a little off, here, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. Is it the order on the mural? Maybe the guy who put up the sign could help out. Let's wait until he sobers up, shall we?
For The Couponers
You’ll buy our stuff, you’ll pay full price, you’ll get nothing free, and you’ll like it. To make it even more confusing, check out the 2/$5 tag above this one.

Darn you Betty Crocker, and your delicious mind games!
Higher Education
Too cool for Shcool. Is this the level of education we can expect for our kids going to school in this neighborhood, or is it a thinly veiled warning for kids to stay in Shcool so they don’t have mishaps like this one?

Questions, questions. At least for show, the city should pretend that children are our future, and education is key. Time to scrape it all off, and start over! Now, please.
Gender Equal
Well, well. What do we have here? Look like someone received specific instructions: "When you open the shop tomorrow morning just put up the new posters of the man and woman. It's easy, you'll know what to do." NOT.

There are some things in life that one does not need to practice or learn how to do. Like matching swimsuits on a man and woman's body. It's elementary, really.
The Makeover
We think our bathroom is far too attractive, can you help us? Certainly, we can wreck any bathroom in just one day. Free financing and a full, satisfaction guaranteed warranty with all purchases.

Call us for our wide range of add-ons, such as the addition of mold and cracked tiles, free with any job.
First Name: Name, Last Name: Name
This poor guy was so excited to go home and see his interview on TV. This was his fifteen minutes of fame! This could be his big break, the moment he is discovered by a major film executive and whisked away to a life of celebrity fortune!

He will be easy to track down; how many people named “Name Here Name Here” can there possibly be in this city?
‘Cause This Is Africa
I bless the rains down in…Asia. Wait a minute, something isn’t quite right. Anyone who knows anything about the continents knows this isn’t Asia, it’s Australia.

We’re pretty sure Asia doesn’t have zebras or giraffes, so come on, get your facts straight. One thing is for sure, this T-Shirt was probably made in Chian.
Trading Places
Eddie Murphy was the star of the hit film, Trading Places. Apparently, the producers of 48 Hours decided to carry on the tradition.

It’s unclear what Nick Nolte did to deserve this erroneous billing on this Blue Ray cover. Could this be a fake bootleg bin in China? That's our best guess. What's your explanation?
Mia Khalifa has had one pretty public mishap since she started covering sports. It seems her previous beauty investment literally collided with a hockey puck during a recent game. Or rather, it collided with her! And squarely in the boob.

Considering the velocity of professional hockey shots, this was no laughing matter. It actually required her to undergo breast surgery for a ruptured implant when it hit her flying at 80 miles per hour! You had one job, puck.
Tight security
With terror threatening the earth and crazy people with guns running around, it's good to know that this office building has the security under control. Or does it?

Yes this secure door does announce it is an entrance for employees only. It seems secure enough to hold back terrorists and thieves. That is, until they simply glance left — and uh oh, back to square one! Door dude, you had one simple job.
Same Film, Different Actor
Time has not been good for Hollywood celebrity, Billy Dee Williams. He doesn’t even look like the same person anymore. What happened, dude?

Sometimes, living the high life really takes its toll on an actor. In fact, it seems like he’s been through some pretty serious Star Wars. Or maybe, AP news has actually mixed up Harrison Ford with a complete unknown! Yes, that must be it. Shame on you, AP guy!
Halt, none shall pass this point without the magic phrase or the mystical golden key. I am the Guardian of the…hey, wait.

Where are you going? How did you get past this gate? Darn it, Fred, did you forget to hang the sign on the other side of this gate?
“Ollege” Of Architecture
Here, we have the Ollege of Very Poor Architects Who Don’t Plan Very Well at All. You can see the “C” tucked carefully to the side of the sign, much like the “C” the student who designed this got on his report card.

The final project for one lucky student would be to fix this sign and bring the “C” back into college where it belongs.
To Enter Or Not To Enter?
It’s hard to choose the appropriate response here. Should we enter, and be labeled rebellious, or not enter, and be labeled rebellious. For added fun, we will pull the door instead of pushing it.

We hope there’s no automatic door mat in front of this door, or it would simply explode out of confusion, sort of like us. The best choice is to get back in the car and go home.
Can You Hear Me?
If you need privacy, simply ask all bystanders to step into this booth while you make your call. Why, this picture obviously depicts a time gone by when phones were attached outside of booths! Or is it?

We wonder where Superman would go if he needed to change here! A total mess, phone man. Where is a good technician when you need one in the middle of a parking lot?
Can It Make Sense?
Toilets are a pretty simple design, right? It’s generally accepted that the seat must go under the lid. It had to take major effort to get this backwards. And we don’t want to know about cleaning this thing if used as is!

Once we get this straightened out, we can move on to the important question of which way the toilet paper roll should face. Our vote: forward.
At first glance, there is clearly a major design failure here. But we aren’t sure who is more offended at this, Fido the dog or Fluffy the cat! Is this a case of identity theft, or what?

Actually, our wallets are more offended than either of them. Who spends $25 for a picture frame anymore? And furthermore, is this item 50% of $25, or is the $25 already half off? Double injustice here! Totally criminal, frame guy. Let's be clear here: You had one job!
Outside In
It’s hard enough waking up in the morning and stumbling to the coffee pot without this nonsense. Do you try to hold it politely, or do you just guzzle it like a commoner?

The bigger question at play here is: how much coffee space does this mistake take away from our morning gold?
Web Woes
Phone, cable, internet — these are just the basics in the bill department for most people. It feels impossible to pick and choose between modern necessities, long past the old days of landlines and basic local television. With expenses going up, it's always exciting when there's a chance to cut costs! What kind of deal is this, though?

So it's free, yet it costs nearly 60 dollars? Not really a close call here. That does not qualify as free WIFI! Sign man, you should be ashamed.
You Shouldn’t Mix
This is a hidden message; when you have a baby, you need to have enough beer and wine to get you through until the teen years.

There is another wall for everything you need for teens, featuring whiskey and tequila.
Go Big Or Go Home
Here we have a dedicated cheerleader just doing her job, rallying for airline pilots and astronauts as they fly over heads down. Seems legit.

We think that OG is much stronger than a simple GO. Why be like everyone else?! We have to give her credit, she is persistent. Og, Meat!
Butt Why?
McDonald's has a long history of award-winning ad campaigns. Their marketing is like no other, tempting customers at every end of the earth these days! But staying hip is no easy task, and one billboard series all over America seems to have missed the mark. Do they realize it?

The M and the Y here seem to meet in a sneaky way to convey a different sort of message. It's almost hard to believe this isn't an intentional attention-grabber! Will McDonald's ever admit to such a scheme? Highly unlikely, but the burgers must go on. Bah-da-bah-bah-da! We're lovin' it.
Until that very moment, George had always considered himself to be a Koala. Now, he finds himself stuck in an identity crisis. To be fair, Koala bears probably enjoy Chinese food, too. Still, this little fellow looks kind of confused to find himself up on this sign.

The restaurant has three options: change the bear, change the name, or change the fare to Australian Chinese. We don’t see a garden, either, but we’ll just leave that alone for now.
Hidden Messages
Subliminal messages from coffee shops, or deliberate sabotage from within? The world may never know, but suddenly we want a Dunkin Donuts coffee instead of Starbucks. What in the roasted bean is going on here, van ma?

More than likely, the mermaid is embarrassed to have her likeness on this truck right now. Perhaps a moment before, it made more sense. But one slide to the right, and the door has created a brand new idea about the chain for customers. And not new and improved, either!
Joke's On You
Everyone loves a good collage. Some people go to college. This girl, though? It's not clear which activity she is actually endorsing here! A close look reveals one potentially very big, totally discrediting mistake.

Hopefully, a kind soul will let this girl know what's going on. At least the gym shirt pile will get restocked when she finds out! Now, the timeless ego battle between large universities and small colleges continues. Whoever spells it right, wins the fight.
Raised The Bar
Valentine’s day is all about hidden meanings, like this candy bar that claims to convey kisses and hugs when in reality, it actually says hugs and kisses.

We hope this communication breakdown didn’t lead to any lover’s quarrels on the most romantic day of the year.
Pans Too?
Kitchenware has its time and place. That place is the in the house, most of the time. But now, a question must be answered: What crazy worker decided to pay homage to his favorite stainless steel cookware right in the middle of the road? Upon closer examination, it appears that the word is simply backwards. What kind of stencil hell is this?

Will drivers get distracted by this spelling riddle, mid journey? Perhaps, but at least there is a double measure for safety. That little red stop sign on the right has never looked so good!
Sideways, Button Down
The salespeople in this store have had enough. The mannequins never appreciate all of their hard work, so why bother? Stapling a shirt to the torso here is probably easier than buttoning all of those buttons. We sincerely hope this doesn’t become a trend, though.

Daring Deals
Cars are just a part of an independent lifestyle for many outside urban areas. The subway is convenient, but it's not everywhere! When it's time to make that big investment, most people are looking for a deal. What's going on here today?

Everything under $4,000 sounds A-okay. But why are there cars with higher price tags if everything allegedly is below that mark? Looks like a clear cut case of false advertising here! Perhaps customers will stay away? If so, congratulations on achieving the opposite, silly dealer.
Do Not Stack
These warehouse workers are clearly rebels without a cause. How dare these boxes tell them what to do? Who do these cardboard boxes think they are?

What’s next, guys, cutting tags off pillows? These people must be stopped. And the sooner, the better. Round 'em up, and stack 'em up. There's also one more way to look at this mess: The stacker was a big slacker today!
Everyone Say Cheese
We don’t see a problem with this. A filet-o-fish sandwich comes with cheese, right? But is it cheese on the side? Because that's what we're seeing here.

You know the customer would be complaining if they forgot the cheese, too. There’s just no making some people happy! I wonder what would happen if this customer would have asked for sauce on the side.
One of These Things Is Not Like The Other…
We didn’t relish pointing this out, but sometimes condiments can just be cruel. This one’s life is turned upside down, and it can ruin my OCD perfect world.

Don’t worry, we aren’t going to make this worse by including commentary about how relish needs to “ketchup” or the fact that mayo isn’t included because when the pic was taken, it was dressing.
Drowning? That's Funny
Okay, to the untrained eye this looks like an underlined “LOL,” but look again and you’ll see it’s supposed to convey a person with his arms over his head, drowning gracefully in softly flowing waves.

Or, this could be instructions: see a person drowning, laugh at them, then call 911. Your choice, really.
The Soft Drink War
“Psst, this is Pepsi. I have infiltrated and am preparing to make contact with our source. Stand by for a full report. If something happens to me, tell my wife Sierra Mist that I love her.”

No Green!
People who work in front of the camera already know what they're allowed to wear. Mainly the weather people who are almost always standing in front of a blank green screen watching a monitor across the set.

They should already know what they can wear. I mean they know that this color makes you fat, that color makes you thin, and green color makes you invisible. Basic TV.
Some Hot Beans
Porn is so mainstream now, it’s accepted everywhere. Here, we have porn advertised right alongside some beans, so you can snack while you watch. Gives a new meaning to the term, “spicy dinner.” Who knew meals could be so exciting?

Choose A Superhero
Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Ironman, what’s the difference, really? Is this a subtle insult to Superman, or a boost for Batman’s self-esteem.

Batman really never had powers of his own, did he? Put a cape on him, though, and call him Superbat. There’s a hero we can all get behind.
“Long Yellow Things”
Apparently, in Ecuador, the things we call bananas are known as “long yellow things.” This store may have prices you can trust, but we’re pretty sure the produce department employees are a little shady.

Is banana really so hard to spell, sign maker? Yes, it does have a lot of n's and a's in a specific order. But it is a logical order, for most! Perhaps any customer can help with this one? Time for a revision, please.
Quitting (Said Like Charlie Sheen)
You, too, can achieve great things if you would just give up on your education and quit school. Smoking and diplomas are not in your future. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the day with this new idea.

For the record, this was an anti-smoking campaign plastered on the back of a school bus, and the intentions were probably good. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say. This fail was too hilarious to pass up!
The rarely mentioned dophinasaurus has been extinct for several hundred thousand years, but we see it here in its native habitat of plastic packaging.

Hint: If this puzzle looks like a dolphin when you are done assembling it, you’ve probably done something wrong.
Diabetes Menu
Who said there is no truth in advertising? While McDonald’s is not exactly for the health conscious, we’re pretty sure the corporation wouldn’t appreciate this unfortunate billboard placement.

At least the diabetes is countered by free wi-fi, possibly to look up the symptoms of diabetes.
Where Customers Go To… Shop!
This is where ghosts go to get ghost supplies, like wine and spirits. We have to wonder what they really do sell in there, though.

Is it coffins and tombstones? We’re dying to know. Get it? 'Die'... 'dying'... ha! We're so funny it kills us.
Stating The Obvious
We all love to go to the store and see abundance. Overstock is rarely a problem for the customer! Still, if it's not too much to ask, the slogans should communicate something no one knows already!

If it's in stock, we've got it? Thanks for the tip, buddy! What about an item not in stock? Well, the mystery may continue for some — but more than likely, they don't have it! Mural man, you had one job.
Only One May Open
Who built this, a blind man? Well, his skills are on full display. We're not sure we are satisfied with this remodeling job, to be blunt.

Hopefully, this homeowner never needs to open more than one drawer or cabinet at the same time, and has everything they need at the front of the drawer. Yikes!
The Zoolander Problem
You can turn left any time you want, as long as you make sure you never turn left. So what do we believe, the sign or the light? We sat through this light four times trying to figure out what to do before we said the heck with it and turned left.

The police were going to follow us and give us a ticket, but they didn’t know if they could make a left turn or not.
Zipper Trouble
The person who designed this outfit was given the task of putting together an outfit which was both functional and stylish for this beer promotion. However, they didn't quite think through the position of the zipper.

There's a reason zips should be invisible near the front area.
Christmas Time!
Ho Ho Ho, it’s time for Santa to light the menorah. This is the ultimate Christmas decoration for the Jewish family who has everything. Who knew the star at the top of the Christmas tree should actually be a Star of David?

Kudos to this manufacturer who is bringing peace and harmony to all this holiday season, whether they want it or not.
The Eiffel Tower
This phone cover is for those who spend too much time on their phones, and not enough time in the real world. Yes, we love Europe, but that is where we draw the line on this picture.

The Eiffel tower and London share the same continent, but that is it. We suspect another product that was made in Chian here.
Liquid Vs. Bar
Soap is soap, no matter what. Again, this is a great way to keep the Health Department happy while keeping your bean counters satisfied. This is, however, a little at odds with the Health Department regulation to wash your hands before returning to work.

There should be a sign above this, “In case of Germs, Break Glass.”
Great Value
The reason these spoons are so affordable is that the manufacturers used less plastic in them than normal spoons.

This is sheer genius. If you think this is smart, though, you should see their specially designed soup knives.
Red Hot Chilly Paper
Red Hot Chili Peppers are a punk rock band of some fame. Red, hot, chilly paper is not. Red Hot Chili Peppers sing great songs and feature a guy named Flea. Red, hot, chilly paper gives you paper cuts.

Red Hot Chili Peppers know that they are, in fact, red hot. Red, hot, chilly paper seems to be a bit confused.
Cooking School?
It’s back to school time, and you never know when you might need a nice, sharp knife. These come in handy for cutting your mystery meat in the cafeteria.

Or cutting out snowflakes in arts and crafts, or finally having a reason to keep your lunch money instead of giving it to the school bully.
To The Left, To The Left
Turns ar ecoorinated on modern public roads by many things. People use their blinkers, hopefully. And then, a series of lights, signs, and chalk guide the way forward. Who set up this total catastrophe in the making, you ask?

Maybe one worker decided to rebel. Or maybe, directions were not their strong suit. Either way, this is a pretty big occupational failure. A firing offence, perhaps? Hopefully, drivers will notice the arrow points to a steel barrier!
Where Do We Apply?
All our lives in school, we waited for this. It’s too late for our hopes and dreams, but we can live through our kids. This sign really reminds us of the classic movie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Is it wrong that we are hoping for a work-free sleep zone next?

Challenge Accepted
There is more than one issue here, starting with the sick psycho that would mix Skittles and M&Ms. This is sacrilege that cannot be allowed; if ever two candies were forbidden from mingling, it is these two.

Next, let’s address the skill level it would take to get any of the candy from this machine in the first place. Can we just admit this is, on every level, a fail of epic proportions?
Line It Up
Futbal, football, soccer — no matter what your country calls this popular game, it can get pretty intense, especially when it comes right down to an inch past the mark. And sometimes, a small mistake can cost the team an entire game!

Everyone knows that field needs crisp, white boundaries. Here, it looks like the objective was squiggly, incomprehensible decoration at the margins. How will this affect the game? Depends on the players, and it's all in good fun! Serious competition, stay away.
What’s In A Name?
We’ve heard of many famous villains, like Billy the Kid and Hannibal Lecter. However, none are as devious as Firstname Lastname. This evildoer seems to have accosted Insert Profession Here. And all of this made the news, on channel Your Local News Station.

Firstname Lastname must have had a rough childhood in school, but not as bad as his cousins Lastname First and Firstname Last. Will the cops bring this madman to justice? One can only hope, indeed.
The Disrespectful Times
It’s already heartbreaking enough to read that many kittens were found dead in a freezer, but the imagination runs wild when you pair it with the other story on the page with the man grilling some unknown meat.

Monroe may be a nice town, but we are sure not stopping there for dinner.
Do You Want To Go Down Or Down?
Life may have its ups and downs, but for this elevator, its only down from here. Whatever you do, don’t look to this elevator for inspiration that your life is about to turn around; this depressing machine has left all hope behind.

The Price Isn't Right
Walmart brags they have the lowest prices in town. And most of the time, that appears to be the truth! Dependable, reliable, always close by. Strangely, one clerk bucked the trend here! Is this actually a roll-up?

Hamburger Helper is still a staple in many households, so perhaps a few customers will ignore the injustice. It's an increase of $0.74, which is still probably cheaper than some some competitors in town. But this is a one-time exception: Patterns will be punished!
If The Shoe Doesn't Fit
Most people do run into car trouble occasionally. It's merely the cost of doing business, out on the mean streets. But most people also know not to drive in heels during a flood!

One lady decided to venture forth, all on her own. Sitting water can be totally toxic and contaminated, people! For the high maintenance among us, breaking out the galoshes can be glam in the right situation. Believe it or not, getting stuck is more common getting struck by lightening. It's going to happen!
Don’t Pay, Or Do Pay
Why pay $9.95 for these goggles, when you can pay $9.95 for them? For a limited time only, pay regular price on these high-quality Speedo swim goggles! Act now, or you may miss the sale and pay regular price for them tomorrow.

Spiraling Out Of Control
So, we can clearly see what was supposed to be happening here when these stairs were built. What we can’t clearly see is why what was supposed to happen, didn’t.

We sincerely hope the owners of those apartments realize they are opening their doors to…absolutely nothing. Interesting side note, the stairs also seem to be blocking the windows of the apartments, making them all sad, dark, little places of despair.
The Condiment Game
This turns everything you thought you knew about condiments inside out. What if you’ve been wrong this whole time, and mayonnaise is mustard while mustard is mayonnaise?

What would that make ketchup? Mind. Blown. On the other hand, what if the only thing wrong is the sticker? This lunch break is going to be full of saucy surprises, that's for sure!
Sugar-Free Sugar
We’re not nutritionists by any means, but we’re pretty sure this isn’t how sugar-free items work. Is the claim here that the sugar-free item is sugar? Must be just an empty bag!

Upon closer examination, the bag looks packed to the max. What is this magic trick that Publix knows that every dieter in the country doesn't? Knowledge is power, and maybe it's time to share the secret! But there's always option two, which is a design fail of the highest order. Perhaps the graphics guy need a new gig?
It’s The End Of The Road
In big cities all around the globe, concessions are made for bike lanes so all can ride in peaceful harmony. All, that is, except in this city.

Bike riders are permitted to go here, and only here. They may not take the bike across the bridge, it is expressly forbidden by the trolls who live under it.
Didn’t Follow Directions
Sure, it’s all fun and games to switch switches until someone electrocutes himself; who’s laughing then? In this alternate reality, the center is left, the left is center and the right…well, the right is where it belongs.

Don’t try to figure it out; just turn them all off or turn them all on. Oh, unless the prankster also messed around with the “up is on” reality we all trust as truth.
You Shall Not Pass
If you thought taking the stairs was a healthy alternative to escalators, you were half right. We aren’t sure what this designer had against stairs, or against people who want to go up and down. Or down and up.

And truthfully, we are more afraid to see what they have done to the elevators. Time to call the municipality! There's no way this is up to any code on earth.
Jesus Cat
Sometimes eating the perfect cat food can be a spiritual experience for our feline friends. We’re not sure if this cat is supposed to be hugging its humans or having a religious experience, but because it’s a cat, we lean more towards the religious experience desiring human contact.

If this was a deliberate billboard placement, we love it. If it was accidental, we love it even more.
A Little Sympathy
Thank goodness that old biddy is gone, huh? She was a pain in the butt. We thought she’d never leave. Time to celebrate, the countdown is over!

Heads Up
The driver of any giant truck knows they have one job. It's important to always be aware of city surroundings, to navigate that big old thing! What happened here, though?

Being so high up, it's pretty dangerous to underestimate a passage. It seems the driver successfully got through at first, an then got the jolt of a lifetime: The cargo did not want to follow, and that was that. With one job to do, it's not clear he will keep it!
Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow
The same folks who brought you the Great Slushee Mix-up now brings you the Crayon Capades. We have secretly replaced yellow crayons with other colors;

can you tell which ones are which? Nah, we actually just ran out of other color labels and had extra yellow ones laying around. Many, many yellow ones.
You Missed A Spot
This production line supervisor was out sick on the day that ice cream dipping 101 was covered in Cone School. The heartache of unwrapping this cone would be completely forgotten if the inside had a chocolate covering as well.

All would be forgiven, random upside-down dipping person.
It’s Not Rocket Science
We can make our own typos, thank you very much. Are the good Acer folks trying to make it harder on us?

It’s A Confused Sign
The person who designed this sign most likely had a hand at designing the confused bathroom signs of earlier in the gallery. Agreed, we are trying to be a more politically correct society these days, and there is no reason a baby has to conform to gender norms.

A boy can be anything he wants these days, even a pretty princess. This sign might also be predicting the baby’s future so he never needs to officially come out; his parents did that for him before he was born.
9-1-1, Grammar Police Please
Those who cannot read a simple Facebook post misusing “their, they’re and there” should just look away before it’s too late. Grammar fanatics, this one is going to be difficult.

3st place, really? It's nice to be honored, but people might think your achievement is counterfeit! This is what happens when you let first graders design your medals because you’re too cheap to pay a real designer. We have to wonder, though, who came in 2st?
A Great Seat
When you buy tickets from the scalper in the parking lot on the day of the event, you can’t complain if your view is slightly obstructed.

If you look closer, you can see the section is also fenced off. We are thinking this is a time out area for misbehaving fans.
Time Warp
No one wants to be on a bridge while the constructor repairs are being done. Staying up is pretty critical, and some might say the basic function of a bridge. Here, a helpful warning has been posted for drivers to stay far, far away for one day.

But which day, exactly? Is it a problem for 24 hours or 9 days? That's not exactly a close estimate, not does it fit with the basic claim here. Drivers, beware! Road collapse is no fun, and best avoided when in doubt.
Afterlife Fun
Try being dead, they said. It’ll be a blast, they said. Sorry, I’m just not finding this whole death thing to be as much fun as they promised.

The Annual
Every year for the past 23, this group gets together to celebrate all things grammatically incorrect. If you think this shirt is cool, you should see what they did for their 22st design.

Cheers To The Bride And Oops!
When it's time to pop some champagne before the wedding as a signal of the bride's last moments as an unmarried woman, the bridesmaids toast to the wife-to-be. One person pours the drinks for the rest of the group.

It sounds like a simple job, but this person got it spectacularly wrong. So much for the bridal outfits for the photoshoot.
This lady is head over heels for…well, whatever this is that is being advertised. Perhaps she is from Australia, the land of head-down-under your feet?

If the ad is for a phone, we hope this isn’t an indicator of the pictures it takes. Unless a practical joker came in to slice up the mural here, it looks like the ad man made a big oopsie. This woman wants to be whole bodied, ideally! You had one job, sir.
Tomatoes Tomatoes
Ok, so when life gives you canned peaches, you make peach cobbler. Unfortunately, this won’t help your spaghetti sauce very much right now, unless you want to try something really wild, crazy, and extremely nausea-inducing over your pasta.

Wegman’s claims it’s food you can feel good about, maybe because everyone loves a surprise.
George, George, George Of The Jungle….
Wanted: Playground Designer. Must have whimsical creative ideas, a sadistic side, and despise children. Extra consideration is given to designers who were obsessed with George of the Jungle in childhood.

Maybe the tree wasn't there when the slide was installed!
McDonald’s Hiring
We bet this McDonald’s chain got a lot of resumes after they posted this sign! Not sure if writing ‘smiling feces’ is the best way to attract people or customers to come in or apply for the job.

Too Close To Dispense
There is more than one way to save money on soap while complying with those pesky Health Department rules. Maybe those new foam dispensers are a good investment? Not today, you say?

Well, the designer here made no such effort to improve things. Now, people will be dirtier than ever! Perhaps someone with a great imagination and tiny, tiny little hands can take as much soap as they want. Take that, world!
Fortune Or Reality?
If you’re too lazy to break your fortune cookie, this chef doesn’t even bother stuffing the fortune into the treat. We suspect he works part-time at McDonald’s putting cheese on filet-o-fish sandwiches as seen a little earlier on this gallery.

The irony is that the fortune itself claims the job is “well done.” We wonder if the fortune inside the cookie is a pink slip for the fortune cookie stuffer?
Got Milk?
What is Life, really? Life is all about living the way you want to, whether its putting berries in your cinnamon cereal, or pouring the milk under the bowl instead of on the cereal.

This is, to be fair, a fantastic way for those who are lactose intolerant to enjoy a nice bowl of cereal in the morning. We wonder, though, if Quaker has secret ties to paper towel manufacturers.
Facing The Wall
You automatically assume this light was placed poorly because it is facing a wall. Truth is, this light isn’t for human drivers, it is for the spiders and ants on the wall.

Without rules and laws, the insect colony would fall into anarchy. Thank you to whoever designed this light, just for them.
Woof News
Someone thought it was 'bring your dog to work' day. But that's on Monday. Today is Thursday and that means "someone get a hold of this dog day".

In any case, bring your dog to work day applies to employees in marketing and management only, not to employees on the set.
What Kind Of Disability Is That?
We won’t make the obvious statement that this parking spot is for people with their heads up…side down. This looks far less like a handicapped parking spot marker and more like an Egyptian hieroglyph that, loosely translated, reads “You’re fired.”

Happy Birthday Ryan
Uh oh: Yet another victim of the literal cake decorator. This time, the victim is poor, innocent Ryan who probably can’t even read the alphabet yet. Will he really be able to have a happy birthday as a series of symbols?

Look at Big Bird and Elmo! It appears they too are disappointed at “CK-543C”, looking on with a mixture of pity and confusion. What will Ryan’s mother do with this delicious mistake? Perhaps it's time to have a little conversation with the baker. Yikes, this one!
Mom always warned you; if you make that face, it will freeze that way. Here is proof that she wasn’t “lion” to you. By the way - staring at the Moon for 5 minutes will end with the same result.

You may not have heard of Crimba, Simba’s cross-eyed lost cousin, but he stuck with Simba through thick and thin long before Simba was cast in the movie.
Forgot Something?
Ah, the elusive top-secret recipe for an avocado wrap. Let’s see, tomato, peppers, lettuce, cheese. Yup, that should cover it! Why do I feel like I’m missing something here?