Sure, there's nothing like a unique selfie. But how far are most people willing to go for attention on social media? These days, there seems to be an increasing trend of risk-taking — and it can get downright scary, at times!
Hanging Out in Hong Kong
Wanderlust is an understandable urge, and it's exciting to visit new cities around the world. Most people choose to explore with both feet planted firmly on the ground, though! What's this fellow thinking?

Well, probably exactly what his Instagram competition was thinking. Skyscrapers, wild beasts, cliffs, and bridges are all popular ideas, lately. But the truth is, chasing selfies can be deadly: More than 250 youngsters died between 2011 and 2017 while pursuing the perfect shot! It's time to take a look at that photography that went too far — way, way too far.
Next, see the wildest selfies ever taken for clicks, likes, and shares!
Whizzing Unwisely
All aboard, on Instagram: Train selfies are a trend, believe it or not. It's not just one or two incidents out there, and travelers are really pushing the limits of safety. In far away India, it's become a big enough problem to ban it altogether!

And are they so wrong? Endless headlines like ''Three selfie-crazy Indian teens crushed by train'' and ''Man struck by train in India while trying to take selfie'' have led the authorities to send out a real message. Stop it, for the love of curry!
Leaving on a Jetplane
Since the times of the Wright brothers and the first plane, thrill-seekers have all wanted to try out their luck in the sky. Today, aircraft are pretty advanced, and safety is not a question. Obviously, this pilot had to test the limits with a selfie-stick!

No one would say he needs to keep his eyes on the road. There is little traffic in the clouds. But one problem people on the ground may not know about is birds, and he does need to keep an eye out: If a collision occurs with a large goose, it can damage the engine!
Living on the Edge
Sure Jean and Cam were lucky to survive that photo. But they don't restrict themselves to trains, by any means! Here, the couple conquers a cliff in Brazil. They captioned the photo with heartfelt words on their love for the country — but no one really paid attention!

They wrote: "Another destination that’s definitely part of our top 5...The country of samba, ice cold cerveija (which comes in tiny glasses to make sure they stay cold) and good vibes only...We love this country so much and are definitely going back next year!" The question is, will they survive until then?
It's in His Kiss
Jean and Camille live in Belgium, but they never stay there for long. With more than 300,000 followers on Instagram, this gorgeous couple has made it their mission to share love as they traverse the planet. It's risky stuff, but who wouldn't want to be infamous for a shot like this one?

This adrenalin-pumping moment happened in Sri Lanka, and viewers were shocked. There seems to be only a railing to stop them from falling hundreds of meters into the forest! No safety rules were followed, and copycats have tried to do the same picture since. Crazy in love meets crazy for real, with these two!
Too Much Selfie
Skydiving will be great, they said. You'll feel free as a bird, they said. Well, this time they were wrong. Right in the middle of a guided jump, one parachuter isn't having the time of his life. And his buddy isn't exactly holding his hair back!

Sadly, the man in blue is literally strapped to his partner while the vomit flies. Depending on the wind that day, things could get a lot messier in next frame. But there's little that can be done, as gravity takes over here. Barf voyage, boys!
Selfie Ka-Boom
Behold, the ultimate selfie in the sky. It's got fire, and it's got flash. This pilot got the shot in more than one way: First, by snapping a great moment — but also, firing that missile, right on target! It's a photobomb, pun intended. Who is this fancy flier, anyway?

Captured by a GoPro, Danish pilot Thomas Kristensen snapped this pic from the cockpit. Right before launching an air-to-air missile, he was totally focused. Maybe that's because he has done missions over Libya, Afghanistan, and Europe. Or maybe, flying an F-16 jet going hundreds of mph all the time just makes him that confident!
Believe Your Lion Eyes
Experts always warn tourists never to get close to predators when they have a fresh kill. Lions are no exception, at all! These two guys seem to be unaware that their photo journaling is a downright deadly risk, today. The big cats seem busy, but who knows what's next on the menu?

A delicious dinner of wildebeest cannot be shared with just anyone. It's hard to succeed out on the savannah, and trespassers are punished! Guys, most people would have figured out by now it's time to leave. Run, don't walk!
A Bird's Eye View
Walking in nature is an experience that urban folks rarely get all year. But posing over the forest? That's a once in a lifetime thing, if ever! This picture was taken in Yekaterinburg, Russia. It's almost dizzying, and a little alarming to think about the fall!

In recent years, Russia has been dealing with quite a few youngsters looking for some new scenery. Instagram is lots of fun, but this country can be harsh! Way too many selfies later, the Russian Interior Ministry has now started a "safe selfie" campaign. There have been injuries and deaths, for real!
Beary, Very Stupid
This fellow captioned his photo: ''Grizzly selfie. Don't try this at home''. And he is right to say so! An epidemic of bear selfies has taken over the internet, and experts are not happy about the trend. The U.S. Forest Service even weighed in, recently. What was their request?

A rep explained: "Bears are unpredictable, wild animals and may attack if threatened...We can't have visitors creating dangerous situations for themselves and others. People are risking serious injury or death if they get too close to a bear." Too true, but too often ignored!
Just Hissing Around
Fact: Asia provides a habitat for the majority of people on the planet. And on such a large landmass, there is a shocking amount of snakes! More than 150 are venomous types means there's a reason snake catcher is a job. This man, though, seems oddly at ease. What is his secret?

Smoking a cig and relaxing right on the sidewalk, he doesn't seem phased that four cobras have assembled behind him. Ignoring the hissing, it's time for a group selfie. Proving that social media is contagious, the snakes actually seem interested!
Million Dollar View
Here, thrillseeker Angela Nikolau is risking her life in pursuit of an eyecatching picture. And boy, did she achieve that goal! Her quest took her to Tianjin, China — and she knew it wasn't safe! Fans suspect she was a little nervous: Angela hashtagged the image with "DangerousSelfie". Seems about right, doesn't it?

It's hard to figure out how she actually got all the way up there with her stick. But as the mystery continues, so do the adventures of Angela. She's seen views few other human beings have, and she's not done yet!
Hello There, Majors
Selfie mania is everywhere, and that now includes the military. This sky-high photo from a combat aircraft is out there on the net, but it's not clear this followed protocol. Is fun really allowed on the job? Six guys might in a lot of trouble!

These US Air Force airmen gave fans a good view of the sky and the desert they see every day. The first rule for military operations: Information doesn't leave the mission! But who will ever know their real identity with those shades? The mystery continues, America.
My Hump, My Hump, My Hump
Camels have been used for thousands of years by desert dwellers throughout the middle east. They are great rides and great companions out in the sand. And these days, they are also an amazing tourist draw! But the truth is, even camels get mad sometimes. What's going on here, buddy?

Although it almost never happens, a camel bite is pretty serious. Penetrating and crushing, this creature's jaw can lift up and throw a victim! Fractures and rips are the result, and it's best never to find out first hand. Watch out, Instagrammer!
Not Your Average Bear
At first glance, this is terrifying. At second glance, it is too! It seems selfies have graduated from grizzlies to an even larger cousin: The polar bear. Mark Dumas is the man taking the risks, and he actually is the papa bear. After adopting this big pet as a cub, they have developed quite the relationship. Who knew that was legal?

Apparently in remote Canada, it is. Mark and his wife Dawn regularly go swimming with Agee, as she is named. With a relationship from six weeks old, there is no fear between them. No, not even in this pose!
Carpe Diem Dare
Many people will instantly recognize that giant holy statue from pictures of Rio de Janeiro. It's been on postcards, posters, and billboards. But has anyone really seen it from this close up? Photographer and travel blogger Lee Thompson has, and he lived to tell the tale!

The Brazilian tourism board actually suggested this one, believe it or not. Officially called Christ the Redeemer, the statue doesn't appear to have stairs. He raised his fist in victory, as one would. But a question remains: How did he do it? Inquiring minds want to know!
Such Great Heights
Look, tanning already carries plenty of warnings from the medical community. There are risks with a capital 'R' associated with that hobby. It seems like it would be difficult to make it even more dangerous! But this model wasn't deterred: Challenge accepted, she explained in a picture.

Her followers definitely didn't miss this one: Lying above the city and getting those rays sure looked Instagram-good. Peace and privacy over a busy cityscape is hard to find, too. Maybe she should try this out more often? Maybe not. This is insane!
Desert Daredevil
Yet again, a photographer takes a big risk just for views and clicks. But at least he is fully aware of the risk for his stunt. He captioned it, honestly: "I don't always take selfies, but when I do, they're dangerous." Where is he, anyway?

Why, it's Utah's Canyonlands National Park. Located in the southeastern corner of the state, it's known for its desert landscape. At times, it's pretty dramatic scenery! This fellow should know better than to stand on the edge, though. With no one around for miles and miles, it's not going to be an easy rescue!
Lovely Lava
George Kourounis is known for chasing storm and dangerous natural events for National Geographic. The explorer is known for some pretty insane photos, and fans wouldn't watch any other way. Here, he poses near the Ambrym volcano, a formation on the South Pacific island of Vanuatu. Looking hot, George!

An explosion from inside the earth can be frightening, But he's totally prepared with a heat suit! George knows what he's doing, but it's not recommended for the causal social media user. It is likely to be tempting, once people see the results. But this is not an amateur hobby — not now, and not ever!
Beary Scary
Again, with the grizzlies? Bear selfies just won't go away, despite any and all warnings. Experts agree it is a no-no! This animal lover might think he is cuddling and roaring alongside a big, fuzzy teddy. But the reality, he's dangerously close to one of nature's apex predators!

To put things into perspective, a grizzly bear is much stronger than a man — about 3 to 6 times stronger. If that doesn't seem alarming, know this: A grizzly bear can kill any Instagrammer with just one swipe to the head. Selfies, no more!
Out of Left Field
There's a reason that players wear helmets, it turns out. In baseball, pitches at a professional level can be downright deadly. The best in the business can throw fastballs at 100 miles an hour, easily. Fox Sports reporter Kelly Nash almost found out about that the hard way during a selfie!

According to Kelly: “Producer Art Dryce had called out ‘heads up!’ a few times while I was taking pictures around the left-field section, but none of those balls actually fell close to me, so I took my chances turning my back on batting practice for a picture...when I went to text them the picture I noticed the baseball by my head!"
Snow Snap
Sports selfies are a whole category of crazy, these days. It's not fun to take a picture during downtime on the bench, is it? Athletes try to capture the most action possible, and that can be pretty risky stuff. For downhill skiers, that is certainly the case.

This French sportsman sure got a great shot, here. But viewers may wonder if he actually landed on his feet! Distractions while traveling up to 95 miles an hour are not wise. Free advice: Stay safe, stay warm, and stay off Insta!
Risking Those Rottweilers
Photography is something artists from all backgrounds can share together. And all species, too! Even cats are getting into the selfie trend. Despite their "scaredy'' reputation, not all felines are so shy. This kitty decided to take a snap in front of two intimidating dogs. Double rottweilers, no less!

Rottweilers used to be herders and guard dogs, back in the day. They still have the urge to chase things, even though they don't have to work! Allegedly, this breed can get along with cats. But if they decide to chomp, it's lethal stuff for Mr. Meow!
Relax, Don't Do It
Thousands of feet above the pavement, that perfect picture has occurred. Like many adventurous selfie chasers, these two don't seem very concerned about the risks involved. Mister shades captioned it with a question for followers: "Do you know how many people in the world have died due to selfie incidents?"

Well, the number is certainly growing out there by the day. And with competition for super shocking photos like these, it doesn't seem like it's going down, anytime soon! Will the hard lessons be learned, ever? Stay safe, influencers!
Volcanic Vixens
Sure, lava looks cool in the movies. But in real life, it can be totally deadly! It seems that people may not know the reality of that hot, molten goo. The Royal Geographic Society has been warning Brits to stop approaching it, after a series of deadly falls. Not the stuff to tumble in, really!

Lava bursts out of a crack in the earth, and it's literally hotter than hell. The temperatures range from 1,292 to 2,192 °F, and that's a bit more than the body can handle! Stay away, social media addicts.
This Girl is on Fire
It seems like it wouldn't need to be said, but fire is hot. Just how hot? That depends on the color. Red is about 1800° F. Orange-yellow is around 2012° F. And blue is the hottest of all, at up to 3000° F. In summary, this selfie is totally insane!

Yikes, miss! A hoodie is not an easy item to throw off in a hurry, and this is just such a situation. In fact, it's an emergency: It's time to stop, drop, and roll — and put down the camera, for the love of Hades!
Insane in Ukraine
Kiev is the most populous city in modern Ukraine, and an important cultural center for Eastern Europe. It's become an interesting new destination for Instagram fiends looking for a beautiful shot. That includes the daredevils on the platform — and all the hijinx that go along with them!

Dangling dangerously above the city, this climber knows how to capture attention online. Sure, people have long admired the architecture of Kiev. The diverse cityscape has been an ongoing project for 14 centuries. But no one has ever seen any of it from this angle, have they?
Safari Selfie
Instagram stars Raquel and Miguel love to tease fans with glamour shots. But sometimes, they mix it up with outrageous, dangerous photos! Here, they captured a moment on a slow-moving train in Sri Lanka. An elephant watches in the background, probably as confused as anyone else!

Sure, these creatures never forget. But more to the point, this moment had to be hard to understand, in the first place! Why is a crazy girl zooming by, out of the blue? Frankly, humans witnessing the event probably didn't have better answers. This isn't safe, Raquel!
Spaceman Shot
The final frontier might be a little behind on the trends back on Earth, sure. But one Japanese astronaut decided selfies were universal as he explored the universe. This brave shot was called a ''spacie'' by fans! How did he do it, though?

With a special camera, this visit to the International Space Station is now a memory for everyone. Cold, distant, and unfamiliar. Most people are probably a bit scared of space! But this personal picture might make it more relatable, finally. It's out of this world, literally!
Sky High Guy
Daniel Lau is one of the world's most famous Instagram daredevils out there. It seems he always catches something shocking on film, and fans love it! As a photographer, he goes for the gasps. Here, he dangerously poses on a ledge over Hong Kong!

On Instagram, Dan shares the details about how he gets the perfect pics. The lengths he actually goes to are stunning, often. It's easy to understand why his account has gotten so much attention. The skyscrapers of this metropolis have never been seen exactly this way!
Twister Misters
Young, hip meteorologist Joey Krastel works in weather, sure. But he also spends his free time doing it, specifically chasing storms! On social media, he regularly documents his adventures. Recently, he took his boyfriend out to see a tornado. And then, something shocking happened!

Joey proposed to Chris Scott in front of a real tornado! It took place in Tipton, Kansas. No surprise there! But the groom certainly was surprised, and in the best way. With 8,000 likes, it was captioned: "The two loves of my life". Totally wild, and wonderful!
Before the Stings
Few know of the existence of Jellyfish Lake in Palau, Oceania. But for those who do, it's a big temptation to jump right in! Oddly enough, the lake is considered safe for swimming and snorkeling. Only scuba diving is banned, because of high amounts of hydrogen sulfide. But what about the jellies?

As it turns out, there are two different types living in the lake now. Both have stinging cells, but they are pretty weak. It's hard to cause a real injury to humans unless they land right on the lips! Snap away, swimmers.
He G0t High
This selfie-seeker did a pretty good job with all the angles, artistically. Online, he wrote: "Needed to take my artistic mind to a higher level". It might be boring, taking the same old beach pica, over and over. Fans probably agree that he achieved this new visual goal. But was it worth the risk of gravity, way up there?

For this photographer, it seems so. He doesn't look scared of the fall awaiting him, should he stumble slightly. Unfortunately, there have been similar accidents publicized in recent years. Watch out, dude!
Jump the Shark
While Jaws freaked out the world decades ago, not everyone got the message. For whatever reason, there are divers that actually seek out sea monsters! Shark selfies have become part of the activity, in recent times. Are they crazy, or is something else going on?

According to this diver: "I have been diving for over a decade and done 1000's of dives around the world...I have spent a lot of time in the water gaining experience. It is important that you get specific training before just jumping in the water with sharks. It's better for us and the sharks this way." Believe it or not, shark attacks are uncommon. More people have died chasing selfies, in general!
Holy Horseshoe
Plenty of hikers at Horseshoe Bend in Arizona know it's a great place for an Instagram post. Beautiful and unique, it's a perfect background for all kinds of poses. But the truth is, some people have stumbled here to an unexpected demise! Since 2018, two have met this fate.

According to its official tourism website: ''While the actual hike is rather short, Horseshoe Bend can cause issues for people that are not prepared. Depending on the time of year, Heatstroke or Hyperthermia could occur.'' That could result in a lot of fainting, and serious falls! Be prepared, Instagrammers.
Danger in Dubai
These days, thrill-seekers have done it all. Anyone on the hunt for adrenalin knows that mere skydiving is no big deal anymore. Been there, done that. This fellow decided he would try out some fun in faraway Dubai. On vacation, there are new novelties to test!

Climbing on top of the highest building with no safety gear would seem like a death wish to most people. But in the age of social media, it might just be a Tuesday. Even for expert balancers, this photo shows a scary level of risk!
Swinging in Slovakia
It's time for a trip to Bratislava, Slovakia's capital. Not so far from Budapest, it might not be as well known as a travel destination for millennials. But if influencers looking for the next click have anything to say about it, people will know a lot more soon!

Mister Beanie has decided to give his audience a birdseye view. Climbing high on a post, he pauses for effect. Here, the buildings look pretty basic. Locals should show him a much better site nearby: The Bratislava Castle overlooks the river, and it's definitely selfie-worthy!
Action in Arabia
Heading to the UAE, most tourists are aware that there are a whole lot of laws that can them in trouble. The authorities don't take kindly to public drinking, kissing, or bikini wearing. But added to the list, they're not a big fan of mockery on their beautiful new buildings!

Well, these two probably had good intentions. From the looks of it, they are adrenaline junkies just looking for their next fix. They're willing to travel far and wide to find it, too — and capture it on film. Aliens in the future are going to find very interesting time capsules from this era!
Redbull Gives You Wings
The most popular energy drink company in the world is famous for more than just fizz. Red Bull Stratos in 2012 was a high altitude dive at the tip of the atmosphere. Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner made history, sponsored by the daring brand. Now, nothing else they do seems extreme!

This helicopter selfie is absolutely dangerous, but who minds? All three riders seem to be having a good time. One man guides the craft, while the other cheers his crazy pal into action. With a selfie helmet, the sky is the limit!
A Total Cliffhanger
Everyone wants to stand out on a crowd3ed social media platform. Today, a whole lot of people signed up for the same stunt. They all seem confident that the edge of this ledge is no big deal. But are they being rational, with this choice?

One move away from a final plunge, many would argue this was a poor decision for clicks. If rescuers are called in, it's going to be a big job. One fatality is sad. Multiple tragedies are hard to handle, professionally! For the sake of the medics, stay away from big, obvious edges.