women might be the best out of it. There’s something with these ladies regarding their knack in adaptability and we’re sure men might want to mimic it.
women might be the best out of it. There’s something with these ladies regarding their knack in adaptability and we’re sure men might want to mimic it. women might be the best out of it. There’s something with these ladies regarding their knack in adaptability and we’re sure men might want to mimic it.

We’ve seen a lot of women do extraordinary makeovers using unusual items such as kitchen utensils. How about curtain rings utilized as a stylish bag holder? These are just some of the genius hacks ladies do on a normal basis and we’d like to share them with y’all.
Band-Aid Solution For Nail Art
The very first hack in our list consists of an unlikely pair. However, despite their differences to say the least, they are almost a match made in heaven. Women love decorating and accessorizing things. It is where they can express themselves freely.

The moment we saw this pic made us wonder why we weren’t able to think of it the soonest. Look how clever and clean she was able to paint her nails. The band-aid didn't only contain the excess nail polish but its dots served as a stylish design as well.
Diamonds Are Forever, Sort Of
Probably this is what Rihanna meant in one of her songs where she uttered the phrase, “Shine bright like a diamond”. She was just trying to provide us with a simple hack that could save us thousands of dollars. Kidding aside, this nail polish trick has been present for the longest time.

Due to its nature, nail polish has the ability to make things glow or sparkle without damaging the original texture or color. Although it is easy to apply, please make sure to have a steady fan or start practicing first.
Recycling At Its Finest
Before we reveal this hack, let us provide you first with a quick trivia. There's a misconception that these ornaments gained prominence during the early ’90s. That is incorrect as this accessory has been present for the longest time. Bangles are traditionally rigid bracelets that are usually made of metal, wood, glass or plastic.

The worst thing about owning bangles is misplacing them and not having a big area to keep them. Not until we saw this hack. Instead of throwing empty bottles, you can actually make it as a “bangle stand”. It looks fashionable and clean.
Getting Rid Of Those Stinky Shoes
While this might not be applicable only for women, this brilliant scheme is a lifesaver. Let’s be honest, once in our lives we experienced having stinky feet. This could be either the socks or shoes weren’t totally dry when we used them or just negligence when it comes to hygiene.

Nonetheless, here’s how to eliminate those unwanted smells on your shoes. Pour some baking soda into a cloth. Make sure you tie it up properly then place the cloth inside the shoe. For best results, do the process four times a week.
Keep Those Pizza Fresh
Food for all seasons. Pizza has retained its name as the most sought out comfort food in the United States. That should not even be a news flash at all because there’s something with pizza that we keep on looking back for more. However, having a cold pizza is probably the worst.

But don’t worry, we are here to help. Did you know that microwaving cold pizza with a mug of H2O makes its look and taste fresh?
Say Goodbye To Floppy Boots
Ladies who love boots, may we have your attention, please. Are you tired of your boots getting wrinkled, folded and sloppy? You tried almost everything and even clipped them on the side of the wall. Indeed that could be frustrating. However, just relax and we will solve the problem for you.

If you have a pool noodle, this is a perfect item to be placed inside your boots for it to take shape. Just make sure that the pool noodle is longer than the size of the boots.
Cosmetic Hair Iron Jutsu
Women and their hair are like peanut butter and jelly. Their hair is arguably the most important part of their body and we can see why. Have you noticed that women have different sets of shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer compared to men who only use one? Also, they have a variety of hair iron which helps either straighten or curl their hair.

Speaking of hair iron, if in case a normal flatiron is not present, then hair straighteners will do the job for you. By targeting a specific area of the clothes, those creases will be flattened out in an instant.
Perfect Eyelashes
Ask any girl and they will tell you that perfecting eyebrows or having curly eyelashes is a lot more difficult than it looks like. It needs a certain amount of patience, steady hands and practice. Perfect eyebrows and eyelashes can straighten out any mood of a woman.

On the same note, it can easily destroy their day as well. With the help of a kitchen spoon, applying and curling eyelashes will be a lot easier. Start by gently pressing the spoon below your eyelashes and let the mascara do the work.
Cable Management 101
Okay, by merely reading the title you might think that this is getting out of hand. We can’t blame you because that’s the same thing we thought about. However, when we saw the picture, our perspective definitely changed.

Seeing webs of cable wires is somehow annoying and poses accidents especially if you have small kids or fur babies as they might trip on the cables. However, as seen in the picture, you can use an old box to hide not only the wires but even the extension cord. An ingenious way that should be on top of our list.
DIY Lip Balms
Having dry lips might not destroy your day compared to having unequal eyebrows but this can be irritating as well. Imagine talking to somebody and the conversation is doing great. However, they keep noticing your dry lips, isn’t it awkward?

For some, instead of using chapstick or lip balm, they are leaning towards using a better alternative. By combining equal amounts of sugar, honey and olive oil in a bowl you now have your own DIY lip balm and it totally works.
Socks For Your Hair Buns
This trick applies to both men and women. Haircare, in general, is dependable on volume, length and complexity. That is why there are different kinds of shampoos and conditioners. The same goes with tying our hairs. According to hairstylists, having naturally thick hair is easier to control compared to a thin one.

The sock-hair bun trick that is seen in the photograph helps further understand the struggle of having thin hair. On the same note, the step-by-step procedure shown is a complete life saver.
Plastic Straw Isn’t That Bad After All
This is no way shape and form that we are condoning the continuous use of a plastic straw. We’ve seen alternatives that can help reduce man-made pollution and help the environment recuperate. However, plastic straw can also be used in a positive way.

If you have a necklace, we’re sure you’ll understand what we are talking about. To avoid tangling, insert your necklace into the straw from one hole to another. Magic, isn’t it?
The Makeup Board
If you are fond of makeup and cosmetics, it is a must for you to have a makeup box or professional box. The sole purpose of these boxes is to help maintain makeup kits and gears completely and of course, it is pleasant for the eyes to see.

Not everybody has the extra amount to buy any of these boxes. Zip locks can be a great option in keeping them but they won’t be as organized as having a box. Instead, try creating a makeup board. Cut a frame that will fit all of your makeup kits, get a sticky magnet, and there you go.
Time To Get A Fork
There was once a television comedy sketch show wherein they were about to join a party. Unfortunately, the woman encountered an unavoidable accident that led to her mascara and makeup erased in an instant.

Luckily, the woman didn’t panic. She grabbed her makeup kit and a fork. Her boyfriend started laughing but to his surprise, the fork did a great job as a stencil. Probably it was a bad idea laughing at the woman as she knew better when it comes to makeup and DIYs.
Hanging Bags Like A Pro
Whoever started this idea needs a raise or something. How many of us have messy piles of bags scattered all over the place? Some people try to hide it in their closet but it does damage their hand carry. A garment hook might help but it is limited in holding such weight.

Instead, try hooking shower curtains on your closet rails. An easy yet very creative way of storing your bags properly. What are you waiting for?
Cold Nails Trick
Ladies out there, this is your chance to save and explore things beyond the norm. Are you tired of waiting in line for a manicure or pedicure? Does it cost too much to go to a nail artist? No worries, we got you covered.

After finally finishing the last stroke in putting on some nail polish, drying your nails and making it shine could be time-consuming, So what’s the easiest way to do it? Get cold water with ice, submerge your nails or hands for about a couple of minutes and let it do its magic.
Timetable On A String
With technology fast and rising, certain things are diminishing. Old ways are now considered obsolete and our creativity is slowly declining. Yes, technology is the best thing that we have now but it also handicaps some of us.

Despite this, there are still some creative individuals who do things on their own terms. Not only is this schedule-on-a-string brilliant but aesthetically looks artsy as well. Hopefully, more and more individuals find inspiration in doing such innovative things.
No More Bobby Pins Missing
To be honest, these small pins have the absolute power to irritate and destroy our day in an instant. Missing them is misery, finding them in questionable places is an anomaly. Finally, a hack that everybody has been waiting for. If you are finished with your tic tac mints, do not throw away the container.

The container is almost perfect as a bobby pin canister. No more wasting time in finding these pins and no more questioning others if they have them all thanks to tic-tac containers.
Hook Us Up
A small yet dependable item that each and every home must have. They come in different shapes, forms and even materials. But these hooks are game-changers. Gone are the days when hooks were only used for our clothes or garments.

Today, these hooks can be seen all around the house. From the shower, to the kitchen and even in our garage. Rather than putting the hair curlers or straighteners in the cabinet, why not let it hang using these awesome hooks?
A Long-lasting Perfume Exists
When buying a perfume or scent, they all have the same exact sales pitch- a fragrance that will last forever. However, that is not necessarily correct. Most fragrances will last only for a good two hours. It is also highly dependable on the lifestyle and task you are doing.

However, there’s an easy hack to make your perfume last even longer and that is to apply petroleum first on your neck or wrist prior to spraying your favorite scents.
Simple Lipstick Extender Trick
You might be wondering how celebrities look so perfect and glamorous all the time. You might also be questioning how they stay fresh despite their busy schedules. Apparently, these old-aged questions can be answered by a simple yet efficient trick.

Next time you notice that your lipstick is about to fade, do this in sequence. Place a paper towel over your painted lips. Use a makeup brush to add powder on top. Then wait for the results.
Old Broom For More Room
What do we usually do if we have an old worn out shabby broom? Either we throw it away or even use it for a campfire. However, who would have thought that this can still be reused with a much better purpose.

First, you need to remove the handle of the broom to give it a flat clean surface. Next is to try fitting certain items such as pens, mascara sticks, and even scissors. If these things are properly arranged, then you have yourself a DIY versatile object holder.
The Perfect Mermaid Hair
Every little girl's dream is to be like one of the Disney princesses. Who can actually blame them as everybody wants a good old happy ending? Amongst the traits of those princesses are long wavy shiny hair. With some advanced hair ironing items it seems that waving or curling hair is very easy.

However, that is not entirely correct. But here’s a little nugget ladies might want to try. Instead of spending countless hours curling or waving your hair by layers, you can actually follow the step-by-step process as shown above.
Don’t Have Time To Shower? No Problem
There’s no better way to end your day than by taking a warm shower. It will definitely relax your body and help you sleep easily. But this doesn’t apply to everybody. And it is not because they don’t want to take a shower or are afraid of the water. Yet due to time constraints showering time is almost impossible.

So what’s the quickest remedy to eliminate those unwanted oils in your hair? Try sprinkling baby powder on your scalp next time. It works perfectly and all ages can enjoy it.
Sneaker Heads
Taking good care of your shoes or sneakers this day is no longer considered as necessary but more of a lifestyle. Shoeaholics or sneaker addicts will even go to the extreme to make sure that their shoes are as clean and neat as possible.

This also applies to anybody who’s juggling their time from office to gym and vice versa. To make sure that your dirty sneakers won’t contaminate or affect other things in your gym bag, try using a shower cap to cover the sole of your shoes.
Grip Like Superman
This trick might prove the old phrase, “Who needs superman”?. Although the sample picture only revolves on small nail polish, the same process can be done to bigger jars or containers.

This simple hack will provide enough friction or grip which will ultimately lead into opening the cover. The placement of the rubber band should be in the middle to give a better hold.
How To Avoid Headphone Cords From Tangling
Since the rise of the walkman, CD players, MP3’s and cellphones, there’s one common issue. It’s irritating, annoying and makes you want to rip those things. Who hasn’t experienced tangling of cords from their headphones? Yes, they provide you a special strap to make sure that the cord is in one place but, it doesn’t do the job.

Not until we came across this awesome trick. Next time you are finished using your headphones, try using cloth pegs or clips and coil the cords around it.
Magnets For Your Daily Items
Oftentimes than not, we usually have a special container for our nail clippers, cuticle scissors, nippers and even cuticle pushers. Putting them in one place is necessary to avoid confusion with other items. While this doesn’t pose any issue, there’s actually even a better way.

If you have a magnetic strip, then this is the most ideal way to keep small items from missing. Provided that it can stick to a magnet of course. Installing it might require assistance but once it's finished, even your partner will love the idea.
The Perfect Eyeliner Trick
Another unusual trick that involves kitchen utensils is by using a spoon as a guide to creating a perfect eyeliner. Due to the nature of its shape, the curvature of the spoon can be used as a stencil or a tracing material in making sure that the lines are perfect.

Not everybody is an expert when it comes to cosmetics or drawing eyeliners. So practicing or learning simple hacks or tracks is a must. Don’t worry about creating mistakes as you can easily erase those crooked lines.
Painting Your Keys is a GameChanger
For some strange reason, they keep on manufacturing the same key color over and over. While they do differ in shape or form, it is still hard to identify which keys go right to the hole. This technique might be too feminine but then again, if it perfectly works, why not try replicating it?

By painting the head of the keys, it will be easier to identify the key that you need. Seriously, we’d rather do this than spending a lot of time finding the right keys.
No More Corns And Calluses
Having a new pair of shoes is one of the best feelings ever. We’ve all had that urge to wear them as soon as we took them out of the box. The excitement is tangible, but after you slip into your shoes and walk around for a while, it’s not unusual for pain to develop.

This is perfectly normal as friction and pressure can aggravate your skin, leading to blisters and calluses. To avoid this, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps. First, put on some thick socks. Second, slip your feet into your shoes or sandals. Third, get a blow dryer and focus the heat on those tight edges.
Mr. Bean’s Classic Idea
If you haven’t watched either the comedic sitcom or animated version of Mr. Bean, then you are missing a lot. The main character has the innate ability to annoy and irritate anyone with just a single action. Despite that, he is also a great innovator and very creative. Although some of his methods are questionable, they are highly effective.

Remember the episode where he was eating in a fancy restaurant but spilled red on his white polo and coat? Instead of wiping it with water and a table napkin, he asked for white wine and started pouring it over his shirt. Maybe Mr. Bean is a genius after all because this is actually something you can do to stop the stain from sinking in!
How To Remove Gum From Your Hair
If this hasn't happened to you yet, consider yourself very lucky. This scenario is common during our elementary days when many kids get the “bright” idea to stick gum in somebody else's hair as a prank.

The most common suggestion for removing gum from hair is to use oil. This is effective, but the mess it creates is horrific. Rather than doing that, try placing an ice cube on the gum. Once it’s frozen stiff, its tackiness will be lost, and you should be able to remove it easily.
Stretching Tight Shoes Using A Bag Of Ice
If you’ve found the perfect pair of shoes but discovered that they’re just a tiny bit too tight, don’t despair. All you need are some bags of ice to give your feet the extra bit of space they’re craving.

Here’s the trick for stretching out your shoes: Fill ziplock bags with water and make sure all of the air is squeezed out. Then position these bags into your shoes. Place your shoe in the freezer, and wait for a couple of hours. Try them out, and if they’re still too tight, repeat the process until you get a good fit.
Removing Those Annoying Dangling Threads
Sweaters may be super comfortable, but those fuzz balls and dangling threads they accumulate can be frustrating. Thankfully, we have a solution. This hack is easy to do, but it requires a bit of patience.

To get rid of pilling and threads on a sweater, you need a razor with a good quality grip. The sharp edges of the razor will smooth away those unwanted threads, but please make sure to do it carefully. Accidents from this process have been shared in viral videos, and this is not the way you want to claim your 15 minutes of fame!
Keeping Hats Spotless
Hats and baseball caps are prone to picking up streaks of dirt and make-up on the inner band. Having these lines diminishes the value of the cap, and they are unpleasant to look at. Some suggest that lining the hat with a paper napkin will do the trick, but we have a better hack.

Adding adhesive padding to the inner band of the hat is economical and easy to do. You can pick this up from any craft shop, and the stick-on lining is easy to replace. It’s also far more practical and stylish than a paper napkin!
Waterproofing Your Shoes With Beeswax Is No Myth
There was once a show on the Discovery Channel wherein a man tackled anything the wilderness threw at him. His unusual techniques, tactics, and plot lines were sometimes questionable, but they seemed to work for him. Bear Grylls is the youngest Chief Scout of the United Kingdom and Overseas Territories, so questioning him is probably not wise.

There’s an episode of Man vs Wild in which he keeps on slipping due to his shoe being submerged in water for too long. He comes across beeswax and applies it to his shoes. Surprisingly, it made his shoes waterproof, and he continued his adventure as though nothing had happened. Thankfully, you don’t have to be lost in the wilderness to use this trick!
Another Uncommon Use Of Nail Polish
We’ve lost count of how many times nail polish has appeared on this list. That goes to show just how versatile it can be, and now, we’re about to take it into the world of hairstyling. After bobby pins were created in the 1920s, they quickly became a household staple.

The only problem is, bobby pins often lack pizazz. If the color is too boring for you, a splash of nail polish will come in handy. Painting bobby pins with nail polish can give them the funky style they desperately need.
Tying Your Hair Too Tight Might Cause Hair Loss
Having long hair is the dream for many women. It brings back childhood memories of idolizing those Disney Princesses who all had long hair. Well, except Mulan who cut her hair for a greater purpose.

If you’re hoping to grow long, luscious locks, you should know that tying your hair too tightly can lead to hair loss. Haircare experts suggest tying your hair loosely or letting it hang loose if you want to grow it out.
A Perfect Place For Scarves
Did you know scarves have been around since the 9th century BC? Contrary to popular belief, scarves were not invented as a fashion statement. Rather, they were designed for wiping sweat away in hot weather.

If you do have a lot of scarves and have a hard time keeping them organized, you might want to try a frame like the one in the image above. Tie your scarves on, and it almost looks like a work of art!