The long wait is finally over as we uncover some of the ingenious car hacks that everybody should be aware of. Ever since we were kids, we idolize, revere or even worship guys who have easy and alternative ways in doing such things. There was once a series from the TV Network Giant, ABC, wherein the main protagonist has his ways to create useful things with less and unusual items. The show is called MacGyver. It was a cultural phenomenon that led to a legendary symbol.

How about the time when Batman showed his very first automobile and it consisted of odd but very effective things? This certainly opened our eyes in exploring things beyond their usual purpose. Read on and be amazed with these easy car hacks for petrol heads.
Slimes Are Not Useless After All
Let’s be honest, every time we hear the word slime either it reminds us about Nickelodeon or a squishy and oozy green thing that kids love to play with. Slimes' popularity gained prominence thanks to this TV show and is probably the reason why it's still in business today.

Who would have thought that this squishy thing could be a great dirt remover? Due to its elasticity, it can reach certain corners in our dashboards and AC vent windows that small brushes can’t do.
Fixing Dents In Two Easy Steps
This is no doubt one of the car problems that leaves owners mystified. Imagine going home from work, parked your car properly then as soon as you wake up, there’s a visible dent on the driver's side. That will surely mess up your day and will start calculating how much you are going to pay for it to be fixed.

However, there’s a quick solution using two simple things. First, you have to pour hot water into the surface of the dent then place a plunger. After that, carefully pull the plunger while you are still pouring some hot water in the area. Voila, magic!
Stretching The Range Of A Key Fob
An underrated DIY hack that has been present for the longest time. The sole purpose of a key fob is to provide access to a certain object as quickly as possible. But it has limitations. How many have experienced going back to their car with grocery items on each hand and as you press the key fob, it doesn’t seem to work?

That can indeed be frustrating. Anyhow, there’s a quick hack to extend the range of your key fob. Just simply place the key fob under your chin then press the button, and there you go. Although it sounds crazy, this was proven by science already.
Instant Stink Remover
Having a car is no longer considered a luxury but a necessity, especially for those who are working from a distant place. Having a car is also a big responsibility as you need to make sure that everything is working, calibrated and clean.

Despite cleaning properly, for some reason, certain unwanted odors stick and it could be very annoying. Nonetheless, here’s a quick hack for you. Place a dryer or fabric softener sheets in each car seat and let it do its magic.
DIY Trash Bin
If you have kids, then this hack is great for you and your car. It is no secret that most kids and some adults tend to throw their trash anywhere if they can’t locate any trash can. Kids are also notorious in hiding or inserting candy wrappers into any given space inside our cars.

Luckily, an ordinary cereal container can be used as a trash bin. Place a plastic bag inside to filter the trash and then if you are finished using it, just close the lid and your garbage is now secured.
Coin Trick Tire Check
Maintaining your car at any level should be the priority for any petrol heads. In this way, not only you maintain the quality of the car but you are assured of its safety. Amongst the most commonly replaced parts of the cars are its tires. But it can be costly as well.

If you want to check if the tires are still good to use, a quick coin trick tire check is all you need. Just place a penny or a coin in the tire tread. The deeper the coin goes, the better.
Pool Noodle As Cushion Device?
Another way to protect your cars from unwanted dents is to have a pool noodle in place in your garage area. This simple floating and squishy device is great for embracing impacts. Sometimes, we accidentally open our car so hard that it ends up hitting the side of the walls.

This method is fairly easy to do. Cut the pool noodle in half. Get some adhesive tape or glue. Stick the pool noodle on the wall in proportion to the car door. And there you go, an instant cushion device.
Ingenious Pizza Warmer
According to studies, pizza has been consistent as America's go-to comfort food. There’s something with pizzas that we just can’t resist. However, a cold pizza is never good to eat. Sure you can reheat it in an oven but the taste and texture will be a lot different.

Next time you buy pizza, if you want it to stay oven-fresh, just adjust the built-in seat warmer of your car and it will do the rest. Don’t forget to share this to your family and friends.
Windshield Ice Remover
Five more months and we are about to embrace wintertime. For car enthusiasts, this period is the most challenging due to a variety of reasons. The most common issue during winter for car owners is an icy windshield. Although there are some easy methods such as pouring hot water into the windshield, it is time-consuming and might damage your car if you do it frequently.

Thankfully, there’s another way and that is by mixing vinegar and water. The components and solution present in the vinegar can actually help remove those ice instantly. Just spray the mixture of vinegar and water into the windshield then wait for a couple of minutes. That’s it!
Frozen Car Keyholes? Not A Problem!
We are definitive and clear when we stated that wintertime is the least favorite season of car enthusiasts. The problem it brings to car owners is astronomical. Since we are finished dealing with icy windshields, let us help you hack in unfreezing car keyholes in no time.

Hair Dryer could be a useful item as suggested by many but what if you were stuck in the middle of nowhere? If you have sanitizers, this will definitely work. The alcohol solution of sanitizers can melt those ice in your car keyholes. Others tend to warm their car keys with a flame and gently insert the keys on the keyhole.
Having Issues Removing Car Stickers?
Stickers may come in different shapes, sizes or forms. It adds a certain persona once added in your room, guitars, notebooks or even cars. But as we grow older, these stickers of choice are no longer that relevant to us which trigger us to remove them.

These stubborn stickers might be hard to remove but not impossible. A concentrated heat via a form of hair dryer will do the job for you. The heat will lessen or remove the adhesiveness of the glue which will make it easier for you to remove the stickers.
Car Scratch Remover, Sort Of
If car dents make petrol heads go crazy, tiny scratch marks will make them go insane. It’s unexplainable how annoying these tiny scratches are. And if you are a car perfectionist, we understand your pain. Instead of going to a car detailing shop and spending hundreds of dollars, there is a quick remedy for it.

A nail polish will be your best friend during this time. Easy to apply and it does mimic the car colors pretty well. Just make sure to have steady hands while applying it.
Say Goodbye To Foggy Windows
Driving a car needs practice, patience, and coordination. It is also a must to check engines, tires, gas and water level before doing so. But as soon as you start driving, moist starts building from your dashboard which creates fog into your mirror. This could pose a lot of danger.

Nevertheless, relax, there’s an easy way to get rid of it. A cloth bag filled with rice will do the job for you. Place it right on the dashboard and let the magic begin.
The Holy Grail For Gas Hack
We definitely love this idea as it saves us a lot of money. Gas prices increase almost every other week and this can be very irritating. This is one of the reasons why car owners prefer to use public transportation rather than spending it on gas. Although there’s a gas gauge as an indicator regarding your fuel level, it doesn’t tell you the whole story.

Apparently, squeezing the gas pump hard adds more air while refilling your gas tank. Thus, it is advisable to hold the pump at half pressure. It might cost you some time in doing so but it will save you more money.
Attention SUV Owners
If you have big cars, it is a must to invest in a bigger garage as well. The notion of having a big garage being costly might be true, but, if you have an SUV with a small garage, it might do more damage to your car. But to those who don't have the luxury of a spacious servo, here’s a quick trick.

Backing up SUV cars is a lot harder than sedans. Hanging a tennis ball on a string in your garage can be a good stopper. Hitting the tennis ball will serve as a warning that you might be backing up too far already.
Hidden Paper Towel/Tissue Holder
The last time we heard about paper towels or tissue paper was when the pandemic started. It created such panic that people started stockpiling toilet papers. At first, we understood what the panic was all about but when they started beating each other, it no longer made sense.

Luckily, it ended abruptly. But the next time you are looking for a safe place to hide your tissue papers, just lift your trunk. There’s a space and holes where you can hatch a cord for you to install those paper towels. An easy trick but definitely a space saver.
Cup Holder Shield
Who has a habit of drinking coffee, soda or tea while driving? It’s a simple joy while driving but drinking these helps us focus and stay calm. Cup holders may vary in size but one thing is common, it is a challenge cleaning them.

So before you place the coffee cup or can of soda into the cup holder, place paper muffin cups first. In this simple way, it will filter any spillage from the beverage that you are drinking.
Quick Fix For Foggy Headlights
Foggy headlights are a sign of imminent danger. As a driver, having reliable headlights is vital in driving especially during nighttime. If you are experiencing foggy or cloudy headlights, you must stop driving and fix it immediately. While going to a car shop is advisable, there’s a quick hack to do it.

Spreading toothpaste all over the headlights will reduce and remove those unwanted fog. There you have it, we just help you save $50-$100.
Cell Phone Holder Using A Rubber Band?
Nowadays, cell phones are considered one of the most important things that everyone must have. Phones can be used not only for communication, but such applications like maps, calculators, alarm clocks, and calendars can help us in our daily lives.

While driving when texting is strongly prohibited, it’s a must to have a phone holder installed in your car. If you don’t want to spend money buying one, you can actually create an alternative phone holder. Just slip a rubber band in between the AC fan, then place the phone on an upright position.
Unlocking The Secret Lock
Gone are the days when everything was manual on old cars. If you left your keys inside, either you have to contact an expert lock picker or you have to carefully yank the windows to create a small space for you to place a string to pull the lock on the inside.

Now, if the keys aren’t working manually or automatically, there’s a hidden secret lock that you can press. It is located at the bottom of the door handle right on the edge. Once pressed, your car doors will be unlocked.
Socks For Your Wipers
Another problem created during the winter period is the wipers getting frozen. While it does take time for it to freeze, wipers getting exposed throughout time will absolutely do more damage. This is an odd and old trick but it works perfectly.

Adding socks on to your wipers will act as another barrier or protection to it. It might not look cool but it will serve its purpose. Similar to protecting your windshields, adding another blockade by a form of nylon bags, will surely protect your car mirrors from freezing.
Beating The Summer Heat
The winter period is the worst for cars but summer heat can create problems as well. The most common car issue for summer heat is, of course, overheating. But there’s another problem that will surely irritate your skin. Parking a car in hot weather will make each part of the car sizzle.

Especially if your car has leather seats, those seats will be like the throne of satan. Don’t worry, we got your backs covered. In order to eliminate the heat, open the side mirrors and doors every now and then while the car is still parked. This will help a better airflow which will get rid of the hot temperature.
Gas Tank Location Indicator
Imagine this, you are in a hurry, already late in a meeting, you were in the middle of driving then noticed that you are about to run out of gas. You pulled out on the nearest gas station as soon as you start refilling, you notice that the gas tank is on the other side of the car, that sucks, right?

Apparently, on the dashboard where the gas gauge is located, the arrow beside the gas icon has a purpose. The direction where it is pointing to is actually the same location of the gas tank. We should have known that earlier.
Car Care 101: Minimizing Wear And Tear
Let’s be honest, we all have the urge to drive fast. The thrill that it creates is second to none. However, driving fast is extremely prohibited. There’s a reason why stoplights and speed sign limits are created to protect the driver, the passenger, pedestrians and the car.

Having said all of that, due to the acceleration speed of the car, it will require sudden friction to the car's brakes for it to stop. Thus we need to always follow car signs and traffic rules.
Parking Lot Chronicles
This usually happens if you are in a hurry. As soon as you park your car, you storm the front and do your usual business. The moment you return, it seems that your car is nowhere to be found. Now you are in a state of panic and spending valuable minutes just trying to find your car.

This can be frustrating and embarrassing at the same time. So before you get away from your car spot, make sure to take a snapshot. This way, it will provide you a landmark on where you specifically parked your car.
Roll Down Your Windows
This is somehow similar to the last few slides that we showcased yet completely different. The scenario is, you just started your car and it takes a while for the AC to start up. What people normally do is roll down four windows of the car which is a complete mistake.

According to research, rolling two front windows is the best way to get rid of the hot steamy air. This process will provide more area for the air to circulate.
Cheap Car Interior Cleaner
While a good car wash and detailing make your car look brand new on the outside, the same should be done with the interior. To perfectly summarize, it doesn’t matter if the car looks great on the outside if the interior is unpleasant. Unwanted smells, trash, and dust are a big no-no to a car.

If you are on a tight budget and want to get rid of those tiny particles and dust in your car, here's a quick solution. Go get some coffee filters and gently wipe those dust particles. Due to the nature of the coffee filters, it almost acts like a dust magnet.
Adding More Keys On Your Key Rings
Due to the advancement of technology, the idea of having physical keys is slowly diminishing. By using biometrics, fingerprints, eye detection and even facial recognition, only time will tell when we no longer need physical keys. But as of the moment, since most of us are still using it, here’s a trick on how to add more keys on your keyrings easily.

Separating the ring might be hard but with the aid of a stapler, this will do the job for you. The good thing about using old tangible keys is, it is easier to fix, compared to biometric keys.
Installing Garage Remote In Your Car
We’re pretty sure that you’ve experienced this. You just arrived from the grocery store and as soon as you unload everything that you purchased and about to enter your garage, the garage remote seems to be missing. Another small issue that can destroy your day.

Next time, instead of placing the garage remote at home, why not just install it on the car visor? It will save you more time and you won’t be able to misplace it.
The Power Of The Sun
This is the second time that we uncover ways and tricks on how to get rid of icy windshields. While a mixture of vinegar and water works perfectly, there should still always be an alternative. Yes, vinegar is not that hard to find but what if you are stuck in the middle of nowhere?

Then using the sun’s power is a constant that we can rely on. Try to move your car carefully to a spot where the sun shines brightest. Let the sunlight have a direct hit to those icy mirrors then wait for a while. It might cost some time but won’t cost you any amount of money.
Removing Rust With Soda
This hack will sound shocking if you haven’t already heard about it. Soda, particularly Coca-Cola, contains enough acid to get rid of any rust. With that said, this also gives us an understanding of why Coca-Cola is not advisable to drink every day.

To remove rust with Coca-Cola, you have to submerge the rusty item fully in the soda and wait for at least a day. After that, you should be able to wipe away any rust that remains on the surface of the metal.
Polishing Your Car Using Hair Conditioner
Before trying this technique, we strongly suggest testing it first on a small part of the rear panel of the car. By doing so, you will be able to make sure that the hair conditioner you’ve selected won’t damage your car.

The process is to wash your car as you normally would and then let it dry for about 15-20 minutes. Once it’s dry, apply the conditioner to a small cloth and start waxing. For best results, use circular motions and always move your hand in the same direction.
Clean Hard-to-Reach Crevices With A Screwdriver
We must give props to whoever invented screwdrivers as this small tool is a lifesaver. Screwdrivers are key to many DIY projects, so having a good set on hand is a must. Screwdrivers can also be used to clean dirt and crumbs out of the crevices in your car that your fingers cannot reach.

The trick is to wrap a flathead screwdriver in a damp cloth, then gently start guiding it around the crevices. Fair warning: you should not do this if you have a shaky hand as you may damage your vehicle if the screwdriver slips out of the cloth.
Winter Driving Problems: Solved
Blizzards and cold weather are responsible for all sorts of car problems. Apart from icy windows, frozen keyholes, and iced wipers, frosty weather can wreak havoc on even the toughest vehicles. Driving during the winter is hard as the roads are slipperier and navigation is trickier. To avoid skidding, adding extra weight to the car is a good idea.

This greatly improves your safety when driving in winter. Another thing to remember is that the more traction your tires have in snowy conditions, the safer you’ll be. So, consider swapping to winter tires if you’ll be driving in a snowy region.
Toothbrushes Are Not Just For Teeth
The humble toothbrush can do far more than just keep your teeth clean and cavity-free. Just as they can get into all the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth, so too can they clean out the hard-to-reach crevices in your vehicle.

The soft bristle of the toothbrush is great for cleaning your car’s interior. Not only are the bristles super effective at getting out dirt and grime, but they’re also soft and gentle, so they won’t leave marks or scratches.
Magic Clay
Car detailing, buffing, and polishing are all essential if you want to maintain the clean and fresh appearance of your car. However, car detailing services are not cheap. They can cost you around $50-$200, depending on the size of the car. Thankfully, there are hacks you can use to save money.

Detailing clay can remove dust particles and even removes fingerprints from your car. This is another simple yet very effective way to maintain the quality of your car. Detailing clay can be found in most automobile accessory stores.
Magic Erasers For Stains
Finally, a product that doesn’t lie to its customer. Magic erasers live up to their name. Kudos to the manufacturer of these magic erasers as they are indeed a lifesaver. Using one properly will also do the job quickly. The trick is to dampen the sponge with a little water. Just be sure to avoid soaking it in water.

Once the magic eraser has been dampened, gently apply it to the area covered with stains. You don’t need to scrub that hard as the magic eraser will do the hard work for you. That’s why they call it magic!
Petroleum Jelly For Your Car Seats
Who would have thought that petroleum jelly could be effective at restoring car seats? Having a leather car seat might look elegant and stylish, but if the car is exposed to the sun for too long, cracks will begin to appear. To avoid this, you can apply vaseline as this will condition the leather and stop it from cracking.

This trick can be used on the window trimmings as well. Apply the petroleum jelly to the rubber side of the windows and let it dry. This serves as another barrier against moisture and the heat of the sun.
Squeegee To The Rescue
Having fur babies adds joy and happiness to the lives of animal lovers. More often than not, they are considered to be part of the family. Of course, having a fur baby can be messy as well. If you have pet cats or dogs and often need to transport them in your car, then you know what we are talking about.

While a portable vacuum is great for getting rid of the fur they shed, there’s another easy way of doing it. Squeegees are brilliant at scraping fur from upholstery. Just make sure you use it dry. This is the one time you don’t want to use soap and water with your squeegee!
Foam Brushes Are Perfect For Cleaning Vents
If you’ve been assuming that the air coming out of your car vents is clean and fresh, then we have some tough news for you. The air conditioning vents in a car work just like all other air conditioning units. To ensure that they are fresh and clean, you must have them checked and cleaned regularly.

Using a foam brush, you can soak up any nasties that may have accumulated in your vents. Foam brushes are also good for cleaning around the upholstery and trim.
Emergency Salt for Winter Driving
When there's snow and ice on the streets and you realize you need more footing to get up slopes, it's an indication that you could utilize more weight in your vehicle. Putting water softener salt sacks in the storage compartment of your vehicle will add weight to the posterior of your vehicle.

Remember that this hack isn’t applicable for front-wheel-drive vehicles. However, if you have a 4WD, some softener salt toward the rear of your vehicle will assist during the winter driving season.
A Dash Cam for Extra Security
Dealing with car break-ins can be very stressful. Aside from fearing for your security, the thief will leave you with expensive damages. Thankfully, with car technology becoming more accessible and reliable, you can have peace of mind and safety.

The Garmin dash cam is a smart investment, providing you with high-quality video footage of car accidents and theft. It is handy and can be positioned onto the inner windshield. Now, you can feel more confident and at ease while driving.
DIY Car Air Freshener
Nothing beats the scent of a clean, crisp, and fresh car, especially on long drives. Instead of regularly buying commercial car fresheners, why not make one yourself? Revitalize your beloved vehicle with scented candle wax.

Poke holes in the cover of a mason jar, then put candle wax of your choice in the jar. When the temperature in your vehicle rises, the wax will soften, filling the space with a beautiful scent. The beauty of this hack is that you can use the remnants of old candles instead of wasting them when the wick burns down.
Make Parking Hassle-Free
If you continually get out of your vehicle only to discover you've bungled your parking position, this parking aid can help. It's particularly useful for parking in smaller carports since it helps you ensure that you pull up far enough without hitting your front bumper.

This parking assistant is so easy to install, set up, and operate. The lights on the device caution you when you've pulled up far enough. We can’t wait for ours to arrive in the mail!
DIY Car Mats
An easy way of keeping your vehicle spotless is to cut pieces of old rug to fit on the floor as mats. When these customized covers get all messy with summer sand or winter snow, you can either give them a wash or throw them out and make more.

Just make sure that you don't put these DIY vehicle mats on the driver's side of the vehicle without adding grips to the base side. This is necessary to guarantee that the mat doesn't slide forward while driving.
Control Your Car Virtually
Did you know that you can connect to your car through your smartphone? With Viper SmartStart’s first-class technology, you can start and control your vehicle while you're in a café or in your home. Interestingly, you can also locate where your vehicle is, tell how fast the vehicle is going when another person is driving it, and get alarms if the vehicle has been moved without your knowledge.

Wow! This is definitely every tech lover’s dream. Tip: Make sure your phone is WiFi connected to enjoy these cool features.
Avoid Losing Things with a Pipe Insulation
It is inevitable for things like cell phones or keys to fall in the gap between the driver's seat and the center console in your vehicle. It is difficult to recover things that drop into that space, especially if the gap is so little that your hand won’t fit.

While a stick or wire hanger can help you haul the things out, there’s a better solution. Simply cut pieces of foam pipe insulation to the length of the gaps, then stuff them in. This will ensure nothing slips down there in the first place!
How to Prevent a Leaky Sunroof
Have you ever wondered why raindrops continue to fall on your head, even when you’re inside your car? If this sounds familiar, it is probably because your sunroof drains are obstructed. No worries – it’s something you can fix yourself in only a couple of moments.

All you have to do is open the sunroof and search for drain openings toward the front and back corners. Clean the drain by using compressed air or a cotton swab to remove any debris that could be obstructing the tube.
Update Your Car with a Portable Bluetooth Receiver
Looking for a premium Bluetooth AUX adapter for crisp and clear in-car entertainment from your gadget? Trust this compact MPOW device that also boasts a built-in mic for hands-free calling. Did we mention that this cool tech is an amazing treat for any older model car?

This is a nice upgrade for your beloved vehicle. Imagine hitting the road and enjoying your favorite music at the same time. We’re sure every music lover will love this wireless Bluetooth receiver.
A Versatile Car Swivel Tray
Eating alone in your vehicle can be miserable. Be that as it may, in the event that you must do it, ensure your safety at all times. This car swivel tray makes an incredible buddy for passengers and pit stops. You can modify its height, and it boasts a non-slip surface.

This is a versatile device that provides convenience and makes eating in your vehicle easy as pie. It’s also great for sharing snacks between the driver and other passengers.
Keep reading for more amazing car hacks!
Rejuvenate Your Car
Did you know that you can revive your vehicle's finish yourself and achieve a factory-like sparkle? It’s possible, but it requires more than just basic wax. The method begins with a decent wash, then a scratch fix, cleaning, and a protective wax finish. An expert would charge up to $200 for this meticulous process.

Yet, after investing in the polisher and supplies, you'll have the option to make your car look rejuvenated and refreshed for a fraction of the price. It may take a whole day, but it’ll be worth it.
A Backup Camera for Perfect Parking
Most new cars have detectors and cameras to safeguard the vehicle, its passengers, and any nearby pedestrians. If your car doesn't have this component, you can always add the Pyle Car Backup Camera to your automobile.

It comes with a camera you put on the vehicle's back and a 7-inch screen you can mount to the dashboard, guaranteeing you get into your parking spot impeccably. Novice drivers will have a great parking buddy with this cool device. You’re welcome!
Assess Tire Pressure Monthly
We’re sure you know that all tires lose air, so inspecting your tires every month is a must. It’s important to use a tire pressure gauge and take a look at the air pressure early in the morning, not after you've driven on them or they've been sitting in the sweltering sun.

Blow up to the pressures recorded on the driver's door, NOT the most extreme pressure recorded on the tire. The suggested tire pressure depends on the heaviness of your specific vehicle, not the tire brand.
Diagnose Car Issues with a Code Reader
Nothing can ruin a road trip faster than a "Check Engine" light springing up on your dash. You keep thinking about whether you should pull over and shut off your vehicle or keep going until you find a mechanic. Thankfully, there’s an easy answer.

Here’s an easy way to make your driving life stress-free: Simply plug an auto code reader into your car’s computer system, then translate the trouble code readout. Now, you can diagnose car problems without consulting a mechanic.
Shake Off Snow and Ice with This Car Cover
Too exhausted to scrape snow off your windshield? This cover from Sukuos enables you to simply pull off the cover and shake the ice and snow off. This user-friendly item is easy to install and remove, and it does the work nicely.

"Today, the back window was under a thick layer of snow even after I scratched it off. But when I pulled this cover off the front windshield, I had the best view," a satisfied user said. Ready to flick ice from your windshield in a flash? Let’s go!