Parking is a big part of learning how to drive. It involves everything from searching for an open spot, paying attention to parking rules, paying at the meter, and dealing with any nasty weather conditions. Although many people manage to do all of this quite well, we think it’s fair to say that not everyone has mastered this basic part of driving.

Have you ever been annoyed by someone else’s parking job? Even if it doesn’t personally inconvenience you, watching someone double park or take up a spot for far longer than the meter allows can be maddening. When it does apply to you – for example, someone blocking your driveway – then it gets infuriating. What’re you meant to do in a situation like that? Fidget in anger and yell at the sky? That’s one option. Another option is to leave a note on or near the car detailing how poorly parked it was. Below are 39 funny examples of this.
Parking Like A Pig
Pigs are known for their ravenous appetites, so when we accuse someone of “being a pig” it generally means taking more than your fair share. That can be in terms of food, gifts, or, in the case below, parking!

Being a parking pig is a serious accusation in this neighborhood. Seems like the local drivers will call you out on your parking skills and then post about it online. To avoid the real-life and internet shame, it’s best to park in your own lane and be considerate of others.
This Is How You Park
Have you ever been stuck inside your driveway? If so, then you can definitely sympathize with the person below. This angry homeowner was about to head off to work one day but found that they couldn’t leave because there wasn’t enough space to back up.

There wasn’t enough space because some bad driver decided to have the front part of their car block half the driveway! The homeowner quickly drew up some “parking instructions” and left them on the windshield. We hope the driver took the instructions to heart.
The Smiley Threat
Talk about catching a lucky break. The person who wrote the note could have easily called up a tow truck to have the offending car fined and taken away. Instead, they decided to snap a photo, make a threat, and give them a second chance.

Don’t expect a third chance though! This great little example of passive-aggressive writing ends with a nice smiley face as if to say “I might be nice for now, but don’t test me.” They mean business and aren’t afraid to take some action.
A Hit and Run Confession
A hit and run is a pretty dodgy way to avoid taking responsibility for your actions. Jack, however, took it to the next level. He took responsibility for his actions by saying “I accidentally hit your car” but then forgot the crucial second step.

Leaving contact details. How is this person supposed to know who Jack is or where he can be found? Worse than that, he wrote the note in a mocking tone that admitted he was only doing it to avoid someone else who saw him hit the car.
Peanut Butter Messages
The note attached to the windshield wipers is a bit too small to read, but the message scrawled in peanut butter across the windshield tells us all we need to know. What did the driver do to deserve such hard-to-clean treatment?

How do you clean something like that off? It can’t be easy. Hopefully, during the hassle of getting the message off, the driver thought about their parking habits and changed them up a bit to avoid another peanut butter windshield.
Learning To Color And Park
This is a genius note to leave under the windshield wipers. Instead of leaving a sticky smear of peanut butter all across the windshield, this angry driver took a more passive-aggressive and funny approach. You remember coloring books, right?

They’re great for kids because they can help them learn how to color within the lines. Hopefully, that skill transfers over into adulthood, but not always. Just like messy kids with coloring books, some adult parkers just can’t keep it within the lines.
Please, No Ticket
Rather than leaving a note to let drivers know they park badly, this person left a note to explain the bad parking. If that parking spot is the only one they can find, then they’re in a tough situation. They can’t park without a sticker but they’re waiting on their sticker, so what’re they to do?

Beg for mercy of course. Plead your case and see if the parking attendant lets it slide for a while until your new sticker arrives. It sounds reasonable to us and three tickets a week is brutal on the wallet.
The Inconsiderate Parkers Prize
Here we have another example of a funny passive-aggressive note left by one angry driver to the driver who caused the anger. Instead of a simple note that said, “please don’t take up two spots of parking,” this person created a whole “inconsiderate parkers prize.”

It’s a very cheeky way of pointing out bad parking behavior while making a joke out of it. We wonder how the other person responded to it. Either way, it’s amazing that it took longer than a month for the note to finally be left.
Humans Aren’t Sardines
Most of the messages above are either elaborate (peanut butter messages) or passive-aggressive (inconsiderate parkers prize). The person who left the message below skipped those for a third option: getting straight to the point.

The point was to be more considerate. In particular, to park more considerately. Based on the fact that he used the “bloody sardine” phrase, we think this driver probably hogged up a lot of space. Remember, people aren’t sardines. What do you think? Justified or a bit too rude?
Parking In Lumbergh’s Spot
If you’re a fan of the cult comedy classic Office Space, then you’ll love this next note. It brings to mind the way Bill Lumbergh, the notorious micromanager at Initech, asks his employees to read memos and file paperwork.

Kudos to such a great rendition of Bill’s way of standing and speaking! We just hope the poorly parked driver got the cult reference. If not it might be a bit awkward, but the main message is still as clear as day – park in your own spot.
Well Explained Letter
This neighborhood managed to vent frustration through a level-headed letter complete with bullet points, multiple paragraphs, and a diagram. It manages to address the driver, explain the problem (terrible parking), and provide suggestions for fixing it.

Although the letter feels very non-judgmental and to the point, we can’t help but feel that there is a sarcastic undertone to it. Either way, we applaud whoever wrote the letter for taking the time to think it up, write it down, and print it out.
Racing Career Cut Short
Have you ever heard a loud engine early in the morning? It wakes you right up. Not everyone is a fan, to say the least, so when this speed racer didn’t get the message, the whole neighborhood decided to pitch in.

Rather than coming right out with a threat, these clever neighbors decided to have a bit of fun. They greeted the “speed racer” and said the cold-weather revving will damage the engine and cut short a racing career. That must have got the point across – let people sleep.
Fix The Alarm
Neighbors with noisy cars can quickly cause neighborly tension, as we see from this strongly-worded warning below. The anger is understandable though because there’s nothing worse than being wrapped up in a cozy night's sleep only to be woken up by a car alarm.

Well there is one worse thing – having it happen again and again! The fact that the neighbor doesn’t seem to care or do anything about it is doubly infuriating. Although it might have been a bit harsh, we understand where it’s coming from and hope the alarm was fixed.
Double Parking Is A No-No
Double parking is a big no-no in the world of parking pet peeves. No one wants to try and squeeze into a small spot, barely able to open their door, just because someone else couldn’t park between the lines. So when that happens, what do you do?

If you’re the person above, you leave a note of course. However, the note is more of a confession similar to the one above. Yes, double parking is wrong, but hitting the car and then leaving without contact details is also wrong. As they say, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Just For You
Chalk isn’t just for kids drawing hopscotch on the sidewalk. It can also be useful for adults pointing out the bad behavior of other adults. Take a look below. Since this person had chalk at the ready, they could point out the bad parking of the driver below.

Not parking within the clearly defined yellow lines makes it a lot harder for other drivers to find a spot. For some reason, the driver above didn’t seem to care or notice. Luckily, a chalk-ready passerby made this driver a special spot to get the message across.
Have You Thought Of Taking The Bus?
Public transportation is a great way to get around without having to search for a parking spot and pay all those parking fees. Also, if there were more buses around, there would be fewer cars and hence fewer parking problems.

The author of this clever note makes a good point. Maybe car parking isn’t for everyone, the basic rules just go over the heads of some folks. Those people, according to this note, should stick to public transportation instead of inconveniencing others.
Back To Parking Basics
For many of us, taking the driving test was when we boned up on all the rules of the road. Years after getting the license, many of us slip into bad habits. The person who wrote the note below wanted to give a friendly reminder on the basic rules of parking.

Just like you don’t go through a red light or reverse on a highway, there are certain things you don’t do when it comes to parking. High up on the list? Parking in front of other people’s driveway – how else are they supposed to get out?
The Pointless Letter
This distracted driver hit another person’s car and was about to flee the scene, but then saw that someone else was watching them from afar. What to do? They chose to leave a note to make it seem like they were doing the right thing.

When in reality, they weren’t. The note itself was nothing more than a kind of “catch me if you can” taunt. Sure the person admitted guilt, but they left no contact details. We suggest they take the bus instead to avoid getting into situations like this.
Facebook Dislike
Facebook’s Like and Dislike buttons are great ways to give a simple response to a picture, post, or comment. They get the message across simply and clearly. Most of our real-life conversations aren’t that simple, so what if they had a Facebook button for real life? Wait a minute...

They do! Or at least this person does. The “post” they dislike is the real-life post of some driver being a terrible parker – perhaps double parking, parking in the wrong spot, or taking up too much space. Either way, they got rated badly and the post was shared around.
Well That’s Rich
This is quite a heartfelt note that also manages to add in a bit of humor to soften the blow. Sometimes people who drive expensive cars can feel like they own the roads. This can show up in their parking choices. Any spot can be theirs they seem to think.

That’s inaccurate though. Handicap spots are next to the entrances for a reason – so people with mobility issues don’t have to travel as far. It’s not meant as valet parking, so we applaud this note-writer for bringing up the issue.
Spotted A Bad Parker
We are big fans of puns, especially when the pun involves a cute dog! The note below managed to do both, mixing in a picture of a lovely little dog while addressing the fact that the driver needs to learn how to park better.

The problem was that the driver was taking up too many spots – hence the dog’s name – and this made it inconvenient for anyone else who wanted to park nearby. We wonder just how bad their parking was for something to type up a notice like this.
No Ticket Please
Sometimes the cold weather can do crazy things – like lock your doors shut! This car owner was given a ticket for being parked too long, but the owner had a great excuse for why that happened. The doors wouldn’t open! How are you supposed to move a car then?

Push it along perhaps, but that’s a bit difficult in frozen weather. Although the note doesn’t seem to have helped avoid a ticket, perhaps it will be taken into account to lower the fine – or at least to avoid another ticket before the weather warms up!
Hurricane Of A Parking Job
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, it caused a massive disaster. However, this clever poster managed to bring up that image to talk about the disaster of a parking job this driver managed to do.

Kudos to the clever pun. We wonder what warranted such a strong comparison – did they double park, leave the alarm on, or did they double park with the alarm on! Whatever the offense, the message was sent and we can only hope that the driver fixed their disastrous parking.
I Hit You, You Pay Me
In some of the posts above, people admitted to hitting a car and running away but refused to leave their contact details. Basically, an admission of guilt without any way to fix it. Tony below, however, admitted to hitting the other person’s car and left his details. Why?

Well to get payment for the damage that Tony underwent when he hit the other person’s car! Now that’s a ballsy move. The other car’s parking job must have been terrible for this to have happened. We wonder if they ended up calling Tony. Would you?
Beware The Grumpy Cat
The cat below isn’t your run-of-the-mill cat. In the daytime, the cat does all the typical cat-like things (nap, eat, and nap). In the night, however, this cat becomes the parking police! The consequences can get pretty serious.

No one wants to get towed. It’s a hassle in every way – your car isn’t where you expected it to be, you have to pay a massive fine, and then drive on back. This bad parker was lucky that this grumpy cat gave a warning before actually towing.
Should Have Never Been Born
Woah! That harsh note makes us wonder what caused it. How bad was the parking job to warrant something like that? Message aside, it’s pretty amazing that the person had such a well-developed design on hand.

Clearly, the person who left this note thinks that the car owner’s life was a mistake. If that driver wasn’t born, then the parking situation would be easier and driving, in general, would be less of a hassle. We just wish we could see a picture of how the car was parked to judge for ourselves.
Paddlin’ Away
The Simpsons provide an endless amount of jokes and memes to apply to all sorts of real-life situations. The old man below, Jasper Beardsley, was made famous for the episode where he was a teacher ending every infraction (talking out of turn, etc.) with “that’s a paddlin’.”

A private parking spot is like your own mini-home – it’s where you (or more specifically, your car) belongs. When someone else takes it, it feels like they’re stealing something from you. That’s an infraction. Or, in Beardsley’s words, “that’s a paddlin.”
Not A Prime Parking Job
If Optimus Prime in his robotic voice doesn’t approve of your “horribly executed parking job,” then you’re in trouble. Prime might end up transforming your car into something else or karate-chopping it to bits. Sounds like this parking villain is worse than Megatron.

Hopefully this parker got the message that Optimus Prime is angry and might have to do something about it. For now, it’s just a warning, but when the second time comes around, who knows. Time to re-take those driving lessons perhaps.
Angry Potatoes
Don’t annoy the potato gang. This notorious sack of potatoes is known to sit on the hood of a car and vent their frustration. They will wear scary faces and attach cease and desist letters. Whatever this parker did to invite a situation like this, we know they were in deep.

This gang looks like it’s out for revenge. At first, they will give a strongly-worded warning, but if the bad parking happens again then it’s on to the produce army – and no one, we mean no one, wants to deal with an angry head of lettuce!
Back To Parking Basics
Whoever this parker was clearly didn’t master the basics. Someone nearby was so angry by the way they parked that they decided to leave a note. On it was a clear message and an easy-to-follow diagram of what to do and what not to do.

We hope it helps the offending parker to get back to mastering the basics. Step one: don’t park diagonally. Seems easy enough, but it might take a while for some to master this. Luckily, the note-writer added clear instructions to help guide the fallible driver.
World Doesn’t Revolve Around You
This is quite a rude awakening to whoever improperly parked here. This little parking ticket left beneath the windshield wipers gets your attention, delivers a strongly worded message, and ends by providing some helpful advice.

Did it work? We aren’t sure, but whoever left the note is clearly hoping that it did. Seems like they took a big chunk of time out of their day to craft this little card (multiple fonts and color choices) and leave it there. Definitely don’t want to get on this person’s bad side.
Time To Move
This note is straight to the point and we think it’s entirely justified. Parking can be a scarce and expensive commodity – especially in urban areas. When someone who doesn’t live on your block leaves their car there, you have to take drastic measures.

How else are they going to get the parker to move outside of threatening them? Although this person wanted the situation fixed right away, they were kind enough to at least give the parker one last chance to fix the problem – before the tow truck came.
Shovel Your Own Spot
Snowstorms are amazing to watch, but they’re a lot of work to go out in. If work or school isn’t canceled, then it will take a long time to shovel through all that snow and release your car. It’s hard work, but at least it’s work that pays off. Or does it?

It must be maddening to go through all that shoveling work to get the heavy snow out only to have someone else park in your spot. That’s cold. Although the tone of this note is tame, we hope the parker ended up shoveling their own spot.
Up And Over
Whoever parked behind this note-writer has another thing coming if they choose to do it again. A lot of the notes we’ve seen above make cutesy puns or threaten a bad parker with the hassle and cost of being towed. This annoyed driver, however, went way beyond that.

Instead of being towed, this driver will personally monster truck all over the offending parker, reducing the car to a pile of junk metal. If that ominous threat didn’t get the parker to change, then what will?
Don’t Make More Of Yourself
Some drivers park in such annoying ways that it goes beyond us questioning their driving skills. It moves into us questioning their whole existence! Whoever left the note and gift below must have felt that way.

There’s no better way of showing you disapprove of someone’s behavior than coming right out and saying, “please don’t reproduce.” It means fewer bad drivers clogging up the world. This angered driver even left a condom to encourage safe sex and make sure no mistaken pregnancies happen.
When Nature Calls
When nature calls, it isn’t always the ideal time. Sure, sometimes you’re at home with a nearby bathroom, but other times you might find yourself in a public parking spot that’s quickly running out of time. What’re you going to do? This driver decided to leave a note and beg not to get ticketed.

“I have to go poo.” This quick note is relatable to many people. When you’ve got to go, there’s no time to drive around searching for a new spot to park. You just park and hope for the best. It’s a legitimate excuse, we just wonder how well it worked out.
Helpful Passerby
If you want to be a real jerk, one way to do that is to hit someone’s parked car and then drive away as if nothing happened. If the car is parked and no one is in it, then it’s nearly always the other driver’s fault.

Luckily for this driver, someone else saw the hit and run and reported it to them! They wrote down what happened and any identifying marks they could remember, including the color, brand, and license plate. Hopefully, the owner was able to track down the dude.
With Hate To You
People sometimes mask their hate with polite words. When applied to note-writing, it allows you to be honest and biting without resorting to curses and threats. Although mostly polite, this “Dear Driver” note does pack a punch – especially at the end.

Although the handwriting is in nice big letters with lots of “thank yous”, the take-home message is not about cute thank yous. The real message can be found next to the heart decoration. “Hate you, Z.” Clearly, Z wasn’t impressed with the other driver.
Don’t Park Here Maybe
In 2012, Carly Rae Jepsen had a major hit with her song “Call Me Maybe.” The note below started with the catchy hook of that song – “this is crazy … so call me maybe” – and then took it in a completely new direction.

A direction that perfectly fits the situation at hand, which happens to be a car blocking the driveway. Hopefully, the catchy tune with the new lyrics got stuck in the offending driver’s head and caused them to switch up their parking habits.
The only reason to buy a car is to make travel plans as convenient as possible. Sure, you are going to experience people with questionable driving skills and traffic jams that don't seem to end. Despite all these issues, there’s one more infuriating problem that gets on our nerves in an instant.

Parking a car should be relatively easy as it is part of the driving exams you need to take when applying for a driver’s license. It doesn’t need to be perfect as long as they are parked properly. Prepare to scratch your heads as we are going to showcase some of the worst parking fails that will make you question each driver’s intelligence.
And The Best Parking Award Goes To...
How hard is it to follow the yellow lines while parking your car? Seriously, this is only the first slide on our list and it’s making us mad already. The parking space isn’t even narrow, so maneuvering the car should be fairly easy.

To the person responsible for taking the photo and giving the driver a parking contest award, we salute you. We understand the frustration and this is probably the best way of calling out the person who doesn’t know how to park.
Mind Your Surroundings While Parking
Is the owner of this car preparing for a possible flood or strong hurricane? Were they punk'd by some teenage kids? Or have they received a parking lesson that they will never forget? The car was perfectly wrapped, and you can clearly see the parking rule they violated.

The driver parked over two spots, an act which is considered a crime in parking etiquette. Good luck unwrapping your car. It looks like they even wrapped up the antenna!
The Princess Parking Has Arrived
Lucky for this car and its owner, the one who commented about their parking skills was mild-mannered. We can’t further elaborate on why no one is allowed to park in this zone. What’s so hard about following a simple rule?

Okay, there might be two sides to the story, but still, judging by the picture alone, you can tell that the driver thought that this blocked-out strip was the perfect spot to park.
You’ve Messed With The Wrong Neighborhood
We often hear the phrase, “bury the hatchet,” which means agreeing to certain terms and making peace. According to the person responsible for sharing this picture, the neighborhood was irate about how this driver parked his car.

They were spurious because it seemed the driver thought he could do anything he wanted as he was driving a luxury car. Regardless of what continent, country, or state you are in, there’s a golden rule when you are a visitor in uncharted terrain, and that’s to be polite.
A Bad Look For Jeep
You often hear from petrol heads that a true man drives a stick. Really? What’s manly about this? The inability to follow simple parking guidelines? How can the driver not see the other cars that are parked properly?

Does he have extra money and that’s why he thinks he should be entitled to park in two slots? Well, if that’s the case, paying for the towing company will not be a big deal for him. Hopefully, Jeep won’t lose sales due to this customer’s bad parking.
Consider This Your Final Warning
This is an ongoing problem around the world wherein some people don't know what common courtesy means. If you see a parking space or garage, it is common knowledge not to block it. You don’t need any warning signs stating “do not block the driveway” for you to do what’s right.

This garage owner must have had enough, and by the looks of it, this is not the first time his car was blocked. Good luck with that monster truck.
Do Not Park In Front Of The Fire Hydrant
If you feel sorry for the owner of this car, then you are part of the problem. We are not saying that what the firefighters did was right, but the protocols are as clear: never park in front of a fire hydrant.

Based on the picture, this might have happened in the mid-90s due to the design and style of the cars. This tells us that bad parking is a problem that has been with us for decades.
Trash Parking
Look, a Mercedes Benz! This is a top of line, luxury car, and not everyone can afford one. Still, that doesn’t give you the authority to create your own parking area. This driver has managed to block five parking spaces with just one car.

Instead of other drivers destroying this beautiful car, they just returned the favor by trashing it. Trash parking deserves some trashing. We hope this was a rude awakening to whoever owns this majestic Benz
Two Chained Wheels
As the years progress, more and more electric and small cars are being produced due to their distinct advantages. One common advantage of small vehicles is their ability to park in the tiniest spaces.

According to the backstory of this picture, this parking spot actually belongs to somebody who owns a regular car. The owner was so upset when he saw the small car parked there again that he went and chained its tires.
Welcome To The Internet
Even drivers who are beginners will agree, this is a bad parking style. The driver is only two steps away from executing perfect parking. However, for some reason, they just opted to do it their way. Unfortunately, this was not his lucky day.

Enraged by the insensitivity of the driver, the person who shared the post took matters into his own hands. Clearly, he must have understood the law because he could have damaged the car, but instead, he took it to the internet.
Trash Talking
This is a friendly reminder to all drivers (and that includes us) that the warning signs are in place for a reason and not just for decoration. The person who parked his car in this area knew what he was doing wrong but still proceeded to do it.

Whoever did this might have warned the car owner not to park there, but evidently, he was not listening. Instead of putting out the normal “no parking” signs, they made sure that the owner of this car learns his lesson.
A Friendly Reminder From Your Neighborhood Superhero
Seeing a car not parked properly is cringe-worthy. Having your garage blocked by another car can make you lose your sanity. However, it is nice to see that some drivers still remain kind, despite the debacle that they are enduring.

Rather than completely humiliating the parking skills of the person involved, he provided a friendly piece of advice. However, if this happened in any other neighborhood, the owner of the parked car might be crying already.
Beware: Tiny Car Owner
This is the second time that a small car owner has been involved in a parking fail situation. As stated before, a lot of people are highly interested in small cars due to their distinctive advantages. Parking won’t be a real problem for them, or that’s what they thought anyway!

Did the driver not notice that he was blocking the walkway? The residents must have been angry as they took their time surrounding the car with a makeshift box, complete with a handwritten sign to make their intentions clear.
When Karma Hits Hard
This could have been avoidable if the driver followed the simple rules in parking their car. We don’t know the backstory of this image, but we can sense the rage and fury of whoever is responsible for pouring paint onto this car.

It looks like the car was parked on a sidewalk which probably triggered them to do this. What makes it even worse is, they poured paint with different colors. We hope this is covered by insurance.
Parking Instructions 101
Here’s another well-mannered and patient petrol head on display. To think that his car was blocked by another vehicle – this should be enough to make him furious. However, in a surprising turnaround, he took his time to educate the other driver regarding the issue of blocking their driveway.

We are praying that we get to meet more people like this. However, we also understand why 90% of the population would go crazy if this happened to them. It truly is infuriating when thoughtless people continuously block your driveway.
Rage In A Poem
Remarkably, this is the third time in our list wherein people were able to control their temper and not lose their cool. Instead of taking matters into their own hands, they spent some time describing their feelings about the way the other person parked.

The words used here give us an idea of what they were feeling. Still, they were able to control their emotions and didn’t even utter a single curse word. We are impressed!
Another Parking Award Recipient
If we didn’t zoom in, it would look like the car was the grand prize from a game show. Well, it has confetti, a bunch of balloons, and it was decorated thoroughly. However, this is not an award that you would want to be involved with.

The backstory of the picture is that there was an emergency at that time, and the emergency vehicle was having a hard time maneuvering through this area. After the emergency was dealt with, those who’d witnessed the drama decided to decorate the car and let the owner know exactly what they thought of their terrible parking.
Please Be Syrup
As seen in the picture, the person who did this to the car must have had enough already. What provoked them to leave such a subtle message? Well, have a closer look. The car is almost in the center of the road.

The owner of this car will be hoping and praying that the substance used to write the message is syrup. If it is what we think it is, then this is a nightmare that they will never forget.
Message Sent
The sarcasm in this message is on another level, and we can’t stop laughing about it. A lot of you might be wondering who Helen Keller is. Well, she is an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer. She was also blind.

You probably get the joke now. Rather than telling the driver harsh words that might offend them to the point of pressing charges, they got their point across in a way that is relatively lighthearted.
A Funny DIY Parking Violation Ticket
Now we completely understand the statement that all geniuses have a little madness in them. Don’t you just admire people who can be creative and at the same time informative in stating the obvious?

Imagine spending time on your laptop creating a DIY parking violation ticket to inform the person involved how dismayed you are with their parking. The last sentence of this parking ticket is one of the funniest we’ve read for a long time.
Giving New Meaning To VIP Parking
Yet again, another driver has problems following the yellow mark as their guideline in parking their car. To be fair, the owner might have been in a hurry and just did it his way since the parking lot wasn’t all that full. Regardless of the reasoning, this is annoying.

It takes less than five minutes to park your car properly, especially in a wide-open space. Luckily, the sarcasm crew was present and they weren’t shy in letting this person know what they thought of their parking style.
The Conspiracy Theory Of Shopping Carts
We tried to check the backstory of this unfortunate incident. However, we were unable to find out how it happened, why it happened, or who made it happen. Upon further investigation of the picture, the car appears to be properly parked within the white lines.

There’s no clear indication that the car violated any parking rules. However, one of the parking attendants must have been so annoyed with the driver that they decided to surround the vehicle with shopping carts.
Trash Parking 2.0
Another common misconception for car owners is, once we see a space, we automatically assume that it is a good parking spot. Even if it has warning signs, we tend to ignore them and proceed to park.

This vehicle owner will now fully understand why parking beside the dumpster is a big mistake. There’s a reason why it is called a dumpster – this is the area for dumping trash.
Mother Nature Has Spoken
The owner of the badly damaged vehicle must have been furious. It is no secret that mother nature’s fury is incomparable. Yes, we might be living in a world where advanced technology is taking over, but nature can always overpower us if she wants.

Due to strong winds brought on by a typhoon, the trees on this street toppled. We know that this isn’t a laughing matter, but amongst all the parked cars, one was only badly hit. We feel bad for that poor driver.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Finally, we are going back to the dark side in teaching these lousy drivers how to properly park a car. The white SUV in the middle seems to be parked not only on one slot but three. We could only imagine the fury that the others were experiencing when they saw this, but no need to worry as payback came swiftly.

Annoyed by what happened, this group of drivers worked as a team to barricade the white SUV. Justice served!
The Birth Of A Movie Star
We are pretty sure you’ve heard this phrase “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Judging by the note that was written, although the person was annoyed about how the car is always parked, they made the most out of the situation.

They could have vandalized it with unnecessary words, but instead, they used it as practice, developing their movie star skills by sliding across the hood of the car. We love this sarcastic note encouraging the owner to follow suit.
The Potato Army Is Getting Ready For The Kill
We love how some people tackle certain situations in their own unique way. This might not be as threatening as the other pictures that we’ve showcased, but the message is clear. We just don’t understand why people are so insensitive.

Did the driver not see that he was parking in a bed of potatoes? This habitual lousy parker received their last warning, and it might sound funny with the choice of words used to threaten him, but we’d suggest that the driver might need to watch out.
Muscle Car Meets Monster Truck
In this week's edition of, “Muscle car meets monster truck,” we can distinctly see the problem in the picture. Technically, parking lots are designed to cater to any size, shape, and brand of vehicle.

With that said, the owner of the monster truck decided it was perfectly fine to park diagonally and take up two spaces. The driver of the white car made a bold move – here’s hoping the monster truck driver doesn’t just roll right over the top of the car to get out!
The Parking Awards Keep Getting Better
Ask any driver and they will tell you, parallel parking is the hardest type of parking. This is especially true if you have limited space to operate and direct your car. It takes a lot of patience and practice.

We can’t stress enough what the issue is in this picture. Let’s say the driver made a mistake in calculating the parking space. As soon as they get out of the car, they should be able to notice and fix up the parking. Sadly, they just left it that way. At least they got a cool award out of it.
No One Is Above The Law
This picture proves that the old adage is true: no one is above the law. This parking enforcement officer broke the law, and they received a ticket, just like any of the rest of us would. We wonder if the parking officer was such a stickler for the rules that he gave the ticket to himself?

One way to earn respect as an official is to follow the laws yourself. This is a great example and a testament to the work of parking enforcement officers.
Another Trash Car
Hopefully, this is the last time we discuss cars and garbage today. There’s only one rule for avoiding trashy situations: never park near dumpsters. You need to leave space for the dump truck to collect this garbage, and why park near something that smells awful?

Unfortunately, there are still plenty of drivers who ignore this simple rule. These garbage collectors were so fed up that they wrapped this car up with the dumpster.
Two Way Parker Zip-Tied
All of us have visited a grocery store, and most of them have spacious parking lots that can cater to multiple cars. Some stores have even customized these areas to make sure that their customers are properly taken care of.

Despite all these efforts, the owner of this car chose to be ignorant. Thankfully, a clever shopper was in the area. They zip-tied a trolley to the door handle of the car on the driver’s side.
Is This Covered By Insurance?
Here’s yet another high-end car that was destroyed due to a parking dispute. How it was ruined was scary, to say the least. Whoever did this had been planning it for a while. After all, who just has an axe handy?

As much as we are irritated by the driver's parking skills, we don’t condone this kind of retaliation. The axe might have hit a vital part of the car's engine.
Trash Parking 3.0: SUV Edition
When will these drivers learn? Does it always have to end with their cars being vandalized, destroyed, or trashed? How hard is it to follow one rule when it comes to parking near a dumpster? We do feel a little sorry for the owner as the car looks brand new.

If someone has the energy to commit to surrounding a car with trash bins, they must be furious. On a positive note, this is more acceptable than the one that was trashed.
Writing On The Panel
For every well-mannered driver, there are plenty of crazy ones. What happened to simply putting a note on the windshield or confronting them face to face? The owner of the vehicle might need to replace this side panel.

Either a knife, screwdriver, or sharp stone was used to etch those words into the car. Taking somebody’s parking spot is probably going to cost them a lot of money in repairs.
Respect Begets Respect
Having zero parking skills is annoying, but having no sense of direction or awareness of where you are parking is maddening. How many of us have encountered cars poorly parked at our workplaces or in our neighborhoods?

That is basically what happened here. To think that the workers and the owner of the store were still relaxed despite their workflow being interrupted. Rather than trashing the car like the people in our previous examples, they just left a note.
Shopping Carts As A Barricade
This is not the first time we’ve seen a car surrounded by shopping carts. The difference here is that we can see the violation that the driver of this car executed, so we can understand why it inspired some angry shoppers to seek revenge.

As we all know, grocery stores have massive parking lots. There might be times that these allotted areas are full, but that’s not a good reason to park your car in front of the store like this.
Parking PSA
Ask the meme gods, and they will tell you, this note is perfect. Fans of Office Space will get the joke immediately. Those who haven’t seen the film should drop everything and watch it now. It’ll be worth it!

The drawing is indeed funny, but we are pretty sure that if this happened again, the bad driver would be hit with something a little harsher than a cute note. What we don’t understand is how inconsiderate the driver is. How hard is it to park in your own spot?
Luxury Car, Awful Parking
This is the biggest issue that we have right now. Just because you own and drive a luxury car, doesn’t mean you have the authority to do whatever you want. We are not judging all of them, but so many people who drive luxury cars think they have their own set of parking rules.

We love that the owner of the Jeep decided to teach the bad parker a lesson. We hope they returned to their cars at the same time. Then justice truly would be served.