Over the last several years, memes have emerged as a great way to convey one's emotions and ideas in a witty and relatable way. Some of the most uplifting pictures in the world may be found in these satirical and occasionally critical pictures, GIFs, and videos. As well as inducing a chuckle, these images also have the power to tug the heartstrings of anyone who looks at them.

These images will make even a heart made of coal beat and swell with emotion. These pictures will make you believe that there is goodness in the world and restore the dying hope of even the most world-weary of people. However, they should be consumed with caution—they will make anyone go “aww” and “Ohh” and may even inspire you to make the world a better place.
Doubleganger From Another Dimension
Can you see anything different between these two images? Because it's difficult for us to discern the difference. It's safe to say that these are two distinct images of Ryan. Even if he isn’t actually Ryan Gosling, he's still a Gosling impersonator God.

It's a great feeling—trying to resemble Ryan Gosling—but it's going to take a little work for this guy to make a 100% match. However, his remark would have brought a grin to the G-man's face and is likely the finest compliment he's ever received.
The Muse
Relationships maintained across great distances can be quite challenging. This woman was talking on the phone with her long-distance lover when she suddenly fell asleep, presenting her boyfriend with an ideal opportunity to pull out the pens. What a pleasant surprise she must have had waking up to this.

He drew a picture of her while she was sleeping; don't you think it's lovely? If this is what it takes to maintain a long-distance relationship, then everyone should have their notebooks and pens ready—at least when talking over video.
A Puppy Joke
It doesn't take much to put a smile on a child's face. Putting a smile on a kid’s face is sometimes all that it takes to impress them. Sometimes even a lousy pun will do it. This pizza shop employee just carried it off perfectly.

I smell a pay raise for this employee. This six-year-old's face lit up as his dad told him the Puperoni joke. What Samuel L. Jackson said in Episode One couldn't have been expressed any better. He only said what most of us are thinking, and what better way to express it than through a meme.
An Old Friendship Meant To Last
Without the support of our community, how can we possibly thrive? The people in our life, including our friends, are essential to our well-being. After 40 years of being apart, reconciling with a long-lost friend is a wonderful experience. Here’s a great example of this.

After 40 years of being cut off from one another, the grandmother of this poster found her long-lost dearest friend. You can see the delight and happiness in the photos; there are no words to describe it. Happy reunion, you two!
Go Where?
No matter what, we still prefer to think that the world is changing and that everyone gets the same treatment, even though we are reminded otherwise on a daily basis. Even though there are still some individuals who look down on others, it’s good to see meme-slingers standing up for the oppressed.

Here’s a fun fact about that particular plane of existence—until a few hundred years ago, it was considered to be a place that only evil people went to. Nowadays, you can get sent there for anything—from loving the wrong person to being a woman and speaking in church.
Dogs Are Heavensent
Dogs just have this extremely deep connection with people, and they are certainly a man's greatest friend, capable of a variety of things, one of which is healing from the inside out. God must have created dogs to be angels for us here on earth as they surely are loving and kind.

Because this lady's father had to enter self-quarantine, she had no choice but to give him her dog so that he would not be lonely. You won't believe this, but the dog has developed feelings for her dad, and now all it wants to do all day is snuggle up with him and take long walks in the yard. Isn't that nice? We need a canine companion who will adore us.
A Father’s Advice Is Treasure
This guy's father once gave his son some dating advice, which was that he should never go out on a date with a female who speaks with ease from the very beginning. The logic behind this states that there should be an element of fear when meeting someone you’re into, only at first, at least.

He published this piece of advice on social media, and it generated a lot of discussion. When he informed his dad, he was quite pleased. He felt like he had done a lot as a father—the fact that his advice was taken by over 40,000 people made him feel like the father of thousands, in a way.
The Dark Knight’s #1 Fan
People who wear hijabs and jilbabs cover their whole faces and bodies and wear black garments to cover their skin, features, and hair. Naturally, an adult can recognize its meaning, but how about a child of four years old? Never in a million years, and since kids have a wild imagination, this is what happened.

A woman with a jilbab was shopping at the mall with her little kid, who wouldn't quit gazing. "I love you, Batman," he said to her at the end of the queue. The youngster is a huge fan of Batman and wants to express his or her affection for him (or, in this case, her). He’s obviously Batman's most ardent supporter.
Poker Night
Dogs wouldn’t make good poker players, or at least not according to several posters. Their tail would make it impossible for them to bluff without being detected. Thus, they'd be lousy at it. There's some truth to this claim, but it's not entirely accurate.

A dog's tail would be wagging during the poker game, if not all the time, due to their enthusiasm. With this approach, they might be able to bluff and confuse you—you’d never know whether or not they were bluffing or just happy to see you.
Hot Meal Waiting
Seeing something like this gives us hope for the future. The owners of this pizza establishment gave out free pizza slices and drinks to those poor people who usually have to scavenge for their meal rather than having to resort to looking through garbage looking for food. This warms the heart.

The world is not devoid of all decent people; in fact, some of these folks can be found working at Little Caesar's restaurants, and some of them can be found looking for their next meal in a trash can. Treat everybody with respect, and you’ll be able to respect yourself most of all.
Talk About Knowing Someone
This poster has mastered the skill of capturing the undivided attention of their partner and is an excellent example to couples everywhere. Through a post they made online, on a subreddit she knew for a fact her husband follows, they reminded their husband to remember to pick up his keys.

It’s a shrewd strategy and sure to win the attention of any guy, especially if he’s such a big Dungeons and Dragons fan. Those guys typically get lost in their own heads—we know—we’ve got some dungeon runners in our lives, too!
A Mom’s Heart
When you consider that most mom jokes are just savage takedowns, this little post is adorable. A whale joke is transformed into a hilarious mom joke that illustrates just how massive the hearts of our mothers are.

Indeed, mothers are the most selfless individuals in the world, willing to do everything for their children—no matter the cost, no matter how much it hurts them in the long run. As a result, it's acceptable to claim that their hearts are the size of whales, right?
Money In The Bank
Even though there is no reason to think it, some people think it’s acceptable to treat others with disdain, without cause. One day, the woman at the chocolate store continued berating the adolescent attendant at the till claiming that her chocolate was lacking in chocolate.

All of the teen's reasoning went out the window since the customer insisted she was an authority on the subject. Even though she was screaming, this poster kept walking closer to the teenager and tipping her. The more she shouted, the more they tipped. It’s a tip-top tactic.
The Pizza Gang
Pizza is our stomach's favorite food. Therefore we eat it all the time. Anyone who runs a pizzeria will tell you they never had any of their fingers in the crime pizza pie. Could it be true that this cuisine has a way of preventing criminal behavior?

At first, the mafia group in this man's hometown used the company as a front for their criminal activities, but they soon realized that they had no choice but to focus solely on the pizza delivery operation. Seeing people's faces light up when a pizza is delivered is enough to alter a person's mind.
Live Musical Theater
The sensation you get when you and a stranger realize that you are singing along to the same music might be the nicest feeling in the world. In all honesty, the sensation is incredible, at least while it lasts—usually two to four minutes, depending on the genre.

This poster was patiently waiting his turn at a lengthy red light when the driver sitting next to him began singing a tune. They just sang together for a minute and a half. Believe us when we say those fifteen seconds would have been packed with a wonderful emotion that cannot be described in words.
Puppy Love
One of the coolest things to see is a couple of dogs falling in love. Because dogs are such wonderful animals, they have the potential for care and consideration, even though they are animals that lick their own butts on the daily. Every time they went on a stroll, this man's dog made sure to say hello to the doggo she had a crush on.

What a lovely and comforting love story. Dogs can fall in love just as much as we can. This situation is so beautiful that it reminds us of Romeo and Juliet. The mere discussion of love is already triggering solid feelings for us right now.
A Little Sus
Is this an act of commitment or passionate pursuit? This poster told a story about a time in elementary school when he and his best friend played a game where they had to pretend to be romantically invested in each other.

After fourteen years, they are now a happy couple who are making the most of their lives and living together with their adopted daughter. It looks like these guys took things a little too far. But sometimes, when you just stick with something good, it can turn out for the best.
Animals Sharing
Animals' friendliness and charity have been represented several times in films and television shows. One of the ways animals and humans differ is in how they express their feelings of love, compassion, and kindness. While carrying some high-quality meal in a bucket, this horse was besieged by pigeons.

These pigeons were seeking something to eat, as seen by their activity. Thanks to the horse’s generosity, the pigeons were able to feast from the bucket of food. Isn't this a beautiful example of kindness?
King of Smiles
Who is to argue that animals are illogical and have no intelligence? This lion disproves the validity of that notion. After letting out a mighty scream, this lion grinned at the camera, even though he was well aware that the noise had completely startled the photographer.

Who would have guessed that lions are capable of playing such a mischievous game? We can confidently assert that animals are highly intelligent beings. Wildlife photographers and journalists sure do observe many fascinating, odd, and even crazy things.
Giving Back To The Community
It is not enough to have the goal of making a million dollars; one must also consider what a person could do with such wealth. We should all have honorable goals in mind once we attain the millions of dollars we desire and put those millions to productive use.

This poster’s goal is to amass a fortune in the millions so that they might have a good impact on people's lives, provide financial aid to those who are in dire straits or provide a bite to eat for those who are unable to work. What a kind and gentle spirit! There are still pockets of decent individuals around the globe.
Solid Comeback
Bullying other people online is not okay in any way. In America, corporations are people—they’re even entitled to religious freedoms— which means that bullying a corporation is just as bad as bullying a person. Right?

In this particular instance, monolithic meat and bread grinder Wendy’s provided their bully with a very clear and concise response. The correction of "your" and "you're" is hilarious, and reminding everybody about the nice thing he did was on point. Girlboss!
The Trolley Party
When we wave to other people on a moving vehicle, whether it be a bus, train, or even a boat, we are greeted with a lovely and heartwarming sensation. Because the sensation cannot be adequately described by words alone, it is best understood via direct experience.

The trolley experiment is usually used to demonstrate a crisis in ethics. Here, the experiment has been reworked to demonstrate how nice it would be to wave at people on a nice relaxing, and completely safe train ride. How adorable!
Old School Love Letter
Falling in love is a breathtaking experience, particularly when it’s done with another human being and not with a mountain of chocolate or a nice bottle of wine. It is heartening and encouraging to know that love does exist, even between couples who have been together a long time.

It would seem that this girl's grandfather likes to surprise his wife by hiding lovely notes about the house with phrases like "I love you" for her to discover at various times during the day. In all honesty, is there anything that could top this wholesome post?
Gaming Bros
The connection that exists between people who play video games online and those who do not participate in such activities is incomprehensible to outsiders. Although it may appear intense, the connections that are formed via gaming are genuine and based on mutual respect.

The sensation that one feels when a fellow gaming buddy needs to leave after having bonded is out of this world—gamers feel so terrible when this happens. Something along the lines of, "You Won't Be My Partner Again?!" This statement from this gaming buddy perfectly encapsulates the whole experience. But what a wonderful way to say farewell.
Cat Ballet
It could be argued that domesticated cats are the prettiest animals. They never fail to fascinate us, but what if we told you they were even more graceful than they appear? We just haven’t caught them in their natural state—until now.

Someone saw a video of a cute cat dancing the ballet and said it was the most amazing thing they had ever seen on the internet because of how gracefully the cat danced. Because they put on such a magnificent show, people cannot help but keep taking pictures of them, even if their beauty and performance sometimes leave you speechless.
Powerful Wizard
According to this poster, a wizard's strength increases proportionately with the amount of silver in their hair. Therefore, we are not becoming older; rather, we are gaining wizard strength as we move through the passage of time.

This little boy, who is just three years old, informed his father that he is growing magical hair; well, his father must be a really strong wizard. What profound insight from such a young age! Sometimes what they say simply really hits us hard, and we start to wonder where on earth ideas like that could have come from.
Lovely Grandparents
Grandparents are wonderful kind individuals, and we appreciate everything they do for us. They will go to all lengths necessary to guarantee that we are content and can continue with our lives without any problems. It doesn't matter how big or little the gift is; the fact that a grandparent gave it may make all the difference.

This young lady's grandparents gave her a collection of scrunchies in a variety of hues. Since then, she has been able to pair them with any ensemble that she chooses. Because she was so happy, she gave her grandparents a bear hug and a kiss. How cute!
Wave From A Friendly Stranger
Apparently, two people can have a profound connection with one another even if they are unaware of one other. People who wave at boats also have this personal connection, much as those that strike up informal talks with you in elevators, which can—depending on the person—make your day.

It's such a kind gesture to wave to strangers on a boat, especially when you have no idea who they are. To tell the truth, you don't even need a valid cause to wave at someone else. All you need is a kind gesture. Just remember to be kind!
These Run-Down Huts Have Got To Go
Getting wealthy isn’t essential to making a difference in people's lives, but it can help. Is it worth it to be wealthy if you can't lift up others around you? For most rich people, yes—they believe that their greed will ultimately improve everyone’s life, somehow. But for one of the good ones, no, it isn’t.

This guy worked hard to accumulate wealth, but he didn't let himself be enslaved by it. He made sure that his riches were used for the benefit of others. People in his community were given free luxury apartments after he demolished the old huts and erected new ones. What a kind deed.
Go Back Home, Doggy!
This canine's collar has an engraving that says, "My name is Dew. I am not lost. I like to roam. Please tell me to go home." What an enchanted life this doggo must lead, going from place to place until he’s reminded to head back to his owner.

Our canine companion, Dew, certainly lives up to the promise made by one of the most thoughtful inscriptions that can be engraved on a dog's collar. Some may wander, but not all those who wander are lost—just like this cute old doggy.
A Cool Survivor
Everyone has experienced being genuinely concerned for their acquaintances, families, and loved ones, at one time or another. It can be an unbearable emotional burden to have a loved one admitted to the hospital, much less for them to be left there in a coma.

Out of the blue, this person's pal texted, "I lived" after being in a three-month coma. We cannot help but picture the elation that would have spread throughout the poster’s body upon reading that short but snappy sentence. In all honesty, it’s hard to put that sensation adequately in words.
Floating With A Goat
Goats are amazing creatures that are not only highly intriguing but also sort of adorable. However, the majority of people do not share this opinion since they are often considered to be bad-tempered or mean. Goats, much like most other animals, like spending time with people and having fun, hugging, and playing games.

This poster was able to give a goat a soothing wash while swimming. The goat seems to be really at ease. This is an unusual shot, but it seems like the two of them are having a good time together, so who are we to criticize? They are adorable, aren't they?
This Must Be Love
The sight of a lady gushing over her spouse in front of her friends and family can be quite endearing. After purchasing a new phone for herself and loading it up with a well-known social networking application, this lady has been fangirling her heart out ever since.

She cannot stop herself from commenting on images of her spouse and saying nice things about him; it’s nice to see her experiencing feelings similar to those of a teenager once again. These days, public displays of love and admiration like this are quite unusual; nonetheless, this guy is aware that his wife is his number one supporter, thanks to Snapchat.
The Cutest Mailman Ever
How amazing would it be to have a decent dog like this one? Most dogs just want to be helpful to their human companions. It would seem that Pippa enjoys the responsibility of picking up the owner's mail and delivering parcels. That’s one hard-working doggo!

Because there was no mail for the obedient dog to retrieve, her owner had to settle with putting an old receipt out for her to retrieve instead. Pippa's expression conveys her eagerness. We hope that this wonderful youngster was rewarded with a substantial portion of snacks.
Cat Support
Going to the movies, having a conversation with a buddy, going swimming, and of course, watching cat videos are all great ways to bring a smile to one's face and make a person feel good. Yes! Even if they seem nonplussed about it, cats always make us feel better.

Take this poster as an example; anytime he feels down, he asks this gal to send him a photo of her cat, and as her cat is always up to something interesting, she always complies. He reports that it improves his mood significantly. Isn't that cat just the cutest thing ever?
Takes After His Dad
Isn't it usually the case that history repeats itself? If it doesn’t repeat itself, it certainly rhymes. The genes that parents pass on to their offspring, whether they are useful to them in their specific environment or not, may influence their children's behavior in unforeseen ways.

Parents do things that their children will sometimes copy when they grow older. It’s a "Like father, like son" response. But eating ramen out of the same exact mug? It’s uncanny—or should we say “un-muggy”?
Granny Is Worth It
Grandmas are, like, the best. They are always looking out for our interests and making sure we are as comfortable as possible. This cartoon depicts a shady dealer who recently realized just how valuable his grandma is. We think he’s undervaluing her, but sure.

Grandmas will, without a doubt, provide a satisfactory return on any investment. She will make you fat, knit you a lovely sweater, give you candy, and read you bedtime stories when you can’t sleep. Sending lots of love to all you grandmas reading this!
My Dog For Life
Because this poster’s bond with his dog is so strong, his mother commissioned a cardboard cutout of the animal so that her son could bring it with him to college. That way, he won’t feel so apart from his furry companion. So cute!

Anytime he becomes homesick for his closest buddy, he is certain that they are just a look away from him. This is a great gesture from his mother, but we all agree that this does not replace the real deal. We just wonder if his doggo got a little cutout of his human friend to keep him company.
We Can Make An Exception
When riding a public bus, we are not usually permitted to bring our dogs along. This poster was carrying her baby, Lulabelle, onboard and believed that she would get into trouble for it, anticipating a reprimand or some other kind of punishment from the driver.

Fortunately, another passenger on the bus had another dog, a chihuahua, with him. What a day, another Chihuahua and a Lulabelle riding the same bus together! We have the impression that they got along well with one another nicely.
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay
We all experience feelings of melancholy occasionally. It’s okay; it’s certainly not something you should be embarrassed about. The ups and downs of life may be quite difficult to deal with at times, especially when they’re stacked together. Never let your fear of being judged stop you from speaking up—your friends and family would much rather hear your voice than hear you (or not hear you) sob in private.

Keep in mind that when an issue like depression is raised. It's encouraging to learn that in modern times, more people are becoming accepting of this difficult and complicated issue. Please do not be afraid to voice your concerns; in today's society, doing so does not diminish your status as a man in any way. Those days are, hopefully, long gone.