There is a longstanding debate about whether a person's preference for cats or dogs says something about their personality. Some people argue that dog owners are more extroverted, cooperative, and diligent, while cat owners are more emotionally unstable and open to new experiences and ideas. In this article, we will explore what research has to say about this topic and whether there is any truth to these stereotypes.

Researchers at the University of Texas conducted a study in 2014 in which they asked over 4,500 people to take a personality test called the Big Five, which measures traits such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to new experiences. They found that self-identified dog people scored higher on extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, while cat people scored higher on emotional instability and openness.

Other studies have supported these findings and have suggested that the type of cat a person owns can also say something about their personality. For example, a study conducted in the UK in 2019 found that people who scored high on emotional instability were more likely to own a purebred cat. In contrast, people who scored high on openness were more likely to own a mixed-breed cat. However, it's important to note that these findings are based on correlations and do not necessarily imply causality. Just because someone is a cat person doesn't necessarily mean they are more emotionally unstable, and it's possible that other factors, such as upbringing or life experiences, could also play a role in a person's personality.