Welcome To Pig Island

Pig Island, also known as Big Major Cay, is located in Exuma, Bahamas. It is home to pigs that were initially shipped there as livestock decades ago. The sailors that brought the pigs to the island were later forced to flee without the pigs. But boy, did life turn out great for these pigs! They’ve been living the beach life in the Bahamas for years, and we couldn't be more jealous!

Must-Have Experiences At Pig Island

Arrive at the beach by 9 a.m. latest, so you may spend time with the pigs without too many others around. The pigs are known to retire for a nap around noon, and you don’t want to be disappointed when you return. Catch them in the first half of the day when they’re most active . Remember to pat the pigs softly and stroke them. Pigs adore affection!

When To Visit

The peak season is from December through mid-April. It’s possible that your one-on-one time will be limited. The best times to visit are during the less congested shoulder seasons. The islands are quieter at that time, and the weather is still spectacular. The majority of group excursions happen between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Show The Pigs Some Real Love

Although the pigs are wild animals, they’re known to be very affectionate. You are allowed to feed these food monsters,  but you must only offer them pitted fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots. Because pigs can die from consuming too much sand, don’t leave food on the beach; just feed them while you’re in the water.