This Is How Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Could Benefit You

It can be a bit troublesome to plan several breakfast options every day of the week. Stress around breakfast — famously considered “the most important meal of the day” — isn’t necessarily the best way to start your day. The last thing you need is to agonize over avocado on toast or a homemade chicken sandwich with some chopped veggies. 

While the options are endless, time is not. As it turns out, it might make sense to remove the choices from the equation by sticking to a straightforward option, avoiding what is called “decision fatigue.” There’s a specific reason why sticking to the same breakfast every single day can make your life less complicated and improve it significantly. Here are all the details you need to know!


According to Food & Wine, you just need to take a look at some of the most popular and successful entrepreneurs to figure out how they stick to simple choices and avoid that first-thing-in-the-morning decision fatigue. For example, former President Barack Obama told Vanity Fair that when he was at the White House, he’d make life easier for himself by not focusing on the stuff he ate or wore so that he could concentrate on the job at hand.

Similarly, opting for the same breakfast every day helps you avoid spending too much time on choices. As the day goes on, you’re bound to get exhausted by all the decisions you make over the day. In case it sounds like the same breakfast is too dull a prospect to consider, you can also tweak things by deciding your breakfast option the night before to avoid being forced to make that decision early in the morning. It’s a win-win!