The average lifespan of Americans is around 78 to 80 years. While that must sound like a long time to most, some animals easily surpass this age. With a lifespan of over one or even several centuries, these animals live longer than anything else on earth!

Greenland sharks
You might've never even heard of Greenland sharks. They dwell deep in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. But these creatures can live for several centuries. Estimates vary anywhere between 272 years and 512 years.
Rougheye rockfish
According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the rougheye rockfish can live for up to 205 years. They live this long on a diet of smaller fish and other marine animals, including shrimp. It's a shame that doesn’t seem to work for us humans.

Black coral
Considering the decline of coral in our waters, due to climate change, you might not think their lifespan is that impressive. But some black corals have been around for at least 4,000 years now. Instead of being a single organism, it’s a mass of identical organisms which multiply and replace themselves to stay alive.
Glass sponges
Experts have discovered that glass sponges can live for over 10,000 years. Their skeletons apparently look like glass – which explains the name – and they’ve been around for longer than many creatures on this planet.
Turritopsis dohrnii
Turritopsis dohrnii are creatures sometimes referred to as immortal jellyfish because they potentially live forever. When injured or malnourished, they have the ability to revert into polyps before becoming jellyfish again later. This is how they continue to live for an eternity.