Caution: you are going to be amazed and surprised when you see the luxurious life people have in the Gulf states. It is truly a world apart from what we know.
Traveling Around

When you have enough money in Dubai (= a very rich person in western standards) you don't even need a driving license and just get around with a personal limo and driver. You can still, however, keep a massive collection of expensive sports cars in your driveway.
Discover what else is so different from your life:
Stop Light
When we are on the streets and the lights turn red, we can't stop ourselves to check out what's beside us.

Aside from the luxurious car and driver, something big is inside the car too. A tiger! Big cats on the passenger seat is a normal thing here in Dubai.
The Pearl-Qatar
The Pearl-Qatar in Doha, Qatar, is a giant artificial island. They got the idea of creating islands from neighboring Dubai.

The land on this artificial island is the only piece of land you can own privately if you're a foreign national. It's almost complete, and when it will be - that will make 32 kilometers of new coastline, which means 32 kilometers of beach houses.
World's Largest Jeep
Did you know that in Abu Dhabi you could find the world’s largest drivable jeep? Yup, there’s a 21 feet (7 meters) tall jeep driving around in the Emirate.

It weighs 4.4 tons and has all the features a normal sized 1950's Jeep has.
Nothing To See Here
Our pets are like family to us and it is very heartbreaking to see that they are not in their good shape. When this happens, we take our pets to the vet as soon as we can.

Our pets are out of the ordinary. Yes, our pets are wild animals - cheetah, lion, tiger, and so on. This is the trend here, a very unusual trend at that.
Arab Venice
As you can see in the picture, Venice was never so empty of tourists. Oh wait... it's not Venice, Italy. It's the center of 'The Pearl' in Qatar's artificial island. The name Pearl was given to the island because it has been built upon Qatar previous main income center - pearl diving.

Japan took away their leadership in pearls around the world. The pearl was built European style, mixing old Venice style waterways, and newer high rises.
"7-Star" Hotel
You probably heard about The Burj Al Arab (meaning "Tower of the Arabs") in Dubai, right? But did you know that it has some nice titles under its name, it's the third tallest hotel in the world. It's built completely on a 280-meter artificial island.

The shape was designed as a ship sail. It's officially a five-star hotel, but as there is no higher official ranking, by visitors it is called "the world's only seven-star hotel."
Rich Teens
This is what a 15-year-old kid got as a present - a US$250,000 Ferrari, which was yellow when bought, but in Dubai, if you have money, you don't want others to have the same.

So this kid's dad covered the car in a red Louis Vuitton/Supreme collaboration print.
Gold Protection
Some people in Saudi Arabis feel they need some sort of protection.

The rich people of Saudi Arabia, feel they need a different kind of protection - a gold plated one.
A Helping Hand
You won't meet someone from Dubai who only has a few dollars in his bank account. There is something which most tourists doesn't know about the city. Despite the wealth that Dubai is cultivating, there are still those who are jobless and homeless.

Luckily, the city is of help as there are vending machines which these people can run to when they are hungry or thirsty. How come? Food and drinks from these vending machines are free!
Their love for out of the ordinary things has been brought to a whole new dimension - dipping the car into 24-karat gold.

The owner of this car is bored with his luxurious car which is a not-so-new sight on the city. That is why he decided to dip it in gold. Oh, boy! We are dying to know how much it cost him.
Rich Kids Of Tehran
We hope you do not believe the way Iran is portrayed in the media. Ok, their government is not a good friend to the world, but the people of Iran are exactly like you and me.

They want to live a good life, especially the rich people. Currently, they can be open just in closed homes or out of the country, but as you can see, they enjoy life just like everybody else.
True Luxury
Say out loud the word 'Luxury'. What do you picture in your mind? Now double that, and that is the minimum of luxurious life in the Gulf States.

Having a privet view of a giant aquarium in your bathroom is not hard to find in luxury hotels and homes in the Gulf States.
Dress To Impress
Whenever we hear the phrase "dress to impress" we start to panic on the smallest of details on how we will look good. We want everything to look perfect and expensive - from head to toe. This is how we interpret the phrase.
Generally speaking, the interpretation of the phrase "dress to impress" differs from one country to another.

Most of the people in Dubai are of Islam belief which means that there are certain dress codes observed in the city. It is not mandatory that women be completely covered but showing off your bare legs and arms in public is disrespectful.
Clear enough, this woman has no idea about this as she broke both these rules.
Creature Comforts
If you belong to the population who despises public restrooms because of how dirty and smelly they are, then you might consider using one here in Dubai.

Public restrooms here are completely different. This means that you no longer have to worry about peeing while you're in public places. How different are the restrooms here? Take a look at this one.
Off You Trot
Buying a horse isn't as easy as it seems. It entails a lot of things to be considered. Who will take care of it? How about maintenance? The money you will use to buy one? Where will it stay?

Around the world, most horses are placed in wooden stables. But here in Dubai, horses are placed stables made out of marble. They don't really look like a stable at all. Yay! A hotel for the horse. We think horses are even more luxurious than beggars.
The Life Of Pi
If you already have watched The Life of Pi, then you must be convinced too that the movie was made out of GCI. But once you see what Dubai has in store, you'll surely think twice. Why?

The photos we have in here are very similar to the ones seen in the movie. The people of Dubai are very obsessed with big cats. But cats are afraid of water. Is it reasonable to bring one on a boat?
Working In Harmony
It is not expected that everyone who visits the city will abide by the dress code, and yes, the people of Dubai had learned to live with it.

Two women are enjoying the beach, one in bikini and the other in hijab - a perfect example of two cultures meeting. With such openness, it is not surprising that tourists come to Dubai again and again.
Smoking And Women
Although smoking is actually not permitted under religious law (Sharia), it has "regular" laws against it in Saudi Arabia.

Some old school cafe's do not allow women to enter and smoke without a male escort, and that is raising an outcry around the country, but women are permitted to smoke just like men.
Skiing To Adventure
Surely, the first few words you associate with Dubai every time you hear it is the scorching sun, endless deserts, and dusty roads. This is true, but the people of Dubai are doing a great job in making it possible for every tourist to experience different seasons all in one place.

Dubai houses the largest indoor ski resort in the world which offers almost all activities offered when the snow is falling.
Taking A Break
If you are in Dubai and you already have experienced riding in a camel, then you probably know how it is to ride one. It is not as comfortable as you think, we are telling you. Aside from being directly exposed to the sun, the ride will be a bumpy one.

When riding a camel, you must stop at least once to rest because that's the tradition. Where is the best place to rest? Inside a luxurious car. Now that's genius!
Dripping In Gold
The people of Dubai exhibit the good that they have in order to make sure that the rest of the population knows how rich they are. Of course, what is the best way to shows off what you've got than bringing with you as much gold as you can since you can't bring with your luxurious apartments, yacht and so much more.

The people of Dubai cover what they have in gold and diamond and parade it in front of other people. Reminder, bring sunglasses when going to Dubai!
Getting Stacked Up
Knowing what everyone is doing in Dubai, except burning their cold cash, is hard to figure out. Look at this guy who looks so happy with what he did - stacking up eight tortoises. Aww!

Poor little guys in there! Indeed, the people of Dubai are very hardworking in all means. Will the tortoises still stack up when that little tortoise on top will be removed?
For other people, taxi is life as this is their means of transportation every single day. The people of Dubai doesn't have to go to the streets to call for a taxi as they can do it in their mobile phones.

All they have to do is call the fancy taxi company which caters to the needs of the upper class. The main thing? Taxis here are luxurious cars. Oh! We wouldn't mind riding in a taxi every day.
Pride Of Place
It's surprising, but yes, the people of Dubai love their pets more than other people. They do everything for their pets to be as comfortable as possible. Just look this man who has his cheetah in the front seat!

This is unusual but, let's just hope that they cheetah is a good company in a busy street. We should start getting used to the unusual thing in this city indeed.
Cranes Galore
More and more people are booking their flights to Dubai every year. With the number of tourists coming in, the need for a place to stay grows as well. Due to the limited space available, buildings which seem so close to the sky are built.

But building such things don't happen overnight. With the number of buildings being built, you will surely see at least 10 cranes while strolling around Dubai. Can you count how many cranes will you see in your entire trip?
Floating On Water
Aside from their luxurious cars dipped in gold and studded with diamonds, Dubai is also introducing WaterCars. As the term implies, these cars are used in the water.

The Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, have six WaterCars. Right, he loves these cars so much!
Golden Glory
It may seem like a joke but no, the people of Dubai really out gold in almost everything. Aside from putting well with what they have, they eat well too! Yes, they put a little sparkle wherever they do and whatever they eat.

Look at this cupcake which doesn't exactly look like a usual cupcake. But of course, these glittering cupcake costs a whopping $1,000. What? $1,000 for a cupcake? Maybe, next time.
Rules Of The Beach
Summer or not, a day spent at the beach is one of the best days you could have. It even much better when you dip into the pristine waters in Dubai.

The thing is, the beauty of the beaches in Dubai comes with a lot of rules. For example, single men are not allowed on the beach. Only women and families are allowed. Maybe, you should start looking for a partner in life for you to step for on the sand.
Only In Dubai
Do you ever think of something and you are like "This only happens in Dubai". This sign made us very curious. How come that cheetahs or lions are allowed in cars, but fishes aren't allowed to be transported in the train?

Well, that's Dubai. Take this it's a warning to everyone. Don't attempt bringing your pet (fish) when you have plans of riding a train in Dubai.
Paying The Bill
Who wouldn't like the idea of dining out every evening? This sounds heavenly, but the bills that we have to pay afterward stop us. But imagine ordering everything you want on the menu without looking at how much it will cost you?

How does that sound? Perhaps, this is what this person did that his or her bill reached $100,000. $100,000 for just one meal? Uhm...
Gliding Around Town
Dubai is trying to make everyone in the city as law-abiding as possible. But there are always times when incidents happen and calling the police is necessary.

With how rich the people in Dubai are, the police officers should figure out how to keep up with them. That means that they should invest in luxurious cars with powerful engines too which makes us want to be one of them.
Garage Of Dreams
The people of Dubai don't just have one car. They have different cars for the different errands they do. Going into the grocery? Bring out that Lamborghini. Going on a road trip? The Mercedez looks perfect.

They make sure that there is no space for another car in their garage by filling it up with luxurious cars. This person doesn't just fill his garage with cars, but he filled the garage with gold-plated cars. Guess who feels jealous?
Pride Ride
Things seem usual with this guy, but us? We are shaking and we don't know if that is because of fear or excitement.

It seems like this guy has tamed the king of the jungle that he was able to ride it. This isn't an everyday view and isn't advisable, but who are we to complain when he is enjoying his ride?
The Sleeping Lion
On your younger days, you must have tried playing this games and most probably, you have tried to pretend asleep as long as you can. But the games have changed for this man and this lion.

Imagine waking up from a sound sleep with a lion on your chest as it breathes right in front of your face. It seems like its use who is scared. This man looks like he isn't afraid at all.
A Cat Scratch
You surely know by now that the people of Dubai just love big cats. They see these big cats as playmates. Presenting to you this man who is trying to show off his pet by putting it in his car bonnet.

Think of how many scratches his car has after the ride. That's a total headache to use, we don't just know with him.
Stuck In Traffic
Getting stuck in traffic is definitely the last thing you want to experience. But these guys don't seem to mind that they are stuck in the same place for a few hours now. Why?

They've got to show off their newly painted luxurious cars in as much as they can see what their competitors have too. They are also trying to scare the little cats away as well! Size really matters, huh.
Covered In Gold
For us, buying a piece of jewelry would take us a few months of hard work. But in Dubai, covering what they have in gold is a usual thing which happens every day.

If what they have can be covered with gold, then they'll definitely cover it with good. With the abundance of gold in tier city and with the experts in manipulating gold, covering up a remote control with gold is possible.
Get Your Horse
Flashy cars are normal things in Dubai. Seeing something out of the ordinary on the road is an eye fresher.

But this isn't exactly what we expect to see when we say we want something different - a motorcycle transformed into a stallion with pretty rims added. We were just expecting a motorcycle and not this piece of art.
Ready For The Flood
The chance of rain pouring in the city of Dubai is small. Most of the time, the city is under the scorching sun and very high temperature but this doesn't stop this family from getting ready for the rain to pour.

The chance of rain pouring in the city of Dubai is small. Most of the time, the city is under the scorching sun and very high temperature but this doesn't stop this family from getting ready for the rain to pour.
The Cause
This picture is a pretty good reason why that family built an arc. In case this tank breaks and it floods the whole city, they're ready to go.

This fish tank is located at Dubai Mall which eventually became a magnet of many people. After they shop and dine, a stroll to see different species of fish sounds good, right? Simple things don't really exist in Dubai.
In Dubai, it's a common view. Having your privet Cheetah sitting next to you in your Maserati. I mean, who doesn't have one?

Although having these kinds of pets has been illegal for several years, you can see that it's one law that is not upheld too strictly.
Who's In The Middle?
In one of the many desert roads in Dubai you might find yourself face to face with a Bently.

If you're a camel, that is. It's obvious that it's camel territory, but still - it's an unusual view.
A Young Nation
Did you know that the average age of the Saudi Arabian population was 20 just 20 years ago?

Now, that young people are getting more westernized, the average age is rising, and is somewhere around 30 these days.
Women Drivers
It was only a few months ago that women were still not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. The king finally listened to his people, and the rush to get driving permits was on.

Women of all ages and classes started driving, and what's best is that now all the luxurious car makers have new clients!
Ferrari World
In Abu Dhabi, there’s a giant theme park which is called Ferrari World. As you can understand, it is all about speed and breaking the limits.

It has a world record of 37 record-breaking rides and attractions (!!). It might be one of the most thrilling parks in the world currently. It has the world’s fastest roller coaster, called Formula Ross.
Getting Some Cash
Most of us use ATM machines to get cash whenever we need it. In doing so, we insert the machine, put the necessary machines, and get the cash. Here in Dubai, it's a whole new level. Why?

They don't insert card her, they insert gold bars instead. Woah! In return, they receive eye-popping bank notes from the machine. How amazing it is, right?
Up In The Clouds
Dubai is known how its sky-high buildings. This is because everyone wants to live in the metropolis but space is getting smaller and smaller.

Contractors solved this problem by making buildings up in the sky. Wake up being surrounded with clouds! Ahh, an amazing experience to behold.
Camel Park Here?
It sounds weird, but yeah, cars aren't the only thing that gets parked in the streets, camels too are parked.

These camels are easy to spot due to ornaments attached to them. Why? Because camels can "camouflage". Alright, on to the next one ...
Living On The Edge
With the large sum of money, they have, waiting to be spent any time, and with a luxurious ambulance on standby, performing risky tricks are their things.

Just take a look at this guy who stood on top of his car. In case anything happens, that would be a double damage, but since they are rich, then they don't really mind at all.
Yeah, aside from cars dipped in gold and things covered in gold and diamonds, Dubai has also covered a foosball table with gold and was smothered with Swarovski crystals.

We won't really play, but we will surely just drool over that piece for the entire time.
Perfect Pizza
Dubai is also known as a food haven - with mouthwatering foods being served in different restaurants. But there are times that we just want to stay at home without all the glitz and glam.

In Dubai, that is possible. You can order pizza via mobile phone and have it delivered right in. If you think, this s a normal delivery, you are definitely wrong. The pizza you ordered was delivered by a man riding a Ferrari. Oh! How much is the delivery fee?
Caucasian Cuisine
We've so used with restaurants offering a variety of cuisines to choose from - Chinese, Mediterranean, Indian. But what about this caucasian cuisine? Hmm.

Maybe the foods offered are loaded with avocados few flat coffees and the rest. It's really intriguing and that's what Dubai really is. It has intriguing offers which will make you want to try it out.
Designer Trash
Trash bins aren't really a fantastic view with all the dirty thing it contains. No matter how hard you try you can't make it look presentable and luxurious, not unless you are in Dubai.

This person is really wasting money when he decked the trash can with the iconic signage of Louis Vuitton. The people of Dubai is really something.
Coffee For A King
You will surely find a Starbucks wherever you go and Dubai isn't an exemption. In fact, Dubai has shipped nothing but the best coffees to offer to their customers. What more?

Their coffee shops are regally decorated with high ceilings. A place fitted for a king. A place perfect for people who loves coffee. This place screams luxury.
A Life Of Luxury
Oprah must be the one behind The Palm, a human-made island which replicates a palm tree when she gave everyone an island.

This human-made island houses a 5-star hotel and resort, villas and houses. With the luxury it emits, staying for a night here would surely cost our salary for many years.
Cost To Get Married
Getting married in Dubai is an expensive thing. It costs around Dh300,000 and Dh500,000. According to wedding planners, the couple will spend around Dh1,200 and Dh1,500 for each guest they invite.

On average, they invite 250 people in the reception which means that they will spend Dh300,000 for the reception alone. Yay!
Getting Comfortable
Waiting for a bus under the sun isn't something you'd really want. Aside from getting sweaty, it will also ruin your entire look. But in Dubai, the waiting game is entirely different.

You won't sweat at all while waiting for a bus as they have an air-conditioned bus stop. Hopefully, the rest of the world will follow this trend in Dubai.
Double Trouble
The people of Dubai are trying their absolute hardest to make their cars are different and unique as possible, and we have to agree that this one has taken the biscuit. Although it’s not unusual to see Jeeps roaming the streets of Dubai, it is unusual to see double-seater Jeeps.

With space for 10 people, this is probably the best way to travel with a group – but how do you decide who drives? As if that wasn’t enough, we don’t even want to think about parking that bad boy…
Ice Coffee
If you have ever been to Dubai, you surely know how hot the city is. This is the reason why ice cafes are built in the city where people can chill out.

A sip of coffee in hot weather doesn't sound good, right?
Having A Little Snack
As we already know, the people of Dubai just love big cats as their pet. These big cats don't just eat anything from the pet store. Look at this man who just fed his lion cubs an ol' shark.

It isn't really appetizing at all for us, but we aren't cats. Okay?
Only 15% Are Locals
Out of 2,789,000 people living in the city, only 1,394,500 are locals. That's only 15% of the total population. The remaining 85% are expatriates.

Most of them are Asian. Arabic is the national language in UAE while English the second language.
Driverless Metro Line
Stretching 47 miles, the Dubai Metro was recognized as the longest driverless metro route in the world by the Guinness Book of Records up until 2016.

Dubai Metro is a rapid rail transit network just to be clear.
Climate Controlled
Dubai announced its plans of building the so-called "Mall of the World". Much more than the Mall of the World, it will be the very first ever climate-controlled city. How?

Everything in the city is inside a glass dome. Amazing! The soon to rise city will feature the world's largest shopping centers, hotels, and a wellness district for medical tourists.
Dubai Miracle Garden
Known as the largest natural flower garden in the world, the Dubai Miracle Garden has a total area of 72,000 square meters with over 109 million flowers planted in there.

The water used in the garden comes from treated wastewater through deep irrigation. The garden looks like it was lifted from a page of a fairytale book.
Be Unique
In Dubai, where too many residents are considered rich, it's hard to stick out and be unique. In the US or Europe, you just get a crazy supercar or an amazing Rolls Royce, and you instantly stand out on every street you drive on, but in Dubai, you just can't.

So what you do is get a "regular" expensive car, and give it a twist which is unique. Take this chrome blue wrapped Aventador for example. The owner flew it with him to London, to show off over there.
Bring Nature To You
Dubai has so much money that it can do with nature as it wills.

If the country has no river rapids, then let's build one - but let's do it close to home so we won't need to drive so far.
Street Cleaning
Because Dubai is actually a desert city, it has many sandstorms around the year, so the city is full of sand.

The reason you don't see sand in pictures of Dubai is because of its massive cleaning department. And to make it easy on the eyes of the rich, the cleaning crew are all well dressed and have automated tools.
Underwater Hotel
There are several underwater hotel experiences around the world, but none come close to what you can get in Dubai.

The Atlantis Hotel has an underwater suite that will cut a hole in your pocket in the size of US$ 8200 a night.
Too Much Money
Log on to Instagram and follow 'Rich Kids Of Dubai'. You really don't have to, but you will see how kids (and their parents) that have no value for money.

These kids love to show off their (parents') wealth, and they do it in many ways, some of them really upsetting.
Plans With Money
Only in Dubai can you plan a highrise hotel with a rainforest in the middle of it. And no, it's not some "crazy imagination" idea.

It's an actual plan that is on its way to be constructed.
Rich Wine
Dubai wants it all. It wants its own vineyard but being a desert country, it can't so - let's make a Dubai wine! And it's Dubai - put some gold in it.

This is a $150 bottle of ‘halaal’ (non-alcoholic) sparkling white wine, with... and listen to this.. flecks of 24-carat edible gold leaves!
First Class, As Usual
Living in Dubai, you can't be caught flying coach. Even Business class can hurt your image.

First class is standard in Dubai, and people have a hard time booking due to First Class getting full quite fast.
The Golden Throne
Well if you're going to be extra, you might as well commit properly with a 15-carat gold toilet.

This comfy stool is suitable for anyone in need of a bit of glam when you're trying to 'do your business'. Maybe Dubai's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, is in fact, in the comfort of your own bathroom.
I'm Outta Here!
You know those awkward situations where you just wish the floor would swallow you up?

Well, we don't have an invention for that yet but we sure can suck you up into the sky instead! Another alternative way of navigating the streets of Dubai is via paramotors! Talk about being on cloud 9...
Riding In Style
The people of Dubai is so used with extravagant things, including a limousine ambulance. Maybe, we can try getting in trouble for once. How rich could they be?

The luxury may not be something noticeable when these people are in pain, they will surely give the driver what he deserves or more, once they are healthy and fit again.
VIP Parking Only
Excuse me, may we please see your camels VIP Parking permit?

Usually, the VIP parking areas are filled with fancy sports cars or Uber X's, but not always in Dubai. These people ride in style but instead of with two engines, with two humps!
Dinner With A View
Have you ever had to wear a seat belt to dinner? This unusual restaurant is one of Dubai's most popular attractions.

Customers are basically eating a meal on the edge of a building. All we want to know is, what happens when you drop your fork?
Need A Lift?
The parade of luxury doesn't end with these expensive cars. How?

They have their own helicopters too which they use when they can't bear with the traffic anymore even when they are riding in a luxurious car. What more? Of course, they have their personal pilot too. That's too much information!
Call The Cops
Go! Call the cops as soon as you can. Worry not, nothing extreme happened. We just want to check out these stylish guys.

Yes, policemen and women here in Dubai are one of the most stylish people your eyes can see. What more? They use luxury cars to chase people who break rules. The people of Dubai only want nothing but the best, including Hammers and Ferraris for a chasing game.
Sparkle And Shine
Considering how rich the people of Dubai are, most of them have luxurious cars with them. They buy the latest model. They buy the limited edition model. They buy the car they see in a movie.

Name it! They'll definitely buy it. The competition doesn't stop in buying these luxury cars. They want their cars to stand out by covering it with diamonds. Yes, you read it right, DIAMONDS!
A Phone For Kings
With the luxury that surrounds the city, phones studded with diamonds is a common view. These guys don't buy the most expensive phones but they make the phone luxurious by adorning it with shining diamonds.

Everything they buy will be leveled up, including their phones. You will surely see diamond-encrusted phones while walking in the streets.
Tech Robots
The advent of technology brought out some weird things in Dubai. Gone are the days when real horses are being raced with real people.

Here in Dubai, robots race camels which are specially designed to resist wind. Choose your team now!
Cooling Down
Dubai can be pretty hot considering the deserts in here. You will surely sweat more than you do before you step foot into the city.

Fortunately, the people of Dubai have figured out the perfect way to fight off the heat. How? By paddling boards in the ocean with the Dubai skyline in view. Ahh! Cool and relaxing!