Elvis Presley is undoubtedly the king of Rock 'n' Roll. His musical influence on popular culture is still felt today, decades after his death.
He is the true definition of "Legend"

Elvis started his musical career in the 1950's, and his style of music changed the entire world of music forever. King of Rock 'n' Roll is a well-merited title befitting to him. That said, we will show you a side of Elvis not seen by many.
See amazing facts that you probably didn't know:
A Stillborn Twin
Elvis had a twin brother who passed away at birth. This had always haunted him throughout his life. His mother believed that he had the energy of two people in him.
His mother, Gladys, underwent a very hard birth on January 8 1935, in her two-room house in Tupelo, Mississippi, where she lived with Vernon Presley. Due to the strain of the birth, Elvis' twin brother, Jesse Garon was stillborn.

Gladys was never able to bear any more children due to the complications that happened during the birth and because of the events surrounding the death of Jesse. Vernon chose to bury the body of Jesse in a shoebox in an unmarked grave, as there was no funeral. Elvis tried searching for the resting place of his twin brother but he never found it. This haunted him throughout his life.
He Was a Loner Growing Up
Elvis was practically an introvert all through his adolescence. He took his guitar to school every day when he was in the 6th grade and he would be singing and playing during lunchtime. The rest of the children would pick on him and call him names and they regarded him as the kid who played hillbilly music. His teacher also thought that his musical talent was just average.

Little did they know, this “trashy” kid would soon become the “King of Rock ‘N’ ‘Roll.”
His First Public Performance Was at Ten Years Old
Elvis became well known for his stage performances which usually included hip-swinging dance moves. He wasn't always this charismatic on the stage though. When he was ten years old, his teacher heard him singing and urged him to participate in a singing competition.

The competition happened at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and dairy show in 1945. His costume was that of a cowboy and he had to stand on a chair in other to reach the microphone. He wound up getting fifth place. Guess those judges didn't understand his genius.….
Just as His Star Began Shining, He Was Drafted
Elvis saw an incredible rise to fame in the early '50s. He was signed to Sun Records and before the end of 1956; he had more top 100 songs than any other musician before him. His tunes, for example, Love Me Tender and Heartbreak Hotel have turned out to be great works of art today. However, amidst his rise to popularity, He was drafted into the US Army in 1958.

He needed to complete two years of active service and four years of reserves. Though he was a celebrity, he wanted to be treated the same way as the rest of the soldiers. "The army can do anything it wants with me," he said. His enlistment turned out to be a major event as numerous individuals and the media came to observe it.
Just a Regular Soldier
While he was enlisted, Elvis was offered a role with the special services, where he would entertain soldiers and live in priority housing, but he declined the offer.

Rather, he wanted to serve as a normal soldier and he gained the respect of a fragment of America that initially considered him to be a negative influence on the culture.
Elvis Had a Close Relationship With His Mother
Maybe the most astonishing reality on this list is the Elvis was a "Mama's Boy". He was very close to his mom for the duration of her life, and it was generally known that they both shared an exceptional bond.

In the wake of his exceptional success at a very young age, Elvis bought his renowned Graceland mansion for his folks. Elvis kept all the clothes and belongings of his mom in the house even after she had died.
Baby Talk
Would you believe me if I told you that Elvis spoke with his mother in baby talk? Believe it or not, Elvis used to call mom by pet names and addressed her in baby talk even as a grown man.

This may clarify why his relationship with Priscilla crumbled after they had a child. It has been speculated by some psychologists that as a result of his profound love for his mom, it turned out to be very hard for him to keep up his relationship with the mother of his child. On the off chance that you thought this mystery was odd, wait until you see what’s next.
His Mother's Death Hit Him Hard
Elvis and his mom were very close. Gladys was very protective of her son and they were extremely close to each other. When she became very sick, Elvis quickly returned from the army to see her. A little while after this, she had a heart attack and died; she was 46 years old.

Elvis was heartbroken, “She’s all I ever lived for. She was always my best girl”, he said He then entered a long period of mourning.
Elvis Didn’t Like Spending Nights Alone
Notwithstanding being able to rock out like no other, Elvis has been known to be gentle at times, particularly in his more youthful years. It is believed he did not like to sleep alone.

Many have guessed that his will to not be alone while he was sleeping was because of what he went through while trying to cope with the loss of his mom, who died right before he was sent to Germany. Regardless, he ensured that he somebody close to him all through his time in service. And, as you’ll soon learn, it wasn’t always his wife Priscilla.
Elvis Didn’t Really Want a Guitar
Elvis is well known as the king of rock, but what most fans don't know is that he wasn't always interested in rock or music in general. Truth be told, he didn't get his first guitar until he was 11 years old. Elvis mastered the guitar immediately he got it. He initially wanted a rifle, but his mom ensured that he didn't get one. Of course, that would prove to play to his advantage.

Though Elvis and his guitar were one, he was hugely disappointed when he got the guitar rather than the rifle, however, he would sing along to his favorite country songs and this made him and his guitar best friends. Nevertheless, Elvis never lost his interest in guns.
Young Elvis Was Too Shy To Sing On Air
Although Elvis was a really amazing artist and entertainer, he didn't start out with much confidence.

When he was 12 years old, he had the chance to sing live on air at a local radio show but he rejected the offer. He did this because he was too shy to sing on the live radio. It appears he was able to get over his fears later on in his career.
He Got a Grade “C” In Music Class
He enrolled in music class while he was in the eighth grade.

Most fans would believe that he would have been great in music class; however, for reasons unknown, he wound up getting a "C", which at the time was regarded as failing. Maybe his rebellious nature didn’t fit the classroom environment.
Elvis Presley Never Had Natural Black Hair
The king of rock 'n' roll, Elvis Presley, is known for a considerable number of things, one of which was his hair. However, this signature shiny black hair wasn't natural. He dyed it black.

The rock star was really conceived as a blonde but he started dying his hair when he was still young to get a more edgy look. Elvis admitted that he used black shoe polish to obtain the dark hair color when he was younger. But Presley’s edgy persona wasn’t always channeled toward music.
Dyed His Eyelashes
Now that you have realized that Elvis was a natural blonde and he colored his hair black with shoe polish, he also dyed his eyelashes black too, which made perfect sense. It'll be weird if he had black hair and blonde lashes.

Some health problems arose from his regular use of dye on his hair. This, however, was just one of the physical problems he experienced as you'll soon discover.
Designated Hairdresser
Elvis trusted on his mom's hairdresser, Mr. Gill, to cut his hair. Mr. Gill was always ready to travel to any part of the world to cut Elvis' hair.

It was strange though that Mr. Gill kept a huge number of Elvis' hair trimmings and he later sold them off to the highest bidder when Elvis died. This seems like a strange secret, right? There's more!
The King’s Romantic Interests
While Elvis was stationed in Germany, Priscilla wasn't the only woman he was in a relationship with. The global star appeared to have wanted to familiarize themselves with the local culture over there.

Elvis was in a romantic relationship with Elisabeth Stefaniak, a beautiful 19-year-old German girl, whom he had given the job of dealing with his fan mail after she had asked him for his autograph. The relationship however ended when Elvis went back to the US, and he continued his romance with Priscilla, whom he would later marry.
Meeting The Love Of His Life: Priscilla Beaulieu
Elvis' military services appear to have been his destiny has he wound up meeting Priscilla Beaulieu, his future spouse. They met in Germany in 1959 while he was stationed there during his military service. He was 24 years old at that time while she was just 14 years old.
They got married 8 years after they met. The wedding took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a year, Priscilla gave birth to their daughter, Lisa Marie.

The couple got married in Las Vegas in 1967. Despite the fact that they both made a cute couple, the more profound parts of the marriage reminded the world that they were human. A surprising fact about their marriage was exposed by Priscilla and it revealed how the couple interacted when they were not in the public eye– read on to find out what it was.
Elvis Never Saw His Wife Without Makeup
All through their marriage, Elvis never actually saw his wife with any makeup. He didn't like to watch getting dressed either. A sense of mystery was very important to Elvis.

“He never wanted to see me getting dressed, he wanted to see the result of getting dressed,” Priscilla said. She went along with it, though she admitted years later that she usually had some makeup on at all times.
Dating Elvis Wasn’t Always Easy For Priscilla
As extraordinary as it would appear for any young lady to be the question of Elvis Presley's desire, Priscilla’s relationship with the global icon strained her. It was very difficult to always walk in the shadow of Elvis from such a tender age.

“I was kind of lost really in who I was earlier in my life, I really didn’t have teenage years,” she has said. “I learned so much about him and was with him so much that I thought the way he did.” However, she was not the only lady to fall victim to the charms of the superstar in Germany.
The Choice to Marry Wasn’t Entirely Up to Elvis or Priscilla
It is very difficult to distinguish between career and personal life when it comes to show business; this is usually the case for celebrities who were as huge as Elvis was. Some people believe that the decision of Priscilla and Elvis to get married wasn't entirely their own, even though they were clearly in love with each other.

The rumor going around was that it was Elvis's hot-shot manager, Colonel Tom Parker, who suggested that they both get married when they did - it was an idea to bolster Elvis' public image. The couple’s marriage lasted only lasted for a short while.
Elvis Became Distant After His and Priscilla’s Child
Just a few years after they tied the knot, they ended the marriage in 1972. It is generally known that their relationship began to fall apart s little while after their wedding, yet one reason, as indicated by Priscilla, is quite surprising.

According to Priscilla, their relationship took a turn for worse when they had a child together. They grew further apart and that put a strain on their relationship. That wasn’t the only secret Presley’s ex-wife revealed about the rock legend, however.
Elvis and Priscilla Were Not Loyal to Each Other
In the same way, as many acclaimed couples, Elvis and Priscilla were not faithful to one another during their marriage.

Elvis had a romantic relationship with Joyce Bova in 1971. This relationship brought about a pregnancy and a consequent abortion. Priscilla also revealed that she was also having an affair with Mike Stone. Mike was the karate instructor Elvis had recommended to her.
The Real Reason Elvis and Priscilla Divorced
Elvis and Priscilla's marriage was a short one; they ended things after a few years together. Priscilla was only 21 years old when she got married to Elvis. She decided to leave Elvis when she was 27 so that she can concentrate on making herself better.

"We truly lived in a bubble… I didn't have my teenage years as a normal girl... I just kind of followed what he did... I did not divorce him because I didn't love him… he was the love of my life, truly... if anything, I left because- and I still loved him- I needed to find out what the world was like".
These are some of the things Priscilla was quoted to have said about their relationship in an interview she did recently.
1974: The Year of Loss
1972 was a year of great loss for Elvis' supporting entourage. He had been divorced by his wife the year prior, also, Linda Thompson, who was a huge source of emotional support for him; moved out of the Graceland Mansion. Meanwhile, his dad and his step-mom also ended their relationship.

Another unfortunate news for Elvis was when David Briggs, a long-time piano player in the band who was earning a weekly salary of $3,000, decided to leave the band. It appeared as though his entire world was changing before his eyes.
Money Brings On The Bizarre
When you are the nation's greatest musical sensation and you are earning millions for your talent, some unusual things will happen to you. Such is the situation with Elvis. While he was greatly popular with a few groups, some thought that Rock 'n' Roll was a danger to morality. People wound up sending Elvis huge amounts of threatening letters.

He always carried two means of defense in his boots while performing; this was for his own protection.
High Collars
Elvis was constantly engrossed with his physical appearance to keep him looking youthful and charming. You should have noticed that the King of rock on wore high collars. This fashion choice wasn't just a form of expression.

Elvis' ex-girlfriend, Lisa Thompson, revealed in her 2016 memoirs "A Little Thing Called Life", the reason why Elvis preferred high neck collars. Elvis was said to be insecure about his neck, calling it "skinny little chicken neck" as far back as when his folks teased him about it when he was a kid.
A Bizarre Comparison
The older generation was not interested in Elvis' sexual dance moves and antics on stage at the point when Elvis became famous in the 1950s. Although he had many fans who loved it, a lot of individuals hated it and they even made some over the top comparisons.

A few people made comparisons between Elvis' performance on stage, and in addition to the number of young girls who attended his shows, to Adolf Hitler's rallies. That is a significant exaggeration. However, that wasn't the only crazy thing said in regards to Elvis Presley.
He Never Performed Outside of North America
When Elvis had become showbiz royalty, people throughout the world wanted to get a bit of him. He sold-out shows all through the United States singing his hit songs like “Heartbreak Hotel" and " That's All Right", however his fans abroad never got to see him perform.

Although he performed in Canada in 1957, Elvis never performed in any county outside of North America. It is quite surprising that the most well-known artist of that time didn't tour the world and there were numerous theories with respect to why he didn't. Some portions of those theories have to do with his manager, about whom you’ll soon learn more.
Elvis Wanted to Take Things to a Higher Level
You can always expect to have a great time at any of Elvis Presley's show as the king of rock always put his best into every performance. Elvis put a request to his stage manager before he died, he wanted a white suit created which would shoot laser beams into the crowds. This has yet to become a reality in rock music.

We could have only imagined how this would have rocked the crowds of the 1970’s.
Elvis Turns His Back on The Beatles
Elvis was an inspiration to many of the world's greatest rock stars. The Beatles were huge fans of his and they even made a special effort to meet with him at the beginning of their career. Although, when The Beatles had made themselves known to the world in the late 1960's; Elvis denounced them for their wild antics in the presence of US President Nixon.

He called them un-American and painted them as a bad influence on American youth.
Elvis Presley and President Nixon
Elvis wanted to meet the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, in 1970, and surprisingly, the president granted his request. During this meeting, Elvis made a strange request of the president. He requested a federal narcotics badge.

What was more surprising was that the president granted his request. President Nixon wasn't the only president that the rock star reached out to, and, as you'll learn very soon, Elvis was not particularly biased about any political party.
He Was Related to Two US Presidents
It is always fascinating to trace back one's roots. It has been discovered by genealogists that Elvis is related to two previous U.S presidents; Jimmy Carter and Abraham Lincoln. Isaiah Harrison is an ancestor of Elvis and he was also the great-great grandfather of Abraham Lincoln. While Elvis is Jimmy Carter's 6th cousin.

Elvis called President Jimmy Carter in 1977 while he was under the influence. He wanted a favor from this president too.
It seemed as though the rock icon had a friend who was having some legal issues and he wanted the president to pardon his friend. President Carter turned down his request, though they both engaged in some small talk for a few minutes before ending the phone call.
28 Pound Suits
The rock icon will forever be remembered for his sparkling diamond-studded suits, which was unique to him. These suits weighed as much as 28 pounds.

He had to be as fit as a fiddle in other to play out an entire show while wearing these. Due to the weight of these costumes, he was always very tired after his performance.
He Did Not Write a Single Song
Presently, Elvis is viewed as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. All though he recorded over 600 songs all through his career, he never really wrote of those songs.

Elvis figured out how to put his stamp on all the songs even though he didn't write them. For instance, the changed the rhythm of the original Blue Moon of Kentucky and transformed it into a rock 'n' roll classic.
“Hound Dog” Wasn’t His Song
In the last few decades, many have criticized Elvis and have accused him of stealing Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog" which was first recorded in 1953. Her version of the song didn't gather much popularity as that of Elvis in 956.

Most of Presley's fans felt it was unjust to blame him for socially appropriating a song because of the nature of the music business during the '50s. In those days, there was no law that said that any song belonged solely to one musician. Numerous artists would perform diverse versions of the same song or even covers of a song written by famous composers.
Michael Stoller and Jerry Leiber, a popular songwriting and producing duo, are the real writers of "Hound Dog".
The Dedication to His Music
By 1973, Elvis had become very sick, in fact, his sickness was so severe that he was in a semi-comatose state. A semi-comatose state is when one is in a deep state of unconsciousness and the person cannot be woken up easily. Nevertheless, Elvis was determined to make a musical comeback; he left the hospital despite his poor health.

This was the beginning of a period in his life when the rock icon performed on many tours. Despite his poor health, Elvis performed a total of 168 concerts in 1973. His touring schedule was much more intense in 1974.
Having Fun With Elvis
Presley's health had become worse by 1974. He was always exhausted, could not keep his weight in check and he lost his will to make new records. All things considered, he had contract commitments he needed to satisfy. This prompted him to release a record titled "Having Fun with Elvis".

There was no singing or playing of guitar on this album. It was a compilation of on-stage banter that he had been talking about between his performances at his concerts.
An Evolution in Performance Quality
His life turned out to be a life on the road as he persistently crossed the country back and forth. By the standards of any musician, his touring schedule was excessively extreme. Unfortunately, he was unable to maintain his smooth performances and he started getting messy in front of the audience, although he still managed to break the box office records.

Although his in-studio performances were nothing like when he was in his prime and they seemed unprepared, it felt like all he did was gold as the songs still managed to top the charts. It looked like Elvis could do no wrong.
Elvis Battled to Stay Young
Later on in his career, Elvis had problems with pharmaceutical medications and weight issues due to trying to maintain his appearance. This, unfortunately, is one of the negative sides of fame; there is huge pressure on artists to maintain the energy of their youth.

It was not an easy task to maintain the youthfulness. There were rumors that Elvis was engaged in a fourteen days sedation period in an effort to shed some weight. Amid this time, the rock icon was said to have left his bed only when he wanted to bath, use the toilet or eat.
At One Point, Elvis Could Barely Eat
According to Elvis' stepbrother David Stanley, there was a point when the rock star could not eat any food. It was a tough time for the rock legend; he, however, embraced it for as long as he could.

Stanley had to help him while he was eating, especially when he would fall asleep while he was eating. Despite all these health problems, Elvis didn't relent in his antics which were what he was popular for.
Elvis Actually Had a Face-lift
Elvis was aware that he had an important to keep up with. At one point, he knew that he no longer looked as youthful as he used to. After five years, when he was 40 years old, he had cosmetic surgery on his face. This was revealed by his ex-girlfriend Linda Thompson.

This was the only known surgery that the rock icon had to preserve his young and youthful look. He did some other things to maintain this image though; many of them were not healthy.
Debuting a New Look
There were huge changes in the life of Elvis in 1974. He added a lot of weight due to his huge cravings for fried and sweet food, which was entailed in most of his food.

There were rumors that members of his band could not even recognize him when he got on stage sometimes.
The King and His Health
The stress of his tours had started to have a serious impact on his health and the fans were beginning to wonder about his health. He was tired regularly and his speech was impaired whenever he spoke. He used the microphone stand as a support whenever he was on stage performing. Band members stated at this time that they couldn’t even make out what he was singing on stage.

One of his guitarists, John Wilkinson, remembered watching Elvis while performing and he was sobbing while playing one of the songs. Elvis finally agreed to go to the hospital though he protested a lot before he finally caved in. He had a damaged kidney and an enlarged colon as a result of his unhealthy diet.
Five Month Vacation
Elvis was advised to change his eating habits by the doctor and though he agreed to stick to a more nutritious diet, Elvis was back to his diet of fried foods and sweets immediately he left the hospital. He lost his desire to tour and create records gradually. He was forced by his bandmates to fulfill his contract commitments.

In 1976, the King recorded From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis Tennessee. The album does a great job reflecting how Elvis felt at the time. The track Hurt was a major hit.
Elvis Would Fast Before Touring
Elvis later tried to fast and play racquetball before he went on any major tour. He also tried different things to help him stay in shape. It was reported the rock icon tried the sleeping beauty diet and he also tried consuming only bananas and soft drinks for a whole week.

He tried to reduce his weight whenever the tours were scheduled as he was determined to appear slimmer to the fans. However, Elvis weighed a shocking 250 pounds on August 14, 1977.
The Final Month
On August 16, 1977, the entire world woke up the news of Elvis Presley's death. Headlines were statements like "The king is dead" and others similar to it. Although his autopsy says the stars' death was as a result of a heart attack, those closest to him had a very different story to tell.

They would open up a side of Elvis that no fan could have expected at the time.
Bandmates and Doctors
The world had believed that Elvis died as a result of a heart attack, but recent toxicology reports have proven otherwise after forty years. His toxicology report was studied by Dr. Forest Tennant and his testimony in court states Dr. Lester Hofman was the cause of the legend's death.

The rock icon had had some dental work done earlier that day before he died and Dr. Hofman was the one who prescribed the codeine to the King of Rock.
It was well known to Elvis, his friends and his doctors that he allergic to this medication. This information was also stated in his medical records. Elvis' best friend and road manager, Joe Esposito, remembers that he saw an empty bottle of codeine when he found the singer's body.
Priscilla’s Take on It
Elvis Presley's ex-wife, Priscilla, believes that her ex-husband committed suicide with the medication. She came to this conclusion because the bottle was empty after he had just been given a prescription a day prior. He also knew that he was allergic to the medication but he took it nonetheless.

Many believe that the rock star had been thinking about ending his own life, even though some other people believe that he must have mistaken the pills for another medication. Notes to Joe Esposito reveal these intentions. In one Elvis writes, “I’m sick and tired of my life. I need a long rest.”
Elvis Caused Concern
Although lots of Americans loved the style of rock 'n' roll Elvis created, many hated it and they felt it would corrupt the American teenagers. Lots of people in Nashville took to the streets to protest against the singer when 80% of America's ratings were garnered on the Ed Sullivan Show.

Answering the protesters, censors demanded that Elvis is filmed from the waist up when he performed.
His Mystery Bedroom
Only a hand full of people has seen his bedroom in his Graceland Mansion. The only people who have seen this room are his immediate family. The room has been mostly untouched and it still looks like it was in the 1970's.

Actor, Nicholas Cage has seen the room though. He had this privilege because he was married to Lisa Marie Presley and she showed him her father's bedroom.
His Home Is The 2nd Most-Visited Home In The USA
Elvis was already very successful and famous by the age of 22, and with this success can wealth. He bought a 13.8-acre mansion which he called Graceland. He lived there for about twenty years. Today it has become a museum and was titled a “National Historic Landmark.”

Graceland was opened to the public for the first time in 1982 and it is the second most visited home in the USA.
What Happened to Graceland?
Graceland was a contentious mansion after the death of Elvis Presley on August 16, 1977. The banks wanted to sell the mansion in other to settle its financial issues but Priscilla disagreed. She had an alternative solution to the mansion's financial problems.

Her idea was to make the house a tourist attraction as she believed it would bring in more money than selling it would. Graceland opened to the public in 1982 and eventually became a U.S. National Historic Landmark.
Although the legend of the king of rock 'n roll lives on, many of his secrets were uncovered after his death. Read on for even more interesting facts about Elvis Presley.
The Book That Killed Presley
The book "Elvis: What Happened?" was released on August 1, 1977'. This was just two weeks prior to the death of the singer. This book was written by three of his former bodyguards and it gave details of his personal life and his hidden secrets.

Elvis tried to pay the publishers of the book to prevent them from publishing it but it was unsuccessful. The details of his personal life that was revealed in the book added more strain to his sickness. He had more complications like enlarged colon, liver damage, glaucoma, and hypertension.
The King’s Modest Send-Off
Many fans would have expected that the rock icon should have had a big funeral as he was one of the biggest stars of the 20th century. A funeral that would match his lifestyle of parties filled with alcohol and emulates his antics.

That wasn't the case though. Apart from his family and friends, only three celebrities came to the funeral: George Hamilton, Ann-Margret and James Brown. This small gathering was probably more in line with Elvis' character as a youth.
Elvis Was Michael Jackson’s Father In Law
The King of Rock 'n' Roll was at a particular time, the father in law of the King of Pop!

Lisa Marie Presley got married to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson in 1996. She eventually filed for divorce due to the personal problems that disturbed their marriage. Imagine the duet these two musical giants could have released had things been different.
Benjamin Keough: The King’s Grandson
Elvis Presley's grandson Benjamin Keough is almost an exact replica of the King and it seems he inherited more from his grandfather than just his looks.

Evidently, Benjamin is likewise a remarkable stunning vocalist though he has not decided on the path he wants to take as he has interests in singing and acting, although his main passion is painting.
The Life of a King
Elvis was probably the most famous singer in the world and his story is one that will always be covered by the press. Although he has a charming personality when if from of the cameras and he gave expensive gifts to strangers, his behavior outside of the public eye was not the same as when he was in public.

Elvis became primarily active during the nights and this meant that he could hardly sleep at nights. He would rent out amusement parks and would opt for riding a rollercoaster all night instead of sleep.
Elvis Was a Black Belt
Elvis had a black belt in karate.

This might be news to fans that can't imagine the rock star as anything but a huge celebrity, but some fans who have attended his concerts might have seen him showing off some of his karate moves on stage.
Elvis Had an Open Mind
Many people believed that Elvis was a Christian because of his southern roots; and although the icon wore a cross around his neck, that wasn't the only religious artifact he wore. He also wore a Star of David and the Hebrew word "Chai", which means "life", was spotted around his neck.

He loved the idea that there were lots of religions out there in the world and when he was asked about it, the king said, "I don't want to miss out on heaven due to a technicality". Although he wasn’t famous for being a totally religious person, he never objected to the idea of religion. He had enjoyed life on earth; he didn't want to miss all the fun in heaven either.
Elvis’ Watch Swap
Elvis met with Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant and John Paul Jones in Las Vegas, in a collision of world legends in 1973.

Though they had very different styles of music, they both made a great impact on the music industry. Elvis secretly swapped his $5,000 gold-plated watch for Jones' cheap Mickey Mouse watch as a gesture of their friendship and goodwill.
Elvis and Cash
As Elvis is the king of Rock 'n' Roll, Johnny Cash is the King OF Country Music. Unknown to many people, Johnny and Elvis were really great friends. They usually did impersonations of each other and they would sing each other's songs. These two where easily part of the most famous musicians in the world in the early 1960's.

Elvis, Johnny, and Jerry Lee Lewis were all part of an impromptu jamming session in 1956 called the Million Dollar Quartet. This took place at the Sun Record Studios in Memphis, Tennessee.
Elvis Employed an Illegal Immigrant
Elvis Presley's manager, Colonel Tom Parker, who was probably the most successful manager in the American entertainment industry history, was an illegal immigrant. He was actually not born in the United States, contrary to popular belief.

His birth name is Andreas Van Kuijk. He was born in the Netherlands and was never naturalized as a U.S citizen even after he had moved to the United States. Elvis didn't care about his immigration status, though.. His ability to sell did, and, as you’ll soon learn, Presley rewarded him more than fairly.
The King Was Generous
Elvis always gave due credit to Colonel Parker for helping him make it big in the entertainment industry. The King made sure that he was well compensated for his work as he took as much as 50% of Elvis' income towards the end of his life.

Elvis's generosity to his friends and family was well known to many. He also did some incredible stunts to express his thanks to his fans, some of which involved pretending to be a law enforcement officer. Read on to find out exactly what went down.
The King of Rock ‘N’ Roll’s Secret Phobia
Elvis Presley's ex-wife, Priscilla revealed to the world that the rock legend was a “germophobe” and that he went to great lengths to ensure that he was well protected.

She said that he disliked eating at other people's houses, and even if he was going to eat there, he would take his own silverware with him. She added that he drank where the handle was because he knew that no one would ever drink at that side.
He Inspired a Prisoner to Become a Singer: Barry White
It takes just a single moment for things to change drastically sometimes. This was the situation for Barry white, a now popular musician. Barry wasn't always into music, in fact, Barry was in jail for stealing tires when he first heard Elvis Presley's "It's Now or Never" on the radio.

He realized that he wanted to become a singer after he had heard the song on the radio. His whole life changed from then on.
Elvis Had a Pet Chimpanzee
The image of an eccentric rock icon is never complete with an extraordinary pet, and Elvis was a huge star, he was one of a kind. He was the owner of a very agile pet chimpanzee named Scatter.

The chimpanzee would run around the parties being held in the Graceland mansion, screaming and scaring guests and it usually wore a suit or a Hawaiian shirt. The chimp had obviously been taught a few naughty tricks has he got an uppercut to his chin when he performed such to one of Elvis' ladies friends.
The name Scatter proved to be a befitting name to the chimpanzee. Think that’s wild? Just wait.
Elvis Loved Guns
Has it has been mentioned earlier, Elvis loved his firearms as much as he loved his guitars even though he wasn't the most careful gun owner in the world. Elvis' friend, Tom Jones, a musician, once discovered a gun that Elvis had casually left in a dressing room.

Ginger Alden, an ex-girlfriend of Elvis, also recalled a time when the rock legend fired a shot at the television set. These weren't the only incident he had that involved guns. You'll be surprised by another incident that was recounted by Alden.
That’s One Way to Get Attention
The temptation and ability to live on the edge is quite tremendous when you are a huge celebrity. Another incident that involved Elvis and firearms as recounted by ex-girlfriend sounds like it was a remarkable narrow escape.

Ginger Alden said that Elvis shot a slug into their bed's headboard, while she was sleeping, as a way of getting her attention. You'll soon find out that the king's antics didn't stop with guns and chimpanzees.
Elvis Survived the Tupelo Tornado Outbreak
Places like Tupelo, Mississippi, are known for experiencing some of the worst tornados in the country.

In 1936, Elvis was in Tupelo when it was hit by one of the most horrible tornados in the region’s history. We are thankful that he survived for Rock 'n' Roll would not exist if he didn't.
Presley’s Cop Costume
Elvis Presley, like many of history’s biggest celebrities, had so much love for his fans. As indicated by his ex-wife, Priscilla, he would disguise himself as a police officer and would stop cars on the road and pretend to give the drivers a "ticket" when in fact he was giving out his autograph.

He pulled different tricks to surprise his unwavering fans and also to stay in the spotlight. Elvis later got a real badge in his life and you'll never believe who gave it to him.
Elvis Had a Unique Favorite Sandwich
Elvis Presley's choice of a sandwich wasn't one of the common ones that regular people eat.

He wasn't a regular guy, so it stands to reason that he would have a unique choice of sandwich. The king's choice of a sandwich was peanut butter, bacon, banana, and honey sandwich. This might be the most complex combinations of flavors imaginable.
Popular Password
Believe it or not, the name "Elvis" is one of the most password choices for computer users. I guess the king of rock didn't only leave behind a legacy of great music.

The whole world knows that Elvis Presley was a great musician and a rock legend and he left a huge legacy behind. Wheat the king of rock would never have imagined was that his name would become inscribed forever on the internet. We’re not done yet, read on for even more fascinating hidden secrets about Elvis.
Priscilla Finally Opens Up About the Mystery of Elvis
A two-part documentary titled "Elvis Presley: The Searcher" was recently released on HBO. It is a documentary about Elvis' life and it shows different sides of him that fans have never seen before. Priscilla was one of the producers of the documentary.

In an interview she granted for TODAY, she spoke about Elvis and about his funeral. She was quoted to have said, "I was still shocked. It was just too hard to believe…And going out the gates in the limo and seeing the streets lined up on both sides all the way to the cemetery.
You’d see glimpses, you’d see people crying, hysterical, fainting, and that’s how impactful it was and still to this day. People come around the same time and they’re all there".
The Legacy of a King
Although he had a lot of challenges towards the end of his career, his influence on the music business never faded. His last album, Moody Blue, which was released less than a month before his death’ became the number one album of the charts.

He was preparing for a tour in the days before he died and this tour would definitely have been a huge success. Elvis Presley truly lives on and he will forever be known as the King of Rock 'n' Roll.