Why it's that spooky time again: Halloween! Children will need a clever costume idea, year after year. What's a parent to do when a creative block takes over? Hold that cat costume, everyone — we've collected some of the most unique kiddie camouflage for All Hallows Eve you've ever seen!
Calling Frida
This tiny Frida Kahlo is the most adorable surrealist you've ever seen. Admit it!

This tiny Frida Kahlo is the most adorable surrealist you've ever seen. Admit it! Read on for more easy-to-assemble, memorable costume concepts for children of all ages. Maybe adults will want to steal a few of these, too!
Let's begin, friends...
Whats That Smell?
Uh oh, has there been a gas leak around here? It seems that an adorable stench has taken over the trick or treat gang, today!

This creative fart costume is like no other on the block, we are sure you will agree. And it seems easy enough to assemble from materials at the craft store. The saleswoman may assume you are lovingly sewing a tutu for your daughter, but you can explain the facts to set her straight. No, my daughter is going as a stinky human gas bubble this year. Have a blessed day!
U Got The Look
Prince, is that really you? We can't believe how adorable this version of 'The Artist' is on camera! The neighborhood is sure to give out double candy for this costume. Look at those curls, people.

The equation here appears to be purple, ruffle tiny lil' stache. An iconic Halloween scene for the family Instagram account, indeed.
Salad Days
Everyone struggles to have enough salad in their life, but this personified version is a lot more fun! Green paper mache serves as the base of this leafy jumpsuit, and a few red balloons serve as cherry tomatoes.

Add red tomato gloves to blend in, and no one will know a tiny person is actually hiding in all the leaves! A salad showing up at your door to collect candy is just the chuckle your neighbors don't yet know they need.
Frappuccino Friends
These costumes honor the caffeine struggle we all deal with but in the most adorable way! While the kids probably don't drink coffee yet, even the youngsters in society know how prolific Starbucks has become. Admit it, you've dragged them there every week this year!

We can't decide if we like the tiny barista or giant frappuccino better here. What say you, coffee lover?
Monkey Business
Jane Goodall spent the 1960's in Tanzania hanging out with wild chimpanzees. With only a notebook and binoculars, she showed a lot of what we know today about our furry cousins! Tiny Jane is a costume with an inspirational story for little girls, isn't it?

Young children will probably only understand that they love carrying around that monkey, but whatever. They will love the pictures when they are older, we know it!
The Littlest Lobster
If you happen to have a baby lying around, it might be time to get out a pot and a red garment. Assemble some googly eyes and antennae, and you've got a wonderful meal!

Ringing the doorbell with this bucket of joy will only be complete if you wear an apron, too! The chef and the lobster, coming right up.
Flying High
This little boy struggles with mobility, but it looks like his parents found a way to make things a bit brighter on our favorite costume holiday. A creative wheelchair attachment allows him to feel he can fly through the neighborhood! Lovely idea, really.

While he is bound to see a few other superheroes trick or treating, this version will be quite the head turner! City? Check. Flying body elevated off the ground? Yup. Unique design? For sure!
Zombie Baby
Has this baby eaten his family during the night? No, it's safe to assume this is just an ultra-realistic Halloween costume. A little too realistic, if you ask us.

If you can find a fake hand and some blood at the costume store, this character is almost ready-made. The contrast of adorable baby and evil cannibal is definitely shocking!
A Clockwork Cutie
This book is probably not on your child's summer reading list. At least, we hope not! A Clockwork Orange aesthetics were made even more famous in the movie, and we know people will recognize this one right away.

Mostly amusing for adults, this bite-sizes psycho from the novel may scare a few candy distributors at doors. But it's Halloween, so anything goes!
MC Tiny
Run-DMC jut never gets old. For hip-hop fans, this group was the gold standard in the 1980s! While the genre has gone through several revolutions since then, this is a group that can never lose the street cred they earned.

It's time to introduce the new generation to their tunes, man. Trick or treat? No, it's trick or beat this time.
Buff Baby
The cutest, smallest strongman is a get-up sure to amuse and confuse. Really, how can a boy carry around such weight at this age?

A foam dumbbell will do. It's our little secret! In the meantime, a mustache and bodysuit is everything else you need to pull this one-off. Very impressive, little man!
Judge Ruthie
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Appointed by President Bill Clinton, she's been around for a long time now. And she has gained a hipster cult following recent years, oddly enough.

The Ruth costume is especially humorous on a little gal like this! Robe, glasses, and a mallet from the kitchen might be enough to pull this one-off. A pro bono suggestion, take it!
Awesome Aviator
Is this boy leaving on a jetplane? We hope he comes back again, if so!

Actually, this is another clever wheelchair-compatible costume. And we love it! With a hole in the top, this rider looks like he is in command of an army fighter jet. Showing off to his friends who loved to play with planes and trains, his outfit will be the envy of the school!
ET come home, we thought you went home! We all saw it at the end of that Spielberg movie you starred in. And yet, you're back so soon?

Indeed, this is just a costume that fooled us. It's such a good replica with that bike, and a hoodie is all that is needed to complete the look. Very nice, young man!
Mad Mini Man
Madmen has inspired millions of viewers to at least think about dressing in tweed suits and pencil skirts. And the advertising business has never had such good advertising! We all wish we could step into one of those glam TV scenes, and Halloween offers the best chance yet.

But wait, wouldn't a tiny Don Draper be much funnier? We think so too, and it's an easy costume with a suit and whiskey glass! Cocktail recommendation: Apple juice.
Burrito Baby
If you have a baby hanging around and you haven't used up all the shiny Christmas wrapping paper yet, we've got a Halloween solution for you!

A used Chipotle bag completes the look for those onlookers who don't process the idea right away. No wrapping paper? We bet you have actual tinfoil in the kitchen right now! An achievable costume, indeed.
No Joke
The joker has been through so many stories and actors at this point that it seems hard to keep track. At the moment, he starts in his own feature film!

A topical costume for Halloween, surely. But this little man is actually quite terrifying! It's not his fault that he looks so creepy, everyone. Blame mom and dad!
Buddha Returns
Ah, the wisdom of the East. Your child may not yet be a philosopher, but that doesn't mean they can't pretend for one day!

The key here seems to be orange. Orange paint and orange fabric combined with those Buddha beads is an unmistakable look. Perhaps the child can learn a few wise catchphrases for the day when they knock on doors! “Learn this from water: loud splashes the brook but the ocean's depth is calm.”
Little Old Lady
In his case, we do mean little. The contrast of a young child dressed up as an elderly lady will be shocking when she knocks on the door of her old neighbors!

Curlers, a robe, and a walker are important elements here to pull off the essential look, but the realistic cut tennis balls are the best part!
Let Them Eat All The Cake
Marie Antoinette has been the subject of so much folklore over the centuries, it's hard to know what is really true at this point. Did she really suggest that the poor eat cake when they run out of bread?

What we do know is that this tiny tyrant is pretty glamorous! She may not know it until years later looking at the family albums, but Halloween is definitely the day to throw royal tantrums. The perfect toddler costume, we say!
Harry And The Dog
Does your child enjoy Harry Potter? Do you have a family dog? We know the answer to both questions is yes!

Behold, there's a costume for that. This three-headed beast might scare a few people at doors, but that's all part of the fun! A unique Harry Potter duo in the crowd, surely.
What A Whirlwind
When this tornado blows into the block party, don't be afraid! It's actually a very well-done costume made of paper mache, cotton balls, and car figurines. And we've never seen anything quite like it!

In Kansas, this one could be a little insensitive. They are constantly battling real storms there, after all!
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The Itsy Bitsy Spider was a real lesson in tenacity and determination if you think about it. The earlier we instill these values in our children, the better. Right?

Well, baby spider probably won't pick up on the symbolism, but the smiling reactions will make his day. By the way, try to make sure he doesn't crawl up any water spouts. The temptation is real!
Kiddie Donald and Melania
Donald and Melania are a pretty famous couple, that's for sure. A small, cuddly version of the president is sure to get some laughs. With his wife by his side, it's a costume contest winner!

Take out that Sunday suit and add a patriotic tie. A wig is crucial, of course. And perhaps a few famous phrases from The Apprentice could be the finishing touch! "You're fired." When each door opens for candy, a tiny boy delivers the line!