Georgia Gibbs is a size 6. Her best friend, Kate Wasley, is a size 16. They're both models! Today's changing industry allows for fitness figures and plus-size portraits, believe it or not. But is there still work to do in between? They certainly think so!
Beautiful, No Matter What They Say
When these BFF's first posted a pic together on Instagram, they received negative feedback. Why? Fans accused Georgia of trying to make herself look thinner by posing next to Kate! Both shocked, they knew they needed to take action.

An answer was quickly found: The Instagram account Any Body Co was born! In just 10 days, it racked up more than 60,000 followers and fascinating user submissions. According to Georgia: “We created Any Body to celebrate our differences, encourage women to quit the comparisons and learn to love themselves." Did they succeed?
Next: See the social media phenomenon that has women saying Heck Yes!
Smizing at Every Size
Thigh, butts, and guts — everyone's got 'em. A major theme on Any Body Co's curated visuals is swimsuit season. It's certainly an area that has women self-conscious, at every shape and size. To combat this common fear, Georgia and Kate have plenty of posts addressing the beach!

Kate wrote: ''One size does not fit all and we should be proud of who we are. I am not brave for wearing a bikini, I am me and I know my self-worth. Do you?'' Yes Kate, yes!
Nothing Compares 2 U
Despite the initial criticism they got for appearing side by side, Kate and Georgia decided to amplify the idea. Take that, haters: The pair posed in the same bikini style to highlight their size difference.

Kate wrote: ''I know when I look online I wonder 'will that look good on me' if the girls curvier or shorter or more petite than me...I recently saw @goodamerican and their site shooting every piece on 3 different body types and it made it 100x more easy to shop!" Totally genius, ladies.
Frenemy Follies
Going further on the same theme, Kate and Georgia regularly posted pictures showcasing all shapes and sizes. And there was always a little gem of inspiration to tie it all together! What was their tip for dealing with envy, for example?

Girls comparing themselves to others is nothing new. But isn't it time to stop? Any Body Co suggested: ''Today, if you feel that thought come to mind, recognize it, then remind yourself her beauty is not an absence of your own.'' Did mainstream society agree, by the way?
Cover Girls
As it turns out, the media caught wind of Kate and Georgia's project. And they loved the idea! The models of Any Body Co made the cover of Women's Health & Fitness Magazine to promote the account.

In blue and pink string bikinis, both gals smiled to show their own body confidence. More and more followers signed up to be a part of the movement! No surprise there, really.
Thin to Thicc
Sometimes the very same woman can vary in size category. It's just a fact of life that weight fluctuates. How did Any Body Co address this norm? One follower was featured in a special collage after she gained a few pounds!

They lovingly wrote: ''This is no 'before & after'...this is just a woman who chose to be her true, honest, confident self, whatever that may mean to you, own it.'' What was their philosophy on exercise, by the way?
Just Work it Out
Questioning the purpose of going to the gym, Any Body Co addressed health and fitness. Emphasizing mental and physical health over aesthetics, they had a lot to say!

''Too often we see 'get a beach body in a month' or silly '2-week challenge to transform yourself' into trim abs, lean legs, and low body fat...that’s perfectly healthy for some, but so is being curvy, having thick thighs and a soft stomach. We all have different, unique beautiful genetics.'' Followers agreed!
Eat Like a Lady
The reality is, eating disorders are not that uncommon. Whether it's overeating or undereating, many girls struggle with food. And simply eating in public can make some self-conscious! What did Kate and Georgia say about it?

Their advice: ''Don’t get inside your head and trick yourself into thinking that people care what you’re eating. Chances are they don’t. And if they do, that’s not a reflection of you at all. It’s a nasty reflection on them.'' It certainly is! But easier said than done, right?
Roll With It
Sharing a popular self-help quote, Any Body Co posted: ''Every day you make thousands of choices. One of those choices is how you choose to support yourself. And at the end of the day, if you wouldn’t be a bully to someone you love, don’t let your mind bully you.''

Social media certainly can mess with the mind. Kate and Georgia tried to keep their followers in check from their own worst enemies — themselves! What other tips did they share?
Embracing Every Moment
Kate shared: "Sometimes we are all so caught up on looking ‘perfect’, we miss the best moments...don’t you think it’s time to take life a little less seriously and care a whole lot less what people think!"

Hard to argue with that! The model suggested a little bit more living and laughing, and a lot less looking around the room. Not a bad idea!
Power Pumps
Models are in fashion, after all. It should be no surprise that Kate and Georgia featured style tips for their fans once and a while, within the context of body positivity. Bold shoes definitely made the cut!

Any Body Co revealed “enclothed cognition” as a concept to purposely dress the way a girl wants to feel. Fans agreed: How can a day truly be a downer in hot pink?
Backstabbing Ban
At times, there are bad days. Girl on girl crime is often the culprit! Any Body Co explained: ''There is no better feeling than knowing the women around you have your back and probably no worse feeling, feeling like the women around you are in competition with you instead of supporting you.''

Emphasizing that strong women actually empower other women around them, Kate and Georgia promoted the concept regularly. And they had a lot more to say on female relationships!
Good Vibes Only
According to Any Body Co: ''We can give light to the women around us and still remain lit.'' A novel idea! And an adorable metaphor, if there ever was one.

Kate wrote: ''You owe it to yourself to quit comparing yourself to the woman next to you.'' A common theme, throughout all posts. But what about comparing oneself to the world?
Instagram vs. Reality
The internet went wild with the first social media versus real-life photo exposés. Kate and Georgia included a few on their account, too!

Comparing lifestyle lies to real living, they posted: ''Here at Any.Body, we want to create a community that allows you to feel comfortable posting those 'not Instagram worthy' photos and create a safe environment that allows people to feel like they can relate to one another!'' Soon, they would expand the concept. How, exactly?
Real Body Babes
Facetune and other apps to airbrush every photo have created a world of deception online. Kate and Georgia would know a lot about it, as employees in a heavily edited industry. It was time to talk about cellulite and stretch marks!

Any Body Co explained: ''They tell a story, each one exactly where it is meant to be, & shows the world how strong your beautiful body is...We encourage you all to stop hiding them and start flaunting them.'' As it turned out, they had many other things to say about skin!
Beauty Without Boundaries
Winnie Harlow was a finalist on America's Next Top Model that many remember, years later. As the first contestant with a skin disorder, she made headlines. According to Winnie: "I don't find my beauty in the opinions of others, I'm beautiful because I know it."

Today, she is a well-known speaker on the subject. But as a kid, she was bullied and called a cow and a zebra! Naturally, Any Body Co featured her on the account. And there were other skin controversies, coming up soon!
Acne, Back-ne, and Bumps
Revealing the fact that 50 million Americans deal with acne each year, Any Body Co tried to educate followers on just how normal it really was!

Georgia shared: ''I can speak from personal experience and share how acne took such a huge toll on my mental’s time we treat people living with Acne as we do anyone else with a health condition...the more we normalize our red freckles the more comfortable we will all feel in our skin!'' Next, a trickier issue was addressed.
Demystifying the Bag
Living with a colostomy bag can be a life-altering situation. But what exactly is this, and why do some people — young gals included — need to get one?

For those issues like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, an external waste bag may be necessary for a bit, or permanently. This replaces the toilet! The truth is, plenty of people secretly have one — and Any Body Co knew they had to support all their fans. Who was next, unexpectedly?
Discussing the Dudes
Poor body image sure sounds like a female issue. But is it? It turns out that men have plenty of their own pressures, usually centered around muscle, fat, and height. Any Body Co weighed in!

They wrote: ''Men also get stretch marks, men also feel pressures to look a certain way at the beach, men struggle with eating disorders too. Be careful whose body you judge, because not everyone is immune to the pressures of society's' beauty' standards.'' Too true, ladies and gents!
Coming of Age
When it comes to age, it can seem like a far off problem for many Instagram users. Any Body Co decided to highlight the issue ahead of time. Getting older can really mess with self-image!

The account emphasized body positivity of all shapes and sizes. But Kate and Georgia wanted to make sure that all life stages were represented, too! Becoming a mom was next on the list.
The Skin You're In
Giving birth can change a flat tummy to a new, unfamiliar tummy. Not all women are happy about the transformation. But Kate and Georgia reframed the issue, yet again.

They wrote: ''Skin. It’s amazing. It protects us from infection, keeps us warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot. It’s our middle ground between our internal and external worlds. More often than not, we take it for granted. So today, take a second to step back and look at your skin with gratitude and appreciation.'' Well said, ladies!
Health is Wealth
Although they are actually models, beauty was certainly not something either wanted to pursue at the expense of health. Kate and Georgia had a lot to say on the matter!

They wrote: ''Being physically healthy is so so important, but so is your mental health. Don't let your brain morph your body into something you hate. Be kind to yourself. Be aware of what is marketed to you as healthy...You do you. Be the healthiest version of yourself.'' Great advice, but what else is required to achieve this?
Chesticle Check
Well, literally keeping tabs on health was one big idea! For breast cancer awareness month, Any Body Co decided to promote self-checks. It was boobs, all week long!

According to Kate: ''You’re never too young to start, from my own personal experiences with lumps in my breasts I adopted this healthy habit from a very young age, early detection is everything.'' Encouraging followers to tag all the women in their lives, the message spread!
Life is Beautiful
Saving lives from preventable illness was one aspect of the account. But what about living life, the way it was intended? That was addressed, all the time.

Any Body Co wrote: ''Let’s make being human more normal and let’s squash this mindset of needing to look or be a certain way. Take a dance class, eat your fav dessert, laugh with a stranger, and let yourself be more human!'' How could friends be more supportive? The gals would explain that, too.
Collaboration Contest
According to the Any Body Co BFF's, ''real queens fix each other's crowns''. Repeatedly, they challenged followers to quit comparing themselves to others and to support other girls. It couldn't be said often enough!

Kate and Georgia simply wanted everyone to know: ''There’s nothing more special than seeing women lifting, supporting and empowering each other...Nothing is more powerful than women empowering women, so let’s get together!'' At Any Body Co, they did!