It's intimidating. Social media seems to be dominated by exotic holidays, ripped abs, and private jets these days. How did life become so glamorous, so fast? With endless likes and shares, these vibes have spread like wildfire. But is everyone being honest? As it turns out, many are frauds!
No Adventure, After All
Instagram might be one the worst platforms for little white lies, in photo form. Here, one user posed as an enlightened and fit nature lover. All dressed up in tight, head-to-toe spandex, it was a powerful image that got comments calling her a model. Then, her very own flesh and blood called her out!

Stepping back from the picture, sis revealed the truth: This was just their backyard! It certainly made a good background, but there was little chance anyone was hitting the trails in this little space. That's not Lake Okahumpka Park, liar liar!
Next: Separate fact from fiction with the worst-of-the-worst social media fibs!
Lyin' Lion
Lions are the only kitties that live in groups, sometimes up to 30 at a time. But would a misfit like this be cast out from the pride? Chic and black, this one really made the internet roar when it debuted. King of the jungle has never looked so good! The only problem? It's all fake, from mane to tail.

This pseudoscientific post claims there is a special gene, usually hidden. But this is not true — it's all due to a special computer program. Photoshop is a powerful tool, but people saw right through it here!
Spoiled Rotten
There's nothing like the freedom of zooming down the road, is there? Starting in high school, there's a real dream to start driving. Reality shows have exposed super sweet sixteen parties with outrageous car gifts. But here, one hardworking teen explains they are self-made, lest anyone get the wrong idea!

In the end, mom came in to ruin the fun. Not only did the parents buy that first truck, they also paid a year's worth of insurance! While most people recall memories a little bit differently, this cannot be brain fog. It's a lie, and a bad one!
Not Even Interested
Star Wars Legend Mark Hamill just couldn't get enough of Doctor Manhattan and the crew. It totally changed his perspective on life! The blue man explained it well: "We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another’s vantage point, as if new, it may still take the breath away.''

But wait, does he even care? It turns out none of these superhero quotes are his thing at all. Where did this tabloid even get that idea? He replied publicly to the tweet. Fake news, according to Luke Skywalker!
Introducing Kylie Jenner
Youngest billionaire in the biz, lip kit lover, plastic surgery pioneer: Kylie Jenner holds a lot of titles, these days! But the truth is, she went through a lot of changes before becoming the video vixen she is now. Starting at just age 17, she got a few procedures. And then more, and more, and more!

The Kylie Cosmetics founder was first rumored to be getting lip fillers. At first, she denied it. But eventually, they grew so much that she couldn't lie it away! Kylie was shy about posting realistic photos of herself online before her full makeover was all complete. Called out with live footage, fans compared video vs. Insta. Behold, the drastic truth!
Not So Fab Abs
The pressure to show off a perfect body on social media is pretty strong, admittedly. It's not surprising to find out how many people use apps like Facetune to get a digital nip-tuck. But subtly is key when shedding fake pounds, and this fellow missed the memo!

He looks ripped, but is he? Accusations poured in that this was less than truthful. He insisted it was real, totally legit. But the final blow was the belly button. He doesn't have one, and there's no exercise to get rid of that!
Crowd Favorite
A packed stadium is the goal of every concert promoter and singer out there. But sometimes, the love just isn't there. One Spanish Singer got caught fudging the numbers a bit. Many could imagine the temptation. But still, how did he think he would get away with this sloppy digital cloning?

Zooming in only slightly, it's clear that there is a pattern in the background. That crowd is suspiciously ordered! Too ordered, in fact. Some believe they should fake it 'til they make it, but no one bought it here!
Sky High Lies
Sailing through the air at 20,000 feet, this beauty captured her journey for Instagram followers. But were they willing to follow her straight into fakery? A quick google image search revealed the truth about her enviable sunset. It never happened, and she knew it!

A few suspicious people sensed the view was too good to believe, and it was. A stock photo copy and paste happened here, and it was pretty easy to prove. Has she admitted the fraud yet? Probably not, when 50,919 people love it as is!
Funky Flashback
They say that fashion goes through decade cycles. Every thirty years or so, the same trends return with a vengeance. Usually, there are new twists, of course. But this photo looked a little bit too trendy for users to believe it was a 1970's snap. Were they right?

Truthfully, there was only one dead giveaway. People may have disputed it otherwise, but what was seen cannot be unseen: A very modern Fitbit! Her wrist spoiled the trick, due to poor planning. Needless to say, Reddit had a field day with the photo!
Crushed By a Colleague
Unemployment, funemployment — whatever it's called these days, being jobless can put stress on anyone's wallet. Here, a Facebook user revealed they were let go from a beloved position. Sad times! But quickly, a donation solution was found. There's no shame in asking for a hand up and not a handout!

But is that really going on here? One co-worker chimed in to correct the record. Testifying that this was a quit and not a firing, the scam is dead on arrival. Hopefully, that Venmo account is still pretty empty!
Secretly Single
It really tests a relationship when one person tries to take pictures at unflattering moments. It's a prank in front of the world, in the age of social media. Here, one victim decided to have a sense of humor about it. But there was one problem with his post. Internet sleuths spotted it immediately!

Check out that car window, buddy. On a sunny day, it was the rays that thwarted his plan to claim taken status. Does he even have a girl? If so, is she sneaky? More questions than answers were raised by this phony photo!
Bare-Faced Babe
Waking up fabulous without any makeup on is the dream, but few are confident enough to try it. Sure, guys love natural beauty. It's not easy to achieve, just hoping mother nature was kind. One girl bravely decided to reveal her fresh face to the 'net. What was their rating?

Zero stars, because it seems they were a big fan of her photo editing skills. Nobody bought this story! From her eye color to her freckles, it all looked pretty fake to her friends. No makeup, no filter? No way!
Giving Them the Run Around
According to the world's fastest man, Usain Bolt: ''There are better starters than me but I’m a strong finisher.'' Until now, it would seem that his only competition was the cheetah. But browsing through social media, it looks like a fierce challenger has been found!

Claiming to have run the 5k in just 10 minutes, he posted this picture of his training. Sadly, no one believed him! The world record was 12 minutes, after all. It's hard to argue with hard stats like that, and probably better not to!
Sleeping With One Eye Open
Romeo and Juliette, move over — romance has set a new record with these lovers, discovered on Instagram. Falling asleep in each other's arms never looked so good! After 105 likes, a question was finally posed: How did they manage to capture the moment, if unconscious?

The short answer, as someone eventually pointed out, is that they were not snoozing at all. Sleeping is rarely caught on camera, is it? When something looks too good to be true, it usually is — especially on Instagram. Better luck next time, attention seekers!
Not Very Vintage
The modern American grocery store is a sight to be seen. With an entire department just for cats and dogs, and a cereal aisle fit for a king, it's a real achievement of industry. Here, a blast from the past is seen in the 70s. Or is it?

Truthfully, this trick almost worked. The filter used to dim the scene does look pretty authentic. But that's the magic of technology, in the 21st century! If not for the Powerade display, this fraud might have gone without notice. Thwarted in the end, it was!
Photographic Evidence
According to decorated Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps: ''You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.'' That's great advice, Mike! Here, one Instagram user dared to dream. Or maybe, he decided to fantasize. The lies were hard to miss, with a photo!

His opponent actually chimed in to call him out, loud and proud. He knows he was the rightful winner, and he didn't hold back claiming his victory. Ahead by at least 20 yards, this one was a real whopper. Try again, slowpoke!
Trisha Paytas Tricks
YouTube sensation Trisha Paytas has gotten pretty far based on personality alone. She's wacky, and she's wild — and she has a lot to say on body image! According to Trish: “Real women are happy, fat, skinny, healthy, unhealthy, dumb, and smart.” But what's going with this glam shot?

It seems a little bit — or a lot — of Facetune was used with this snap. No one looks good zoomed-in from below, sure. But this difference cannot be explained by angles! Trish, fans noticed. Why not stick to that inspiration, next time?
Open-Minded, After All
Irish-Catholic immigrants sailed the ocean blue to reach America by the millions. Steadily, 4.5 million came by 1930. In the mid-1800s, they were 1/3 of all people in the United States! But has there really been authentic casting in cinema? Chris O'Dowd doesn't think so, according to this post!

The Irish Daily Mirror made this statement on Twitter. But as it is a public forum, Chris was available for immediate comment. Just five hours later, he disputed the claim. Fact check: He says he never said it at all!
Fender Bender Fib
A shocking scene: Tail lights, shattered into bits. The culprit? Someone thoughtless in the parking lot! How could anyone do this kind of damage in good conscience, and just drive away? The injured party texted her husband, right away. What did he say about the incident?

Well, he wasn't interested in games. Being direct, he revealed that he had witnessed the entire event himself. Backing up in a small space can be a real enemy for the spatially challenged. But what's the excuse here? It was her own garage wall!
Here, Kitty Kitty
These days, there's a real market for second-hand furniture. Sometimes, it's even preferred! Checking in on Facebook ads, there's a lot to choose from. This couch may not be a timeless antique piece, but it only lightly used. Maybe someone will be interested, especially since it comes from a hypoallergenic, pet-free home!

Well, the plan almost worked. Deviously, this furniture was marketed as a lot cleaner than it really was. But without a sound, the feline of the home has decided to pop in for a photobomb. Drat, the cat!
An Eggcellent Try
Oddities at the supermarket happen all the time. Funny sale signs and half-empty cans of beans have popped up on social media as silly food mistakes. But today, there's a real novelty. The Reddit community was shown a 2-dozen pack of eggs that was all doubles! How is that even possible?

Someone with an eagle eye looked closely at these alleged anomalies. If this was merely more yolk, why is there also double the whites? The muffin tin organized the visuals so well side by side that it was hard to miss! Super hen? No, just a super fib.
Just Do the Math
According to this picture shared widely online, wealth is just a matter of spare change. Anyone can be on their way to becoming Scrooge McDuck, swimming through a mountain of coins with one easy step. Simply save a quarter every day, all year, and voila — An extra 9 grand is totally within reach.

But of course, it's not. Someone with common sense and a curious mind stopped by to calculate the claim. Even a dollar a day is only $365! Divide that by four, and the number is certainly less!
Living the Dream
Wind blowing through her hair, delicate sea spray kissing her face, this Facebook user is enjoying her moment of zen. Peace and serenity at the beach is a common social media theme. When asked if this was an authentic photo, she affirmed. But quickly, there were questions!

Someone recognized the photo. It seemed familiar. Was it perhaps a film star? Indeed, it was Aiza Khan. The Pakistani actress is pretty big, on that side of the pond. Perhaps an English speaker thought no one would know her face. But it was called out, and double confirmed on google!
One Misdirection
Singer Harry Styles once claimed: ''I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you ever could just by pressing her follow button.'' Ouch, said men everywhere. Maybe one decided to get a little revenge, documenting it with a social media post. Joke's now on you, Harry!

A Tigers fan claims to have not only run into the star at the game but snatched 100 bucks away at the bar. He even added the hashtag #sweartogod to emphasize the truth of his post. But Harry himself somehow saw the tweet — and chimed in to say he was nowhere near the scene. Uh oh!
Wow, Lil' Bow Wow
There's a lot of demand to see stars living it up, popping bottles on yachts and private jets. But it's getting expensive to live up to that image! One hip hop star decided to take a shortcut. The only problem? A nosy fan, looking right over his shoulder!

Claiming to be on his way to an NYC for the reality show Growing Up Hip Hop, Bow posted a photo of his alleged private flight. Snapped in coach, he was ultimately exposed. Living the high life is often an illusion, though people tend to buy it!
What's Up, Doc
The medical field actually exists to treat patients and help humanity thrive. A noble calling, for those who enter. But the other side of that coin is a bit of status. One Reddit user couldn't help but try to cash in on that social capital in a thread. Did other users admire him, as he hoped?

They may have, if only he had done his research on schools. Lying so lazily is just bad form. The Dell Medical School at UT Austin only took its first class of 50 students in 2016. Was he really a grad already? Fat chance, since it just opened!
The PewDiePie Lie
With over 26 billion views, YouTube sensation Felix Kjellberg has made a career being PewDiePie. Viewers just can't get enough of his silly, good-natured content. According to the vlogger: “Don't be something you're not. Unless you can be a fabulous unicorn. Always be a fabulous unicorn.” Is that advice reflected in this fan art?

No, this post did not live up to the ethos of the man it claimed to honor. Social media detectives quickly figured out that this very picture had already been posted 200 days before. PewDiePie would not approve!
One-of-a-Kind Find
Handmade was the production norm, historically. But with intention of bigger and bolder machines, this technique was no longer necessary. Is it time to bring back a lost art? This Colts fan thinks so! Auctioning off a blanket with an intricate design, the bidding started at 400 bucks. How high did it go?

Well, the plan never got off the ground. Someone with an eye for authentic work immediately found it on a mainstream site. The retail price? Under $38, far below the fraudulent markup. No one can fool a Hoosier!
Fat Chance
Up and down, up and down it goes and goes. Many women struggle with the cycle of pounds, and there is no place with greater pressure than Hollywood. Actress Keeley Hawes was publicly congratulated for winning the battle of the bulge on Twitter. How did she react?

Oddly enough, she was not the source of that info. In fact, she decided to correct the record! Not only had she not lost any weight, but she had no knowledge of the strange diet the paper claimed she loved. Call Keeley next time, Daily Mail!
Not Even Close
Sure, Leonardo DiCaprio dates models, as well as models. Regular guys can only dream of that life, and of course many do. On Facebook, it looks like this may have finally happened for one regular joe. A new status update: In a relationship with Vitoria? Major like, said four friends!

Perhaps that was before skeptical Sam did a reverse image google search. What he found was scandalous! Linking the photo straight to a modeling agency, it seems that the names do not even match. The verdict? There is no Vitoria, try again!