Rapper Ye Loses Collaborations Left Right And Center: What's Going On?

Ye is no longer allowed on Twitter and Instagram, and more and more companies are ending their cooperation with the rapper. The anti-Semitic posts he previously posted on the platforms are the reason. This is not the first time he has been discredited, but never before have his statements had such a big impact on the rapper. We list all the events.

Ye was diagnosed in 2016 and was also hospitalized for treatment.

In 2018, the rapper told David Letterman in an interview what it is like for him to live with the disorder. He described periods of paranoia, where he believed nothing and trusted no one.

Last week, Ye was interviewed by Pierce Morgan. There, he said that it was not the disorder but overtiredness that was the reason for his admission in 2016.

Kanye West, who has now been going through life as Ye for a year, has made several statements since Oct. 9 that can be interpreted as hate speech and calling for violence against Jews. For example, the rapper claims that Jews have infiltrated the media with ill intent toward black people. His fans recently stood over a Los Angeles freeway with signs reading "Ye is right about the Jews," while giving the Nazi salute.

Balenciaga, a major fashion brand and collaboration partner of the rapper let it be known after the anti-Semitic remarks that they will stop working with Ye. They are also ruling out a partnership in the future. The same goes for Vogue, the music label Def Jam and agency Creative Artists Agency.

On Tuesday afternoon, another major partner, Adidas, announced that it was ending its partnership with Ye with immediate effect. In a statement, they wrote that Ye's recent statements and actions are "unacceptable, hateful and dangerous." The rapper had been working with the brand since 2015. Together, they released the globally known Yeezy shoes.

The German sportswear brand, which is estimated to lose some 250 million, waited a long time before making the decision. In the meantime, pressure increased from society to sever ties. Actor David Schwimmer, known for the TV series Friends and himself Jewish, called on Adidas to reconsider its cooperation with Ye. "Whether Ye has a mental illness or not, his hate speech incites violence against Jews," he wrote in a post on Instagram. "And if you interpret his words differently or defend him, you are a racist."