Spectacular Trail Cameras
Hikers and other trail experts have been putting down cameras on some of the best trails to capture skittish animals on camera. Most of the time it may be boring but every once in a while something truly spectacular happens.

Amongst the trees and greenery, there can be some great pictures captured. Take a look at some of the best trail cam finds.
Trail Cams
Trail cams are exactly what they sound like. They specialized cameras housed in waterproof boxes that you stick somewhere on a nature trail - or anywhere you want to see animals that aren't spooked by humans.

Often, it's hours of staring at swaying trees. But once in a while they can capture some pretty amazing images.
What's Dat?
This little guy must have some amazing hearing! Why? Trail cam do make noise, but it's so quiet that it usually doesn't attract attention from the wildlife it's trying to film.

The look on his face is priceless. Like, "Excuuuuse me! What do you think you're doing?!"
Come Back!
There aren't many reasons that would explain a man chasing after a wild canine.Maybe he was trying to scare it off his property?

Perhaps it was meant to be funny/staged? Who knows. But it certainly invites so many questions.
Bad Location
These baby bears decided to have some fun ... in the middle of the road.

Cams are also put in places with animal crossings just in case there are accidents etc. This moment ended up flying across social media because the two cubs brought busy traffic to a grinding halt until their mom carried them away.
Myths And Facts
The best place to put these gizmos is anywhere there could be higher "foot traffic".

Although someone thought it was funny to take this image of a bear and tweak it to look like something that would grace the front page of the National Enquirer.
Interesting Facts
Trail cams run 24-7 and are on a motion detector.

They can hold insane amounts of footage. Also, there are different levels of infrared - no glow, low glow, and red glow (all of which serve a different purpose). But the great news? It doesn't take a tech genius to work them. All it takes is some research.
Not Just Animals
These aren't just for filming animals. They are also used for security or general monitoring.

They are great for areas that maybe need a bit extra "big brother" attention. Or, they can be set up in places where strange things happen, in order to find out the truth.
Hi There
Other useful features include high trigger speeds, low recovery times, and detection range.

Don't let the flashy megapixel numbers fool you. These features are better to ponder and compare. Especially if someone wants images like this guy inspecting the camera.
No Difference
Many people think that a trail cam with more megapixels is good. Most cameras (as of now) are 4-5mp - the rest of the image is extrapolated. Besides, there are more important features to consider when buying one. That's actually not true. The big numbers are just an advertising gimmick to boost sales.

Most cameras (as of now) are 4-5mp - the rest of the image is extrapolated. Besides, there are more important features to consider when buying one.
One Of These Things
Trail cams aren't immune to fakery. This is a "famous" photo that claims to have captured a "ghost girl" walking around a clearing at night.

Either it's photoshopped, staged, or someone's parenting needs to be questioned.
Howl Party
No humans allowed at this party. Evening animals howling at the moon, or each other. It's quite beautiful.

Some models can capture audio (which in this case would be amazing), but it won't store as much video if audio is bulking out the memory storage.
Hitchin' A Ride
It's the new version of Timon and Pumba. Who knew a wild boar would be cool with a raccoon hitching a ride!

The other buddy is foraging in the background. This is a clip most people would want to see the rest of!
Around The World
Most people might connect trail cams to North American wildlife. But gadgets such as these are invaluable when it comes to monitoring animals all around the world.

It might not be National Geographic quality, but they are images that anyone can get. Bonus points because they are excellent for security around places with endangered species.
Don't Mind Me
Next stop - Watering Hole West. This water buffalo doesn't seem to mind being used as a taxi service.

Although perching on top of someone bigger than you is a great deterrent from anything with sharp teeth that could see you as a meal.
Big Bird Syndrome
There is "big dog syndrome". But this images captures the idea at a whole new level.

What in the world did this deer do to tick off the owl to the point of attack?! The funniest thing? This doesn't even make the first-place pedestal when it comes to size exchange.
Winter Wonderland
Trail cams are perfect in winter. No one wants to sit out in sub-zero temperatures for hours on end.

The extra quite environment is also hard to prowl around in. It becomes possible to capture majestic images like this.
Just Strollin'
"Don't mind me. Just walking by." Jungle are another extraordinary place with a plethora of wildlife that might be tricky to take pictures of.

The cam casing are very sturdy can take cake a beating from some of the more aggressively curious visitors.
This takes first place. The "big dog syndrome" gold metal goes to the crazy squirrel.

And for some inexplicable reason, decided to pounce on this unsuspecting deer. One can only wonder what the final outcome was.
Why The Highway?!
Baby bears aren't the only ones that will set up camp on the road. During mating season, big boy bears don't care where they get into battle.

The Department of Natural Resources and Protection has endless house of wildlife footage from trails and highways.
You Like It?
A big rack on a male deer might be hot in the animal world. But this guy might have taken things a little too far.

Although, by the look of his prickly crown, maybe it has some defensive value too? Smart cookie.