Parents often struggle with juggling work and raising their children. When everything is going smoothly, parenting can be fun and rewarding, and life can feel like a walk in the park. But there are also days when day-to-day parenting can feel like a tour through the trenches.

However, through it all, good parents (and their children) will always tough it out! Here are 38 photos of parents who were either caught during a moment of weakness, caught in the act, or just plain unlucky. Hardworking parents of the world—we salute you.
Odd Priorities
Parents in certain countries prefer to keep their children on a leash, especially in crowded places where their children might get lost or hurt themselves. This woman, however, seems to have taken these precautions to a strange new level.

It’s often said that some pet owners treat their furry babies like—well, real babies. In this woman’s case, there seems to be a complete reversal of priorities. We wonder if this kid went on to learn how to “fetch” or if the dog learned to go to the potty on his own.
Don’t Kick The Baby!
When you have toddlers, you must anticipate that capturing a good photo will be difficult, given how much the rugrats tend to fidget about. However, in this case, it’s not so much a problem of fidgeting as it is velocity.

We love the contrasting expressions on the parents’ faces as their precious baby bundle is launched through the air (presumably after receiving a flying kick from his older brother). Of course, we do hope the kid was okay—sand can be coarse on the skin, but at least it can provide a soft place to land.
A Terrifying Day in the Pool
Arm floaties can be great for kids who are still learning to swim. They can help children experience the joy of buoyancy in the pool without the fear of getting water up in their sensitive noses or dropping too far under the waves.

This kid’s floaties look like they were pumped with helium because he’s really flying! It looks like his dad was trying to get him used to the clouds as much as the water. It’s a great snap, but we hope he didn’t land with too much of a splash.
Naptime: A Most Dangerous Game
Naptime can be just as much fun as playtime—at least for grownups. If you’re a parent, just make sure your child is secure before strapping them in for sleepytime, especially when you’re dealing with a hammock. You never know when things can go sideways

It’s one way for a child to experience and learn about the concept of gravity, or at least the concept of “down.” We love the adorable look on this kid’s face as the world tips over. At least his parents equipped him with safety padding in the form of pool arm floaties.
Down And Out
Life can be tough for the younger generation these days: climate change, rising student loan debts, technological redundancy… It can be tough to make it in today’s world if you’re fresh on the market. But until today, we hadn’t realized just how tough it really is.

Kid—a word of advice: fake it ‘till you make it. Instead of focusing on what you haven’t got, try focusing on the skills that you do have. Namely, crying, pooping, and gurgling. Tell them you can gurgle the entire alphabet—that’ll get someone’s attention, surely.
Bad Decisions
Amusement Park: two words that will make your children squeal with joy. Prizes, candyfloss, thrills, and spills—all things to keep your children happy and excited for an entire day. An amusement park isn’t just fun—it can also be a great place of learning.

For example, this kid just learned a valuable life lesson: never trust your sister when she says, “But it’ll be fun!” The look on this little girl’s face says it all: instant regret. We hope it was a positive experience for her in the end.
It’s a Trap
You know what they say: the most dangerous animal on the planet is Man. To hunt this animal, you must first try to understand it. Here we have photographic evidence of a hunter attempting to lure this deadly creature with a type of bait that it finds irresistible: social media.

While this little man tags his selfies, tiks his toks, and retweets his #hashtags (or whatever it is youngsters do these days), the jaws of the trap will come down, and he’ll be getting his diaper changed—literally and metaphorically.
Dark Humor
For those of you too old to know what this is, this here is called “childhood trauma just waiting to happen.” We can only hope this is a horribly inappropriately labeled birthing video, which, to be honest, will probably haunt you just as much.

If we were this guy, we’d just smash the tape and be done with it. It might also be good to ask Uncle Bill, amongst other things, if he happens to have a spare copy (so it can also be destroyed). Moving on.
The Trolley Problem
We’ve all been there—you enter a store to pick up one or two small things, and you end up carrying a whole trolley’s worth of shopping in your hands, and you’re being pushed around by your dad in your stroller.

You can’t even see the face of the kid because she’s covered with items. To be fair, though, it’s hard to push a stroller and a trolley at the same time. He’s teaching his daughter some responsibility. However, we think he could probably learn some himself first.
Sticking a sticker in your car has been a trend since we don’t know when. When you see one, it’s usually something like “baby on board” or “baby driver” or something cute like that. This sticker looks like it’s been drawn by a child (or at least a grownup with the mind of one).

We’re not sure what this sticker is supposed to imply about the career path of the drivers therein, but we hope they’re not considering parenthood at this stage of their lives. It certainly evokes strong emotions, but we’re not completely sure that’s a good thing!
They Go Up So Fast
Either this parent has been seriously hitting the gym recently, or the kid with the orange shorts is one heck of a tree climber. From that height, it would be safer to drop with a parachute or at least a helmet.

Amazingly, the other parents are sitting around with their arms on the table so nonchalantly. Is this some kind of casual Child Throwing competition? Is this what’s really meant by “baby shower?”
Shopping Essentials
Children tend to be hyper, especially when in crowded places like a supermarket. They can be entertaining at times, but at others, they can be a real earache. This mom seems to have found an unusual way of killing two birds with one stone while buying her groceries.

It’s probably not the safest way to keep your child entertained or quiet. On the other hand, it’s a good way to avoid getting your child sick. Just make sure not to pack her in with the rest of the groceries, or at the very least, don’t put her in with the frozen stuff.
Artist of the Year
Children are very imaginative, and a great way for them to express themselves is through art. Seeing children drawing or painting whatever is on their minds can be heart-warming, that is until they start painting your house.

This mother discovered her child scribbling on paper. She thought it was charming, oblivious that her child was using her makeup and brushes. What a complete nightmare! Does he have any idea how expensive that stuff is? This is what you might call “creative destruction.”
Making A Mess
Whether you were good at it before or not, you’ll need to learn how to multitask when you become a parent. Making sure your home is neat and tidy as well as raising a child are so demanding that, on some days, you might find yourself forgetting to eat—or in this case, forgetting how to eat.

If you do end up developing this habit, do remember the golden rule: don’t lick your baby. Use a napkin instead. We know that the sauce is what makes the burger, but your child probably won’t appreciate his or her face being licked. It’s simple, really.
A Little Snack
This mother was stunned to see her daughter in front of a wide-open refrigerator. The kid was probably hungry. Wait—who taught her to climb that high? And how did she open the door by herself? Take a look at the size of the refrigerator!

One wrong move, and she'd be down on the ground. If we were the parents of this little one, we’d have come running. We assume her parents grabbed her right after they took this. Maybe they gave her a little treat as a reward too.
Don’t Cheese Me
Being a parent can be insanely difficult. Something as simple as breakfast can turn into a battle with your kids. And when you try to get them to eat, they might push their plate away and start crying. Some might even throw their food back at you or run out of the room.

The simplest thing can make a child weep. This youngster might have gotten upset as a result of not getting a toy or game. In this case, a slice of cheese was broken in front of him, turning on the waterworks. We hope this child recovers quickly from his ordeal.
Drop Something?
Admit it. You chuckled when you saw this picture. This dad and daughter’s bonding is priceless. Maybe they’d just watched the movie Tarzan and had decided to recreate a scene. But, of course, there’s a big difference between movies and reality.

Look at how this child fell. She fell head first! Luckily, those look like foam blocks. It’s just so funny how she fell straight into them, as stiff as an ironing board. Quick—someone help dig her out! Priceless.
Out of Suit
Kids love superheroes wearing colorful costumes doing cool stuff to save the day. Who wouldn’t fall for that? It is one of the many reasons children love them so much. Superheroes become childrens’ idols to the point that they dream every day of meeting them in the real world.

This kid had an opportunity to meet one of the most loved actors in the world—Robert Downey Jr.—the man behind Iron Man. However, looking at the kid’s reaction, he wasn’t thrilled, perhaps because he met Mr. Downey Jr. without his costume. Too bad, kid!
Chucky For Christmas
Chucky, the movie about a doll who comes to life to murder people, was once a terrifying nightmare for children the world over. From the looks of things, it still has the power to scare children way before their bedtime. We’re not surprised, though. Some grownups still lack the courage to watch it.

Instead of indulging his daughter in a cute movie for little girls, it seems that this father wants his daughter to grow up with the same memories of terror that he had as a little boy. That’s one way to bond with your children.
You Can’t See Me
Fashion designers: listen up. When designing clothes for kids, you have to remember that as well as being comfy, these clothes should come with some sort of utility to help out parents. For example, how can these clothes help at naptime?

Here’s a great example of clothes that both look good and have utility. It’s a bowtie that not only looks fancy, but it also doubles as a blindfold for when your baby needs some sleep. The look also totally rocks, we have to say. We wouldn’t be too surprised if this kicks off a new fashion trend.
Oopsie, Dressed For Nothing
Has this ever happened to you? You get dressed, play with your children or cousins, then you look down at a mysterious yellow stain on your favorite t-shirt. Ah, the perks of having kids. We hope this guy wasn’t planning on going somewhere—or worse, already outside.

You can’t get mad at kids for accidentally spilling on grown-ups. It’s not like they can help it, after all. How can you avoid these things from happening? Using diapers is a good idea, or if they are at the right age, make sure to train them to do it themselves properly.
Don’t Drop the Baby (Down a Mountain)
This is stunning. A couple thought it would be an excellent idea for a family to throw their child as if they were playing catch. Well, it’s not! Even if it were just a short distance, the damage done if either one of them messed up is too much to even think about.

It may be cool in the photo, but it’s an incredibly risky thing to do. This couple might have considered the consequences of their actions beforehand, but it’s still a no, no, never for us. We hope everything went well and the baby is now in “safe hands”..
You Thought What?
If there’s anything that can ruin your children’s future, it’s bad decision-making. As a result, parents are supposed to be present for their children at all times, guiding them on their life’s path. However, our parents are still human beings who are still bound to make mistakes.

It’s a hilarious parent-to-child prank. But if this is real—and they seriously accused their children of using these illegal substances—then this is a straight-up fail. But hey, at least they said sorry with a cake.
Roller Stroller
Taking a walk in the park while pushing a baby stroller is a common sight in most places in the world. It’s a great way to keep an eye on the little ones and get some much-needed fresh air and stretch the legs.

Forget what we said about walking. We’re sure that she’s capturing people’s attention in the park. We can’t decide if this is a failure or not, but there’s a reason why it’s “walking your child.” Let’s say that it’s efficient and leave it at that.
Safety Belt for What?
This kid was probably a bit confused as to why there were so many straps attached to him as if they could all stop him from falling in an accident. We’re no experts, but we definitely think that there’s probably a special car seat just for babies. This setup probably wouldn’t cut it, not in the eyes of the law, at least.

If you can’t afford the most expensive one, try searching for an available baby car seat at the lowest price. Or maybe ask your friends and family if they have one that you can borrow.
Gamer Girl
The phrase used on this little girl’s blouse refers to a type of gamer who is new to the scene (and therefore not yet good at them). Surely this kid’s father or mother enjoys video games, at least enough for them to buy this outfit.

Maybe someone else in the family is continuously losing at games, and this is their attempt to make fun of them. Regardless, this little girl looks cute in what she’s wearing. Who knows, maybe this little girl will grow up to be a pro-gamer.
Naughty or Nice
Adults tell their kids that Santa will know if little boys and little girls have been naughty or nice the whole year. Many of us believed that we wouldn't get a present from Santa if we were naughty. It's a great way to keep your kids on the nice side.

This kid looks like he was nice this year. Just look how confident he is of receiving a gift from Santa. But look closely at his sweater. Do you see something… a little off? We hope his parents realized what was wrong before Santa found out!
Silence of The Little Lamb
There are three possible explanations for this image: first, this kid really has to be tucked in tight before he goes to sleep; second, his parents are big fans of The Silence of the Lambs movie; or third (and perhaps most disturbingly of all), the kid himself is a big fan of The Silence of the Lambs movie.

Let me guess: “a hall monitor once tried to test me. I ate his homework with some macaroni and cheese and a nice Kool-Aid.” Either way, it’s an effective way to let your kid dress up and play while you get to enjoy some peace and quiet—unless you’re easily unnerved (we certainly would be).
Keep the Windows Closed
There are two possibilities when your children are quiet. It’s either they are sleeping soundly or doing something they shouldn’t be. That’s what wing mirrors are for, primarily. Now just imagine seeing this in the back seat of your car.

Kid, try not to walk around with your mouth open like this, or it will look like you’re trying to catch flies. It looks like she’s caught an almanac’s worth of bugs already. And she did it all while sleeping! That’s quite a talent! We wonder if she was as happy about her collection after waking from her slumber...
No Privacy
Kids love to have their parents’ attention every second of every day. It’s a demanding job, to say the least. Kids need to know that their parents are always there for them. So if you’re a mom or dad, it shouldn’t be a surprise if you see them lurking somewhere nearby, at any given moment.

That includes (what should be) moments of privacy. Even if their mom or dad is using the bathroom, they will follow, just to make sure that they have an eye on them. And if they can’t put an eye on them, they’ll try to slither through the crack in the door, as you can see pictured here.
Excuse Me, Can you Help Me?
It takes a lot of energy and patience to take care of your children, especially if you have kids full of energy. One minute you’re teaching them how to use a fork or spoon; the next, they’ve somehow flipped themselves upside down in their seat.

This kid might be a big gymnastics fan, but a restaurant doesn’t seem like the best place to practice those kinds of moves. She doesn’t seem to care about the delicious food in front of her or her parents’ disapproval.
Unfair Advantage
This image illustrates the difference in mentality between those who say “pick on your own size” and “it’s the survival of the fittest.” The sheer look of betrayal on the little girl’s face is palpable. Her mom or dad is presumably teaching her that while life can be beautiful, it isn’t always fair.

Her parents seem to be the type to let their children experience failure in order to let them learn how to get back on their feet. Or maybe it’s just a little payback for all those hours of lost sleep. Either way, we think her attempt is adorable.
Scary Night Light
This girl’s parents probably had good intentions when they bought this Minnie Mouse night light. Some kids are afraid of the dark, so using a nightlight can help to alleviate the problem. However, this particular night light will make the hair at the back of your neck stand up, adults and children alike.

If you look at the picture on the left, it seems normal. But when you turn off the lights and switch this thing on, you’ll see a creepy smile when you try to sleep—and in your worst nightmares, too.
Working From Home
Working from home can be a blessing or a curse for parents, especially for those who have very young children. This picture perfectly illustrates what working from home is like when you have kids. On the one hand, you don’t have to deal with traffic or a boss breathing down your neck.

On the other hand, you might have to deal with the sensation that something worse is breathing down your neck. In the end, it's a nice thing to have a flexible work schedule so that you can manage the little monsters when the need arises.
Useless Baby Gates
Baby gates are used to deter children from getting out of a specific room or area or going up to places they shouldn’t be. It gives parents peace of mind that their kids are safe. It’s a safety device that is meant to prevent your little ones from enduring any injuries.

However, this mom found that her newly installed baby gate was causing more problems than it solved. Instead of stopping her children from climbing the stairs, her kids learn a more dangerous escape route, and in turn, they begin their path towards rock-climbing stardom.
Sweet Baby
All parents deserve a prize for their heroic acts of endurance and patience they perform on a daily basis. Kids may give their parents a lot of headaches, but occasionally they can also surprise us with something nice: a sweet gift, a kind word, or even an award.

Is this not just compensation for 18 years of hard work and dedication? But having said that, after a long hard day of work, parenting, and general life-stuff, sometimes a nice microwaved hotdog can really hit the spot.
Describe your Kids
If there's one trait all children have in common, it’s being honest. They'll say what they think, and there’s not much you can do to editorialize it. They'll be the most brutally honest people on earth, and you'll either take it as an insult or use it as motivation to do better.

Look how this kid described her mom in a drawing assignment. This kid just drew something that he sees every day, which some of us might relate to. We just hope her mom found it funny (or at least gave him more than an emoticon as a reply).