Something about a star-filled night sky will always be entrancing, no matter how many times you’ve seen the ethereal glow. Celebrities – who we also only ever see from afar – have a similar power to captivate our attention. It’s no wonder some clever soul thought to call them stars! The Olsen twins are a pair of celebrities that most of us have known since they were just little kids. Many of us grew up with them, which makes their journey all the more fascinating.

These girls are considered lucky by many as they have always had each other to lean on throughout the craziness of celebrity life. These sisters had it made from the moment they were born, with a fate of fame and fortune written in the stars. However, their sparkle and shine came at a cost, and there are many twists and turns to their fascinating story.
The Wonder Twins!
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were the IT girls of the 90s and early 2000s. They owe their fame to their mother’s friend, who suggested the Olsen family send a picture of the twins to a talent agent. After that fateful day, it seemed luck would always smile upon them.

Just three months after the family submitted their photo, the twins were cast as Michelle Tanner in Full House. They shared the role, and by the time they were nine years old, they were valued at around $10 million – not bad for a couple of kids! However, there was a price to pay. They grew up in the spotlight and never learned how to live a normal life.
Working Their Way To The Top
The Olsen twins did not have time to play like normal kids. The set of the show was their playground, and it is a good thing they had each other. Backstage, they took turns cramming in homework assignments. From the age of six right through to adulthood, the Full House actresses also starred in 36 direct-to-VHS films.

Kids their age looked up to them for fashion advice. The two knew how to hustle. They became Hollywood's youngest movie producers at the age of six, and by the age of eighteen, they were named co-presidents of their own production firm.
Little Monkey Performers
The twins were doing a lot of interviews at a young age. Mary-Kate even went so far as to call herself and her sister "little monkey performers" in a well-known interview with Marie Claire magazine. Fans of the show may feel nostalgia, but it seems the sisters experienced their time in the spotlight differently.

When reminiscing about the past, the two stated that they do not feel connected to the photos of themselves. They were ready to move on from that chapter in their lives. The little monkey days were over.
Behind The Scenes at Full House
Casting kids for a major production can be tricky, especially with actors as young as they were. One of the most important auditions they had to pass was the cry test. The babies were handled by the program producers and did not cry, and this was what clinched their employment.

Besides being cute and photogenic, the two passed the most important test. Another reason they were hired was that they were twins. Babies in show business are only permitted to work for 20 minutes at a time, so by hiring twins, the crew got double the work time.
Trouble In The House
Everybody remembers John Stamos as the lovable Uncle Jesse in Full House. In reality, the actor was not keen on having crying twins on the set, so he lobbied for them to be cut from the show. The twins got their job at nine months of age, John – give them a break!

They say that you should not work with animals and children, and that may be the reason why John was complaining a lot on the Full House set. Stamos insisted that they be removed, and you may be surprised to learn that they were! New infants, a couple of redheads, were brought in by the studio, but they didn't work out either. Finally, Stamos agreed that the Olsen twins should return.
Fake Smiles
The two grew up on the set of the show, and like all kids their age, they had to lose a couple of teeth to make room for new ones. The problem was, their smiles revealed the disparity between them as the twins lost their front teeth at different times.

This was not good for the show’s continuity. In order to keep the illusion that the twins were just one person, Michelle, they had to look the same throughout the show. The audacious notion of equipping them with false teeth was taken up by costuming.
Sweet Tooth Twins
Toddlers are not always agreeable, and this is a huge problem when you need to get things done on the set of a major production. Time is money, but the twins valued gummy bears more than any amount of time or money when it came to getting things done.

So, they were incentivized with gummy bears to get their lines right. Dave Coulier (Uncle Joey) remarked that red gummy bears worked every time. Speaking on Oprah: Where Are They Now, he explained that they’d accept their bribe and then say, "You got it, dude!"
Twin Fame
Their father, Dave Olsen, was wise enough to know that the girls needed good management. This might have been one of the best decisions he made as Robert Thorne, their lawyer, successfully renegotiated their wages at Full House, bringing their income up from $4,000 per episode to $25,000 per episode.

It Takes Two was their breakout movie, and the girls filmed it when they were in first grade. The six-year-olds became the youngest-ever Hollywood producers when Robert founded a production business in their names. This led to a string of other releases, including Passport to Paris, Winning London, Our Lips Are Sealed, and New York Minute.
Trend Setters
The twins became the IT girls in Hollywood, and tweens all over the world look up to them. Their production company helped launch their careers to new heights. As they grew older, however, they felt a desire to move from acting to fashion.

The Olsen sisters were in control of their destiny and their business as they retained the right to disapprove any of Thorne's creative ideas under the contract. The twins were hustling every day and were dubbed Forbes magazine's 11th richest women by 2007.
Both Hands On The Wheel
You do not get rich without putting your back into it, and the twins were working almost immediately after they were born. They traveled all over the world to shoot their films, exploring places like Rome, Hawaii, New York City, and Paris.

The twins were in full control – make no mistake about it. Once, they had to do 12 interviews in one day. "Twelve is too many, Robert," Ashley complained, but the girls diligently kept their appointments and, presumably, completed their coursework as well, like true professionals.
Showbiz is hard work!
Putting In The Work
Full House ended in the mid 90s, but that was not the end for the Olsens. Looking back, they were amazed at what they had to go through and how much work they'd taken on at such a young age. It was at this time that they truly began to understand the price of fame and fortune.

Ashley was very vocal about how demanding their adventures had been. She expressed her sentiments to Maire Claire, saying, "That's why I admire Britney, and I’m surprised I didn't end up like her." It is a good thing that the twins were (and still are) surrounded by good people who contributed to their wellness and success.
The Businessman
James Olsen has always lived under the shadow of his sisters, the Olsen twins. He goes by Trent now, and only a few people know his real name. He grew his own following by association with his sisters, and being the intelligent guy that he is, he took this opportunity and ran with it.

He was known throughout his college campus as the brother of the Olsen twins. Thanks to this, he made a decent income selling autographs from his sisters. Mary-Kate and Ashley showed their affection for their brother by naming one of their fashion labels after him.
Making A Mark In The Industry
Age is nothing but a number for the two Olsen sisters. At 18 years of age, they were keen to make a mark in the industry, and what better way of telling the world that you’ve made it than a star on the Hollywood walk of fame!

They also set a new record as the youngest celebrities to earn their star. At the age of 20, musician Jimmy Boyd had previously been the youngest person to be inducted into the Walk of Fame. On April 29, 2004, Mary-Kate and Ashley took that title from him.
Elizabeth Olsen’s Got The Acting Fever
A renowned actress in her own right, Elizabeth Olsen was determined to make herself known in the industry as well. She is now a recognizable actress, with much of her fame arising from her involvement in the popular Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When she launched her acting career, Elizabeth was mostly known for being the little sister of the Olsen twins. During her adolescence, she took a step back to avoid the spotlight for a few years, honing her art and attending acting workshops. This paid back big time as she is now a seasoned actress in her own right.
Getting Through Their Parents’ Divorce
Life was not always rainbows and butterflies for the Olsen family. When the twins were only nine years old, their parents filed for divorce. It took a toll on the children, and the twins had a particularly hard time.

Thankfully, the girls had good people around them. As one of the twins expressed, “We had so many people that loved us that we were like, ‘That’s okay. Things will be better this way.’” The twins got through the divorce of their parents okay, and time eventually healed old wounds.
The Movie That Flopped
People were not overly impressed by the twin’s last movie, New York Minute, which was released back in 2004. It was a watershed moment – the final title in a lengthy line of films and one of only two that were released in theaters.

The twins were not in love with acting, and movie flops do happen. Their film It Takes Two (1995) also had a dismal box office performance but made up for it with DVD sales. The twins took it as a sign to focus their efforts more on fashion than the showbiz industry.
Retiring From Showbiz
The twins took to heart the flop on their movie back in 2004 and took it as a sign to give up their acting careers for good. They officially retired back in 2014, focussing more on their personal lives and fashion careers.

Mary-Kate Olsen gave it one more try, taking her first solo gig in Beastly back in 2011. The movie did not garner too much attention in the theaters. She stated that if she ever returned to show business, it would be in a more behind-the-scenes capacity rather than as an actress.
Bringing In The Dollars
Hiring Robert Throne as their lawyer was a great decision on their father’s part. Thorne was able to help the twins make far more money than they otherwise would have in the early years of their career. This set them up to be able to pursue their dreams.

Robert set up a production company, Dualstar Entertainment, for the twins. This meant that Warner Bros. had to buy a film from the girls' production business before distributing it. Along with the twins' clothing line, this helped them become unbelievably wealthy. Indeed, by 2018, their clothing line had amassed a billion-dollar valuation.
College Girls
When their acting career was over, the two wanted to try normal stuff girls their age would do, and this included going to college. They always wanted to go to New York University, and this was the perfect time for them to do so.

The twins went to college in style. They rented a large Brownstone mansion with a security detail, drove identical Range Rovers, and enrolled at New York University. Unfortunately, they could not hide from their past, and some students would sneakily snap photos of them to sell to the paparazzi.
The Price Of Fame
The twins took a shot at having a normal college life, but this seemed impossible for the former teen idols. Students at NYU not only sold images and stories to newspapers, but some also received class credit for doing so!

Ashley could not get away from the price of fame; she also expressed her concern for her safety as she was often unable to attend classes due to the large number of people attempting to snap photographs. She didn't feel safe anymore.
The Tabloids Persisted
The paparazzi persisted in hounding the two, even after they announced their retirement from showbiz. The girls were often photographed during their private moments, and this did not sit well with the twins.

They never got used to paparazzi taking their pictures. One time, they were snapped while trying to enjoy themselves on the beach. Ashley said it was her worst nightmare. “I was crying hysterically. Mary-Kate was a little more diplomatic, saying, “I would never wish my upbringing on anyone … but I wouldn’t take it back for the world.”
Brody Jenner Mix Up
When you are famous, you cannot easily trust anyone. Even your close friends can be subject to suspicion. Brody Jenner and his friend Spencer Pratt let private information slip, much to Mary-Kate’s horror. Apparently, Brody had taken a picture of MK and sold it for $50,000 to a gossip magazine.

The controversial photo was one taken back when the twins were in high school in Santa Monica. It was a picture of MK, then-underage, drinking at a party. Years later, MK called him out on Letterman, who slammed him, calling him "wormy and greasy."
The Press Wanted In On The Action
Connie Chung once interviewed the twins. This was after The Hollywood Reporter named them among the 100 most powerful women in Hollywood. This was a very impressive title that they garnered despite their young age (the two were only 15 at the time).

Chung hit a nerve with one of her questions, and the twins felt like she crossed the line of their privacy. She wanted to know more about their love lives. Ashley said, “I was like, ‘That’s personal. Why would you be asking a sixteen-year-old that question in the first place?’”
The Talkshow Queen Even Took A Piece
The twins were everywhere, and it did not take long for Oprah, the Queen of Talkshows, to take notice and get a piece of the action. The twins felt that she was a little insensitive with some of her questions, even touching on their mental health status.

They answered by claiming that they try to avoid watching or reading what is written about them in the news. Oprah did not hold back with the sensitive questions. She even asked them about their clothing size. Things were already awkward at that point, and the twins just had to laugh off the very insensitive topic.
The Paparazzi Was Insatiable
The paparazzi followed the twins like a shadow. Apparently, they could get thousands of dollars for just one shot of the twins. This affected the twins so much that it cost them their mental health. The press was insatiable.

The bikini photographs that were taken of them caused the twins so much anxiety, and their reaction fueled the flame of the negative press. The twins could not hide from the limelight despite their retirement from showbiz.
Concerned For Their Health
The interview with Oprah shone a light on the twins’ physical well-being and mental health. However, this only garnered unwanted public attention that Mary-Kate and Ashley had to deal with after the interview. To make light of things, the twins even joked about the situation a couple of times.

Their situation became a cautionary tale for their little sister Elizbeth Olsen when she started her career, joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The twins advised her on dealing with the press, explaining, “It’s all part of how you hope someone interprets you, and how they frame who you are and the work you do.” Wise words from the older sisters.
Senior Prom Romance
By the time they hit their late teens, the twins were true professionals and veterans in the industry. They could have gone to their high school prom, but instead, they were booked to host Saturday Night Live. As professionals, they chose to honor their TV commitment.

If you do not yet love the host Jimmy Fallon, here is a big reason why you should appreciate the guy. The charming host heard about the twins missing their prom night, and to compensate, he dressed up in a fancy tux and recreated a typical senior prom on the SNL set.
Reversing Roles
In yet another SNL skit, the twins played the role of paparazzi photographers at a red carpet event. They make ridiculous comments and shout demands at the celebrities as they pass by. Watching it, you get the distinct impression that the twins were able to vent a lot of frustration through this skit!

The skit played out and the humorous roles were reversed when other actors played them on the red carpet. Mary-Kate shouts out, “Mary-Kate, you’re too skinny, eat a sandwich!” The skit did not age well when weeks later, MK was forced into a treatment center due to an eating disorder.
Hiding From The Spotlight
The press could not get enough of the twins. They were featured again in an Elle magazine article, “Every Time The Olsen Twins Have Spoken In Public Over the Past Decade,” and had special appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The twins grew up in the limelight, and based on what we’ve seen so far, they did not like the attention. The omnipresent countdown clock, clocking down the minutes until they were legal, must have seemed scary and strange to them.
Fuller House – An Attempt Was Made
In 2016, the Fuller House reboot was picked up by Netflix, and most former cast members made appearances throughout the show. Notably absent were the twins, who did not want to rekindle their acting careers. It seems that fame left a bitter taste in their mouths.

The twins made an excuse about building their fashion empire to get out of appearing in the show. After someone says Michelle isn't there because she's too busy running her fashion business in the big city, characters from Fuller House break the fourth wall and stare into the camera in one episode.
Keeping A Low Profile
The twins had been the subjects of as much attention as they were prepared to endure. This being the case, they avoided social media, so do not bother looking for them on Instagram. They do not want to open a can of worms by joining in on the hype.

In one of their few magazine appearances, Mary-Kate said, “We’re discreet people. I don’t think anybody should have to live that way.” Indeed, the twins think celebrity obsession is no good for the stars or their fans. Keeping a low profile seems to be the prime objective for these two.
You Only Get One Picture
Fans have been missing the Olsen twins, though, so the two gave a tease by posting a single picture together. In 2016, Mary-Kate and Ashley invaded Sephora's Instagram page in order to advertise their product line. Fans flocked to the page and crashed it.

In the black and white photo, they can be seen sporting Blues Brothers-style shades, with the tagline "First public selfie ever." The #SephoraTakeover event had people buzzing with excitement, and their selfie received 65K likes in one day. It seems that the twins can still pull a crowd if they feel like it.
Dreams Do Come True
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen grew up in front of the public, and for a time there, it seemed that they could keep nothing hidden from the prying eyes of the media. The public got the inside scoop on every high they enjoyed and every low they endured.

They held onto friends like Ashley Benson, despite the fact that the Pretty Little Liars actress posted a video of the twins sharing an affectionate greeting on her birthday. Ashley shared the twins’ message with the world in a post entitled “Dreams Do Come True.”
A Sister’s Intuition
Having someone who understands everything they are going through must be a relief for the twins. In many interviews, they are asked about twin telepathy. When they appeared on Ellen, the host put their twintuition to the test by asking each twin what the other was thinking.

The fraternal twins have spoken about sharing memories and grief, admitting that they don't always remember what occurred to whom. For example, one twin got stung by a bee, but they both felt it, so they couldn't tell which of them was stung
Facts About The Twins
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were fortunate enough to be born with good genes. Since the twins look almost exactly alike, people are surprised to know that they are not identical twins.

Small things make a world of difference between the two. Ashley has mentioned that she used to have a freckle on her face but that it has since vanished. Ashley is also two minutes older and one inch taller than MK. MK is also left-handed, while Ashley is right-handed.
Growing up with the twins, their family and close friends were keen to distinguish one from the other. One distinction is that MK has been coming to terms with her ADHD since she was a toddler. The condition is characterized by an inability to concentrate and difficulty sitting still.

MK owned her condition and was treated for it. She discussed how she was able to acquire extra time for testing at NYU. According to Mary-Kate, everyone's brains operate differently, and hers takes a bit longer to register new information and settle in for study sessions. Ashley has her own battles with which to contend.
Ashley’s Fight With Lyme Disease
Ashley contracted Lyme Disease years ago but did not realize it until recently. Tick bites cause Lyme disease, which is typically curable. This disease is not inherited, so it was just bad luck that she got infected.

Poor Ashley suffered from severe headaches, joint pain, rashes, and low energy as a result of the Lyme Disease going undiscovered for so long. This is a common disease that can affect anyone who is unfortunate enough to be bitten by a tick. Avril Lavigne is another star who apparently suffers from this illness.
The Winning Twin
Mary-Kate won a Daytime Emmy award for her role in So Little Time, where she portrayed the role of Riley Carlson, a shy and bookish teenager. The series ran for just one season, but that was enough for her to win a prestigious nod.

Acting talent must run in the family as their little sister Elizabeth Olsen starred in the hit series WandaVision, which was nominated for 23 Primetime Emmys. She was nominated for best lead actress, but Kate Winslet took home the award.
Trouble With The Twins
Twins share a closeness that the rest of us can only imagine. They have a special connection, but this does not mean that they will agree on everything all of the time. This is a common misconception about twins.

According to Ashley and Mary-Kate, sharing the spotlight does not mean they have to share everything. It does get a little complicated when it comes to clothes. A conflict might erupt if one person hides a garment from the other. If they both want to wear the same thing, one of them will have to change, which typically leads to a quarrel.
Fashion Beckons The Twins
The twins have proved time and time again that they have more to offer than pretty faces. They are young moguls and a force to be reckoned with. They are determined to make a mark, not only in Hollywood but also in the fashion industry.

Adding fashion to the list of the things they have conquered, it seems like the twins have the world on a plate. From child stars to trendsetters, whatever goals these two set their minds on, they can achieve.