Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms on which users loudly communicate their thoughts on certain issues. Criticism of the United States is common, but strangely, many tweets from non-Americans talk about the bright side of America – the things they experienced and loved while visiting the US.

With all the negative news on the web, it’s high time to shift our attention and check out some of the more positive tweets about what makes America great. After all, the famed land of milk and honey isn’t as dull and depressing as the media makes it seem. If you’re a US citizen, you may be about to discover that visitors love the strangest things about your country. If you’ve never visited America, you may be about to find your reason to go!
American dads are sweet
Dad jokes are popular in America, but dads are also very supportive of their kids. This Twitter user noticed they often say, "good job, buddy!" Hannah found it so adorable that American dads are encouraging and supportive of their kids.

This famous American phrase is charming and very uplifting! Parents in the US often utilize it to applaud their kids for the littlest of things. If only our managers at work would give us a "good job, buddy" from time to time.
(Unanswered) American greetings
Another famous American greeting is "how you doing?" Which is often replied to with another "how you doing." We’re curious – is it simply a thing to say, or do individuals really care about how the other person is getting along? Nobody truly knows. Indeed, Pam’s brief comment sums it up perfectly.

All things considered, the answer to this riddle depends on where you're visiting in the US. In some states, you'll never hear an American respond with how they're really doing. It could be that they don't have any desire to share personal information with people, or maybe they’re just being polite.
Proud voters
We couldn’t agree more with Michelle’s tweet about Americans getting the "I voted today" stickers. It’s like giving yourself a pat on the back for exercising your right to participate in a democratic process. This is a common practice for Americans, who gladly wear their stickers and share selfies on Instagram.

Such an accomplishment definitely urges others to do their part and vote. Michelle, this is downright amusing! It truly is just like what happens when you’re a kid, and you brave the dentist’s chair or doctor’s office. How adorable!
America’s most iconic treat
Often called a melting pot, the United States has a wide range of cuisines on offer. While many people identify America with fast food, candy, and processed junk, the true scope is far wider. For instance, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are an exemplary American staple.

As a matter of fact, they are a big part of childhood for many Americans. It's a simple, delicious, and modest meal for a bustling mother to make for her kids. However, many non-Americans struggle to understand such an odd combination.
Are seniors in college or high school?
Non-Americans appear to view America's secondary school grades as pretty entertaining. In case you didn’t know, the US is the only nation that gives lofty titles to each high school year. These titles are freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior.

Non-Americans find this ranking system difficult to understand. What’s wrong with plain old numbered grades? When faced with this fancy system, many foreigners wonder, "would you say you are a senior in tertiary or secondary school?” It is an altogether confusing arrangement if you didn’t grow up with it!
Unique American accents
Accents can give an entertaining twist to some words. As per Petra Fox, there's a specific word that sounds adorable when Americans say it. Would you be able to figure out which word it is? It's the word duty!

Americans most certainly pronounce it like "doodie." It never goes downhill and makes us chuckle without fail. Whenever you're around an American and need a decent snicker, inquire as to whether they play the game Call of Duty and see what they say.
Oprah is a household name in America
Do you want to know how to make any American freak out? Try telling them that you don't have the foggiest idea who Oprah Winfrey is! Dubbed the “Queen of All Media,” Oprah is famed for her humanitarian work and talk shows.

She even has her own network! We hope this information serves as a lesson to all you non-Americans. Unless, for some reason, you want to have an American to flip out on you, think about watching two or three episodes of Oprah.
Only one birthday cake flavor
Did you know that a birthday cake is both an item and a cake flavor in America? We’re as baffled as you are, but birthday cake truly is considered to be its own flavor in the US. How could this be when birthday cakes all come in their own different flavors? We’re officially confused!

We cannot wrap our heads around the fact that Americans don’t realize that there are various flavors of birthday cake. Perhaps they only have a single birthday cake flavor that tastes the same.
No line cutters, please
One thing that invariably angers Americans is a line cutter. Note that some Americans will get quite aggressive if you even look like you’re going to cut ahead of them. Some societies barely even acknowledge queues, but America is all about them.

Americans appreciate order and respect, which is why they like some decorum in their queues. Try cutting in front of an American in line, and you may wind up having to fend off a verbal attack. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
How to finish a sentence
Exclamation marks and periods are essential when you're writing. But did you know that Americans also like to apply this practice when they’re talking? That may sound funny, but Americans often say "period" to indicate the finality of a statement.

Is it common in America for people not to understand that you've finished your sentence? No matter the reason, non-Americans think this habit is silly. Don’t be surprised if the next trend is to shout “exclamation mark” at the end of a sentence!
Cussing is not allowed
Americans love to use the word "cussing” instead of “swearing.” This one isn't as entertaining, but it sure is charming! Here is our hypothesis: somebody couldn't completely articulate the word “swearing,” and cussing was the accidental outcome.

We think this is a valid explanation for the development of this adorable American word. Imagine a teacher reminding a bunch of children to stop cussing. At least it sounds cute and hilarious. The word “swearing” is rather bland by comparison. What do you think?
The weather is a favorite topic in the US
Americans generally talk about the weather as a way to enjoy casual conversation. We don't know why – the weather has got to be one of the blandest topics to talk about (unless there’s a tornado involved). Perhaps it assists them with loosening things up?

If you're a non-American, you may wish to use this icebreaker at some point during your trip to the US and watch how people respond. Though it may not be a thought-provoking topic, many Americans will light up as they discuss the ins and outs of the weather with you.
Wolla as voila
Many Americans assume that “wolla” is a real word because they use it constantly. It does have a nice ring to it. Here’s our simple explanation that will make this word significantly more entertaining.

For reasons unknown, Americans utilize "wolla" as a substitution for the French word "voila." That's funny and charming, wouldn't you agree? Hmm… What do the French think about that? Do they think that it is hilarious as well? If you're French, we’d appreciate your response.
A trademark American dish
Does anyone know where sloppy joes come from? Americans seem to be obsessed with them. Was it created by a man named Joe who was incredibly messy? That name doesn't make the dish sound appetizing at all! In spite of the fact that Still, Americans eat them constantly – surely they can’t be awful.

It looks messy, and one does look messy when eating the sandwich. It’s no big surprise that non-Americans become befuddled by the names of basic American dishes, particularly when terms like “grits” and “sloppy joe” are being thrown around!
Smile – you’re on a kiss cam!
Every American dreams of being featured on a kiss cam or jumbotron during a game. A camera selects two people mid-game, and they are then supposed to share a televised kiss. It doesn't make them famous, but Americans seem to appreciate it regardless.

The kiss cam is considered downright bizarre in other countries, but Americans love it. Certain individuals will even organize to propose to their partner via the kiss cam. We are willing to concede that this American tradition is somewhat charming. What about you?
A food-loving nation
Americans will come up with any excuse to celebrate with food, particularly during the holiday season. No matter what the occasion, you can guarantee there will be an abundance of food on offer – far more than anyone really needs.

Without a doubt, Americans know how to party. Take Thanksgiving feasts, for example. To back up the star of the show – the famous Thanksgiving Turkey – many dishes are served. Foreigners often wonder how Americans manage to eat that much.
Koala bears?
Koalas are charming, fluffy creatures native to Australia. Oftentimes, Americans refer to them as "koala bears." They really do look like little bears at first glance. However, koalas are just koalas. They are not in the bear family.

The American habit of calling these creatures “koala bears” is an old one. Indeed, it dates as far back as the 1700s. We can't blame the Americans – they do look like teddy bears. This tweet is correct in labeling this mistake as a charming part of American culture!
Tea for health benefits
It’s no secret that Americans love their coffee. But did you know that they also enjoy a cup of tea? The difference lies in the fact that they use tea for completely different reasons. Most Americans consider tea to be a health tonic. Meanwhile, in Britain and other parts of the world, tea is seen in much the same way as Americans see coffee.

This young lady makes a valid statement. Teas can have different detox and energy-enhancing properties. However, if tea is so brilliant for self-care, why don't more Americans drink it more often?
One Walmart to rule them all
Giant retail company Walmart has gained fame for drawing in some intriguing and astonishing customers. Though there are Walmart stores scattered all through America, you won't find a single store that’s designed in exactly the same way as any other.

For reasons unknown, Americans develop an attachment to the first Walmart they visit. Aren’t they supposed to accept change since it’s the only constant in this world? Shopping should be fun and entertaining and not boring, right? Well, a new Walmart layout is one way to keep things interesting!
Strange pronunciation
Americans are famous for weird pronunciation. Take the word pecan, for example. Americans will savagely discuss how the word is articulated. For those of you in other English-speaking nations, you might experience difficulty seeing where the discussion lies.

Okay, here we go: The split between American people is whether the word is pronounced "pee-can" or "puh-con." At an astounding 68%, "puh-con" takes the cake! But only in America. By the way, we’re curious – how do you pronounce the word pecan?
Proud celebrators of Halloween
Halloween is celebrated big time in the United States. As a matter of fact, if Americans aren’t dressed up to the nines, the only explanation is that they’re too busy decorating their patios with pumpkins, creepy skeletons, and fall decor.

It sounds fun, but to people from other nations, it doesn't seem like it could work where they live. We feel sorry for Londoners… While Americans rarely have their decorations stolen, they do often have their pumpkins crushed by silly teens playing pranks.
Special graduation caps
In some nations, students celebrate their graduation day by preparing a sumptuous feast for guests, making up their own victory dance moves, and throwing their graduation caps in the air.

These graduation traditions are meant to honor their major educational achievement, but there’s one thing not everyone knows about – Americans like to make their caps more interesting by adding colors and messages to the top. You can rely on Google to give you endless styles. The sky truly is the limit when it comes to decorated graduation caps.
Common last names
In America, last names like Johnson or Smith are so common that non-Americans often think all these people must be related. While some of these families may well be related, you'd be shocked to discover that most of them aren’t. Indeed, there are plenty of similar last names coursing around America.

These last names arrived in America from various nations, and then they dispersed through marriage. When individuals from different nations began to move to America, a few changed or abbreviated their last names to help them fit in.
Overuse of lawyers
Threatening people with lawsuits is an easy thing to do for Americans. While many people simply use threats to communicate how furious they are with certain circumstances, others are serious about it. Yes, threatening to call your lawyer is part of American culture at this stage.

Is there a study that proves that Americans are more litigious than other nations? We’re not certain on this one, but one justification for why Americans incline toward lawyers so much is that they have a common law system.
Waffles and donuts for breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It can also be the most delicious one, especially if you’re in America. Many Americans love to jump-start their day with a very unhealthy breakfast duo: waffles and doughnuts. Is it bad for you? Certainly. Is it the tastiest combo ever? Absolutely!

Is it because of the instant sugar rush that these treats offer? We wish there was some method for eating doughnuts and waffles for breakfast consistently without having to deal with the horrible health consequences!
“The South”
The United States is grouped into different regions, including the south, the midwest, the west coast, and so on. Normally, they allude to the Southern states as "the South." But why are non-Americans puzzled by this?

The "South of what?" tweet is a genuine inquiry on the grounds that the south alludes to a general direction in most nations. Let's be fair, though – America isn’t alone in this. Every nation has its own specific terminology for its regions, correct?
Impressed by England
Did you know that Americans are fascinated with England? In fact, when asked what their impression of England is, they'll say it’s elegant and refined. Americans are also under the impression that everybody all throughout England has the same accent.

If you're from a different nation, it's not always clear that accents vary by locale. England has a wide range of accents. However, Americans simply find their accents appealing because they seem to communicate in a more refined manner.
When things get serious…
Typically, Americans address individuals by just their first name. If someone’s last name comes out, that generally means they’re in trouble. However, if their middle initial comes too, that’s a whole different scenario.

When somebody calls you by your complete name, you know they're not playing, and you have to behave. However, when the middle initial arrives too, this generally means that the person being referred to has achieved a special and more status. For example, at a certain point, Jordan Peterson transitioned to Jordan B Peterson. Interesting, right?
Portioned meals
Americans are known for going all out with their food. For instance, baby back ribs generally come in half or full racks, with a generous serving of fries on the side! Either that or the ribs come with something equally heavy, like mashed potato or shrimp.

Timid_Adventurer is correct here. Other nations serve more modest portions than America does. McDonald's used to offer super-sized meals, right? If you’re visiting America, you have to try the crazy portions at least once. After that, it’s all about downsizing and sharing meals.
Retro diners are still a hit
Diners are iconic American institutions that have appeared in all aspects of popular culture. These classic eateries are known for their easygoing environment and homemade comfort foods. Let’s not forget that they boast the friendliest staff.

They’re loved for their yummy flapjacks, milkshakes, and endless refills of coffee. Themed diners can take you right back to the 50s, offering an extraordinary feeling of nostalgia. That is why foreigners love diners – they're uniquely American.
Amazing road trips
Road trips are a famous activity in the United States. With the country’s astonishing range of landscapes and climates, a good old-fashioned road trip is always worth the effort. Savoring the majestic views while listening to your favorite playlist? We don’t know anyone who would refuse such an adventure.

America is such a lovely sight as each region offers picturesque landscapes that make a long road trip more exciting. Americans love cross-country trips and long car rides. The only rule is that you must prepare properly to ensure you have a good time and don’t run into trouble.
Proud and kind
Americans have gained notoriety for being noisy and rude. While those might seem like negative characteristics, Americans do have some saving graces. They love to help a traveler in need, and this has led to many people expressing their love for America.

The pride of their nation lies in their strength and kindness, so many Americans are happy to lend a hand when non-Americans need some help. It's amazing that this woman felt like Americans were so kind! The United States is known as one of the most nationalistic places on earth, but the people can truly be amazing!
Go big or go home
Americans don’t hold back when it comes to chasing their dreams – that’s why the American dream is so famous. They live by the saying “go big or go home.” Why not? Perseverance, hard work, and commitment keep them moving in good faith to make things happen.

Many non-Americans admire this mindset, and they wish to accomplish their own American dream. Despite life’s challenges, they won’t lose hope and will always follow their heart’s desire. Take it from this Reddit user who abhors tall poppy syndrome.
Going all-out: Christmas edition
Americans go big when celebrating this special time of the year. Just like Halloween, Americans go wild, beautifying their homes with Christmas decor. They also follow the tradition of wearing Christmas sweaters and singing Christmas carols.

Indeed, the spirit of the holiday season brings out the best in them. How fun and exciting, right? They are also enthusiastic about setting up Christmas trees in different corners of their house. This creates a truly magical sense of wonder for American kids.
Living on their own
Many Americans endeavor to move out of the family home the moment they hit the age of 18 or enroll in college. Why 18? They feel like it's an ideal opportunity to spread their wings and fly.

While some leave for school, others feel as though they are prepared to give adulthood a shot all alone. This must be a really hard time for their parents as some of them experience the empty nest syndrome. Although lonely, American parents understand and support the dreams of their children.
A unique expression
Americans are no strangers to weird expressions. Take "this, that, and the third," for example. What on earth are Americans trying to say with this string of words? Apparently, it’s a way of brushing over a number of events in a story instead of giving the details.

It could also be that they’re lying about something but aren't creative enough to fill in the spaces with made-up stories. How did this expression start? It’s hard to say with any certainty. One thing’s for sure – we enjoy hearing it.
The suburban dream
The picture of the suburbs is regularly connected with the so-called American dream. While it's not every person's dream, many foreigners wish to own and live in a huge and lovely house with a white picket fence.

Most American suburbs feature houses that mirror one another. While this is creepy for some, the sense of sameness is comforting to many. Schools in the United States are loaded up with similarly identical lockers. Though these things are a natural part of life for Americans, they seem exotic to people in other parts of the world.
Krispy Kreme Donuts
We don’t know anyone who’s not familiar with Krispy Kreme. The giant American doughnut company is popular for its assortment of fresh donuts (obviously) and coffee. Founded during the late 1930s, Krispy Kreme has been serving yummy donuts across the country ever since.

ItsPotato couldn’t help but gush about his appreciation for the existence of Krispy Kreme! Well, we agree with him – Krispy Kreme donuts are super delicious. A bunch of warm, glazed donuts and a hot coffee for breakfast? Nothing beats that!
A jazz appreciation post
Jazz isn't universally adored, but its distinct sound is loved by many people all over the world. More than a century ago, jazz began in New Orleans, Louisiana, and it continues to wow Americans as it evolves.

Many bars and cafés throughout the United States, particularly in New Orleans, are known for only playing jazz. The soul-filled nature of jazz can calm you down or get you dancing, depending on the musicians. If you’re planning to visit America, don’t forget to check out a jazz club for a wonderful night of music.
Lysol as a verb
Did you know that Americans love to use nouns as verbs? Take Lysol, for instance. The famous disinfecting product is often utilized as an action word. Rather than saying, "I utilized some Lysol to clean my room," many individuals say, "I Lysoled my room." Yep, you read it right – Lysol as a verb.

While Lysol must be proud, we understand why foreigners are befuddled by this. Nevertheless, we commend Americans for keeping their rooms clean thanks to Clorox and, of course, Lysol.