Mother Receives Comical(ly Embarrassing) Text from Next Door Neighbor

As a mother, one thing we don’t want to get is a text telling us that our kids have done something embarrassing. No mother wants to be standing on the doorstep of the neighbors, apologizing one by one because your kid drew a massive phallic symbol on the court.

You also don’t want to have to go around apologising for your kids rather…. colourful behaviour during school. What you do want to do, though, is take the funny side of what our kids can do and enjoy the moments.

Take the text that one mother received from a mother she was on good terms with. Her phone went and it was an SMS from her neighbour: it simply read “your kid is naked in your window.” They even (oddly, we must admit), took a photo of it!?

They then sent it to the mother, and showed them it, saying ‘not to send you a photo. I’ve deleted it. but I looked up when I got home and there he was.’

A Very Common Neighborly Text

The mother took it all in good jest, though, simply responding: “OMG. I am laughing so f*cking hard.”

As you should! It’s the kind of comical moment that reminds of us of the enjoyment of being a kid. Like, you can’t do that after a certain age; and rightly so. For a young toddler as free as a bird, though, clothing can just seem like such an inconvenience!

Jeni Boysen, the happily embarrassed mother, took it in the kind of good spirit that you absolutely should. Something like this can only be seen as a hilarious moment. That’s what you get for believing that you could take your eyes off your kids for more than a few minutes!

The comical event, then, is sure to be one that is shown to the little man time and time again. I’m sure he can look forward to being reminded of this at every single birthday and major life event for the rest of, well, ever!