Is there anything better than escaping that unbearable summer heat and jumping into a nice cold pool? Since the dawn of time, one of the best ways to spend your holiday or Sunday, involves putting on your bathing suit.

That being said, there are certain places that may seem like a good idea but should be treated with a great deal of caution. Several swimming spots are not suitable and could even be considered dangerous.
Let's see where are the top places you should never swim...
Jacob’s Well
Jacob’s Well is situated in South-Central Texas. Surprisingly, the well does not belong to anyone by the name of Jacob. The real catch about it is the crystal clear water that you can see right to the bottom.

This lake has systems of tunnels and caves beneath that change the lake experience altogether. However, many people have gone exploring and never returned. Thus Jacob’s Well has cracked our list.
The Nile River
When you hear of The Nile River, you automatically think of it as the cradle of humanity. So the thought of it being dangerous is a little strange. What is the risk? Well not much, besides the fact that it’s a crocodile hotspot.

There are an estimated 100 crocodile attacks per year in the North African Nile. So if you have a fear for crocodiles and you prefer all your body parts attached to you, maybe give this one a miss.
Hanakapiai Beach
Hawaiian beaches have an abundance of nature, making them the island dream come to life. Hanakapiai Beach has coral reefs and intensely powerful sun, as well as unmanageable high tides.
This beach, in particular, is the site of around 80 deaths.

There have been a few stories of people who lost their lives to the tide. As well as, two children who were pulled away to sea and saved by their father. So this is definitely a site to see, but not to swim.
Samaesan Hole
Thailand is home to some of the most beautiful island sceneries in the world. One of the more dangerous parts is none other the Samaesan Hole.

This location is one of the deepest diving holes in the world. The hole is exceptionally dark making it easy to get lost. Even the most experienced divers may find themselves not knowing which way is up.
Lake Karachay
This lake is located in Russia. It is known as one of the most toxic lakes on earth owing to the amount of pollution that was dumped in it. This is not something to be taken lightly, as swimming in this lake for only an hour could kill you.

Thankfully, the government has finally decided to take action. Slowly but surely, they are filling the lake with concrete. Thus it won’t be around for much longer.
The Eagle’s Nest Sink Hole
This swimming spot in Florida, is in fact, okay to swim in but very dangerous to dive. The hole dips to around 300 feet and over 10 people have lost their lives attempting to reach the bottom.
Owing to this shocking statistic, the hole has been closed off.

This dangerous hole has landed the Eagle’s Nest Sink Hole a swimming spot on our list to rather avoid. Those who are experienced divers are greeted with a sign explaining the risks of going further.
The Amazon Basin
The Amazon Basin in South America is one of the more dangerous parts of the world for several reasons. There are many predators in the water, such as Piranhas, barracudas and all the flowers they attract.

This is also the home of one of the most dangerous fish on earth, The Candiru. There is no confirmation as to what these fish will actually do to you, but rumor has it, they swim up your urinal tract to eat your genitals.
Even if it’s not confirmed, that’s enough to keep me out the water!
Lake Victoria
This is one of the largest lakes in Africa and the third largest in the world. This vast water reservoir has fostered over 5000 deaths. That figure is enough to put this location on our list.

This lake is so large that it has its own unpredictable weather system. Thus the fickle change from sun to monsoon makes it too unstable to swim in.
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe Lake is situated in the state of California. What makes this lake so dangerous, is the high level of carbon dioxide in the water. This carbon dioxide is a result of a few earthquakes which destroyed those areas.

The earthquakes caused an overwhelming amount of carbon dioxide to be released from the ground and destroyed all the nearby flora. So, if you’re in the mood for a swim, there are much safer places out there.
Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto is located in Spain. This area was once used as a mine, which caused the water to become heavily acidic. The pollution is so intense that the water has almost turned red.

This acidic lake is only suitable for those looking to dissolve a body. This is definitely not a place to enjoy an afternoon swim.
The Ganges River
The saddest part about this river’s history is that it used to be a lovely place to swim. Unfortunately, once industrialization ran its course, the water became consumed by carbon emissions and other foibles.

Unfortunately, the industrialization occurred too quickly for the water to adjust its regulations. The population didn’t exactly help the situation either with all their pollution.
Gansbaai is an area just off the coast of South Africa. It has also been given the nickname as ‘shark alley’ owing to the many sharks that inhabit this space. It’s pretty self-explanatory as to why this spot made it on our list.

Shark attacks are unpredictable and more often than not, fatal. All you need to do is say the word ‘shark’ and I’m already running the opposite way.
Hoover Dam
The Hoover Dam is dangerous for multiple reasons. One of them being, the strong currents within. That being said, it is also illegal to swim here. So unless you don’t mind prison, best you avoid this spot.

There are multiple intakes around the dam which pull the current downward at a controlled pace. It does not cater to swimmers who are not supposed to be there.
Citarum River
Indonesia is definitely a place to add to your bucket list. The archipelago has some of the most exquisite shore fronts in the world. There is so much biodiversity that life has ultimately adapted differently on each island.

Although it is breathtakingly beautiful, the Citarum River is a fine example of a place you should rather not swim. The reason being- pollution. Once again, a beautiful location destroyed by man. When will we ever learn?
Blue Lagoon
The Blue Lagoon can be found in the UK. This lake made it on our list owing to its intensely high pH level of 11,3. The alkalinity in the water almost mirrors that of ammonia or bleach.

Although it may look like paradise with its silky blue waters and rolling hills of green, you couldn’t be more wrong. If ammonia leaks into a local lake it is secluded because of its danger.
The Gulf Coast
Now, this is a strange one… The Gulf Coast, which is situated off the Southern United States. It is home to runoff from the farming practices which make the shores uninhabitable for sea critters.
Moreover, it is also home to some of the most dangerous animals.

Many attempts to escape the humidity and heat at the shore and go for a swim. In case you forgot, snakes can swim, and they won’t stop at anything to attack something unnatural to them.
Reunion Island
This island is located just off the coast of Madagascar. Planted centrally in the Indian Ocean, this has become the shark capital of the world.

This tiny island has a record of 39 attacks so far. This figure is still low considering the high amount of people that swim there. So yes, people do swim there, but it comes with a big risk.
The Strid
This body of water can be found in the middle of Yorkshire, England. It is one of the most disgusting and dangerous places on our list so far.

Although it's beautiful to look at, there are many small and hidden currents. Those who fall in can meet their death fairly quickly. The current is most likely to drag you under the rocks and trap you. Say no more, I’m out.
Queensland, Australia
One of our most deadly places to swim can be found in the second largest territory in the Commonwealth of Australia. Reason being, there are many deadly and scary creatures.

The list of creepy things inhabiting this location sounds like a nightmare. From sharks to saltwater crocodiles, stonefish and the deadly blue-ringed octopi and box jellyfish. One sting from one of these bad boys can cause instant cardiac arrest.
Bolinas Beach, California
Many of California’s beaches are little paradises. What you may not know, is that it also has a few beaches which are better off avoided.
One of them is the Bolinas Beach as it makes up one of the sections of the Red Triangle, an area which great whites pop past to fetch their lunch.

The water is largely occupied with seals and the sharks know, so even if they see a diver, they are most likely to confuse him for a seal or turtle to snack on.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Florida is similar to California in the sense that the beautiful beaches are bordering the sea. This often makes it home to deadly creatures, such as sharks. This especially applies to New Smyrna Beach.

Just like Reunion Island, this beach has been considered as the shark attack capital of the world. One can never predict a shark attack, thus it is safer to just stay out the water.
Victoria Falls
The Victoria Falls in Zambia is a popular tourist attraction. It is home to one of the greatest waterfalls that exist and because of that, a casual swim could lead to a shocking accident.

This is pretty disappointing considering the intense heat in Zambia. The edge of the falls is called “The Devil’s Pools”. The nickname comes from the fact that the pool is a dip on the lip of the fall, making it extremely dangerous.
Potomac River
One would never expect for Maryland or West Virginia to be a place you need to be wary of. In the Potomac River the rapids are so strong and can easily pull to the bottom of the water.

If someone goes for a swim and stops thinking for even a moment, it is so easy to be succumbed by the current. It’s always safer to stay out of turbulent waters.
West End, Grand Bahama Islands
When you hear ‘Bahamas’ you automatically think of sunny skies and no worries. Some of the most magnificent beaches are located just off the coast of Florida.
These beaches are beautifully exotic but they are also home to some of the most dangerous creatures.

Tiger beach has a great abundance of tiger sharks, which are one of the more dangerous breeds of sharks. If one were to venture out into these waters, they run a high risk of being involved in a shark attack.
Lake Kivu
Lake Kivu has also landed a spot on our list as one of the most dangerous places to swim. More than that, it also is known as one of the most dangerous lakes on planet earth.

Although this picture may depict still and calm waters, this lake is referred to as an ‘exploding’ lake. This is owing to the fact that the grounds stem off a nearby volcano.
When the lake erupts, it releases an intense amount of Carbon Dioxide making it deadly.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Myrtle Beach is one of the beautiful spots in South Carolina. Although it is a calm beach most of the time, sometimes the rip tide is so strong and unpredictable, it changes the risk completely.

Along with these strong tides comes a presence of warm-water cannonball jellyfish. One sting from this jellyfish can paralyze you which is not a safe combination with strong rip tides.
Blue Lake
This body of water is located in Kabardino Balkaria, Russia. Scientists have taken a strong interest to this Lake because of its intensely deep blue color. It was discovered that this color was a result of the Hydrogen Sulfide in its waters.

Surprisingly, after all that research, no one seems to be able to find the bottom. Having said that, there is far too much we do not know about these deep blue waters, so if you need a dip in the pool best you look elsewhere.
Mono Lake, California
Mono Lake can be found just outside Lake Tahoe. Sadly, owing to activities in nearby towns like Los Angeles, the lake has been drained of vital resources.

This lake has now become toxic and is filled with a high concentration of carbonates and other chemicals.
Laguna Caliente
The name ‘Laguna Caliente’ is translated to ‘hot lagoon’, and by hot, they mean scorching. This lake is situated in the middle of the stratovolcano in Costa Rica, making the temperature of the water so high that it could literally burn your skin off.

Just to access the surrounding areas of this water require a permit. Moreover, a volcanic eruption could happen at any given time, making the location a dangerous spot to swim in.
Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan
This title is a mouthful, luckily the nickname ‘Nuclear Lake’ helps us out. The nickname comes from the lake's history of being formed by the detonation of an underground Russian nuclear bomb.

The result was a greatly poisonous crater lake. The crater ripped around 353 million cubic feet from the ground. The formation of this crater made the water exceptionally toxic. Mostly owing to the radioactivity of the region. To be honest, I’m not sure why anyone would want to swim here anyway.
Lake Nyos, Cameroon
Lake Nyos is a crater lake in Cameroon, Africa. This lake was a result of a collision of an ancient asteroid, the lake has remained kind of quiet since the inception.
But it is also situated on the boundary of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, which is an area famous for volcanic activity.

There have been deadly eruptions in the past where 1700 people lost their lives. These statistics are enough to land this spot on our list.
Nyiragongo is situated in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. This location is considered to be dangerous because, well, it’s a volcano. This lake is recognized as one of the largest lava pits in the world.

Other than the risk of an eruption at any given moment, the pit itself exudes a great amount of carbon dioxide. If enough of this chemical is taken in my a human, it can cause suffocation.
Berkeley Pitt
Although this may look like the perfect place to have a swim, you would be far from correct. This lake used to be a copper mine thus because of the composition, the small pit of water is very toxic.

Most of the water is filled with abhorrently toxic chemicals. Making it extremely dangerous for the skin to come in contact with it.
Beqa Lagoon
Lagoons are usually the best spots for a swim, the flora surrounding the water is always a magnificent site to see. The Beqa Lagoon in Fiji is not one of those places.

This lagoon is also the home to many sharks. These sharks could easily attack someone in their large numbers and merciless ways. So unless you don’t mind shark infested water, this probably isn’t the best place.
Pustoye Lake, Siberia
Unless the freezing cold is your thing, the North is not the best place to be hanging around. Although the picture may seem like a still and calm water reservoir, it is actually very mysterious.

Why is this place dangerous? Well, we have no clue. All we know is that life in this lake is at risk or impossible. Scientists have attempted to release a few fish before but they’ve come back dead every time.
So until we know what is killing them, this place is better off avoided.
Mumbai India
India is definitely a location that should be on everyone’s bucket list. Amongst all its beautiful sites, there are a few which are extremely toxic. This is mainly owing to pollution.

These waters were once clear and blue. Now some of them are literal cesspools. So even though this picture may look like the perfect holiday spot, it’s best to move over to one of the other beautiful spots in India.
The Boiling Lake
The Boiling Lake in Dominica may seem like a pleasant jacuzzi experience but think again. Beneath the surface of the water, scolding hot magma makes the temperature of the water reach boiling levels, causing piping hot bubbles.

So if you’ve ever been burnt by boiling hot water whilst cooking or being in the shower when someone flushes the toilet, you know the feeling that can be brought about by The Boiling Lake.
Bubbly Creek
Bubbly Creek is a section of the Chicago River. This place is known as a preferred miss, owing to the disgusting runoff that makes its way into the river.
Much of this lake has been on the receiving end of discarded meat, fecal matter and other disgusting things.

Over time, this litter has begun to decay-causing these bubbles. So no, it's not a jacuzzi and you’re better off finding a different place to swim.
Kipu Falls
This location is a tourist hot spot. Sadly, many of those tourists have lost their lives at these very locations.
Although there is no confirmed pattern as to how these deaths occurred, many have featured the powerful waves and myths of ancient gods and hidden whirlpools.

The most likely answer is the traffic caused by the number of tourists that go here. It is as common as a shark attack occurring because they smell a bunch of delicious people.
The more people in the water, the more likely the chances are of there being an accident.