Meghan Markle Has a Royal Family Diary – Potentially Worth Millions

As one of the most spoken about people in the world, life must be pretty exhausting for Meghan Markle. Her long-term marriage to Prince Harry naturally has been a major talking point in the UK, as well as other nations that are fixated on the British Royal Family. However, for years, Markle has been the target of right wing newspapers, talking heads in the media, and people who simply don’t like her for whatever reason. It looks like, though, that she’s been prepared for this.

Reports have come out that she appears to have a diary documenting her time spent with the Royal Family. Some experts believe that it could be like gold dust for her, and could be worth as much as $150m on the right marketplace. Thankfully, it looks like the diary will never be sold off on a kiss and tell auction – further proof that Markle isn’t the evil caricature that she’s made out to be.

Having once been a major name on social media and a popular lifestyle blogger, it appears that Markle never gave up the more journalistic side to her personality. Having continued to build up quite the resume of little stories about life as a Royal, she’s now got some pretty interesting tales to tell the world.

According to a “royal source”, though, it won’t be going anywhere. The source is claimed to have said: "The fact they may exist and could contain material to embarrass the Royal Family is enough to make anyone feel uncomfortable, even though right now there is no reason to believe she has plans to publish,

"Meghan has always been a tremendous self-publicist. Her account of some of the more difficult times would worry everyone in the royal household."

Whether or not they ever see the cold light of day, of course, is entirely for debate. It looks like she’ll be keeping hold of the book, though. If she was the menace that some parts of the UK press like to make her out to be, it would have been sold before anyone had even heard of the memoirs.

Experts believe that it could be worth plenty of money if it was to be released onto the market. Given the weird fixation around the Royals, it would be interesting to see just how desperate some would be for some gossip around the Windsor’s.