Jennifer Lopez is Working from Home & Making the Best Out of It

During a recent interview, Jennifer spoke about working from home as she and her family are self-quarantined because of the Coronavirus.

Jennifer was supposed to fly from Los Angeles to New York City for the launching of her DSW footwear but has been put on hold. While staying at home, the chances that you will develop the newest and greatest computer system is probably slim to nil. 

But Jennifer hopes we will all take the time to pursue our goals, where possible, or learn how to do something new like the software that our kids already have down to a science!

During an interview with Elle, she discussed what self-quarantined life is all about and what working from home with her family is really like. She said that staying at home can be a real challenge for so many people including herself.

There is so much to take care of and if we are all really lucky, we will remain healthy and if so, we should be very grateful. Staying at home is a real game-changer for so many. 

For Jennifer, it means staying home and reading scripts, starting new projects, and even learning new dance routines. She added this is a perfect time to prepare for the future. She strongly believes that we are all going to bounce back. 

Therefore, this is the perfect time to prepare for coming back, even in a more positive way. No one wanted this situation to happen but if it has to be this way, for now, take advantage of it and prepare yourself for the future just do it from your home.

Working, Studying & Dancing from Home

She has also urged people to show care for those who might be at a higher risk from Coronavirus. This is a very difficult time for everyone as there are so many who are really sick. The rest of us have a responsibility to contain it and work from home.

She said her kids are also working from home, they have virtual school and we are all at home together which she is very happy about. She is getting to spend valuable time with her kids and she loves it.

Along with her fiancé, Alex Rodriguez, they went on TikTok for taking the Flip on the Switch challenge. She said her kids like this platform. They love it and always encourage her to use it. They absolutely love it when she does. She added that TikTok is not a social media app but a dance app!

You just click around until you discover a new move you would like to learn and then just do it. You can do this with your kids, your parents, and your friends. If you need to stay self-quarantined, go to TikTok and practice dancing.

TikTok is a great way to find something that brightens your day and she’s all for that.

Jennifer said that outside of reading scripts and dancing for TikTok, she is paying attention to her e-retail therapy. She said everyone has ways to focus and work from home but also find things that lift our spirits.

She said that online shopping is higher than ever before but she is not making light of this serious situation.

She knows there are wonderful people working around the clock to stop this hideous virus. That said, we all have to keep our spirits high and maintain a good sense of humor during these hard times