It’s becoming increasingly clear that influencer culture has grown toxic and out of control. Nowadays, it seems that anyone with Facetune and the right filters can amass a following big enough to feel like they’re eligible to free things. While there are many business owners who find genuine benefits from working with influencers, plenty of others are making a stand against these self-proclaimed internet celebs.
Business is business, and owners cannot risk their brand by giving away their products or services to every entitled influencer who brazenly demands freebies. As the requests keep piling up, these hard-working business owners can only say “no” so many times before they feel the need to make their stance public. When this happens, it’s usually an embarrassing event for the influencer whose demands were too bratty to be ignored. From snappy comebacks to hilarious signs, read on to see how these social media influencers were publicly shamed for their entitled attitudes.
Can I pay for that with likes?
The world of social media sets a yardstick for success and popularity that revolves entirely around likes and comments. For many, these reactions have so much value they’re almost a currency of their own. However, you’ll quickly realize that most people don’t view things that way if you try to pay someone with social media attention.

This influencer obviously didn’t understand that likes don’t pay the bills, so she decided to reach out to an artist and request a free custom drawing. The response was crystal clear and came as no surprise to anyone other than the influencer. Why would an artist exchange their talent for a number of likes?
Not a collaboration
Influencers make money by taking part in collaborations with companies and brands. Typically, the influencer will offer their clout and their huge number of followers to bolster the brands’ popularity. The idea is that people’s love and trust for the influencer will be transferred over to any brands they support.

The terms of a partnership have to be mutually beneficial for any company to agree to them. In this case, the influencer made the benefits for herself abundantly clear. Where she failed was in offering anything substantial to the restaurant in exchange for the free meal she was demanding for herself and her plus one.
Not a joke
This is a strong case of a failed collaboration proposal, and we cannot blame the company for thinking this influencer’s offer was a joke. This influencer reached out to a company, asking them to work on a coding project for her which usually costs $50 dollars an hour.

While the marketing agency emphasized that this particular project would have an estimated timeline of 2 to 6 month, the influencer still didn’t see why she should have to pay them anything. She reiterated that her social media shoutout would bring in customers for the company, so really they would be the winners in the end.
Playing a little game
When businesses get collaboration proposals from influencers, their conversation often devolves into absurdities. They wouldn’t ask a plumber to fix their toilet free of charge, so why do influencers assume they can ask photographers to do photo shoots for free? It sounds ridiculous, but there are entitled social media ‘ambassadors’ who are not ashamed of asking for free services.

This influencer got a taste of her own medicine. Little did she know that the photographer was going to play a little game. Can you guess how long he kept his “influencer program” shtick going before she eventually gave up?
There are social media influencers who create an impression that they have an enviable lifestyle, but in reality, it’s the opposite. They are frequently given free things instead of cash, so they have to fake their luxurious lifestyle in the hopes that if they keep the charade up long enough, reality will catch up to them and deliver the wealth they desire.

This pushy influencer soon realized reality wasn’t going to play her game when she tried to purchase a PlayStation4 on Craigslist. Because she was flat broke, she tried to trade the console for access to her many followers. Unfortunately, the seller consistently rejected the lame proposal, and to the influencer’s dismay, the free Playstation never manifested.
Is this for real?
Everyone’s at least somewhat familiar with the dating reality shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. The people who appear on this TV show quickly earn their spots as influencers, even if they don’t get the red rose during the finale.

Chase McNary was a runner-up in The Bachelorette Season 20, making him a social media superstar. With the help of his agent, Chase tried his best to be showered with gifts, including an apartment in Denver. Does a live-in social influencer exist? If yes, we’d appreciate a clear explanation of what they do each month to pay for their rent!
Supposedly a collab
Top social media influencers can bring in massive profits to businesses thanks to their huge audience and innate persuasion skills. That is why some brands get pretty thrilled when they learn that an influencer wants to work with them.

However, when this influencer said that she’d like to “work something out and both be happy,” what she was really saying was that she wanted the $175 package absolutely free of charge. She even asked the company whether they would pay her to do the work they usually get compensated to do.
Trying her luck
Though most people fade back into obscurity, a few of those who appear on reality TV shows become extremely rich and famous. For those who do not ascend to these heights, it can be hard to accept defeat, so many of them continue pushing their luck for far too long.

Take this pair who contacted a furniture company to “collaborate” with them. To them, collaboration means exposure in exchange for free furniture for their apartment. Did anyone remind them that furniture is not cheap? At least, they got the exposure they needed to become famous. Too bad it was from a negative angle!
‘Usual’ restaurant arrangements
When pitching to a potential client, social media influencers often brag about their previous work. Indeed, they frequently bring it up, even when it’s not necessary. This influencer led in with “usually my arrangements with restaurants is…” Bad grammar aside, this implies that the restaurant should fall in line and grant the influencer’s request, just as other businesses have.

However, this restaurant realized that she wasn’t an authentic food critic, and there was no reason for them to give her and her plus one a free meal. The company’s response was epic and surely served as a lesson to the overconfident influencer. Too bad she had to learn the embarrassing way!
Full of demands
Tagging all social media influencers as opportunists is a bit unfair, but it seems that some of them will try anything to get as much free stuff as possible. This influencer asked for professional services that would normally cost thousands of dollars. After all, wedding photography and videography aren’t cheap.

Aside from wanting everything for free, the influencer and her agent also noted that they would be giving their Facebook and Instagram followers 25% discount on the products. They then asked the company to offer a “fast response.” The company did this, but not in the way the influencer expected. They were quick to share this outrageous demand on their own social pages. Ouch!
Posting the obvious
If you’re one of the many people who follow celebrities on social media, you’ll know that they take part in paid ads with big companies. We can pretend that they campaign for products they truly believe in, but it isn’t always the case. Take it from Scott Disick who collaborated with a protein shake brand.

Although the media personality would have been compensated greatly to post an update on his Instagram account, Scott couldn’t even do that right. Instead, he lazily copy-pasted their instructions to him into his caption. So, instead of being marketed to, Scott’s 20 million followers got a glimpse of what companies ask social media influencers to do.
Correct spelling, please
It’s no secret that influencers shoot their shot, and a lot of them are successful in getting themselves many freebies. Still, you have to have specific qualifications to be a successful influencer. Apart from being photogenic, you need people skills, a huge number of followers, and the ability to write coherently without making simple spelling mistakes.

This influencer seemed to be unmindful of her spelling errors and did not even bother editing her messages. Given how poorly constructed her messages were, the brand’s response was actually remarkably kind. Instead of paying her for sharing pics that might not earn them any business, they came up with a far more fair solution in which the influencer would get paid when her efforts actually produced a result.
Networking redefined
In a digital world where many people are handling most of their transactions online, influencers play a vital role. The problem is, many influencers believe they have far more power over their followers than they really do. They are confident that brands and businesses are required to work with them to attract customers and boost their sales.

They think of themselves as experts in digital marketing, but with this particular group of influencers, they don’t have the education or experience to back up these claims. Three days of unpaid work in exchange for a ‘networking’ event? They’ve gotta be kidding!
Many companies have seen a significant boost in business courtesy of their successful collaborations with influencers. However, there are just as many brands that refuse to engage in influencer marketing, believing the whole thing is over-hyped.

These influencer-shy businesses often put precautionary measures in place to fend off the endless flow of collab offers from thirsty influencers. For one, this particular restaurant displayed a clear message to any Instagram influencers interested in collaborating with them. Feel free to offer a collab, just don’t be surprised when you’re charged double!
Courtesy, please
People skills are crucial to becoming a successful influencer. You need to be able to persuade businesses that they really need you, and you need to be able to showcase what you can do for their company. However, this supposed influencer forgot or was not aware of this vital prerequisite.

Instead of setting a good impression and putting together a nice pitch to a potential business partner, she decided to be straightforward in putting forth her demands. No please or thank you here!
Insufficient subscribers
Setting up a social media account is easy as pie, so many kids are convinced they’re about to become the next YouTube sensation. The thing is, the online video-sharing platform is already saturated. This leads many would-be influencers down a path of desperation.

This supposed influencer reached out to a company and tried to get themselves a Stream Deck Mini for free in exchange for a review on their YouTube channel. Little did they know that the company could see that they only had 40 subscribers.
Complimentary services? No way
While it is true that businesses can benefit from influencers promoting their brands, it’s really the influencers who need the brand endorsements to survive. As an illustration, this Perth-based travel blogger decided to reach out to the top restaurant in Western Australia for some complimentary services.

While they set a striking pitch, the restaurant seemed to be surprised and disappointed with their request for freebies. We hope, as most other travel and food bloggers do, these influencers decided to do the right thing and pay for the excellent food and top-class service this restaurant offers.
No response needed
Many promising celebrities anticipate getting heaps of freebies as they work their way up the popularity ladder. They even get proactive by having their representatives reach out to companies in a bid for free goodies. It seems reality stars are the worst offenders, constantly nagging restaurants and bars for complimentary dinners and drinks.

In this case, stars of The Real Housewives franchise reached out for a free meal for a group of people. They did not get a response from the restaurant, which is probably the simplest way to snub those who think they should be entitled to complimentary services.
Not a brilliant idea
Aside from getting freebies, social media influencers can win over new followers with strategic partnerships. While some brands and products are happy to send small things to influencers for them to review, note that there are limits in terms of luxury and price.

Requesting a piece of clothing or a skincare item may be okay, but asking for a new car is over the top. The owner of a car company found himself getting more and more furious as he continued to receive offers from influencers to promote his automotive business in exchange for free cars. A word of advice: unless you’re Kim Kardashian, a new car is probably too big of an ask!
Not interested
Hard-working entrepreneurs sometimes find themselves annoyed and disappointed when they see what entitled influencers get away with demanding. Business owners work relentlessly for years to establish their brand while these influencers snap selfies and wangle freebies.

This particular company decided to call out self-proclaimed “influencers” via Facebook, making their message loud and clear. They even gave wise advice, suggesting that these influencers should try to do some real work. We hope they take the company’s message positively.
Desperate for free things
One of the primary rules of being an influencer is that you must have a big audience of followers to influence. For the foremost part, companies looking to collaborate will search for people that have thousands or maybe millions of followers.

That is why it’s understandable that this person with 315 followers didn’t reach the end of the rainbow with this pitch. While this influencer claims that the business owner is “desperate for money,” we expect this guy is more “desperate for free stuff.” He even has the guts to call the business owner his “friend.”
Exposure is not enough
While there’s no question that exposure from influencers can help a business grow, there’s no guarantee that any results whatsoever will come from the partnership. As such, many brands are hesitant to offer free products or services – especially if it'll cost them tons of cash to do so.

While this influencer has noted that “a lot of individuals we work with” are very happy to do the work absolutely free of charge, this independent business owner was fast to note that “exposure doesn’t pay my bills.” We couldn’t agree more.
A big favor
It takes a lot of decision making for business owners to give away free items, which is why many of them are suspicious and hesitant of influencers and what they plan to do in exchange for the free stuff they request.

For example, this business owner was tempted to work with an influencer but not by giving away their valuable products. While they offered to give a big discount on the items this influencer wanted to promote on her page, her response was nothing short of rude. Tip: If you want to be a respected and trusted influencer, don’t imitate this influencer.
Business is business
Many of the most prominent influencers venture to various parts of the world for their work, and some figure out how to get some freebies en route. Seeing the deference with which these giant influencers are treated, many smaller social media mavens get it in their head that they should be given similar deals, regardless of whether they're at a similar level.

When this influencer requested a free hotel stay, they likely expected to be moved up to the exclusive suite. Of course, that wasn't what the hotel had in mind. All things considered, the hotel management handled this perfectly, offering a markdown and even a full refund if their 'influencing' really paid off.
“Deeply concerned”
Numerous individuals around the globe endeavor to establish their clout and work their way up the fame ladder. They may do this on an individual level, or they may do so under the banner of their business brand. Either way, the process isn’t simple.

One specific exercise center proprietor was profoundly insulted when they got an email from a “lifestyle influencer” declining to pay for the service fees yet at the same time anticipating great treatment. Indeed, they anticipated that the fitness coach should pay her to be highlighted on her web-based media channels. We're not surprised that she was immediately rejected.
Not worth it
Since there are so many influencers out there attempting to make an impression on the world, a lot of entrepreneurs go through their days filtering out messages from those attempting to wangle freebies. While a few business owners do send back a reaction – regardless of whether positive or negative – there are others who don't imagine that these individuals are deserving of any response at all.

This influencer was fishing for complimentary tech items, yet he didn't get an answer. Incidentally, the organization simply didn't figure it would be "justified, despite any trouble." Sometimes, silence is the best reply.
Be like Katy Perry
In spite of the reality that numerous social media influencers have a great deal of cash to their name, they actually anticipate things free of charge. This doesn't sit well with entrepreneurs and business owners who depend on paying clients to cover their tab.

This café chose to openly debate one influencer who wanted a free meal. The company made it clear that the person’s alleged 'influencing' didn't really have any beneficial outcome for businesses. The biggest slam dunk came when they pointed out that huge celebrities like Katy Perry can pay for their dinner, so why should a social media influencer be any different? On point.
The Rising Star Program
There's a ton of cash to be made on YouTube if you know what you’re doing, which is most likely why this channel was searching for a 'Rising Star' to top off their vacant host spot. They needed somebody who might change the course of the channel and rake in some serious cash from it.

There’s no doubt about it – YouTube wanted a whole lot of work out of their “Rising Star.” In exchange, this person would get “exposure.” This sounds suspiciously like some of the dodgy deals offered by influencers on this list!
Free tickets
With regards to special occasions, social media influencers move around these things quickly and noisily like honey bees on nectar. They are continually requesting freebies, like this individual who shamelessly asked for two free tickets so her friend could come along for the ride.

What angered the coordinators of this event most was the fact that 70% of their profits would go to supporting the homeless. The fact that this influencer couldn’t even conceive of paying for a ticket for her friend to support this good cause is mind-boggling.