If you are one of the many people out there who finds lunchtime a chore, we feel your pain. Lunch is often one of the most challenging meals to get right. If you are someone who is a fussy eater, though, it can be even harder to find a lunch that you are going to be happy with. To help you make a better choice for your next lunch, we recommend you try out the following lunchtime tips for fussy eaters.

Look for smaller varieties
Many times, our biggest failing when it comes to lunch will be bringing too much of the same thing. A simple solution to this is to bring three or four small portions of food. This means that, even on a bad day, you might still eat two of the four smaller portions. This gives you something else to enjoy each day and should ensure you at least get something as part of your lunchtime break.
Eat smaller portions regardless
One of the main reasons we can struggle to find a good lunch comes down to portion sizes. If you are used to eating larger portions, it can be harder to find variety in the portions you tend to aim for. Therefore, swapping out some smaller portions can make your life so much easier. This allows for a quicker and easier selection of meals, as you can find variety in smaller amounts a whole lot easier than you can in larger quantities.

Add a little twist to your lunch
Another way to make lunch easier is to look for a way that you can add a bit of variety to a rather basic, bog-standard meal. A little twist and variety can surely go a long way to speeding up your selection. It could be changing the kind of seasoning you use, or using an odd combination of mains and extras.
Whatever you choose, simply adding a touch of variety can be a great way to make your lunch easier to plan for.
If nothing else, have some water
You might simply find that nothing you can find or bring with you for lunch appeals on any given day. That is fine. Instead, have a nice glass of water. Water can easily keep the hunger pangs away, and your body can use the stored fats and the like in your body for energy whilst your work. Sometimes, a glass of water can go down every bit as well as a bite to eat!