Oh the places you'll go, and the hilarious things you will see! The world is a funny place, especially when travelling. The weirdest sights can be spotted at the airport, on long bus rides and on deck. And that's part of what makes travelling so fun, isn't it? See the hilarious things that happened to people around the globe when they went travelling!
Are We There yet?

Turns out suitcases have more than one function, just ask this dad who got very creative when his daughter was extra tired. I would have missed my flight had I not seen this picture and implemented the strategy myself!
Hold your boarding pass, there's more and it's funnier
Terror on a Cruise Ship
After boarding a cruise ship near Victoria, British Columbia, all this passenger wanted was a lovely picture of the first day on deck.

But the seagull clearly had other plans when he completely terrified the poor girl! The resulting photo is nothing short of hilarious.
A Sign Of The Times

Seems more than one dad discovered the secret of the multi-purpose suitcase! While it's better to keep children entertained and on their feet, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Lovely Background...
This couple wanted to capture their happy memories aboard the cruise, and what better view is there than the wide blue expanse of the ocean? You can't go wrong with that, right?

But whoever took their picture opted for a less-than-optimal angle, capturing a hilarious background of two other passengers. One is tanning literally on the floor behind them, while another stares right at the camera making a funny face. The couple just wanted to capture their happy memories, and this accidental photobomb sure is memorable!
Everybody Needs Someone To Love

Yoo Byung-jae (유병재) is a South Korean television personality, actor, and screenwriter. He should also add "genius" to his list of achievements because his idea for never losing his luggage is nothing short of ingenious if we must say.
Check out his matching tee. How do you say "epic" in Korean?
All Aboard
If this isn’t a bus stop for airplanes, well, I don’t know what is! At times like this, it might be better not to be at the front of the line.

One slip and you’ll be losing a lot more than your place in line. Alas, perhaps they’re all waiting for Wonder Woman’s invisible jet?
Crocodile Dundee

This is how an airport decided to get the attention of travelers before they commit a crime. So if someone waiting for their suitcase knows he has something to declare, and maybe forgot to... this will definitely remind him.
Brace For Impact
These days, most of us are often short on time. Few of us, however, would have the guts to start full-on flexing at the airport.

Yoga on a plane could be the title for an interesting movie or a really bad exercise video. I suppose we all cope with air travel in our own way so who am I to judge.
"Welcome" Home
It is always heart-warming to see handcrafting welcome home signs created for loved ones. But then again, some may give away a little too much information!

However, this one happened to be a prank! after a trip to Rotterdam, a mother was greeted by her kids and husband with quite the unexpected welcome.
Reading Between The Lines
On first glance, this might seem like a tasteless prank, however, appearances can be deceiving.

The kids' grandma here was actually returning from rehabilitation surgery. A sobering moment for sure, but not in the way some people might think!

Airports are exhausting, especially when your journey includes a long layover where all you want to do is get comfortable! Seems this couple has traveling down to a tee. They make use of each other emotionally and physically and get some shut-eye on the way!
A Dad’s Life

Poor guy just wanted some shut-eye! But when you have two little girls, close your eyes for a second and you will wake up covered in art! Truth is everyone is winning; the girls get to have some fun and the dad gets some undisturbed sleep.
Leave Me In Peace

We’ve got to give it to him, this is one innovative way to get some shut-eye at an airport! But he may want to invest in a softer suitcase to make this experience as close to perfect as possible. I am definitely trying this position next time I’m stuck and need to rest!
Pokémon Go!
This is one colorful and creative airplane!

I can imagine it really helps kids with fears of flying to feel way more excited about their journey, this plane belongs to Japan’s All Nippon Airways which is known to have the coolest themes planes whose designs extend to their interior as well with super cool and nifty features!
Wrong Place, Tin-Man.
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Probably a change in direction.

Which is exactly where this traveler must’ve headed after his run-in with airport security. In this heavy metal battle, there was always going to be only one winner.
Mommy’s Home

Many dads can’t tell right from rascal when their better half isn’t around. But this dad takes it to a whole new level. Needless to say, these kids will live to tell the tale of their last time spent alone with daddy. Daddy himself, however, might not be so lucky. :O
Bear With Me
It’s a sight you would only see in Alaska. The Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport is used to this, and kind of doubles as a zoo!

Polar bear, oxen, caribou and even seals apparently make an appearance at least once a week! The animals are usually removed by a sled or pickup truck and everyone goes on with their day.
Engine Control

The number one rule on the runway is to stay clear of an aircraft’s fire engine! But Delta was lucky it was their equipment and could be spotted from a mile away before anything dangerous could happen!
Call Of Booty
I think it’s safe to say it won’t just be the butt of his rifle this soldier will be happy to see the end of.

After a greeting like this, he’ll be slow to leave his better-half behind. Surely, she too will be bummed out when it’s time to pack his junk in the trunk before his next deployment.
Personalize That

We guess this is one way to go about always being able to identify your luggage. Though he could have at least smiled for the picture that would follow him around the world!
Minka Kelly

Why does it seem as if celebrities at airports have a personal stylist with them? Is it some kind of magic trick? Minka Kelly was spotted at the security check. She might as well be on the red carpet.
Kimmy K

We know the Kardashians are a family of jet-setters, and they are regularly spotted like normal citizens going through airport security. Just look at Kim Kardashian, casually barefoot with a baby in hand.
Surfing Through

Admit it, we have all wanted to jump on the baggage carousel at one time in our lives. Seems this woman did not care that it’s not allowed and went for it! It looks like she’s surfing into one hell of a vacation.
Reporting For Duty

Denver International know how to have a little bit of fun, so when it came to commemorating Star Wars day, they went all out! They certainly gave some passengers a surprise.
I'm First In Line

Nobody likes standing in lines, but this guy clearly really despises it! I guess it makes sense to sleep through the wait, and no one even seems a little perturbed that this guy is flat out sleeping while he waits. Trendsetting perhaps?
Goofing Around

What is it about airports that make people bring up their inner acrobat! I guess it could be because people are cramped up for hours at a time in tiny seats and need to let loose. These guys seem to be having a ball coming together to be a bicycle and rider!
Tower Of Terror

Airports can also be spaces for some serious creativity. Sacramento Airport knows this and built some seriously cool book designs for their passengers to ogle at while they do their pre-flight shopping.
Very Resourceful

This guy knows how to use his surroundings to bet the best quality nap. These newspapers are multi-resourceful. They give him warmth and hide him away from prying eyes. He can also get some reading done when he decides to wake up!
Traveling Beer
This guy certainly isn’t afraid to risk it for his beer!

Chances are it will explode before he gets to enjoy it, but then again beer is a commodity and this Australian man was willing to spend $30 to check it in with the rest of his luggage! We have to admire his determination.
Where Did I Park?
People forget that flying planes takes skill and concentration. But a mistake like this one seems a bit ridiculous, seems this pilot missed the memo on how to park when he took his flying test!

I would not have liked to be on this guys plane. With this ending, we can only imagine it was one bumpy ride.
Parking Issues
You would think parking is not much of an issue and that all airplanes have ample space and room to move, but judging by this messy looking squish, it seems not!

It may look funny, but we imagine whoever has to pay for the damage to these planes is not laughing!
While the use of free computers and tablets at airports is a great plus, make sure you log out! Just as Jasmine who left her Facebook open only to be hacked by these two hilarious airport workers.

It's nice to know that the staff at Newcastle International Airport have a sense of humor though!
Fun Ads

Sometimes advertisers have a one-time great idea, and this is one of them. How better to show that a small car has so much space... really ingenious.
Smuggler's Cove

Like it's not 2018. Smuggling is still a thing, and airports have to deal with the weirdest stuff trying to be smuggled. But if they catch only one person every few days, just think how many smugglers they don't catch! iPhones?! Really dude?
Snake Alley
Well, trying to be a zoologist is commendable, but maybe try starting out with the local wildlife.

Yeah, we know they smuggle them so they could sell them, but we tried to give the gay a good reason, and maybe he'll get off with a smaller fine. Nope. Don't think so. All the snakes and lizards are alive in bottles and bags. Scary!
I’m Not Moving!
Often you find people at airports running, rushing to catch their flight or spend some time in the duty-free shops.

But there are moments one has to sit back and laugh, like the guys stuck behind this old lady who seems totally oblivious that she is causing one huge traffic jam! That…or she just doesn’t give a damn!
Last time I checked, an airport was not a hunting ground. A proper one that is. It could be hunting grounds for weirdos, but still, no need for a full-out camo suit.

Not that this could ever be called a camo suit. I mean, I believe that a person having this on in the woods would be the hunted and not the hunter.

By "trespasser", I mean the airport. This dude and his kind has been here long before any airport was around, so he is the true owner. But still... isn't he cute?!
Pet Relief

This pet toilet in SanDiego airport is exactly what the world needs. Attention to our best friends. When we fly with them, they really don't have any place to "go". So we welcome this pet toilet and hope for more.
Ninja Mom

As a parent myself, I really feel for this mom. On the other hand, I really don't like these child-leashes, so she kind of brought it on herself.
See Me

"Can you see me already?" These people don't know the meaning of a quiet welcome party. I'm guessing the traveler knew exactly where to go once he landed. So did everyone else.
Sushi Suitcase?

This is one unique way to always spot your luggage! My best guess is that the travelers came from Japan. While it is a hilarious site, I imagine it got some people waiting for their own luggage pretty hungry for some sushi.
Too Creepy

If I had to go to this creepy baggage claim in the middle of the parking lot I would rather let my stuff, go missing! There is clearly something fishy about this entire set up.
Waiting Patiently

We know how it is when our suitcases get delayed for no apparent reason. This guy is my hero. Don't know where he got the chair, but I wish I had one just like it.
Come Fly With Us

Sometimes I just have no words. A male peacock hanging around in an airport. WHere is this at? Paradise Island airport? Who's going to get hurt when he sees someone he likes and opens up his wings?

Is there something smuggled in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? If you want to be a good smuggler, you've got to find better ways. In your pants? Please.

Wouldn't you want your partner to be waiting for you exactly like this guy is? Maybe you would like the sign to come with the holder? I won't say anything else.
Birds' Flight

You would think a flying creature would need a seat on the plane, but a Saudi Prince seems to disagree and ordered for 80 Falcons to be transported with Etihad Airways to the United Arab Emirates! Needless to say, it is a hilarious sight.
Happy Feet
Penguins on Board! This is one adorable sight and heart-warming story. When exotic bird hunters poached these Humboldt penguins, conservationists caught on and decided to sent home these little guys to their natural habitat in South Africa.

But they could send these guys home on a boat that would take ages, so they sent them via airplane! Security treated these waddling guys just like everyone else! Guess they’re wearing suits after all.
Alright Then!
I’ve heard of airlines going above and beyond to make their passengers feel comfortable, but this is… interesting to say the least!

One thing I can say is that if I had something to exchange, it would be in the money or commodity markets and not in the baby diaper market.
Russian Roulette
When in Vegas right! So, it would make sense if this Russian Roulette -themes carousel was found at McCarran International Airport.

And how much cooler if your luggage falls on the lucky number! It certainly is enough to get one on the mood to go take some bets.
I’m Outta Here

Okay, I’m just going to put it out there, thinking that there is any chance that this pilot actually stuck is head out mid-flight and got this perfect selfie is absurd. Of course, it was photoshopped! But in theory, it could be the coolest suavest picture around.
Aye Aye Captain!

Meet your new captain, he’s a little furrier and slobbier than most, but he’s got a great smile! In all seriousness, I imagine having a dog on board is enough to cheer up everyone’s mood.
Ignorance Is Bliss

What a contrast! He does not know it, but the way he’s standing he looks like he knows how to work a feathered scarf and bikini bottoms. The best part is the guy to the right who looks like he’s ready to dropkick the bikini babe.
Made For Walking

Who says pink is only for ladies? This guy is rocking is colorful attire and making one hell of a fashion statement. The boots are defiantly the best touch though. We can only wonder where he is off to.
Don't Judge

We're not judging, but there is kind of an unspoken line that needs to be drawn. There are some outfits that need to be taken out only at Halloween. And even then - use discretion.
Suspect Rihanna

For some reason the TSA does not care who is passing by, if you need to be patted down, you stand quiet and take it like a... well... like an international superstar millionaire that you are.
Hudson T
Celebrity sightings are always exciting, and this candid picture of Jenifer Hudson going through security definitely proved that some celebs look stunning wherever they go!

Its great to see her going through security just like everyone else, yet looking like a total movie star in the process.
Santa In Trouble

Judging by this picture, it seems Christmas came to the airport! Was he there to deliver gifts to fellow travelers or have an adventure of his own... who knows but it looks like he may have found himself in a spot of trouble surrounded by security. Bad Santa.
Like A Boss
Nothing says “Merry Christmas” louder than a red Christmas themed suit, complete with x-mas trees. It’s always nice to be picked up by friends or family when you arrive at your destination.

But sometimes, it might be better to just take a cab instead. Next time you ask THAT family member to pick you up, maybe pick a different time of year to visit.
Happy Beek
When in Rome, do like the Romans. When at airport security, do like James Van Der Beek. Most people straddle in line anticipating an awkward frisk from a member of TSA.

James Van Der Beek, however, is not most people. He stands there, face beaming, arms wide open, signaling “Dawson isn’t hiding anything in his creek!”
Ryan Glove-ling
Some things in life are certain; like Ryan Gosling looking fabulous in a photo.

Some of us enter airports looking like we’re about to enter the twilight zone, while others like Mr. Gosling look like a ray of sunshine straight from heaven’s door. I mean look at him, even in a mundane situation, he still looks like a demigod.
Best Way To Travel
For every Ryan Gosling, there’s a Nicholas Cage. How could we forget about that low budget Ghost Rider sequel, or THAT Superman (or should we say SuperMANE) audition?

Legend says a new Nick Cage meme is created with every photo. Based on this evidence, who would bet against it.
TSA At Its Best
Have you been screened like this ever before? I hope I never get in front of this guy.

Let’s see you try and get these tests done at home… Sometimes TSA goes a little overboard with their security checks. We’re sure you could get the same check using another method.
Pink At First Sight
Note to self: Never double up laundry day with your flight. Sure, it gives a whole new meaning to being on the fly.

But spare a thought for your fellow travelers who wanted to travel in peace. Maybe some should tell him not to take the “one carry-on” rule so literally…
Strange Airport
Yes, you encounter many strange things at airports, but when the security system beeps you have to comply with this law!

It looks like she had to prove it was only her belly ring and nothing more sinister making the alarm go off. One thing is for certain, she does not look very comfortable.
Kimmy K Back At It

Most people don’t look their best while traveling, but most people are not Kim Kardashian! The reality star and mogul managed to rock her track pants and fancy top and even strike a pose for onlookers.
Say Goo-Goo...
Nobody, and we mean NOBODY, makes entrances like Lady GaGa. Most travelers pick comfort over style while traveling, but Mama Monster isn't just any traveler.

She dresses to impress no matter what the occasion is. Yes, not even an airport is exempt. Now that's commitment.

Power napping in airports is everyone’s favorite past time. but sometimes it’s a little difficult to find a good spot. This lady definitely knows how to make a plan! But we can imagine her waking up with some serious back pain the next day.
A Colossal Check In

You never ever know what will come out in baggage claim, there are some weird and wonderful things that people will transport across the globe like this huge Easter Island head! We’ve got to wonder how on earth this guy plans to get this home.
Germaphobe Extreme

A real-life bubble boy! Now we know that the chances of catching a cold increase by like 99.9% on flights but this just seems over-board! The mask is one thing, but a full body suit is a bit much.
Quick Kisses
Everyone knows emotions can run high at an airport, after all, saying goodbye to loved ones is never easy!

But we guess people can get pretty over the top, and this airport had had enough! while this sign can seem kind of insensitive, it is also hysterical that they found the need to put up a sign limiting the time to show affection!
Free Entertainment
Often those waiting hours in between flights can be boring as hell. But these guys make sure to keep all the passengers entertained with their Impressive acrobatic skills!

The best part is it's so easy for him he can even squeeze in a few pages of his novel while executing these tricks.
No Trunk Problem

This guy has a flight to board and nothing is getting in his way! Not even lack of baggage space. So, while it may have been wiser not to ride a motorbike, we’ve got to give him credit for his determination (and a great picture).
Plank Time
Airports are the perfect place to let out your laziness. With the moving amenities like walkways, baggage carousels, escalators and elevators it’s the perfect place for a lazy bum.

Either this guy is trying to draw a lot of attention to himself, or he just thought it was the perfect time for a plank.
Baby On Board
Going through security is definitely the most stressful part of the airport experience. You’re meant to take off your shoes, take off your laptop, and do it all quick enough so the people in line behind you don’t get annoyed!

Who can really blame this mama for placing her baby for a few seconds in a scanning container! It definitely makes for one of the most adorable photos on this list.
Brace For Impact #2
Introducing the airport face-down pillow! Luggage companies usually highlight their products’ features based on how easy it is to move things around.

Who knew, there was a secret feature unbeknownst to us. Next time you’re waiting at the terminal, get some shuteye without losing sight of your belongings.
A Unicorn Onesie

Singer Ariana Grande is known for her strange choice of outfits as much as she is known for her singing. So when she threw on a unicorn onesie to board a plane, most people didn't even blink twice. Oh Ariana, please never change.
Picture Says It All

This was a "Child safe place" sign, but it was repurposed as a TSA checkpoint sign, which tells it as it is. Who doesn’t love some free Pre-Flight touch and go action?
Acro Yoga

We all need a little bit of a stretch before and after a flight, but we don’t all look as picture perfect as this woman who certainly knows how to strike a pose. She’s not even disturbing anyone, just using the moving walkway to the very fullest.
Soaring High?
Someone needs to fire the advertisers that work in Turkish Airlines. This is not the kind of poster anyone about to take a flight wants to see!

It literally looks as if the plane is about to crash and burn. I bet this has put at least a handful of nervous flyers of getting on their flight.
Flight To Where?

If you’ve ever wondered where Tatooine is located, turns out this galaxy is really out there and all you need to do is book a flight in advance! notice the departure gate is located R2-D2 so you don’t miss the boarding!
Take A Ride
I guess working in an airport for hours at a time is enough to make everyone bored out of their mind! So much so that this guy’s crazy kid side definitely come back out.

Taking a ride on the baggage carousel is definitely not allowed, but we can’t help but me super impressed by his balancing skills
Darth Vader Arrives

This only escalated when none other than Darth Vader himself walked into arrivals. You can see the celebration of his stormtroopers greeting their eager leader with such enthusiasm. These are some seriously passionate Star Wars Fans!
Ride Forrest, Ride.

As Forrest said, “When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went.” I guess when he has to go he takes the shuttle. It seems that this was a day he just didn’t feel like runnin’.
Sweetest Welcome
Now, this is an adorable and innocent site!

This little girl did not want any help in creating her welcome home sign, and while only one or two words can be made out, it is totally the thought that counts and whoever is on the welcoming end will for sure find this sign priceless!
Joys Of Shift Time

Solitaire is a great way to pass the time, and we’ve got to give it to this airport staff, everyone looks bored out of their minds anyway. Let’s hope the shift manager doesn’t notice!