Is there anything better than finding humor in inappropriate places? When one thinks of going to church, you automatically assume you need to be on your best behavior. Now that rule still applies, but surely Jesus wouldn't mind if we have a giggle every now and again?

Well, if you're too embarrassed to laugh at these in public, luckily for you we've gathered all the funniest church signs which are guaranteed to make you laugh.
Ready? Let's get started...
Two Dads
Jesus had two dads & turned out fine. This sign actually first appeared outside a church in Canada as a message of tolerance towards gay people and it went viral.

Finally- it’s 2019 and I think it’s safe to laugh at the thought of G-d wanting those who are homosexual to be unhappy. What better way to shut down the religious slam talk than putting a comment right outside a church?
I Accept The Terms And Conditions (I Think)
The most common lies told on the internet are between ‘I accept the terms & conditions’ and ‘I am over 18”. This church sign decided to make light of the sins made by Adam and Eve.

This sign is not just a humorous sign but also a clever way to comment on the way we make decisions. We should get into a better habit of considering the consequences of our actions before taking a bite out of the forbidden fruit.
Love Thy Neighbour
This sign isn’t as funny as it is true. It’s about time we start practicing what we preach.

This sign is a clever way to get people thinking. If you have the money to build a home, why not spend more time helping others than keeping people out?
A Gay Christian Is Not An Oxymoron
Homophobia is becoming increasingly aggressive and most of it stems from religions, believing that being gay is a sin.

The truth is that a real Christian follower will uphold the commandment to Love Thy Neighbour and realize that no man is in any position to judge another man.
The Power Of Prayer
Never underestimate the power of your prayers! This sign is only hilarious because it’s covered in snow.

The irony of a church asking people to stop praying is too funny. Only because it’s pretty contradictory to the message they usually try to send.
Highway To Hell
As if getting into heaven is so much easier than making it through heavy traffic? Well, sometimes it definitely feels that way.

This funny play-on-words implies that a lot more people are going to hell than to heaven. I sure hope it’s not true, but it makes sense at this point.
This one made me laugh, I love it when people find a way to laugh at a bad situation. Supposedly, someone stole the AC in this church and although they may be happy about it now, Jesus is watching.

It also makes it funnier that the church is basically telling someone to go to hell. A bit risky, but called for.
Who’s A Good Boy?
Can you imagine if we were genuinely the kind of people our pets thought we were? I know my dog thinks I’m the friendliest most loving person in the world and between you and me, he couldn’t be more wrong.

This church used their outside sign to send a friendly reminder to always be kind. Which is ultimately the best way to consider yourself as a practicing Christian.
Don’t Text And Drive
This is hilarious! What a clever way to use your billboard outside than to remind people not to text and drive.

Most accidents are caused by not concentrating, so this church decided to send a message of being more careful unless you’re ready to meet your maker.
Kind Atheists > Hateful Christians
Now, this is only funny because of how true it is. There are many religious people who practice everything by the book perfectly. Only when it comes to genuinely being a good person.

If you truly believe in G-d, then it makes more sense to assume that He would want you to be kind before being the first one to Arrive at the Sunday church service.
Nothing Is Good Without Ketchup
This pun-filled sign is brilliant. The best way to get my attention is through food, so this sign has got me hooked.

Not only did they manage to land three funny puns, but they also sent a light-hearted message on Jesus and His love for His children.
We Know Nothing
Is there anything worse than someone with too many opinions? Well, this sign kind of puts them in their place. This sign should be everywhere until it grabs people by the heart.

The most important thing man can do is to love one another and if you believe in G-d then you should believe He is the only judge and knows what is best.
Love Your Enemies
This sign makes a strong comment on forgiveness and power. It's easy to get the impression that to be unforgiving, leaves you with all the power but, we’ve seen many times how that’s not the case.

Moreover, if you have someone that did something which drove you crazy, don’t think that taking the high road makes you weaker, it is the utmost form of strength.
No More Religious Nuts, Please...
Who are we to know what G-d expects? That being said, it doesn’t take a genius to know that He doesn’t need a bunch of preachers making everyone feel bad about themselves.

When interpreting religion, it is so important to not miss the point. It is more essential to believe within than to project without. Although this is a serious comment, this sign does a good job of making it funny.
Two By Two
This church decided to make a funny comment on the intense amount of rain this city was experiencing. What more could we accept from a church than to take the situation to a biblical stand?

Not only did they make a bible reference, but they shot for a pun and they hit the bull’s eye. I don’t think they went to the extent of building an ark, but we appreciate the humor.
Rethinking Cremation
This one is interesting because it takes a whole different approach to cremation. I don’t know about you, but I find it to be a scary and uncomfortable topic, so this sign definitely helps.

This play-on-words is a funny way of encouraging that cremation may be the only way of achieving that smoking hot body you want. Don’t worry, there are still alternative ways.
Not too sure what this has to do with the church, but I’m assuming it’s something to do with the sheep or the snake. Either way, it’s still funny.

The sound Baa-Dum-Tss is usually used to refer to confirmation of the final word or a great comeback. So this a cute way to spin it.
Bribery Is Key
Indeed, the main point of going to church is for free snacks. This sign decided to make fun of that theory and basically hold that post hot coffee ransom.

This is hilarious, can you imagine the disappointment for the dad that got pulled out of bed early Sunday morning in the hope that he would get a nice cup of coffee.
Pending Friend Request
Now, this sign is just out to make you feel bad about the amount of time that has passed since you went to church. How many friend requests do you have pending simply because you’re not sure how to react?

This time, viewers are faced with the awkward, internal battle as to whether or not they are prepared to reach out to Jesus or leave Him waiting…
Blah Blah Blah
Short and sweet and to the point. This church didn’t waste any time with effort into their sign and let’s be honest, it works!

Why waste time with advertising when the truth is, whoever is committed will be there and whoever isn’t, well, their wife will probably force them.
Dairy Queen
I don’t think there’s anything in this life we can safely say is better than ice cream. Except for a clear conscience, right? Well, this church tapped into that.

So maybe going to Lady Queen won’t be as exciting as going to Dairy Queen, but it’s a matter of priorities this time.
Go Canucks!
This one goes out to our hockey fans. The person who made this sign decided to show his love for his team whilst also making a lovely comment on religion.

If you are a true believer, then you also hold by the theory that g-d loves all His children equally and that we are all favored in his eyes. So, this is both serious and funny, which in my opinion, is the best kind of humor.
Harry Potter For Life
The First Baptist Church is pretty popular for its ever-changing church signs. On this day specifically, I’m sure the public were not disappointed.

Instead of paying tribute to Jesus, they decided to praise a Harry Potter character. This is also a great way to attract others and get them to come to church.
Be As You Are
This one might just be my favorite. A huge concern when going to church is what to wear and what others may think of your outfit. Why is that even important?

One of the biggest cause of people not coming to church is the overwhelming feeling of not belonging or not being good enough. This sign takes that insecurity and highlights the main point of church, to accept all and exercise spiritual growth.
A New Management Record
The Full Gospel Church decided to use their sign to celebrate their consistency in management, the manager being Jesus, for 2000 years straight.

This is hilarious because let’s face it, there is no real manager but it also comments on the fact that religion is constant and doesn’t change according to the years.
The Element Of Fear
What better way to get people to come to church than to threaten them with the possibility that G-d may just come down there and push you to attend Himself.

Although we know the chances of Jesus coming up to you and telling you to go to church, the religious tend to live in such a way that it is as if He is on earth and waiting for our prayers.
This church sign could be commenting on two things. On the one hand, they could be addressing the theory that it is better to listen than to speak. We learn nothing by talking, but we put ourselves in an opportunity to learn when we remain quiet.

On the other hand, they could be addressing the need for people to be quiet during a church service. Too many people fall to the habit of chatting to the person next to you when you should be praying or sitting quietly.
Google Doesn’t Know Everything
Maybe it is time to address the issue of believing all our questions can be answered by Google. The more soul-searching questions can’t possibly be found online.

The Hillcrest Baptist Church is implying that coming to church will tap into the parts of your mind and soul which can’t really be dealt with by technology.
Though Shalt Not Use Thy Lord’s Name In Vain!
The Faith Chapel decided to reprimand its public by informing them that the Lord's name is not just a swear word for you to let out your frustrations.

More than that, church or religion is not something to just be ‘done away with’ and that one should try tap into a more sensitive side when speaking of Jesus.
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
This humorous play-on-words is forcing its readers to understand the power of our actions and the consequences we may meet.

The sign is also commenting on how easy it is to sin but how the consequences are a lot harder to deal with.
Don’t Twist The Story
Canaan Baptist Church is making us laugh with this clever sign. Of course, the commandment to “not lie or use alternative facts” does not appear in the bible (the old testament or the new one).

That being said, it is also important to misinterpreted religion to the extent that we end up missing the point altogether. This sign is also commenting on the basic fact that it is wrong to lie.
It’s All About Precision
This is officially the winner. Although it probably isn’t the best place to discuss G-d, in this case, we’ll allow it.

This is an actual psalm from the bible but in this situation, they’re referring to your aiming skills at the urinal. Inappropriate, but too good to not put on our list.
Hot As Hell
This definitely gave the neighborhood a good laugh. In the scorching heat of the summer, the most common phrase to throw out is that it’s “hot as hell”.

This Baptist church is letting its followers know that if you think this summer is hot, hell is nothing compared and that should scare you enough to go to church.
Safety First
Can you imagine seeing a sign like this on your way to work? I don’t know what would scare me more, the reminder that Jesus is watching or that the police could pick up my speed limit at any moment.

This church sign might have served to just be hilarious. However, the point still stands that we can believe and feel protected, but we do need to always be safe.
Don’t Miss Out
Even if you absolutely hate going to church, you can’t help but giggle at this adorable sign. Church has everything they need, the only thing they’re missing, is you.

This sign had to have turned some heads and once you’re paying this much attention to the outside of the church, well, you might as well just go inside.
Satan And Summer
The most common concept of hell is that it’s absolutely piping hot. So now that we have this information, it’s easier to laugh at this sign.

This town was obviously going through some major heat wave and the church decided to make light of the situation. I doubt Satan really called though. He’s probably super busy.
Let’s Get Lit
This is the most hilarious way to appeal to a younger crowd. The term ‘lit’ in the urban dictionary, actually refers to being highly intoxicated.

This only makes the sign that much funnier and I’m pretty sure the older generations have no idea how inappropriate this sign truly is. We won’t tell if you won’t.
Mosquitos Are The Worst
It’s comforting to know that even those who are more religious, are able to say that there are some creations that we really could have gone on without.

Although a mosquito is created by G-d, does that thought really run through your head when you’re trying to sleep and all you can hear is a constant bzzzzzz in your ear?
Ark Maintenance
This is something we didn’t even expect Noah to think about but now it actually makes a lot of sense.

This humor is just perfect for a church. It places no pressure to attend whilst also giving its followers something good to laugh at. On that note, why didn’t anyone think of the termites?
Holy Water
Well if you wanted holy water, it’s as simple as boiling the hell out of it. This church gets an A-plus from us for the humor and the pun.

Just for your information, the water in your kettle is not holy. Holy water has to have been blessed by a member of the clergy or a religious figure.
Two Points To The Church
Ever been dissed by your own church? Well, now you sure have. Some religious observers take to keeping only the traditions they like.

Needless to say, this is not the way religion works and that’s what makes this sign even funnier. Don’t let your church attendance be equivalent to the number of times Christmas happens.
Tweet Then ReTweet
Another social media reference, but we’re loving them anyway. Not only is this a great way to remind others to “Love Thy Neighbour” but it makes a fair point here.

If you smack talk on Twitter, you’re guaranteed to receive some backlash. This also applies to us in life, it is important to give the same treatment we would like to receive.
Jesus Loves You
Another cute Facebook reference. Maybe churches are trying to comment on the fact that we may be getting a little bit too attached to social media?

Not only did they use the Facebook-like hand, but they showed the hole in Jesus’s hand when he was pinned to a cross. A simple yet tasteful church sign.
Sin=Bad | Jesus=Good
Well, it doesn’t get more profound than that? If you’re looking to find out what to expect at a Sunday church service, this sign gives you the basics.

It almost makes the sign funnier knowing that they put in so little effort. It also gives a humorous idea as to what the basics of religion are.
Don’t Forget To Pray
This play on words is too clever. If you missed last Sunday’s church service, then you’re already one week behind. Epworth would like to remind you what that might be doing to your soul.

Not only is this a clever way to remind the public that Sundays are for Jesus but they are also commenting on the power of prayer and that returning to church may just be the pick-me-up you need.