America, the beautiful: A mix of 50 states and 50 cultures, with something to excite everyone! While most citizens have a favorite place or two, it's tough to become an expert on such a big country. Spanning the width of the continent, there's frankly too much to see on just one road trip — or two!

Every U.S. state has its own unique personality, and it's time to compare it all in photo form. The contrast of big, bold America cannot be beat, anywhere in the world!
Check out each state expressed in a single perfect picture — including yours!
Sweet Home Alabama is not just a movie for millions of Americans. Regular 'bama residents are proud of all their local quirks, whether it's BBQ, college football, or sweet tea in the southern sunshine. And the waterfront is king!

One man's chair-boat honoring the Crimson Tide team is clearly an authentic Alabama moment, captured on film. And if anyone had their doubts about his loyalty, he's doubled up with a classy sports polo to make it official. 'Roll Tide', fans!
The essence of Kansas might be warmth, humility, God, and country. Or, it might be tornadoes! Both are correct answers, as any resident will tell you!

The real-life setting of The Wizard of Oz, Kansas does have wild weather. But maybe its reputation is a bit exaggerated by fiction. As it turns out, the state only holds the 8th spot on the twister list, behind Tennessee, Alabama, Iowa, Indiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and even Mississippi! This artistic Photoshop job does capture the national perception of Kansas, if not the facts!
What are residents of Wyoming called, these days? Anyone who guessed Wyomingites win top prize: Buffalo jerky!

Hunting and fishing are big up there, and nature is a major part of life. Not like Central Park in NYC, of course. Wyoming has the real deal, and bison wandering into traffic is no extraordinary event. The question is, what is the difference between a bison and a buffalo? Wyomingites know, but that's a local secret!
New Mexico
Understated and underrated, New Mexico has a secret pride more Americans should taste. That is, of course, their hot green chile — and the annual tasting festival is serious business down there!

Behold, The Hatch Festival. Brave souls line up to consume the best and boldest pepper produce, without hesitation! Pro-tip: Arrive early. Every year, 25-30,000 visitors make the trip to get in on the action, too! Photo verdict: Very, very New Mexican.
For some people, the last time they thought about Virginia was in a Civil War movie. But that's just not fair! People actually live there, and it's not all Hollywood sets and fake uniforms. Or is it?

Virginians are actually really into their colorful beginnings, and annual war reenactments are still definitely a thing. This photo is not colorized from the past, for anyone confused about the timeline! Beyond these mock events, historical memorials are everywhere in this state. History buffs, meet Virginia!
Oklahoma may have been the subject of a famous Broadway show bearing its name, but the story left out a few things to be sure. What about the cuisine, for example?

Fried food is a big deal, and local restaurants are much more likely to boast breaded, oily delicacies than avocado toast. Oklahoma has its own fads! Ever heard of fried gummy bears? Or fried rattlesnakes, for that matter? On a daily basis, fried meats, cheeses, and veggies are more common. Can't go wrong with comfort food, once and a while!
Utah seems to be synonymous with Mormons and a big, salty lake. But is that really the whole truth about this low-key, rural Western state?

Well, maybe. It isn't that much of an exaggeration! 1/3 of all Mormons in America live here, numbering around 2 million out of a population of around 3 million. This photo shows a traditional polygamous family structure, which is illegal now. But every once and a while, this is still discovered! Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
Arizona sounds like a hot, sandy place to those who have only seen desert pictures. Other people may have more specific knowledge about the Grand Canyon, a glorious national treasure! But who really lives in this special southwest corner, full time?

Apparently, a lot of senior citizens! Many people choose to spend their golden years in this low tax haven with substantial sunshine, and it's not hard to see why. On any given day, it's not unusual to see older Americans enjoying the great outdoors kayaking or hiking to their heart's content. Florida, watch out: This competition's heating up!
North Carolina
Ah, the Carolinas. What's the northern twin all about, in picture form?

Some people claim that North Carolinians can't spell, based on this rookie mistake! But the truth is, Charlotte local Akshra Paimaga placed near the very top in the 90th Scripps National Spelling Bee pretty recently. The 8th grader impressed the nation, well beyond her coastal state. A picture is worth 1,000 words, but sometimes there's a lot more to spell out!
It's undeniable that Michigan is a cold, snowy place. Some might even call it a winter wonderland, at least part of the year!

The cold season in Michigan seems to last nine months, but that's no reason to avoid getting regular vitamin D! Sunbathing in a snow patch is just so, so Michigan. A superb local meme, too! Great work, ladies.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire is probably best known for their bold state motto: "Live Free or Die." Intense and abstract, maybe a visual is needed to put this idea into context. How about this rebellious moose?

Wildlife is abundant in this state, and people usually live in harmony with the animals. Surprisingly, one backyard in Bedford found a large visitor one afternoon enjoying the pool. Do the rules say no moose allowed? Why, that sounds like a New Hampshire invitation. Swim free or die!
California has become synonymous with so many different things. Surfing, Hollywood, bodybuilding, vegans, giant trees — any one of these answers is correct! Any accurate list needs one more California hobby. Mischievous rebellion, of course!

These West coast boys saw a sign that needed an update to reflect their neighborhood and went straight to work. It's amazing what a difference just one letter can make, and they were selective with a capital 'S'! Troll level: Not even measurable.
Nevada is associated with desert for miles and Vegas nightlife most of the time. And no one is wrong about that! Sometimes a reputation is well-earned, and people know what they're getting into when they visit. Look at this blushing bride, for example!

Anyone getting married in Sin City probably wants to pull a few slots on that lucky day, right? It's basically impossible to win on these machines, but maybe she's having a little fun before the reality of married life sets in. Go girl, go!
Rhode Island
Yes, this is the smallest state in the union! And being so small, Rhode Island goes noticed sometimes. Some might call it a hidden gem, for exactly that reason! Where else can people drive from one end of the state to the other in one hour and know everyone along the way?

One photographer found a sign welcoming visitors with a message that reads “So small and cute, Hello Kitty wishes she was us!” Is it true? Hard to prove, but it's certainly very unique. Very Rhode Island, in fact!
Some people might think Cali is the surf capital of the country, and that might be true about the mainland competition. But America extends a bit farther into the Pacific, and there's no reason to forget Hawaii! The waves out there are a pretty big deal, and people love their water sports.

This surfboard accident is a real 'only in Hawaii' kind of moment. Driving in bumper to bumper traffic is no fun anyway, but imagine an unsecured board smashing straight into your window during stop and go! Terrible really, but at least this man can enjoy the island sunshine while he waits for AAA!
New York
New York state and New York City are technically connected. But truthfully, there's a world of difference between city life and upstate living!

While both places are full of snowbanks, the city gets off easy. In some cases, it can be double the precipitation up north! These New Yorkers are doing a great job literally digging themselves out of a hole today. If this happened every month in the metropolis, the city that never sleeps would have to hibernate!
The crown jewel of Illinois has got to be Chicago, the big, bright city of the center of the country. And the crown jewel of Chicago is definitely its deep-dish pizza recipe! There's really nothing quite like it.

Properly named due to its deep-dish form, there's more sauce, cheese, and flavor than most people can imagine. Breaking the boundaries of the definition of pizza, it's a must-try for any visitor to the city. Why, here's a sample in all its glory! Bon appetite, everyone.
The Boston accent is world famous at this point, but not everyone is a fan! Some say it's too harsh. Others can't get enough of it! Lovers and haters alike have their reasons, but both will be amused to see the state represented in one quirky roadside photo.

Use 'yah blinkah' is exactly how it should be done! Nice job, city sign workers. Perhaps more local communication would make traffic smoother all over the country. Coming soon, hopefully?
The south is a big place, but each state seems to have one thing in common these days. A real love of sports pervades the region, and residents love to show their loyalty in local colors!

U of T is a popular school to support, especially for football. And during high season, these Tennesseans are perfectly willing to step outside their cowboy boots to wear a little orange! It looks like a blast, no question about it.
If anyone thought Baltimore was a wild city, take a look at the entrance to state lines right here! Terrible timing, that's for sure. The sign seems so friendly, but the flames aren't quite convincing!

Fun fact: Maryland has been ranked nationally at the top of the list for bad drivers. Yes, really! Perhaps there is something honest about this well-timed photo, if only by accident.
A blast from the past can be present-day, for anyone on their way to visit Pennsylvania. Why not reconnect to a little tradition, at least once and a while?

Pennsylvania actually has the largest population of Amish people in the nation. These Americans do use buggies on a daily basis, and it's never a surprise to see them roadside. This news headline is just so local and so silly! Drunk Amish teens, on the loose again. What's the solution, Pennsylvania?
Alaska sounds pretty cold to most people. It's true that most Americans never get the chance to visit and see for themselves, but the internet has plenty of facts for the curious! For example, this northern American territory has over 30 different types of mosquitoes. Surprise — there's more than one kind!

Many people might be hesitant to visit because of all the grizzly bears, but what about the bugs? Maybe the mosquitoes don't get all the press they deserve. Well, it's high time to change that. Behold: Alaska in a photo!
New Jersey
Guidos are no reality show fake. They do exist in New Jersey, and the shore is a great place to find them. Why not find 9 at once and take a timeless photo for posterity?

Well, it looks like someone has done exactly that. The internet may be shocked, though locals know all about this phenomenon all too well. Jersey pride is a big thing, and that includes these residents! Chances are, each one of them loves their home sweet home.
There 50 states in the United States, and it seems like they don't all get press equally. One justified complaint might come from the people of Idaho. But the message might not get through since only 1.75 million people live there!

Yes, it's a quiet place out in Idaho. Some people love the peaceful landscape, and all-you-can eat potatoes. This sad vending machine says a lot about the density over there. Just one lonely box, and no one to use it! Maybe one day, Mr. Pepsi cans.
Ben and Jerry know all about the cows of Vermont. Outnumbering people, there's plenty of moo's to go around. They just knew this small state would make a great home base for an ice cream company!

With so many beasts of burden wandering around, it makes sense to alert the public. Driving while texting is dangerous anywhere, but imagine if cows jump into the road on top of that! Stay safe, Vermonters.
Washington turns out to be very different than Washington DC, and they like it that way! Seattle, in particular, is far more free-spirited than the nation's stiff, suited capital bearing the state's name. And this picture proves it!

This homeless guy isn't your usual hobo. He's got that Seattle streak and it's written all over his cheeky sign. The question is, will he succeed in his public plea to find a rotund, local lady? Best of luck to you, sir!
Arkansas gave the nation many presidential candidates over the years — Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee — is there something in the water out there?

There might be, and it seems like it's a bit of down-home spunk. Look at this sign! Someone thought it was important to set a speed limit in their neighborhood, and they knew just how to make a lasting impression. Drivers, pay heed! This is Arkansas country.
Home of the peach and the classic southern belle, Georgia has a lot to offer. But peches? That's certainly something new!

Now, some might claim that this humble fruit vendor can't spell. But is that really what's going on here? It happens to be the word for peaches in French, as all français students know very well. Perhaps an old linguistic tradition survived in this small town, and they don't even know where it came from! Either way, it's Georgia delicious.
The Denver Broncos are a big deal in Colorado. And so are dogs, as a secondary hobby. Why not combine them both, take a photo, and call it a day?

While not exactly the same species as the real mascot, this doggo seems okay with his inclusion in the sport. And why not? Chasing and catching balls is a canine hobby, as well! Football is not entirely a unique human activity, as this little guy can testify.
South Dakota
South Dakota is home to one of the most famous American landmarks: Mt. Rushmore. But what does the public know about the rest of the state these days?

Well, clearly there is a lot more going on than one beautifully carved mountain of stone. But it's a bit of a local secret, since the entire club of South Dakota numbers around 800,000! This sign seems to be hiding the truth, too. Blue board, speak up! People are trying to visit, and inquiring minds want to know.
Iowa is known as the kickoff for all presidential primaries, but it has one more special role in the country. Being the king of corn, of course!

Now, any photo claiming to express the essence of the state would have to involve this key ingredient. And voila — here it stands. "Corn-corn-corn-corn-look-a tree" is a great warning to drivers who may get lulled into a false sense of security driving out there. Obstacles strike when least expected!
Maine is a cold, northern wonderland. And during one very special season, a winter wonderland!

Only Maine natives really know how to handle this level of chill, and they still manage to have fun with the weather challenges. Look at this snowman brunch! A perfect January event. Or is it February? Or March? Goodness, the cold season is long up there!
Ohio is has a little bit of everything. Big universities and small liberal arts colleges, industrial city scenes and rural small-town life — but above all, people are united. In fact, they are united around the Buckeyes!

The perfect photo of Ohio is definitely a family spelling out the state name with all their gear in front of the Epcot Center at Disneyworld. And the internet is full of them! Local pride wherever they go — hey, that's Ohio!
Kentucky is known for their finger-lickin' fried chicken exports. They are also known for their world-class horse races. But what is really known about the current state of Kentucky roads?

Visitors should know that when they go cruising on a road trip through the state, they are going to enjoy themselves. Kentucky ranks high in the nation for best infrastructure, and that requires regular investment and repairs. Keep up the good work, Kentuckians!
North Dakota
North Dakota is pretty close to Canada. In fact, just about as close as you can get! Have they picked up any hobbies from their Canuck neighbors, just a short drive away?

Why, it seems so! Hockey has become popular in this authentically American state which also enjoys the 2nd amendment more than most. Therefore, the most North Dakota picture ever must be this sponsored gun raffle at the hockey rink! Thanks in advance, Wells Fargo.
Wisconsin is more star-studded than people might think. After all, it was the home state of both the late Chris Farley and Gene Wilder! It's easy to imagine that these fellows enjoyed a good block of Dairy State cheese once and awhile. Maybe they went to places like this growing up!

This is not unusual to see, outside of the major cities of Milwaukee and Madison. It's a fun weekend outing, and a real Wisconsin treat! Highly recommended for cheddar and gouda fans, alike.
Brazil has Carnivale, and Mexico has Day of the Dead celebrations. New Orleans is the undeniable jewel of Louisiana, and that is probably because Mardi Gras is so unique in America! The days of beads and raunch is always a blast, and millions of tourists over the years can testify to that fact.

But even throughout the year, Louisiana likes to party hard. The perfect state picture may or may not be from Fat Tuesday, but it's a fun game to try and guess! Conclusion: The internet gives up.
Indiana is right smack in the middle of the nation. With so many possible influences, what hobbies did they pick up?

Perhaps they admired their neighbor, Kentucky. That glamorous derby seems like so much fun, and maybe they wanted to try it out in their own way. Lots of Hoosiers have horses themselves or at least try out riding in their free time. Maybe Indiana will have their own famous contests in the future. The more stallions, the better!
With all those crazy stories emanating out of Florida, it's not an easy task to pick just one photo that describes the everglade state experience. But one thing's for sure: It needs at least one alligator!

Locals are smart and try to get accustomed to alligators, instead of living in fear. After all, they slink around everywhere! This dad will undoubtedly teach his daughter to conquer reptiles in the near future. For now, this baby gator can be restrained. But tomorrow, revenge!
Missourians are part of the lucky few that gets to experience 4 distinct seasons. Floridians may act like they love 365 days of sunshine, but Christmas just isn't the same without snow!

The changing weather can definitely affect those Missouri BBQ days, though. The perfect state photo is clearly a man with a great attitude plowing through this challenge, but experts warn against this activity. Flood water is filthy, people! Stay away, far away today.
South Carolina
South Carolinian ladies are the best, all around. There's the prim and proper debutante. And there's also this lady, the down-home, gun-totin', beer-swigging lady with a baby on her hip and a pickup truck to her right. A perfect storm of state elements captures perfectly all at once!

Both gal types are totally authentic South Carolina, though. This state has a lot of spunk, on both ends of the spectrum!
M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i is a word that nearly everyone learned to spell on the playground, back in the day. But what is the state really like, hiding low key all the way down by the gulf?

Well, there's a lot of football joy and fandom to keep everyone busy. And connected to this state passion is certainly BBQ. This man knows what he wants, and he's certainly doing something about it. It's time to roast a few juicy hunks of meat, Mississippi style. Delicious, possibly nutritious. The jury's still out on that one!
Although Rhode Island beat it for the 1 spot in a tiny size, Delaware is happy to boat number 2! And it already has another number 1 honor, anyway: This was the very first state in America!

Yes, "The First State" ratified the constitutional convention before anyone else. A proud and noble history, but what are residents doing these days? Apparently, this sign! What happened, no one knows. What this sign is really about, no one cares. The internet has decided this needs to be the official state photo from now on.
Connecticut is small but proud. Out of towners might picture residents skiing on the weekend, but there's a lot more to do than fancy pants activities on the weekend.

What about throwing rocks in the lake? Why that could be a great way to spend a Connecticut afternoon. One town has decided to capitalize on it, and it looks like a good business model. All profit, in fact! Pro-tip: Beware of the seagulls. Why? The sign says so, of course!
Most Americans got to know this state through the game Oregon Trail way back in the day. But do those levels and challenges have anything to do with real Oregon, today?

As it turns out, Portland is nothing like that classic settler world and seems to be full of hippies and hipsters they days. Is it an improvement? People do seem to think so, actually. Portland has become a destination of choice for Californians looking to flee rising costs of living on the Pacific. And when they do, they are definitely going to meet this guy!
West Virginia
Hollywood has given this state an unflattering image over the years. What is West Virginia really like, captured in one photo?

Well, it was this scene at one time. And even now, it's relevant! The banjo really is a part of the Western Virginian culture, and people attend yearly banjo contests. It's a good thing that one state is busy preserving this authentic American music because the industry is so downright digital these days! Sooner or later, people are going to crave that banjo again. And this guy is good and ready to deliver!
People, don't mess with Texas. And armadillos, stop messing with alcohol. Look at this scene on the pavement!

Texas is one hot place, full of critters trying to scuttle out of the scorching rays. And maybe they need a cold one sometimes, just like us. A series of pictures has appeared online, all showing capsized 'dillos holding beer cans. Are they involuntary props for Instagram giggles? Lone Star drinkers with cameras have some explaining to do!
Montana is a place of hidden treasures and possibly hidden people. There aren't many Americans who live there full time, but there are a huge number of bears. And sometimes, the two may meet!

This guy seems to have developed a special relationship with his brown furry neighbor, but this is not recommended by experts. Bears are highly dangerous, most of the time! If you see one in the hot tub, back away. By all means, don't join in! Only a real Montana mountain man knows how to pull that off, apparently. Hats off to you, hatted man!
Minnesota is known as a place full of nice people. And shivering, freezing people. It's really one of the chilliest states to live in, ranking in the top 10 on the icy list every year. Naturally, someone made this sign!

There's no way Minnesota is going to get away with this claim. The sign is downright frosty, in broad daylight! Besides, Florida has already made that claim, and it's a lot more believable in their case. Minnesota trolls, always trolling. What else can they do, locked away all winter?
Oh yes, time for Nebraska. This photo of a rest area way out in the yonder is the perfect state photo. There's no way this can be found anywhere else!

Just in case drivers want to sit, they have two options. One, a chair. And two, a toilet. The question is, can anyone rely on this option, should they find themselves in a pickle? The answer to that is largely a matter of whether plumbing is involved in this very local Nebraska display. Only a road trip will settle the matter, once and for all!