How many of us have tried doing things our own way, thinking it would make the process much faster but ended up with a disaster on our hands? Let’s be honest, reading the user manual is so boring that just jumping in and giving it a go seems to be the best option. Instead of saving money, however, these bold experiments usually come back to haunt us.
There’s a reason why guides and product manuals were created – they offer the safest way to carry out repairs and maintenance, with all the details needed to do a good job. Unfortunately, some of us don’t like to read instructions. In honor of the headstrong among us, we’ve gathered some of the funniest examples of DIY projects gone wrong. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this funny montage.
Would You Like Mold With That?
We don’t know what this person was thinking, but they clearly forgot the most basic rule of eating any food. Before you devour anything, make sure to check it first. This can be done by smelling or even just looking at the food to see if mold is forming.

It was too late for this lad as he only noticed that the bread was moldy after consuming three whole slices of it. You’d think the first bite would have been enough of a clue for him to turn on the light!
The Key To A Bad Time
If you don’t cringe when you see this picture, you’re a stronger person than we are. We can guarantee right now, that whoever owns that key must have uttered all the profane words in the dictionary.

Luckily, when the keys fell into the drainage, it wasn’t raining. All the owner needs to do is to remain calm, and plan out a strategy for getting the keys. A thread with a small magnet on the end may well do the trick.
A Beautiful View
It would be hypocritical of us if we didn't admit that we would love to live near the golf course. Who wouldn’t love staying on the edge of a beautiful slice of lush greenery? It’s a great way to combine our love of city living with our love of nature.

However, living this close to a golf course is a different story. We wonder how many windows were broken before the owner decided to move to another location.
Sprinkle A Small Amount Of… Never mind
Cooking is therapeutic, but it can also be troublesome. There are people who are gifted at preparing food. Indeed, it seems like they are born with the gift, while the rest of us struggle with the basics.

This poor person was just starting their day by frying some sunny-side-up eggs. They tried to spice it up by adding some peppercorns, but disaster struck. This is why we need to double-check our kitchen utensils before using them!
The Worst Kind Of Perfect Landing
If this was gymnastics, then the judges would’ve given the flour container a perfect score for a flawless landing. The owner wasn’t so impressed. Of all the possible landing positions, this has got to be the worst.

As you can imagine, many people commented on the original post, providing tips on picking it up without leaving too much mess on the ground. Our suggestion is to slide something like a thin but sturdy sheet of cardboard underneath before flipping it up.
Staples To Clips?
If you read the label on the box, you might think there’s nothing wrong with what this person has done. It takes a second look to see where the problem lies.

The person was probably in a rush when they bought the clips instead of staples. The box is also misleading, so we can’t really blame them for grabbing it without a second look. Hopefully, they still have the receipt so they can take it back to the store.
Can’t Make This Up
Having pets such as dogs and cats is exciting, but it also helps us relax. The woman who snapped this photo was not enjoying either of those states. Everybody knows that cats are notorious for not giving a damn, but this is a step too far.

In true cat fashion, these furballs knocked all the makeup brushes down into the litter box. To make matters worse, the litter box contained fresh poop from the fur babies. We bet she threw every one of those brushes in the trash!
How To Fail At Unlocking The Building
The common fear when we unlock doors is that the key might fail to work or get stuck or broken. However, this man had experienced something even more awful than that.

It was his turn to unlock the building, and he was eager to do it. As seen in the picture, this guy has a lot of explaining to do, and it’s likely that his co-workers will not believe him. Thankfully, he had a snapshot to prove that it wasn’t his fault.
How Not To Bake A Cake
There was once a legendary show on the food network wherein a guy baked cakes like it was nothing. He shared a lot of techniques and know-how on how to bake cakes properly, and this made viewers want to try it for themselves.

We are no experts, but we’re pretty sure that’s not how you bake a cake. That is just thick chocolate syrup with extra flour to make it rich. Perhaps the person responsible should have just bought one instead of trying to bake it!
Where’s My Money?
Imagine this: You are down to your last remaining bit of cash, and as you hurriedly try to withdraw it at the nearest ATM, this happens. What if you were on a date, or purchasing something important?

We can clearly picture the sheer frustration and anger this guy must have been feeling. If this happened to us, we would probably have a public meltdown. We really hope this guy was able to safely retrieve his cash.
Hole In The Wall
Talk about DIY gone wrong! This is painful to see. Taking on DIY projects enables us to uncover latent talents and creativity. Some manage to do it in a blink of an eye, but others need to learn by trial and error.

It was supposed to be an easy TV installation, but as you can see from the picture, this young lady tried a lot of times and failed. At least she managed to get her wall-mounted TV in place eventually!
Cooking 101: University Edition
As a college student, it is imperative to know some tricks for surviving university life. There are times when we discover awesome hacks that everybody should be aware of, and then there are the epic fails that should never ever be attempted again. This picture shows an example of the latter category.

Clearly, this college student didn’t know better as he directly put the chopping board inside the oven. No, this is not photoshopped – it happened in real life. If he was thoughtless enough to do this, we’re not sure if he’ll be able to pass his exams.
That’s Not How You Do it
Sometimes, even the experts drop the ball. In this case, we mean it literally and figuratively. Instead of the car getting checked or fixed, it accumulated a whole lot of extra damage.

The amount of frustration the car owner would be feeling can’t be reduced into a single sentence. Luckily, the owner does seem to have a sense of humor. This is not the “drop” that he was asking for.
Blender Blues
Being healthy is more important than ever. We are still in the grip of the pandemic, and keeping healthy with exercise and a clean diet is a must. They say your health should be on top of your priority list, but this person took the advice a little too seriously.

Using a blender to create a healthy smoothie only takes a couple of steps. For some reason, however, this poor guy’s blender tube catapulted into the ceiling. Next time, we strongly suggest eating the fruit as it is.
What’s For Lunch?
This usually happens when we are in a rush to get to work. We either forgot our lunch or we picked up the wrong things on our way to the office. Having a packed lunch is economical and can save you a lot of time, but only if you pick up the right bag.

This poor guy made the ultimate mistake. With a bag of cat poop and a bag of food in his car, he threw out the one he was meant to keep and kept the one he was meant to throw out. What an awful mistake!
Better Add A Warning Label
Having coasters saves you from troubles such as table stains and liquid spills. This hotel attendant was surprised when he noticed that a chunk of one of their coasters was clearly bitten.

At least the Airbnb host got a laugh out of it. They also earned a lot of likes and hilarious comments when they shared it on social media. We’re guessing alcohol was involved in the decision-making that led to the tenant taking a bite out of this coaster!
The Worst Housemate Ever
Taking a nice shower is soothing and can relax both our body and mind. There’s just something about the way the water hits your hair and slides down over your body. However, the feeling just isn’t the same if a nasty ex-housemate steals your showerhead.

On top of that, his housemate apparently owes the guy 200K. Now that is another level of pettiness! We really hope he doesn’t mean 200K in US dollars because that’s an insane amount of money to lose to a showerhead-stealing housemate!
You Had One Job
Clearly, the plumber took it seriously when his boss said to follow the customer's design. The left picture shows the desired design for the drain, but the plumber had another vision.

According to some online critiques, the picture looks like it is elevated, but who would want their drain to sit higher than the tiled floor? We hope the owner asked for a refund.
A Great Way To Start Your Day
To most adults, having a sip of coffee first in the morning just sets our mood. The aroma of the brewed beans and the taste are just the perfect starter for the day.

Unfortunately, the owner of this mug was still a little too sleepy when she tried to get some coffee. Yes, the mug was upside down, but to be honest, this kind of thing happens to the best of us.
A Hairy Hello
If you’ve ever been to a sporting venue, you have probably experienced something like this. In every seat, there’s a handy cup holder in which you can place your drinks while enjoying the game or concert.

The problem is, some of the locations of these cup holders are absurd. If you don’t believe us, have a look at the photo above. There are only two things that could have happened after this: either this person bought a new drink, or they asked the owner of the dreadlocks to purchase them a fresh soda.
Might As Well Buy A Lotto Ticket
How would you feel if you were about to go to your first job in the morning, fresh cup of coffee in hand, then a crow pooped into the tiny cup hole?

This could change your perception of the day you had ahead. Of course, it looks like bad luck, but at least the poop didn’t land on his clothes or in his hair. Also, the chances of this hole-in-one happening are so slim, we believe it might be a sign to buy a lotto ticket!
Welcome To Norway!
To those who aren’t familiar, Norway is a Scandinavian country encompassing mountains, glaciers, and deep coastal fjords in Northern Europe. Temperatures average -6.8 degrees Celsius during winter, and that gives us an instant understanding of this picture.

This is not photoshopped as some internet users have suggested. The tenant of the room left the window open, and when he returned, this was what had happened.
The Worst Kind Of Mistake
This picture screams regret, and the nightmare it represents for the owner is unmeasurable. We are still wondering how it happened in the first place.

It could be that the parents were having one of those days wherein nothing seems to go right. Until you’ve dealt with endless days of dirty diapers, it’s hard to understand how much parenting can affect your thinking. We hope the clean-up mission wasn’t too disgusting!
There’s Nothing Duct Tape Can’t Fix
If you’re a big fan of basketball, you’ll be familiar with the epic show, Inside The NBA. There was once an episode when NBA Hall Of Famer Charles Barkley talked about his ankle injury getting taped up with duct tape.

This lad tried to fix his ripped shorts by putting duct tape on. He had no other choice since he lives 15 miles away from work. It doesn’t look that bad, does it?
Just Twist And Pull
Wine lovers all adore the beautiful sound of a cork popping effortlessly from the top of the wine bottle. However, we’ve all experienced the horror that ensues if the cork doesn’t pop out as it should.

Instead of pulling out the cork in the easiest and most convenient way, corkscrews can sometimes end up creating a nightmare. Hopefully, this person was still able to drink the wine.
Kids Will Be Kids?
This internet user shared the infuriating moment when his neighbor’s kid decided to “decorate” his car using a rock. It’s clear that the kid meant well, but surely the parents should have stopped this from happening.

To all petrol car lovers out there, we understand your pain. A little scratch can cause a major headache, but at least it can be buffed out. This would have taken more time, effort, and money to fix. We hope the neighbors responsible offered to pay.
Wet Cement: An Accident Waiting To Happen
There’s no further investigation needed to explain what happened in this picture. A child tried to ride their scooter over the fresh cement, face-planted, and then ran off crying. Who could blame them?

If you’ve experienced working in construction, you’ll know this epic fail could delay a lot of work. Next time, however, it might be a good idea to put more barriers around the drying cement.
The Tale Of The Bike And The Car
Talking about double damage, this image is the last thing you would want to see if you owned a bike and a car. To add insult to injury, the bike that got crumpled isn’t just any old pushbike. Apparently, it cost $5,000.

If you are having a bad day, this picture might make you feel better. It’s not that you want other people to be having miserable days too, but there’s no denying the fact that it makes you feel less alone.
Interior Design Gone Wrong
Any homeowner will agree that saving space is a must in any household. As true as this may be, space-saving plans sometimes backfire in an epic way.

The owner of this house was able to utilize every inch of space but forgot one vital thing. You don’t need to be a weightlifter to gauge how heavy a microwave oven is. Also, why is the microwave oven hanging over the gas stove?
Have Fun Cleaning That Up
Before we reveal the epic fail that happened here, please be reminded to check your packaging properly to avoid a huge disaster. Okay, are you ready? If you zoom in on the picture just a little bit, you will see a difference in color on the carpet.

If you guessed that the grayish color is cat litter, congratulations! This infuriating situation was all thanks to lousy packaging. We can almost smell the picture.
No CGI Effects Needed
What a timely post, especially now that the latest installation of The Fast and the Furious is out. It seems that whoever used the ride-on mower to cut the grass in this field thought they were a racecar driver.

Perhaps it wasn’t a lawnmower after all. It’s entirely possible that the owners of these cars were testing out their Tokyo Drift skills on the grass. Whatever caused this mess, we don’t envy the person who has to clean it up.
How Not To Cook Noodles
For some reason, we can hear Gordon Ramsay screaming at the person in this picture. There are simple kitchen rules that should never be broken, and keeping your sweet and salty condiments in separate areas is one of them.

If you love cooking, it is a must for you to place kitchen utensils and condiments in order. This way, you will avoid disasters such as the one depicted above. This person thought they poured soy sauce into the pot, but it was vanilla extract.
Laptop For Sale
This scene is the stuff of nightmares for everyone who uses a laptop. Such things can be avoided, but we just get so comfortable enjoying meals while we work that we overlook the danger we’re posing to our precious devices.

We know that there’s a big chance of spilling food on the laptop, yet we ignore these signs. Let this person’s painful mistake be your lesson, and always keep food far away from your laptop!
Watch Your Surroundings
Can we just take a moment to understand the frustration this person must have felt? Losing a valuable item is disheartening, and we will look high and low to find where it might have gone. What are the chances of finding the precious item again if it’s been gone for months?

This guy proved that it is possible to be reunited with your lost items, even after three months. He must have been on top of the world when he spotted his missing watch. We just hope he was able to get it working again.
Floating Sofa?
You are probably questioning how the sofa got stuck in between the doors. Perhaps you’re also wondering why their pet dog is so close to such a precarious mess. We don’t have the answers, but what we do know is that the owner needs a professional immediately.

This is a serious situation, but It helped us crack a smile. These people must have been so determined to get that couch inside that they refused to give up when it first got a little stuck. We’re pretty impressed by their determination!
The Grass Is (Literally) Greener On The Other Side
Having a lawnmower helps us cut the grass in the most efficient and convenient way. That is why it is imperative for those who have a lawn to invest in one. This woman decided to mow her lawn, and it was going great until she felt a weird bump from the lawn mower's blades.

Unfortunately, her wallet got shredded, including all her money. If this didn’t destroy her day, then we envy her patience!
A Tragic End To The Film
It is no secret that snacks in cinemas are insanely expensive. This is why some people try to sneak food inside the movie theater. The thing is, many of them fail.

This picture shows what a bad day at the cinema looks like. Imagine spending $50-$80 for snacks and ending up like this. We were told that the story behind the picture was that somebody tripped and the owner decided to take a snapshot out of the aftermath.
Yet Another Laundry Fail
We cannot fathom how a block of cheese ended up in this washing machine. Didn’t Bethany notice the shape and weight of the cheese when she was adding her clothes to the wash? Based on the picture, the lady was washing her undergarment but still somehow failed to notice a block of cheese.

Other internet users had a field day and made a lot of funny memes and comments relating to this incident. One suggestion was that Bethany may love cheese so much that she wants her clothes to smell like it every day. We hope that’s not true!
How Does It Taste?
We are not even sure where to start here, but we will try our very best. Who has experienced eating something that was never designed to be eaten? If you have, then you are not alone, we are sure of that.

Apparently, this person thought they were eating a weird chocolate bar, but instead, it was burner wax. No, we are not making this up! The conversation above made it even more hilarious.
Photobombed By a Seagull
Spending a lovely, peaceful moment by the beach is indeed relaxing, making us forget about all the stressful things in life. The quiet time is almost perfect as you savor the stunning views of nature, ready to enjoy your favorite ice cream.

Then, something surprises you out of nowhere – a seagull photobombing your special moment and digging into your ice cream. On a brighter note, at least this person caught the epic fail moment on camera. In a way, this is an epic win!
The Chocolate (Soap) Bar
Finding a great company to work for can be challenging. It’s rare to find one that can give you the type of work you love plus the right benefits and perks. This is why we easily get excited when we’re treated with simple freebies.

We can only imagine this employee’s frustration when she realized that the “work perk” she thought was a piece of chocolate turned out to be a bar of soap. We’re not judging her. It looks like chocolate to us too! Lesson learned: ask your colleagues for proper identification of work perks.
A Walk in the Water
Anyone who needs a good laugh should take a look at this hilarious pic. The old man took his doggo outdoors for a walk. He heard a splash but thought everything was fine, so he just kept walking.

Little did the old man realize that his furry pal was enjoying a dip in the water. The person who took this snap was a bit uncertain whether to tell him that his pet dog was happily paddling in the ocean. Thankfully, dogs are good swimmers! We’re sure someone helped it crawl out of the water. Right now, we can’t stop laughing.
Blame the Bee
The aftermath of a bee freakout is evident in this photo. We can imagine the horror that the driver felt as she tried to encourage the bee to exit the car. Of course, panic and chaos erupted.

Sadly, she lost the battle, and her taco was gone in 60 seconds. We’re sure she wouldn't be frustrated if it was a peanut butter sandwich. But a taco stuffed with her favorite fillings? Now that’s a culinary tragedy. Lesson learned: make sure there aren’t any insects in your car when you’re about to enjoy a taco moment.
It’s Marc With A “C”
When asked by the barista about his name, the customer said, “It’s Marc with a c.” When his name was called to get his coffee, he was stunned to see Cark written on the cup and not Marc.

Was the barista just poking fun at him? Should we blame the barista or Marc for having a confusing name? We thought a lot about this issue, and we think it’s on him. If only Marc was precise about where the “c” was supposed to go.
Caught in the Act
We don’t know anyone who hasn’t tried secretly taking a photo of random people. How can you resist when someone is doing something amazing or unusual in public? The golden rule, however, is to never leave the flash on.

We’re not sure why this person wanted a picture of the guy making their salad. Also, it’s a little uncool to take photos of someone without their consent. However, we still feel sorry for the customer who tried to take a sneaky photo – how embarrassing to be caught out by your own flash!
Kendall Jenner Isn’t Perfect
Nobody’s perfect – even supermodel Kendall Jenner is not free from flaws. Take a look at the photo below, and you’ll believe us. Her face was deformed by the filter she was using, and it gave her four eyes!

Her head is not aligned with her neck, and let’s not get started on that creepy mouth. What’s happening? What we see on social media is far from reality. Beauty filters and editing tools are widely used to make people look perfect in the virtual world. However, the tools themselves are clearly far from perfect!
Face Swap Gone Awry
Prior to activating the face swap effect, this father and son were undoubtedly handsome and cute. Unfortunately, the result was terrible. Take a look at the photo underneath, and get ready for the goosebumps..

The daddy with a baby nose looks charming. However, the baby with a nose for a face looks like a scary monster from a movie. We’re officially afraid to do face swaps. We cannot imagine being terrified by the face of a family member or a friend.
Food Matters Most
We all have bad moments, but as much as possible, we try to avoid letting mishaps ruin an otherwise great day. Take it from this pet owner who had other things on her mind while trying to feed her doggo.

This dog owner dropped the ball by dropping all the dog food. She knew her adorable pal would feel bad if she wasn’t fed on time. To make up for the dropped food, she gathered it all up and formed it into a heart shape. Love wins!
RIP Ice Cream
Treating yourself with your comfort food like ice cream is a simple pleasure. Whether to satisfy a craving or to make yourself feel better after a bad day, a perfectly shaped ice cream is an unbeatable indulgence.

This guy was so thrilled to eat his vanilla ice cream that he decided to take a snap of his favorite dessert. Seconds later, the whole thing fell to the floor. Nobody deserves to endure such a series of unfortunate events. We hope this person heals from this frustrating moment in his life.
Spot the Difference
While pasta is a casual treat for many people, there are some who take it incredibly seriously. If these pasta connoisseurs spot you putting ketchup on your spaghetti or Cheez Whiz on your gnocchi, watch out!

We wonder what these serious pasta lovers would think of this box of Penne Rigate. A single piece of reginette decided to take a shot at being an “impasta” and penetrating the penne posse. This makes sense when you consider the fact that reginette means “little queen.”
Is This Real Life?
Before posing for a high school yearbook photo, most people book a hairstylist and makeup artist to make sure they look fab. Many of us even spent nights practicing our smiles in front of the mirror. We wanted everything to be perfect.

Your yearbook is supposed to be a cherished book of memories of your high school years. This is why the photo above is so funny but sad at the same time. Buried somewhere in that fold is a person smiling for a photo in which they’ll never be seen.
Life Is Ironic
What we think we create – this mantra is all over the internet, and we’d love to think it’s true. However, this guy seems to have proven it false. His day started off beautifully with a massive mocha frappuccino, complete with a cute smiley face on the side. He was filled with positive thoughts while driving away from his favorite coffee shop.

Then, the unexpected happened. His favorite iced drink toppled over and destroyed his back seat. We don’t understand why he put his drink in the backseat unsecured. There’s a cup holder, right?
Laundry Soap Not Gasoline Please
Doing your own laundry isn’t easy the first time you try it. From measuring the laundry soap to sorting clothes by color, you need to make sure that everything is right before you leave the washing machine to do its thing.

Did we mention that you have to go back and check the progress of the washing cycle? You don’t just leave the machine for several hours and hope it’ll sort itself out. Another great tip is to make sure what you’re pouring in the machine is laundry soap and not gasoline!
An Overabundance of Thyme
Being jobless is truly tough. While having the option to do what you want whenever you want is grand, there’s only so much Netflix you can watch before life starts to feel bland. By contrast, meaningful work boosts your mood and improves your mental health.

Joining the ranks of the unemployed also makes you acutely aware of the absence of cash in your bank account. This guy clearly understands that having too much thyme on your hands is not a good thing. Time to head out and find a job!
40 Priceless Life-Fails Captured on Camera
We all have things we regret doing and plenty of moments we secretly wish we could take back. Some of these embarrassing incidents are so hilarious they’re worth documenting and sharing with the world. Everyone has their own unique stories of life-fails that they captured on camera.

Be it falling on your face or getting caught sleeping through a meeting – we’ve all had at least one moment of sheer humiliating horror. Since it is a shared human experience, it’s important for us to learn to see the humor in our humiliation. Of course, it’s easier to find what’s funny in someone else’s embarrassing moment, which is why we’ve collected some hilarious life-fails that will make you laugh out loud.
Blessing from Above
Have you ever felt that you are off to a good start, and then something happens to ruin that momentum? Like, for example, a flying piano landing in your car. No one expects that to happen, but this picture proves that it does happen.

Fortunately, this piano fell without harming anyone or anything other than the car. The biggest question is, how did it happen? We would love to know the answer. We hope the owners of the vehicle were able to get insurance money out of this incident.
Safe and Secure
We always keep our valued possession in a safe and secure spot in our house. It is the best way to ensure that no one can steal our belongings. But what if your sense of security was all an illusion? That was the case for this person who thought it was a good idea to secure their bicycle to this pole.

Maybe, the person was in a hurry. Perhaps they didn’t mind losing the bicycle if it was stolen. We will never know how the person felt when they realized what they had done. However, we can have a giggle at this poorly secured bike!
Minutes Before Disaster
There are days where we feel the need to do something unusual without even thinking about the consequences, just like these two girls who are buried in the sand. For these girls, it was the ultimate feeling of a day at the beach. Except a huge wave is approaching them.

By the looks of it, they didn’t realize the gravity of their decision to take a sand bath near the water. We hope they made it out safely. However, we have a feeling this shot is an example of clever angles, talent with Photoshop, or both!
Cooking Terror
Baking is something many people find enjoyable. They find relaxation and peace when they get a hold of flour, butter, and sugar. They enjoy spending time in the kitchen, relishing the quietness, the feel of ingredients in their hands, and the way a recipe all comes together.

Kitchens are a common setting for accidents of all kinds. In this case, Josh must have had a very long day, and the poor lad forgot to use an oven plate. The red liquid dripping through the oven is not marinara sauce but a chopping board melted by the oven’s heat.
A Tight Fit
Looking for a parking lot is rarely a fun experience. Many people are late to work or late to pick up their children, and that’s always the time when the parking lot is full. Why do we not have a parking space that can be accessed anywhere with the push of a button? It would save both time and hassle.

The owner of this car must have been in such a hurry that they forgot how to read. It clearly states there that the space is only for small vehicles. We just hope this didn’t cause any inconvenience to other people. Here’s hoping the owner will be more careful next time!
The Other Half
Imagine entering a room and seeing this bizarre bathroom. How would you react? We want to chat with the person responsible for this just to know what they were thinking. It would be an eye-opener to understand how this person came up with this idea.

It would have been fun if it was part of an exhibit, but it’s not. It’s more like you’re sharing your toilet bowl with someone on the other side of the wall. The only problem is, each half is unusable because they just don’t line up with how human anatomy works. Who knew you needed anatomy lessons to install toilets!
So Much Love
When we truly love a person, we often express it with words. We want to show that we care for them deeply, but it’s often actions that speak louder than words. A simple gesture can tell a person that you care about them in a way that words just can’t express.

How about this snake? Maybe the snake loves its owner so much it’s kissing and suffocating her to the point of drawing blood. We don’t know, but we’re surprised this woman is so calm. Thankfully, she went to the hospital before anything worse happened. Is it true that too much love will kill you?
When Curiosity Kicks In
When a person’s curiosity is piqued by something, they usually feel compelled to explore it. That was the case with this person who got curious about a button in his friend’s car. It turns out it was for the sunroof. The worst part of this is that it was snowing, so you can imagine what happened when the sunroof slid open.

Sunroofs are meant to help fresh air fill up the car. However, when the sunroof is open, it also takes in all unwanted outside noise (and snow). In this case, curiosity got the best of this guy, and he found out firsthand what happens when you drive through a snowstorm with the sunroof open.
Architect of the Year
Some designs are so hilarious that we can’t help but question why they did such things. Imagine having a balcony without any way of using it. The upper balcony is gorgeous. The lower one is a disaster. It makes you think the person responsible for doing this has played Sims a few too many times.

You must be competent in parkour to get on to the lower balcony. Someone with spiderman genes may be able to crawl up the wall. If you were the owner of this building, you would have a hard time explaining this to guests.
Living Up to Its Purpose
Imagine entering a bathroom, distracted by the many things you have to do that day, and then seeing this soap dispenser with a bar soap inside. You’d be sure to do a double-take! Yes, we get the point of putting soap in a soap dispenser, but not bar soap.

Do you think the person who put that soap there was joking? Or did they really think it would work? Either way, you can use that soap. But instead of pressing it, you just have to open the lid and pull the bar out.
Trust Issues
How could you possibly ignore this architectural design? It might be a new security measure to ensure that no one sees your pin code. Though the intention appears to be good, the execution may not be right. What do you think?

We cannot argue that some people have a unique way of thinking, just like the architect who designed this building. By the looks of it, people need to squat when they want to use the ATM. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a problem if you were 6-foot tall with long arms to match your height. You’d just have to stand on the stairs.
Food Photo Fail
Thanks to smartphones, cameras are ubiquitous, and people take any opportunity they can get to snap a selfie. Some people take photos of their food before eating it and upload it onto social media. It’s moved beyond being a trend to being just a normal thing most people do.

Here is an example of how invested some people are in taking pictures. This woman didn’t even care that her food was spilling all over the table. Her food was already dry by the time she realized what had happened. We just hope she enjoys her night out with her friend despite the incident.
Floating Car
As technology evolves, there’s a chance that human beings could own their own car capable of floating in the sea. Maybe we’ll even get a flying car, like the one in Harry Potter. We’re excited to see what technology looks like in the coming years.

This group of friends was having the time of their lives. However, things went downhill fast when they drove onto a beautiful sandy beach. Their enjoyment waned when the car got stuck in the wet sand. We hope everything is fine, and they rescued their vehicle before the tide came in. However, from this picture, it doesn’t look good!
Cut Me Through
This kind of packaging is notoriously frustrating because you have to fight so hard to open it. For most people, using scissors is the most efficient way of getting through the tough plastic. However, things don’t always work out as planned.

How would you feel if you accidentally cut the wire of your newly purchased USB cable in your attempt to open this type of packaging? It would be intensely frustrating. Not only have you just wasted your money, but now you also have to deal with that packaging all over again when you buy a new one!
A Hogwarts Stadium?
The adrenaline rush of being in a large stadium witnessing a sporting event cannot be overstated. It’s much more thrilling when you hear cheers from the crowd. Though viewing it on TV is fine, there’s nothing quite like seeing a game up close and personal.

Imagine if you had these seats, though? Instead of seeing the game, you’d end up staring at a wall. If you were directed to one of these chairs, you’d most likely be furious. What’s the point of all this? Can someone explain it to us?
The Struggle of Having Cats
Having a cat as a pet is an absolute delight. Cats are intelligent domesticated animals that we have lived in harmony with for a long time. Some people believe that cats possess supernatural abilities too. If you have cats, we’re sure that you’ve had some funny experiences like the one shown in the picture below.

Some cat parents can agree that bathing them is not a good idea. Most cats don’t like getting wet, so we don’t recommend following this man’s lead and taking a bath with one. The worst aspect of his decision is that he’s naked, leaving him fully exposed to the cat’s claws.
Not Enough Natural Light
It’s normal to get creative when you only have a small floor area in your house. You’ll try anything to make it look more spacious. There are many ways to tweak the layout of your rooms and make them appear as if you have a bigger space. However, this idea is just over the top.

The idea of having natural light is good, but having a see-through restroom is outrageous. The worst part about this open-plan toilet is that it appears to be right next to the front door. The idea is interesting, but the execution is poor.
Pure Coincidence
Nail-biting is a common thing people do when they are stressed. Some people bite their nails while in the middle of stressful activities, such as taking an exam or waiting for an important meeting to start. In general, biting your nails can relax you and help you focus on the task at hand, but it’s not the healthiest habit to form.

Is this pure coincidence? The lady in the photo must have been dealing with so many things and thought biting her nails could ease her stress. If only she had taken a quick look at the newspaper to her right. We hope she and all the other nail-biters out there are okay!
Getting Stuck
There’s a reason why you have to take a test before obtaining a license. The purpose of the driving exam is to prove that you can safely operate a car and be responsible for yourself and others. However, there are certain drivers whose licenses we would like to question.

It is important to follow signs, rules, and traffic laws. They are there for a reason. When you are driving, always be aware and look around for possible dangers such as heavy rain, roadworks, or ice on the road. If you don’t, you’ll probably end up like the driver in this photo.
Protecting Your Phone
Screen protector films not only protect your gadget’s surface against scratches but also reduce glare and eliminate unsightly fingerprints. So, it is a necessity to have one on your phone, tablet, and other devices. Apart from this, it is also well-known that customized screen protector films give a trendy look to your devices and improve overall styling.

This woman is so cute and funny that she left the throwaway film on to act as a screen protector. Don’t be too quick to judge. It’s okay to protect your screen, but it’s also important to see what you’re doing with your phone.
You Had One Job
With this kind of door in your closet, you’ll only be able to reach some of your clothes. We suppose you just have to say goodbye to the rest of your clothes because there’s no way you can go that far. The carpenter must have been feeling a little creative when building this door because it looks like an experiment gone wrong.

The door is pretty decent when you look at it, but wait until you try to fill the closet with clothes. Then you’ll see the problem. The last thing we want to have in our house is a nonfunctioning area. We hope the owners of this house find another carpenter to fix this mistake so that they can use the space to its full potential.
Scary Technology
Have you ever been in a situation where you feel that you don’t belong? This man right here sure did. Imagine getting on a train full of people who are all doing something on their phones. The problem with making a self-righteous social media post about this situation is that you have to use your phone to do so.

Technology is scary. Although it helps us with so many things, it also makes us incapable of doing many things for ourselves. What would happen if we took away all their phones? We are curious, but we’re not ready for the result!
Is That My Car?
The owner of this car must have been sleeping when a snowstorm hit their place. By the time he woke up, his convertible looked like a car-shaped pile of snow. For car lovers, this one is a painful sight.

We can only imagine how hard it must have been for the owner to clean his car. Thankfully, it didn’t damage the battery. However, it cost him a lot to remove the snow from his car. At least it taught him a very valuable lesson that he will carry for the rest of his life!
Strap It On
Who thought it was a good idea to connect these straps to the tire? We don’t know, but one thing is for sure: this will not end right. The only saving grace is the fact that it will go wrong as soon as they start to drive. They won’t make it onto the highway with this mess!

The one responsible for strapping this clearly needs some lessons on how to safely secure a load. We just hope the person who took the picture had a laugh and then set them straight!
It’s All About the Effort
In all honesty, this woman did her best to fix the problem. We can all agree that what she did is not appropriate, but she gave it her best shot, so we’re giving her points for effort. Just to be clear: using a fire extinguisher to add air to your tires is a bad idea.

While she probably didn’t do any damage to her car, we’re sure she gave herself a massive fright when she pulled the trigger on that fire extinguisher! If you’re this confused, it’s probably best to let a professional do the job for you. Otherwise, you may end up learning your lesson the hard way.
Red Fountain
Someone thought it would be a nice idea to make the water in this fountain red. It looks like you’re in a horror film. The first thing that comes to mind is the blood flood scene from The Shining.

This type of fountain would be perfect during Halloween. It certainly is creating a scary and awesome effect for this building! However, we don’t suggest this for an everyday look for the fountain. How did they get it to be such a vibrant shade of red?
Nailed It
DIY projects are a great way to learn something new, and they can often save you money. We think this is what the woman below was thinking as she renovated her house. She figured she could save some money by doing it herself rather than asking a professional to handle the work.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that she’s done an excellent job. However, she’s gotten herself into a bind. She may even have to stay there till it dries. What if she has to go to the restroom?
A Tough Job
We can see what went wrong in the picture, and it’s hilarious. Of course, if we’d made the mistake, we probably wouldn’t find it so funny. If the person responsible is a carpenter, they’ve probably installed thousands of doors throughout their career.

It’s a silly mistake and an obvious one, but we all make those from time to time, right? We bet the other workers on site had a good laugh at this one. Of course, it’s a mistake that can easily be fixed, but it’s frustrating nonetheless.
A Catastrophic Combination
Never combine soda and mentos unless you’re prepared for an explosion. We’ve all seen so many videos of the result that merely looking at this picture can trigger anxiety. It’s not worth it – especially on a plane! The result would be disastrous. Having said that, we would definitely watch the video if someone actually did it.

You would certainly trend on TikTok if you did this on a plane, but you would probably also be banned from the airline for life. In the end, the consequences would not be worth the few minutes of TikTok fame!
A Coffin Escape
No matter how much we convince ourselves not to laugh at the picture, we can’t help it. Why? Because it looks like the coffin wants to escape the reality of being buried. While funerals are a time for people to grieve their lost loved one, for many, it helps to be able to find humor, even in the darkest times.

It looks like the driver hit the brakes too hard, and the coffin jumped out of the car, breaking the back window. We don’t know what happened in front, but the traffic light is green, as you can see. Maybe someone cut them off.
A Creative Solution
Everyday life is filled with small challenges and dilemmas. Some people become so creative that you might question how they even came up with their “solutions” to these pesky little problems. This woman is a prime example. Nothing will stop her from getting her grocery shopping done.

The green basket is attached to the stand, so carrying it normally is not an option. This didn’t stop the woman from using it. Her solution to the problem is clever but funny at the same time.
Not a Good Idea
Who would put an unsecured plank in the passenger’s seat? There are many risks when you load timber inside your car, and this picture demonstrates the main one. The driver had to stop suddenly, and the planks went straight through the glass, making a huge crack.

We just hope the owner of the car is okay. It may cost them a lot in repairs, but that’s better than getting injured. By the looks of it, the driver was fine because they had time to take a snap of what happened and post it on social media.
It Worked, Right?
Certainly, this is not their first bottle of wine. You would have to be at least a little tipsy to open a twist-off cap with a corkscrew. But who are we to judge? What matters is that it worked, and they got to enjoy another bottle of wine.

There’s a reason people say that you should drink in moderation. If you don’t, you’re at risk of doing stupid things like this, or worse, putting yourself into danger. Drinking is fine but always drink in moderation because you never know what might happen when you’re drunk.
Wait for It
We’ve all been through a moment like this. Sometimes, we forget to turn on the stove, and our food just sits there, not getting heated. The person who did this must have been preoccupied with something. We can’t blame her since we’ve all been there at some point in our lives.

Being distracted by something while cooking is not ideal. When the strength of your focus is on one task, you don’t have any hands-frees for anything else. However, cooking requires attention. This conundrum can make life difficult for a person who has a lot to do.
We Love You, Mom
Our parents are a beautiful birthday present we receive when we’re born. They teach us everything they know about life, love, and the world around them. However, when they get old, the roles often reverse, and it’s the kids who have to teach their parents about the way the world works.

It’s important to take care of your parents as they age, but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh when they do something silly! It’s cute and funny to realize that this person’s mom thought she was charging her phone using a headset. However, we hope they plugged her phone in for her, so it gets the charge it needs.
Not Toilet Wipes
The label on this packaging should have been more clear. It says it contains surface wipes, but a person could easily get confused and use one as a toilet wipe because the label is too small. The product style also looks exactly like the ones we use in the restroom.

Hopefully, anyone who accidentally used these as wet wipes is fine! Perhaps Kirkland should have labeled it NOT WET WIPES, with this warning plastered all over the packaging to ensure no one will use it for that reason.
Secure Delivery
Delivery drivers are very important people in our society. Not only are they responsible for delivering packages, but they are also the keepers of the lost property box. Behind their uniforms, these carriers have many stories to tell about what they come across on their deliveries and the people they meet.

This one is hilarious. The UPS driver accidentally locked the people inside their house because of the placement of the package. What’s funny is that they had to call the maintenance attendant to help them get out of their own home, and of course, get the package.
Not a Clear Sign
What does it say? It looks like it says “I Bone My Dog,” which is highly inappropriate. We don’t know why the bone is there in the sign, but we can surely tell that the owner of the car has dogs. We just hope he loves them in an appropriate way!

Yes, bones are a symbol that we associate with dogs, but surely they could have placed the bone under all the text. We’re sure the owner doesn’t get the double meaning here, but we do wonder whether the person who made the sticker knew and did it on purpose.
Lock the Keys
Keys are among the most commonly lost items in the world. This person thought they were being clever when they locked the keys onto the padlock. Of course, the moment they closed the lock, it lost all value as a security device.

The keys sure won’t get lost, but the lock is unusable now. Some people are too creative for their own good! The most effective way not to lose your keys is to pick a spot where you will always put them and then stick to it.
Trust Me – It’ll Fit
How would you react if you saw someone doing this on the street? It’s clear that this is never going to fit, but would you have the heart to tell him? He seems to be waiting for a miracle. Some things are not meant to be, but still, we try, just like the man in the picture.

Even if it was slender enough to fit, that cabinet is taller than the car is wide. Not one of its dimensions works. There’s just no way it will fit. We hope a passerby told this man before he wasted his whole afternoon trying to get that cabinet inside his car.